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                   PROJECT, PROGRAM, POLICY


                   TARGET AREA A
         47        91st ST. & SILVER SPRING DR., SITE SELECTION, WALK
                   SURVEY, RECOMMENDATIONS

                   TARGET AREA B:
         57        6th ST. & LINCOLN AVE., SITE SELECTION, WALK

                   IN MILWAUKEE

The primary objective of this study is to identify best management prac-
tices in pedestrian planning for the City of Milwaukee. The Planning
Group has compiled different pedestrian related best practice methods
and identified how each method can be adapted to fit Milwaukee’s pe-
destrian needs. Best practices have been categorized in three groups—
project based, programs, and policies—which address various pedes-
trian issues. This report also provides a set of recommended policies
and programs to encourage, educate, and promote increased use of a
more accessible and walkable environment.

Many large cities- Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Kansas City, Denver
have successfully drafted and adopted pedestrian plans. Many of these         GROUP MEMBERS
plans are also inclusive of bicycle plans and accommodations. Milwau-
kee currently has a Bicycle Plan but not a plan that focuses on the           XYLIA RUEDA
improvement of pedestrian interests, safety, and infrastructure. One          Project Manager
result of not having a pedestrian plan is a large number pedestrian crash
reports generated by the Milwaukee Police Department. In a three year         HEATH ANDERSON:
period from January 2007 to January 2011, 828 pedestrian crashes              GIS Spatial Analysis
were reported. Because of the need to increase pedestrian safety, this
report begins the research and development of a pedestrian plan for the
                                                                           MARK SAUER:
City of Milwaukee.
                                                                           Public Participation
To begin this study, the Planning Group first began by identifying various Coordinator
case studies in improvements to pedestrian related projects, programs,
and policies. Then the group utilized ESRI’s ArcGIS program point den-        RACHANA KOTHARI:
sity tool in conjunction with the crash data to better define the areas       Urban Design Specialist
of highest crash frequency. Further analysis was conducted on various
sites that met the group’s criteria to gain a greater understanding of        PAUL MERKEY:
the physical make-up of the sites. The two sites that best fit our criteria   Program Researcher
were the intersections of N 91st St. & W Silver Spring Ave. and S 6th
St. & W Lincoln Ave.

In order to better serve the public, questionnaires and a public open
house were conducted to gain an understanding of the publics’ desires,
needs, likes, and dislikes. One of those needs was to address speed
and driver courtesy throughout Milwaukee. Photomontages and spe-
cific site recommendations were constructed for each site that included
project recommendations intended to aid in the reduction of pedestrian
crashes. The group then identified best practice methods to be adopted
as the framework for problematic intersections throughout the City.

The end product is a compilation of best practice project, program, and
policy recommendations at two site specific locations and city wide which
outlines tasks needed to reduce pedestrian crashes throughout the City.
The next critical steps for the City is to devise a ranking system to stra-
tegically prioritize and ensure the most critical projects are addressed
first while phasing in lower-priority projects based on cost and feasibil-
ity. These recommendations were constructed through public input and
are in the best interest of the residents of Milwaukee.

   5          INTRODUCTION
During the fifteen week semester, group members worked on a
planning related problem dealing with improvements to the proj-
ects, programs, and policies impacting the pedestrian realm in
Milwaukee. Taking a client-centered approach to defining and
solving the problem, the group acted as a consulting team for
Dave Schlabowske, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the
City of Milwaukee, Department of Public Works.

The overall project goal for is to present the client with a docu-
ment on best practice case studies in pedestrian projects, pro-
grams, and policies from around the nation. Not only will this
document highlight best practices, but it will showcase how those
best practices can be implemented at various sites throughout
the City of Milwaukee.

Ninety-five percent of streets in Milwaukee have sidewalks. This
existing infrastructure provides ample opportunity for pedestrian
circulation and allows for safe separation of motorized and non
motorized transportation in the public realm. However, sidewalks
alone are not enough. In order to cater to the increased den-
sity of pedestrian traffic desired by stakeholders throughout the
city, Milwaukee must improve policies and programs to guide the
physical design of streets for the pedestrian.

Currently, the State of Wisconsin uses “Guide to Complete Streets”
when redeveloping state roads and highways. This plan is enact-
ed when any State or federal money is used to finance a project,
regardless of the location of the infrastructure in the State. The
“complete” street guide however, does not apply to city streets
not owned by the state. Though the City of Milwaukee has the
ability to create the infrastructure and density it desires through
its own means, there is currently no best practices program or
complete streets policy in place to guide this development at the
local level.

This study is intended to create a living, breathing document
which applies best practice principles in pedestrian-oriented de-
sign to specific areas throughout the City of Milwaukee. In addi-
tion, it will act as a gateway and template for further develop-
ment of best practices in City projects. The outcome will be a
combination of project, policy, and program recommendations for
the City of Milwaukee.

   7         INTRODUCTION
                                    Pedestrian planning is inclusive of three elements- project, pro-
                                    gram, and policy. Implemented through private or public entities,
                                    the three p’s of pedestrian planning are used to ensure a safe and
                                    rewarding walking experience.

                                    Project: A project is defined as the implementation of a physical
                                    change to the pedestrian infrastructure or experience. Projects
                                    would include things like installing speed humps, or new cross-
                                    walk line painting. Projects should be done at the municipal level.

                                    Program: A program is a short-term activity with a goal of edu-
                                    cating the public or encouraging walking as a viable transporta-
                                    tion option. Programs can be implemented at the municipal level
                                    or privately.

                                    Policy: A policy is a long-term resolution, ordinance, or commit-
                                    ment by a department or agency to educate the public or encour-
                                    age walking as a viable transportation option. Policies can be
                                    implemented by private entities or through a municipality.

                                    The research began with a problem definition and understanding
                                    of Milwaukee’s current pedestrian infrastructure, programs, and
                                    policies. Goals, objectives, and criteria were then defined in order
                                    to frame the research and problem-solution. Finally, a scope of
                                    work was created and roles were selected by each group member.

                                    Two Milwaukee sites were selected using Geographic Information
                                    Systems analysis. In addition, best practice case study research
                                    was conducted to effectively and efficiently enhance pedestrian
                                    infrastructure, programs, and policies in cities around the nation.
                                    Through conceptual design renderings and recommendations,
                                    best practice research will be implemented on two sites within
                                    the City of Milwaukee focusing on site specific projects, programs,
                                    and policies.

                                    As part of the implementation and recommendation process, a
                                    public participation charette and stakeholder interviews were
                                    conducted within the two selected sites. Stakeholder interviews
                                    proved to be useful in understanding how power and responsibil-
                                    ity is shared amongst the users of the intersection (drivers, pe-
Above: Participants of the public   destrians, local business owners). The public charette allowed for
charette place stickers on safe     preference surveys to be conducted and residents to have a direct
and unsafe areas of one of the      impact on the future of their community.
target intersections.

The result of this process is both conceptual design ideas and
recommendations on projects, programs, and policies the City of
Milwaukee can implement to improve the pedestrian realm.

The goals, objectives, and criteria, outlined below, were defined
by the Planning Group. They are intended to be the result of the
research and identify recommendations presented in this docu-
ment and future implementation by the City on specific sites, or
in City wide policy.

IMPROVE SAFETY: By eliminating the perceived and real safety
issues in the pedestrian realm, people are more likely to choose
to walk.
   1. Reduce pedestrian crashes
        - Improve block and intersection design for pedestrian
          usage based on best practices
        - Improve Pedestrian Level of Service (see WISDOT)
   2. Ensure pedestrian right-of-way
        - Restrict street furnishings to the edges of the sidewalk
        - Increase sidewalk width
   3. Education and Outreach
        - Safe pedestrian habits will be presented in at least
          three different media formats
        - Safe pedestrian habits will be directed at all ages
        - Programs will educate the public on pedestrian safety
        - Safe driving habits

ENCOURAGE WALKABILITY: Milwaukee should encourage
walking to promote healthy and active lifestyles which result in
associated environmental and economic benefits.
   1. Increase the frequency of walking
        - Create programs that encourage walking over motor-
          ized transportation
        - Enhance street design as to be part of the public realm
          to make pedestrians feel welcome and safe
   2. Education and Outreach:
        - Inform and educate elected officials and public agency
          staff about the pedestrian realm

   9         INTRODUCTION
- Organize programs and events to encourage public to
                          3. Improve access to sidewalks and crossings:
                               - Reduce intersection crossing distances for pedestrians
                               - Improve accessibility to crossings and sidewalks for
                                 those with disabilities
                          4. Improve connectivity:
                               - Enhance accessibility to other modes of travel such as
                                 mass transit
                               - Promote pedestrian design to be compatible with sur-
                                 rounding uses
                               - Implement American Disability Act (ADA) design stan-
                                 dards in all projects to improve accessibility for all users

                        THINK LOCAL: The City of Milwaukee has the resources and
                        ability to manage its pedestrian infrastructure with local funding
                        sources and incentives.
                           1. Complete and maintain pedestrian system
                                 - Create funding strategies for pedestrian infrastructure
                                 - Create funding strategies for pedestrian infrastructure
                           2. Public/Private investment (partnerships)
                                 - Identify private funding sources for pedestrian infra-
                                 - Identify avenues for ventures
                                 - Identify and pursue available grants through intergov-
                                   ernmental co-operation

The following chapter is background information on pedestrian
planning as it relates to Milwaukee.

Cities like Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco all consistently
rank among the most desirable cities to live and visit. Their ur-
banism- multi-modal approach to transportation, economic vital-
ity, and livability- is notorious Nationwide and often emulated in
the planning profession. Among the various reasons for their de-
sirability is the fact that these cities are extremely walkable. Since
the early 1990’s, pedestrian planning has emerged as a form of
transportation that progressive cities like Seattle, Portland, and
San Francisco have incorporated into planning policies and pro-
grams. In 1998 the City of Portland adopted it’s Pedestrian Mas-
ter Plan. Even earlier, in 1996, Seattle drafted and adopted its
first Pedestrian Master Plan which has now blossomed into an on-
line interactive map highlighting walking routes, amenities, and
multi-modal connections. One of the main reasons these urban
areas are so successful is because they have taken a wholistic
approach to transportation planning and created pedestrian plans
for the 21st Century.

The City of Milwaukee currently ranks as the 28th largest city by
Population. Similar cities like Denver, Portland, and Louisville,
Kentucky have all adopted or are in the process of adopting pe-
destrian plans. Cities like Baltimore and Nashville have county
or regional pedestrian plans which are used at the local level by
each respective city to coordinate pedestrian planning. On the
other hand, Milwaukee has just drafted its Bicycle Plan and does
not have a strategic, City wide plan for its pedestrians. Walking
is still very much a necessity in Milwaukee because of the safety
and desirability factors which stem from its foundation. While the
City of Milwaukee has in place the sidewalks it needs to encour-
age walking, the City lacks a wholistic approach to pedestrian and
transportation plans. Using studies like Seattle and Denver allows
Milwaukee to see what an excellent pedestrian plan looks like.
More importantly, it will allow Milwaukee to emulate an excellent
pedestrian planning process.
                                      Data Source. US Census, 2010

                                                                         Above: a comparison of similar
                                                                         sized cities in terms of areas and
                                                                         Source: City of Milwaukee Downtown Plan

                                    Walk Score is an independent interactive mapping site launched
                                    in 2007. Inspired by the work of the Sightline Institute, its mis-
                                    sion is promote walkable neighborhoods by making it easy for the
                                    average Joe to evaluate walkability- or access to amenities and
                                    transportation- when deciding where to live.

                                    The Planning Group decided to utilize this free service to evalu-
                                    ate the two target areas because the Planning Group agrees with
                                    Walk Score’s identification of certain variables that make a place
                                    or neighborhood walkable. Walkable neighborhoods offer ben-
                                    efits to the environment, health, finances, and communities that
                                    sprawling, auto-dependent neighborhoods do not. Walking pro-
                                    duces zero emissions and provides an alternative to costly gas
                                    prices or bus fares. Additionally, studies show that for every ten
                                    minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in
                                    community activities falls by 10% (Sightline Institute). Final-
                                    ly, according to a Seattle Times report entitled 2 studies: Urban
                                    sprawl adds pounds, pollution, “the average resident of a walk-
                                    able neighborhood weighs seven pounds less than someone who
                                    lives in a sprawling neighborhood”

                                    In each target area section, there is an evaluation of the select-
                                    ed intersection and surrounding neighborhood using Walk Score.
                                    Walk scores are numbered between 0 and 100 with 100 being a
                                    “walker’s paradise” where daily errands do not require a car. The
                                    City of Milwaukee average Walk Score is 62, but it ranks 13th
                                    amongst the largest 40 U.S. cities. San Francisco is number 1.

Above: Milwaukee’s most walk-
able neighborhoods are ranked
by Walk Score

Bottom Left: A one mile radius in
a compact neighborhood versus a
sprawling neighborhood

The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission’s
(SEWRPC) planning report “A Regional Transportation System
Plan for Southeastern Wisconsin: 2035,” states that their pedes-
trian facilities plan element is a policy, rather than a system, plan.
It proposes that the various units and agencies of government
responsible for the construction and maintenance of pedestrian
facilities in Southeastern Wisconsin adopt and follow recommend-
ed standards and guidelines with regard to the development of
those facilities. The guidelines, together with the recommended
standards for pedestrian facilities, are designed to facilitate safe
and efficient pedestrian travel within the Region.

SEWRPC’s planning report further notes the importance of pedes-
trian safety:
   “The standards and guidelines for pedestrian facilities in-
   clude recommendations that sidewalks be provided along
   streets and highways in areas of existing or planned urban
   development based upon identified criteria; that sidewalks
   be designed and constructed using widths and clearances
   appropriate for the levels of pedestrian and vehicular traffic
   in any given area; that landscaped terraces, curb lawns, or
   other buffer areas be provided between sidewalks and the
   roadways enhancing the pedestrian environment; and that
   efforts be made to maximize pedestrian safety at street
   crossings, including the timing of the “walk” phase of traf-
   fic signals to provide for safe pedestrian crossings, and
   the provision of pedestrian “islands” and medians in wide,
   heavily traveled, or otherwise hazardous roadways. The
   plan also emphasizes that all pedestrian facilities must be
   designed and constructed in accordance with the require-
   ments of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and its
   implementing regulations.”
They also propose that local units of government prepare com-
munity bicycle and pedestrian plans to supplement their regional
plan. The local plans should provide for facilities to accommodate
bicycle and pedestrian travel within neighborhoods, providing for
convenient travel between residential areas and shopping cen-
ters, schools, parks, and transit stops within or adjacent to the
neighborhood. Lastly, SEWRPC recommends that local units of
government consider the preparation and implementation of land
use plans that encourage more compact and dense development
patterns, in order to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle travel.

                        Transportation comes in many forms. These forms sometimes
                        work together and sometimes compete for users. Whether an
                        individual decides to bike, walk, drive or otherwise, it is important
                        to think about pedestrian planning as part of a larger transporta-
                        tion network which supports the need and desire to have multiple
                        modes of transportation. One area where Milwaukee has excelled
                        thus far is in bicycle planning and accommodation. Incorporating
                        the existing bicycle infrastructure into pedestrian planning will
                        offer multiple benefits that a singular approach to transportation
                        planning would otherwise miss.

                        The following is an excerpt from SEWRPC Memorandum Report
                        No. 197 Review, Update, and Reaffirmation of the Year 2035 Re-
                        gional Transportation System Plan:

                           This map (page 17) identifies those arterial streets and
                           highways which provided bicycle accommodations through
                           paved shoulders, bicycle lanes, or separate paths in 2009.
                           The mileage of arterial streets and highways that provided
                           bicycle accommodations through paved shoulders, bicycle
                           lanes, or separate paths increased from about 633 miles in
                           2004 to about 650 miles in 2009, or about a 3% increase.
                           Data is not available to identify those urban arterials with
                           outside lanes of 14 feet in width which also accommodate

                           A multi-modal transportation system with high quality pub-
                           lic transit, bicycle and pedestrian, and arterial street and
                           highway elements which adds to the quality of life of Region
                           residents and supports and promotes expansion of the Re-
                           gion’s economy, by providing for convenient, efficient, and
                           safe travel by each mode, while protecting the quality of
                           the Region’s natural environment, minimizing disruption of
                           both the natural and man-made environment, and serving
                           to support implementation of the regional land use plan,
                           while minimizing the capital and annual operating costs of
                           the transportation system.

The best practice section of this report outlines several project,     Case Studies are from the Pe-
program, and policy best practices from around the nation that         destrian and Bicycle Information
deal with how to improve the pedestrian experience. They range         Center Case Study Compendium,
from simple project practices like lighting and stripping cross-       July 2010
walks to programs designed to reinstitute the practice of walk-
ing to neighborhood schools. Ultimately, these physical and insti-
tutional changes are recommendations based on their success.
They can only be fully successful in Milwaukee through a com-
bined social change in the behavior of pedestrian, bicyclists, and
motorists alike.

The project section includes a collection of case studies cover-       PROJECTS
ing a broad array of topics from safety, walkability, accessibility,   1. UNCONTROLLED
infrastructure improvements, planning, education and enforce-              CROSSWALKS
ment. These case studies will serve as a baseline for project im-      2. SPEEDING AND LACK OF
plementation by providing ideas for potential methods Milwaukee            VISIBILITY
can undertake to improve pedestrian infrastructure and support         3. IRREGULAR ANGLES
a walkable environment. Each case study provides a context in          4. LACK OF CURBS
which the project takes place, a description of the pedestrian is-     5. ECONOMIC
sues faced, as well as how the community sought to address                 DISINVESTMENT
their concerns through various measures. Each case study then          6. ROUNDABOUT
concludes with a solution describing the successes and lessons         7. MANAGING
learned from the planning process or implementation.                       STORMWATER
                                                                       8. CREATING SIDEWALKS
                                                                       9. UNLIMITED AND
Location                                                               10. TOTAL FACILITIES
City of Santa Rosa, California                                             OVERHAUL

The City of Santa Rosa reported an unusually high incidence of
pedestrian/vehicle collisions due to uncontrolled crosswalks.

Speeding on residential streets is cited as one of the most fre-
quently expressed concerns by local citizens. To provide a solu-
tion to the issue, three locations were selected for traffic calming
and facilities improvements. The solution was tested, analyzed
and monitored with funding from the California Office of Traffic
Safety (OTS).

Santa Rosa initiated a new proactive pedestrian warning system
where a flashing device would be installed on the pavement sur-

face, along the crosswalk lines facing traffic. The In-Pavement
                                 Flashing Lights Crosswalk Warning System’s purpose was to warn
                                 the vehicular traffic of the presence of pedestrians in the cross-
                                 walk at uncontrolled intersections. This was tested in the city with
                                 the permission of The California Traffic Control Devices Commit-
                                 tee. The experimental system consists of a series of flashing
Below: In-Pavement Crosswalk     light units which are embedded in the pavement adjacent to a
lighting during the day and at   marked crosswalk. The lights reflect toward the oncoming traffic
night.                           to warn drivers of a pedestrian’s presence.

                                 Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                 The concept of flashing amber lights embedded in the pavement
                                 at uncontrolled crosswalks clearly has a positive effect in enhanc-
                                 ing a driver’s awareness of crosswalks and modifying driver hab-
                                 its to be more favorable for pedestrians. It is even more effec-
                                 tive during adverse weather conditions such as darkness, fog and
                                 rain. With continuous monitoring it has been found that after the
                                 implementation of the device the number of pedestrian/vehicle
                                 fatalities had been reduced in the City of Santa Rosa. Moreover,
                                 other cities like Lafayette and West Hollywood have also installed
                                 the crosswalk warning systems based on the success in City of
                                 Santa Rosa.

                                 CASE STUDY 2: SPEEDING AND LACK OF VISIBILITY
                                 Bellevue, Washington

                                 Pedestrian crash data suggested increased fatalities on the resi-
                                 dential streets of the City of Bellevue. With the expressed con-
                                 cerns of the local citizens, the City needed to take some action.
                                 Two main issues which concerned the citizens were speeding on
                                 residential streets and reduced visibility due to close parking near
                                 school crosswalks.

The numerous concerns of local citizens- including increased fa-
talities on the residential streets near schools- put this project
into motion. Five different school locations were selected for fa-
cilities improvements on the basis of high numbers of students
living within walking distance. Initially, this program was created
for traffic calming but infrastructure improvements were later im-

Design and infrastructure improvements included installing raised     Above: A typical curb exten-
crosswalks which doubled to reduce vehicle speeds while at the        sion. Curb extensions are used
same time improving pedestrian visibility by preventing vehicles      to reduce the distance pedestrian
from parking too close to the crosswalk. Curb extensions were         have to cross. As a secondary
also added, where feasible, to decrease the distance necessary to     benefit, they can often reduce
cross the road and improve line of sight. Bollards were installed     the speed of traffic and provide
                                                                      room for additional sidewalk ele-
in the curb extensions to prevent children from huddling near the
                                                                      ments like lighting, rubbish bins,
curb. In several locations additional measures were also taken,       and signage.
such as a traffic circle for additional traffic calming, improved
street lighting, and additional sidewalks to bridge gaps. The im-
provements also included an educational component.
                                                                      ...through facilities
Result and Application for Milwaukee
At the selected locations within Bellevue for which data was avail-   improvements the
able, it has been noticed that through facilities improvements the    average vehicle
average vehicle speed is reduced by 3 mile per hour. The curb         speed is reduced by
extensions have effectively prevented parking next to the cross-
walk, physically keeping parked cars at least 30 feet away. Com-      3 mile per hour...
ments from parents and residents are extremely positive after
the improvements and the city plans to implement these in future

Mulry Square, New York City, New York

The Mulry Square intersection in Greenwich Village was perceived
to be an odd and dangerous intersection due to a continuously
increasing number of fatalities. Speeding, obstructed views of on-
coming vehicular or pedestrian traffic, irregular angles resulting
in high speed irregular turns, improper and unidentifiable cross-
walks were some of the reported issues that the community re-
quested the City take actions on.

Mulry Square, a wedge-shaped site, is currently owned by NYC
Metropolitan Transit Authority. The site is used as a parking lot

and is located at the southwest corner of Greenwich Avenue and
                                     south of Seventh Avenue. Because of the ongoing reports of traf-
                                     fic related safety issues by concerned residents, the New York
                                     City Department of Transportation has worked with the local com-
                                     munity to assess the issues and provide solutions.

                                     The community-based planning process resulted in recommen-
                                     dations for traffic calming techniques and the addition of ameni-
                                     ties in the surrounding area. These included sidewalk extensions,
                                     reconfigured crosswalks, and additional greening of the area.
                                     These improvements transformed this intersection, which was
                                     previously known for pedestrian accidents and high-speed turns.
                                     As a short term solution, sidewalk extensions were painted on the
                                     street and outlined with temporary bollards to test the impact of
                                     the recommendations on traffic flow. Once it was clear that the
                                     solutions worked, the project was built out in final form with slate
                                     pavers, granite curbs, new crosswalks, landscaping, bollards, and
                                     changes in traffic light phasing.
Above: Mulry Square before and
after pedestrian improvements        Result and Application for Milwaukee
were made.                           With the infrastructure improvements at Mulry square the num-
                                     ber of fatalities has been reduced by nearly 60%. The success of
                                     the project is evident in the positive community feedback.
                                                              CASE STUDY 4: LACK OF CURBS
                                                              Seattle, Washington

                                                              The sidewalks on Seattle’s southeastern
                                                              streets were perceived to be unsafe and
                                                              less pedestrian friendly without curbs.
                                                              Due to a lack of curbs, cars were parked
                                                              on the sidewalks and planting strips
                                                              which left no barriers to traffic and made
                                                              streetscaping maintenance impracti-
                                                              cal. Furthermore, because cars were not
                                                              parked on the street, the width of the
                                                              street encouraged an unsafe driving at-
                                                              mosphere discouraging pedestrians.

Above: Mulry Square now offers       Background
a safer pedestrian experience        The Seattle Department of Transportation identified the need to
because of traffic calming efforts   improve facilities in its southeastern quarter, a largely low income
like sidewalk extensions and in-     community of Seattle between the years 2001-2004. With the
creased green space.
                                     plan to implement safer and more walkable neighborhoods in this
                                     quarter, this project was initiated.

The Seattle Department of Transportation was committed to tak-
ing numerous actions for this project including adding curbs, pro-
moting on-street parallel parking, installing landscaping, traffic
calming, and sidewalk repairs to support safer and more walk-
able neighborhoods. However, the project faced several obstacles
due to concerns raised by local residents. With concerns ranging
from maintenance issues of planting strips to gentrification, and
limited funds, the initial project was termed as a demonstration Below: Extruded curb technology
project chosen to serve as a model for future improvements.        is used to install curbs. By using
                                                                     this technology, the Seattle DOT
One street segment with disintegrating sidewalks and high rates avoided costly street repaving
of thru-traffic was chosen for the demonstration. After the im- and still accomplished its goal to
provement was identified as having a positive impact, surveys   formalize the street because ex-
                                                                truded curbs can be freestanding.
were carried out to further the work of revital-
izing the neighborhood. Results showed that
sixty-six of the ninety-five affected house-
holds approve of the project. To incorporate
the needs of the residents, a staff designer
was assigned throughout the design and con-
struction phase. Extruded curb technology was
used rather than formed curbs, which would
have required repaving the street to current
standards. City landscape crews also worked
with residents to plant trees and lay sod.
Funding was obtained through two sources:
a Community Development Block Grant- due
to the status of the neighborhood as low in-
come- and a small neighborhood grant of City
funds. Since the funding source was limited in
the long-run, it did not allow more than sev-
eral thousand linear feet of improvements to
be accomplished city-wide in one given year.        “The three speed humps
Thus, the project was carried out in phases
over a number of years.                           installed and new parallel
                                                   parking helped to slow traffic
Result and Application for Milwaukee               by an average of 12 miles per
The results were widely appreciated by the
southeastern quarter neighborhoods. Pedest-                   hour”
rians have an unimpeded path beside the road that is now pro-
tected by attractive plantings. The three speed humps installed
and new parallel parking has helped to slow traffic by an aver-
age of 12 miles per hour. Residents themselves appreciate the
improvements and view it as public investment to bring adequate
standards to their neighborhood.

Below: Reinvestment in the         CASE STUDY 5: ECONOMIC DISINVESTMENT
pedestrian experience included     Location
new brick pavers, bluestone        Washington, D.C.
pedestrian crossings, a planting
strip, new lighting, bike racks,
and trash receptacles. These
improvements proved essential
                                   Barracks Row (8th Street SE) a ¾-mile, 6-block stretch between
to new retail business growth on   Pennsylvania Avenue and M Street SE, is one of the District’s old-
this D.C. street                   est commercial corridors. The century old buildings in the oldest
                                   commercial strip give the street charm and character, but over
                                   the years it had experienced economic disinvestment. Vacant
                                   storefronts and loitering added to the perception that 8th Street
                                   was an unsafe place to be and shop after dark. Merchants com-
                                   plained that there was inadequate public parking. Time had taken
                                   its toll on the public realm which was left with cracked concrete
                                   sidewalks, inconsistent roadway-focused street lighting, inade-
                                   quate parking and weathered and unhealthy street trees.

                                   The Capitol Hill neighborhood began organizing for the revitaliza-
                                   tion of 8th Street years ago with the formation of a non-profit
                                   organization. It began by using materials and following the model
                                   provided by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main
                                   Street program. Continuous efforts to improve the public realm
                                   along the street fell short so the organization expressed concern
                                   to DDOT and a study of local streets was launched. DDOT con-
                                   tracted with a private transportation and landscaping firm to con-
                                   duct the study and prepare a concept plan.

                                   The primary goal of the Barracks Row streetscape project was
                                   to create a safe and visually appealing pedestrian environment
                                   and address transportation concerns in order to foster business
                                   and retail growth in the area. The public realm on 8th Street
                                   and Barracks Row was completely reconstructed. New brick-pav-
                                   ers were installed within sidewalks, and key pedestrian cross-
                                   ings were visually enhanced with bluestone paving. A five foot
                                   planting strip was created along the curb to absorb surface runoff
                                   from sidewalks and to provide a continuous root zone for newly
                                   planted street trees. The project also provided for new globe
                                   lights, bicycle racks, and trash receptacles. Additionally, 92 new
                                   American Elm trees were donated and planted by a local “green”
                                   organization. Loriope was planted in tree boxes as edging and a
                                   public park was replanted and enhanced. In response to concerns
                                   regarding the neighborhood’s lack of adequate parking, angled
                                   parking was created along the street to replace the existing paral-
                                   lel on-street parking.

                                   The new configuration has increased the overall number of park-

ing spaces- which are short time meters to ensure a steady sup-
ply of parking in front of retail uses. Additionally, a one block area
was converted from one-way traffic to two-way, in order to pro-
mote greater access to storefronts and increase traffic mobility.
These changes were made to help revitalize the commercial area,
one of the oldest in the District of Columbia.

Result and Application for Milwaukee
The Barrack’s Row revitalization effort has been highly successful.
Since 1999, 43 new businesses have opened in the area (includ-
ing business expansion through 12 new outdoor cafes), 51 fa-
cades have been restored, 198 net new jobs have been created,
and 3 new traditional buildings have been constructed. Pedestri-
ans now have a safer and more welcoming environment in which
to walk around.

Abita Springs, LA

Strange configuration of the main
intersection of Abita Springs round-
about area resulted in vehicles speed-
ing and higher traffic during peak
hours. Even with the Tammany Trace
pedestrian and bicycle facility adja-
cent to the intersection, the environ-
ment of the Abita Springs historic dis-
trict remained unsafe for pedestrians
and other non-motorized traffic.
Background                                                               Above: New sidewalk pavers,
Abita Springs Historic District’s main intersection routes traffic       bluestone pavers, trash recep-
counterclockwise where Louisiana 59 and 36 meet with exits onto          tacles, and other sidewalk im-
Level Street as well as the two highways. The complex four-way           provements transformed not only
                                                                         the pedestrian realm, but spurred
intersection, which borders the town center and is close to Abita
                                                                         economic development in Wash-
Springs Middle School, had been regulated by a traffic light. The        ington D.C.
current lighting system has created backups which extend onto
the freeways.

With the consensus of the Mayor, Abita Springs Town Council
and business owners in the vicinity, the transportation depart-
ment committed to take actions to accommodate the needs of
all stakeholders during the design and construction phases. The
highway department measured traffic volume at the inter-section
at about 14,000 vehicles a day pre-Katrina and 17,000 after the

storm. DDOT overcame the challenges by selecting the smallest
                                       diameter roundabout possible to accommodate vehicles (about
                                       20,000 vehicles a day). Also, they were able to purchase and raze
                                       a non-contributing building in the historic district to provide extra
                                       space for the roundabout. A section of the Tammany Trace was
                                       also shifted slightly to make it easier for pedestrians and bikers
                                       to cross the intersection. Landscaping and more directional signs,
                                       as well as a final layer of asphalt, were installed.

                                       Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                       Statistical data is not yet available for the project but studies
                                       indicated that roundabouts are safer for drivers and pedestrians
                                       than both traffic circles and traditional intersections. Because low
                                       speeds are required for traffic entering roundabouts they are not
                                       designed for high-speed motor ways. However, since speeding
                                       and congestion is high in the Abita Springs district, designing and
                                       implementing a roundabout is considered significant so the speed
                                       limit at the roundabout is 20 mile per hour.
Above: A new roundabout- de-
signed to fit the site specifically,
                                       CASE STUDY 7: MANAGING STORMWATER
was used as a traffic calming
device within a historic district to   Location
allow for easier pedestrian cross-     Portland, Oregon
                                       The SW 12th Avenue now known as Green Street- located at
                                       Montgomery adjacent to Portland State University- needed to
                                       retrofit existing street space for pedestrians, on-street parking,
                                       street trees, landscaping, street lighting, and signage, while at
                                       the same time capturing and filtering stormwater run-off from
                                       12th Avenue. All this within an eight-foot wide space.

                                       The retrofit project is the City of Portland’s first green street proj-
                                       ect and is based off of City’s commitment to promote natural sys-
                                       tems to manage urban stormwater runoff.

                                       The streetscape project not only manages street run-off but also
                                       maintains strong pedestrian circulation and on-street parking.
                                       The project utilizes a series of landscaped infiltration planters to
                                       handle approximately 8,000 square feet of storm water runoff.
                                       The design provides water quality treatment and maximizes in-
                                       filtration of the runoff. Each facility can pond about 7 inches of
                                       stormwater runoff and retain it for infiltration.

                                       A 30-inch wide parking egress zone was dedicated for people
                                       to access their vehicles without infringing upon the stormwater
                                       planters. Perpendicular pathways were created between each

stormwater planter so that a pedestrian would not have to walk        Above: These two diagrams
very far to access their cars or the sidewalk. A four-inch curb ex-   depict how the new stormwater
posure at each planter indicates to the pedestrian that there is a    runoff planters work during
drop in grade. Each curb cut which allows the street runoff to en-    heavy rainfall
ter the stormwater planters has an ADA accessible grate to allow
                                                                      Below: Birdseye view of new
for unencumbered pedestrian flow along the parking egress zone.       stormwater planters
Result and Application for
This was a successful “green street”
project and it has won a National
Award of Honor from the American
Society of Landscape Architects. The
project design does not pose safety
issues for pedestrians or for people
getting in and out of vehicles. Fur-
ther, it has demonstrated how both
new and existing streets in downtown
or highly urbanized areas can be de-
signed to provide direct environmen-
tal benefits and be aesthetically inte-
grated into the urban streetscape.

Snohomish County, Washington

The Lake Serene Community was forced to walk in the travel
lanes of Serene Way, a two-lane local access road. Walkers some-
times had to jump into the ditches to avoid oncoming cars at
certain blind turns.

The road had minimal shoulders and drainage from the road col-
lected into open ditches along both sides of the road. The existing
right-of-way for the road was 60 feet and with a high number of
pedestrian vehicle collisions, the Lake Serene Community Asso-
ciation initiated the project by requesting a sidewalk be built.

                                The project has several main objectives which include provision
                                of a safe walkway, coordination with the Lake Serene Commu-
                                nity association, minimizing impacts to adjacent properties, and
                                minimizing modifications to the existing drainage system while
                                avoiding the use of a detention pond/pipe design. To further the
                                perception of safety, the 4,500 linear foot walkway was designed
                                in such a way that the walkway is located behind the drainage
                                ditches. This provides a buffer between cars, bicyclists, and pe-
                                destrians. Additionally, the sidewalk connects with adjacent pe-
                                destrian facilities and provides a safer route to school for students
                                of a local elementary school. In order to minimize the impact
                                on adjacent properties, an alignment within the existing right-of-
                                way was chosen that would meander among existing project site
                                features such as fences, trees and utility poles. Due to a lack of
                                funding, the County used porous concrete as infiltrating material
                                which doubled as a stormwater drain.

                                Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                There is anecdotal evidence of increased foot traffic since the
Above: Before and After views
                                installation of the walkway, particularly during night hours. Ad-
of the new retention area and   ditionally, there was a considerable cost savings because the use
sidewallk                       of porous concrete material enabled the walkway to be built by
                                eliminating the need for a detention system.

                                CASE STUDY 9: UNLIMITED AND UNDEFINED ACCESS
                                City of Des Moines, Washington

                                The existing SR-99 corridor is an undivided five-lane facility with a
                                two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) and paved shoulders. Significant
                                segments of the roadside have unlimited and undefined access.
                                The corridor has heavy traffic and creates an unsafe environment
                                for pedestrians.

                                The project was initiated to improve traffic congestion, opera-
                                tions, and safety, provide facilities for transit and pedestrians,
                                and encourage economic redevelopment along the SR-99 corridor
                                through the City of Des Moines.

                                SR-99 will undertake a series of infrastructure improvements in-
                                cluding the placement and type of intersection signals, pedestrian
                                features, access control, and aesthetic treatments to increase ca-
                                pacity and mobility and relieve congestion. One of the specific

features that will be considered in this project is a landscaped me-
dian with a low profile concrete barrier which would eliminate the
existing two-way left-turn lane and improve both pedestrian and
vehicular safety. Additionally, curbs and gutters will be installed
along the highway, and a six-foot landscaped planter will be built
on each side of the street. The project will also install equipment
needed to support transit signal priority. As a trial project, Des
Moines and King County Metro have even considered the instal-
lation of a High Occupancy Vehicle and Business Access lane in
each direction of the route as well as bus pullouts and new transit
shelters. To further enhance pedestrian activity, sidewalks will be
installed on both sides of the highway with sidewalk lighting and
a pedestrian-activated signal.
                                                                       Below: A conceptual rendering
Result and Application for Milwaukee                                   of the SR-99 corridor with road-
The conditions for pedestrians along the corridor were greatly         way improvements. Some im-
improved and the efforts of the transportation department were         provements include a landscaped
                                                                       median,HOV lane, left-turn lane,
appreciated by the citizens of Des Moines. With the facility im-
                                                                       bus pullouts and transit shelters,
provements, the frequency of walking was significantly increased.      and paved crosswalks.

                                     Cleveland Heights, Ohio

                                     Severance Circle, surrounded by a high-use commercial and re-
                                     tail development in a vital suburb, is perceived to be unfriendly
                                     to pedestrians and bicyclists. Due to very little accommodation
                                     for pedestrians and bicyclists, at times it forces them to cut into
                                     vehicular lanes at the risk of their personal safety. Despite being
                                     enclosed by a shopping mall, Severance Circle was not properly
                                     connected to other surrounding land uses.

Below: Bike lanes, mid-block         Background
crosswalks and signals, benches      The Canyon Johnson Urban Fund purchased the land and rede-
and bus shelters were added to       veloped the center in 2002. They agreed to dedicate Severance
Severence Cirlce to enrich the       Circle as a public street and to build a complete sidewalk system.
pedestrian experience and en-
                                     Funds were set aside by the buyer, the seller, and the City for
courage walking, biking, and
public transit instead of driving.   road and sidewalk improvements.

                                               With an array of goals formulated by the Department
                                               of Planning and Development, a variety of measures
                                               were implemented. These measures include provision
                                               of benches and bus shelters, sidewalks abutting build-
                                               ing facades to provide storefront displays, addition of
                                               pedestrian activated walk signals at busy intersections
                                               and at mid-block crossings, and the installation of light
                                               poles, shade trees, and awnings. One of the significant
                                               construction projects involved converting the four-lane
                                               road into two-lanes with a center left-turn lane and bike
                                               lanes on either side. As an added measure, enforcement
                                               of speeding and other dangerous driving was stepped
                                               up, and numerous tickets were issued.

                                               Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                               Completed in 2003, the street project has formed a com-
                                               plete and connected sidewalk system, created common
                                               spaces, and installed benches, bus shelters, pedestrian-
                                               scaled lights, trees, and other landscaping. Dedicated
                                               bicycle lanes were added and the four-lane road was
                                               reconfigured. With all these facility improvements it has
                                               been reported by city engineer that during the 2003
                                               holiday shopping rush, vehicular traffic moved without
                                               significant delay, without speeding, and the new side-
                                               walks and crosswalks were also used by pedestrians.

The program best practices are short-term activities or events           PROGRAMS
designed to promote and encourage walking. They may have                 1. SAFETY TRAINING
long-lasting effects on the community or city where implemented,         2. “CROSS SAFELY,
but they are designed to achieve short-term goals and address                 DRIVE SAFELY”
specific problems. Many of the case studies have an objective of         3. EXTREME POSTER
educating the public or encouraging walking as a viable transpor-            CAMPAIGN
tation option either in tandem with public transit and biking or as      4. PUBLIC TELEVISION
an alternative to the automobile. Like the project best practices,           SAFETY VIDEOS
the programs are from around the country and provide a wide              5. WALK THERE!
range of urban to suburban experiences.                                      CHALLENGE
                                                                         6. BILINGUAL SCHOOL
CASE STUDY 1: SAFETY TRAINING                                                EDUCATION
Tucson, Arizona

The safety training program was developed to improve safety
for pedestrians and bicyclists. Arizona boasted the second highest
fatality rate for pedestrians at 13% of total traffic fatalities (NHT-
SA). Moreover, Tucson spent less than $1 per year per student
on pedestrian and traffic safety education, with even less being
spent on adults. In 2004, the City of Tucson requested federal
transportation enhancement funds to improve pedestrian safety
through public outreach and safety training.
                                                                         Below: A publication by the City
Solution                                                                 of Tucson and its partners for
In order to reduce pedestrian and automobile roadway crashes,            educating the public about rules,
increase awareness of pedestrian responsibility and tolerance of         regulations, activities, and safety
all right-of-way users, the City of Tucson developed television          measures for pedestrian and
and radio public service announcements. This was coupled with
the creation of educational videos for police training as well as
for student safety classes to be taught by police officers. Ad-
ditionally, a traffic safety guide with pedestrian maps was created
and handed out. A “share the road” ethic was promoted as the
permanent result.

Result and Application for Milwaukee
The City installed 180 poster sized signs promoting the “share
the road” ethic at bus shelters around the city. These signs were
also displayed in forty (40) libraries and bike shops to reach a
larger audience. Lastly, there was a monthly safety newsletter
created and distributed. All handouts- mostly for bicyclists and
motorists- were in both English and Spanish and available on-
line. A separate Bicycle Ambassadors program was also created
and has helped to install over seventy (70) HAWK (high intensity
activated crosswalk) signals at high prioritization location in the
Tucson-Pima County region.

                                   Amherst, Massachusetts

                                   There is heavy pedestrian as well as automobile traffic on the
                                   University of Massachusetts campus, but few pedestrian safety
                                   programs. In the late 1990’s, two pedestrians were killed when
                                   a car stuck them in crosswalks on the University campus. Addi-
                                   tionally, since 2000 an average of four pedestrians per year have
                                   been seriously injured by drivers. In the past, after a complaint
                                   was made about either a pedestrian or a driver not being safe
                                   an officer would be assigned to the area for a few days to patrol
                                   where the complaint was made. Recognizing the lack of safety
                                   between pedestrians and motorists, UMassSAFE- a partnership
                                   between the Governors Highway Safety Bureau and the UMass
                                   College of Engineering Transportation Center- and University
                                   Police partnered together and created the “Cross Safely Drive
                                   Safely”. Federal funding (NHTSA) allowed the program to include
Above: The “Cross Safely Drive     education, enforcement, and evaluation.
Safely” Poster which was hung
around the UMass campus            Solution
                                   The program included an awareness campaign along with a judi-
                                   cial education component. Safety tips were placed on posters
                                   and bus cards and reinforced through media coverage to remind
                                   residents about safe pedestrian habits. For the first month of
                                   the program violators of either pedestrian or automobile laws
                                   (identified by a plain clothed decoy with a radio) were stopped
Below: An officer discussing the   by UMass officers and given a handout but not cited for any
importance of pedestrian/ mo-      violation. Each handout included push button hand operator
torist safety on campus. Notice    and pedestrian safety tips. For the second month violators were
the “Cross Safely Drive Safely”    cited and fined. Additionally, these efforts were publicized in the
poster promoted on the side of
                                   local media.
the bus

                                                            Result and Application for
                                                            Despite pedestrian crashes still occur-
                                                            ring, it is evident that motorists are
                                                            more aware of pedestrians. More motor-
                                                            ists yielding the right-of-way to pedestri-
                                                            ans is one noticeable results. Addition-
                                                            ally, police officers have become more
                                                            aware of crosswalk violations which has
                                                            led to more consistent enforcement of
                                                            the laws. The program was deemed so
                                                            successful that UMass has continued the
                                                            program despite running out of grant

Ontario, Canada

Ontario recognized a lack of safe habits instilled in its pedestrians
when, in 2002, the City of Toronto reported more than half of all
traffic fatalities were pedestrian fatalities (50). Due to the ex-
treme nature of the information, the Injury Prevention Coalition
created an extreme poster campaign for the City.

The Injury Prevention Coalition waged a media campaign with the
slogan “Cross the Street as if Your Life Depends on it, Because it
Does”. The Coalition sent posters and brochures to over 900 com-
munity agencies and also had posters on the sides of over thirty
buses. Additionally, a short safety slideshow was developed to be
played in movie theaters for the audience to see while waiting for
the show to begin. Funding was provided through a number of
local contributions.

Result and Application for Milwaukee
The initial launch of the campaign was covered by local media
outlets to help get the message out about both the campaign
and the message. It is estimated that the slideshow in movie
theaters reached an audience of 867,000 individuals. In 2009
the Coalition developed a website entitled iNAVIGAIT, dedicated
to education and awareness for pedestrians. Above: The Injury Prevention
                                                                        Coalition poster created to make
                                                                        an impact in Ontario
Bethesda, Maryland

Since 1996 a series of videos about pedestrian safety has been
created for playing on public access channels in Maryland. These
videos are designed to educate the public about barriers to pe-
destrian safety.

Each month a specific issue or case study is highlighted in a
twenty-eight minute episode. Issues are brought to light by ex-
perts, advocates, planners, engineers, and public officials and in-
terviews on topics have been conducted in all fifty states, Canada,
five European countries, and Australia and New Zealand. Some
issues include pedestrian infrastructure, planning in coordination
with transit, and hazards confronting pedestrians.

Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                Over 120 public access cable stations carry the episodes each
                                month in addition to a DISH Network channel. Viewers include
                                both citizens and public officials. Moreover, the videos are ar-
                                chived online and the website received over 100,000 visitors per
                                year. The program is now archived on Google Video at: http://

                                CASE STUDY 5: WALK THERE! CHALLENGE
                                Atlanta, Georgia

                                It was noted that most citizens of Atlanta do not consider walking
                                as a means of transportation for shorter, neighborhood trips. To
                                promote health and sustainability, and reduce traffic congestion,
                                Atlanta’s Downtown Transportation Management Association de-
                                veloped an education program to encourage walking.

                                As part of the “Let’s Walk Downtown” plan, the “Walk There!”
                                challenge was created. The challenge was for members of the
                                State Legislature, City Council, and Mayor’s Office to walk instead
                                of drive. Those elected officials who joined the team also par-
                                ticipated in promotional events to raise awareness of the heath,
                                environmental, and social benefits of walking. Free pedometers
Above: The Walk There Challenge were given out to participants who then tracked the number of
is an ongoing program through   steps they took each week. In addition to the challenge, walking
the City of Atlanta.            maps with sites within easy walking distance to downtown were
                                created and distributed.

                                The challenge was taken by many elected officials with almost
                                2,000 pedometers being distributed. The challenge was also
                                followed closely by the local media. It was so successful that an
                                expansion of the challenge is currently being developed.

                                CASE STUDY 6: BILINGUAL SCHOOL EDUCATION
                                San Diego, California

                                Though there was some pedestrian education already in schools,
                                it was noted that this education was lacking and missing the
                                target with English as a Second Language (ESL) students. A

pedestrian child safety training program was created for a bilin-
gual low-income school where the majority of the children walked
to school.

A pedestrian education curriculum was developed, translated,
and presented in both English and Spanish. Moreover, standard
videos and images typically used for presentations were replaced
with images from the students’ own neighborhoods making the
presentation more interactive for students.

Result and Application for Milwaukee
Post-presentation survey and analysis (two weeks after) indi-
cated that students retained the information better than when
presentations were not retrofitted. The students’ notion that their
parents, Safety Patrol, and siblings were responsible for their       Above: A neighborhood image
safety was overcome to help them realize they themselves must         used in the school education pro-
be responsible pedestrians. Moreover, the thought that “Cars will     gram. The image shows students
always stop for kids” was challenged and the students realized        inappropriately crossing the
                                                                      street without looking for oncom-
that this is not always the case.
                                                                      ing traffic

POLICIES                    The policy best practices are long-term solutions to enhance the
1.   LOCAL COMPLETE         pedestrian realm. Some policies take immediate action to impact
      STREETS               the physical nature of a space or an entire municipality. Other
2.   ELEMENTARY SCHOOL      policies take aim at a social, behavioral problem that training, ed-
      EDUCATION             ucation, and reinforcement of good practice is hopeful to change.
3.   PEDESTRIAN AND         Some solutions are directly applicable while others offer pieces
      BICYCLE TRAVEL POLICY which might be compatible in Milwaukee. While this list is not
4.   CORRIDOR TRAFFIC       comprehensive, these six policy case studies are intended to give
      CALMING               an idea of the wide range of possible policy solutions the City of
5.   TRAFFIC OFFICER        Milwaukee must consider.
      PROGRAM               Location
                            Throughout the nation

                                    Streets designed with only the car in mind limit the option of
                                    mode choice in mobility. These types of streets can be danger-
                                    ous for bicyclists and pedestrians due to their lack of amenities
                                    offered for these mode types. In order to plan for and fund all
                                    modes of transportation, the National Complete Street Coalition
                                    was formed and as a result, the complete streets policy move-
                                    ment has been adopted by municipalities nationwide.
Above: The National Complete
Streets Coalition is the founder
and all-knowing source for Com-
                                    One solution to an automobile oriented street construction policy
plete Streets
                                    has been the introduction of “complete streets” policies. Complete
                                    Streets policies have been adopted throughout the nation at the
                                    state and local levels through ordinances and resolutions through
                                    quasi-public agencies, and through comprehensive plans and de-
                                    sign manuals. These policies ensure that all users of the streets
                                    are kept in mind when constructing or improving a street. The
                                    general policy framework for complete streets policies includes
                                    seven elements: a vision; specifics on all end users; a compre-
                                    hensive transportation network outside of the project area; ap-
                                    plicability for all agencies and all roads; applicability for all proj-
                                    ects; approval of exceptions; design criteria; context-sensitive
                                    solutions; performance measures and implementation strategies.
                                    This comprehensive approach ensures a complete policy in which
                                    all users are kept in mind and all departments know the approach
                                    as they work on individual projects.
Above: A complete street in Port-
land, Oregon accommodates the       Result and Application for Milwaukee
automobile, bicycle, and pedes-     The passing of Complete Streets policies has resulted in several
trian in the right-of-way.          benefits which include: improved safety; easing of automobile
                                    congestion; help children; improved air quality and fiscal rewards.
                                    Specifically, the City of Seattle, WA adopted a complete streets

ordinance requiring all Seattle DOT projects to implement com-
plete streets and specifies all transportation funding sources be
drawn from for the implementation of the policy. Seattle also
includes critical elements of operations and maintenance in its
policy so regular improvements can be made to the existing in-

Orange County, Florida

After a series of crashes involving school-aged children, Orange
County realized a lack of safe pedestrian training for students in
its schools. A safety team was formed, comprised of the Sheriff’s
Office safety specialist, staff from Police and Fire departments,
engineering specialists, the local school board, and advocacy
organizations to educate and train students

Within the elementary age, there was a big push to promote “Walk
Your Child to School Day” to help facilitate parents to be a teacher
to their children of safe pedestrian habits. Moreover, a pedestrian
component was added to Safety Villages that were already in
place. Safety Villages are opportunities for public figures such as
police officers and firefighters to engage with students and teach
them general safety around the house and when out in public.
With older students of the Middle and High School age, safe pe-
destrian habits were taught through different media formats and
both active and passive teaching. These included direct in-class Above: Students attract attention
curriculum taught by teachers, presentations by safety officials, to their new pedestrian training
videos, and also posters.                                            program by walking the streets

Result and Application for Milwaukee
The process to develop the curriculum took one and a half years.
It was accomplished by education specialists, law enforcement,
engineers, and emergency services. An accurate, balanced, and
consistent message about safety and a clarification of vague
pedestrian laws (i.e. “what constitutes jaywalking?”) was ac-

The State of Kentucky

After the USDOT passed “Design Guidance Accommodating Bicy-
cle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach,” the State

of Kentucky created the Pedestrian and Bicycle Design Guidance
                        Task Force. The goal of the Task Force was to help guide the Ken-
                        tucky Transportation Cabinet by creating policies regarding when,
                        where, and how to implement bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

                        The Task Force was able to have design guidelines signed in
                        as official order, which took a year of monthly meetings to de-
                        velop. The guidelines ensure that with all new and reconstruct-
                        ed roadways pedestrians and bicyclists are kept in mind. These
                        guidelines give designers specific criteria to consider for accom-
                        modating pedestrians, including land use, existing transportation
                        networks, transit stops, and public demand.

                        Result and Application for Milwaukee
                        Through the passing of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel Policy,
                        not only has the safety of pedestrian and bicyclists increased,
                        but so has non-motorized travel. In just three years the number
                        of bicycle boarding’s on city buses in Louisville grew six fold. It
                        is also expected that this policy will reduce vehicle miles traveled
                        and improve air quality in the state.

                        CASE STUDY 4: CORRIDOR TRAFFIC CALMING
                        Albemarle, Virginia

                        Residents in the Forest Lakes community of Albemarle were
                        tired of the speeding cut-thru traffic on their major streets. A
                        survey determined this concern was valid and indeed harming
                        the community and a solution to the cut-thru speeding traffic was
                        sought. A committee with a number of residents and representa-
                        tives from the Department of Transportation, police department,
                        fire department, and the school board was developed and tasked
                        with generating a solution for the community.

                        As a solution to the cut-thru speeding, a number of improve-
                        ments for the area were identified. These included speed bumps,
                        white road edge markings, pavement markings, and pedestrian
                        signs. School buses were also contributing to the speeding issue
                        and the school board agreed to ensure that the posted speed limit
                        would be followed by bus drivers.

                        Result and Application for Milwaukee
                        During an informal survey process evaluating the potential imple-
                        mentation of the solutions, there was nearly unanimous support

for the new improvements. A DOT representative congratulated
the initiative taken by community members to bring a pressing
issue to light, saying the Department would not have made the
improvements if the community had not spoken up.

Madison, Wisconsin

It was recognized that traffic officers had not been trained on pe-
destrian issues which included both safety and pedestrian laws.
Additionally, there was a noted lack of discussion about pedes-
trian issues during driver education courses.

A safety training DVD for officers was developed by a member
of the traffic enforcement safety team within the Madison Police
Department. After being used to train officers, the DVD was
then modified appropriately for viewing by the general public.
Copies of this DVD were distributed to high school and private
driver education instructors and AAA. Additionally, training was
developed to be presented by officers to companies that spend
significant amounts of time on the road.                         Above: A training video from
                                                                       the Madison Police Department
Result and Application for Milwaukee                             depicts a common confusing sce-
Traffic officers are now more versed in both pedestrian safety nario for pedestrians and traffic
and laws. Additionally, more time is spent by driver education
instructors on pedestrian related issues. Due to the successful-
ness of the DVD, the city is now working to create a training
book which will help in training the public in the future.

Miami-Dade County, Florida

In the state of Florida, Miami-Dade County had the highest num-
ber of pedestrian injuries. Moreover, it is the third highest in the
nation. Recognizing this, and the associated costs of the prob-
lem presented, the Florida DOT lookedfor the causes, effects, and
then solutions to the high pedestrian injury rate.

The initial steps of the cause, effect and solution identification
process was to analyze hospital records of those injured, conduct
crash scene visits, speak with patients and their families directly

and conduct police interviews to find any commonalities between
                                   pedestrian crashes. It was discovered that many sites had issues
                                   regarding obstructed views and long distances between marked
                                   intersections. It was also noted that 293 of the crashes were with
                                   pedestrians under the age of 14. As a policy, Miami-Dade County
                                   developed an injury prevention program and implemented it in
                                   184 elementary schools. The program was taught to students for
                                   a half-hour session once per week over a 4 week period.

                                   Result and Application for Milwaukee
                                   With the utilization of pre and post tests it was discovered that
                                   gains in pedestrian knowledge was maintained for at least a three
                                   month period- when the second post test was conducted. The
Above: Children participate in a   number of children admitted to a Level 1 trauma center in Miami-
safe pedestrian program.           Dade as a result of a pedestrian injury dropped from ninety-three
                                   to just fifty-two in a three year span.

The Milwaukee Site Selection is the first step in the research pro-
cess. It was conducted to decide which two focus areas the Plan-
ning Group would focus on for pedestrian improvements.

To Begin, data was gathered for the past three years of auto- pe-
destrian crashes from the Milwaukee Police Department’s (MPD)
interactive mapping website, “Compass”. This data contained
populated fields that displayed detailed information about each
crash. After analyzing the data it became apparent that the ad-
dress locations of the crashes needed to be cleaned in order for
ArcMap to geocode the crash locations. A customized address
locator was created based-off of the Milwaukee DIME file roads
layer from Map Milwaukee.

After reviewing the geocoded results to ensure data location ac-
curacy, a point density geoprocessing tool was utilized to gain fur-
ther understanding of crash clustering effects over the last three
years(essentially a hotspot analysis technique). Upon creation of
this image, a summary output file was created that counted the
number of crashes at the same location. Each location with a
summary of greater than two crashes was analyzed to determine
if it fell within an area that the hotspot image determined as a
frequent crash location. If it did fall within this area it was further
examined for such criteria as: number in intersecting streets,
number of crashes, alternate transportation access, speed limits,
and land use. If the location fell outside a hotspot, it was dis-
missed from further analysis.

After compiling the crash records, the results indi-
cated that over the last three years, two sites had
a total of five crashes and one with a total of four
crashes. The two sites chosen were North 91st
Street & West Silver Spring Drive, and at South
6th Street & West Lincoln Avenue. The reasons
why these sites where chosen above the rest is
because of their high crash counts, variety of uses,
structures near the street, and the framework of
these streets are typical throughout Milwaukee,
making a model more adaptable to other parts of
the city in future studies.

Once the site selection process was complete, the
group was able to conduct research on best prac-
tice case studies to determine which projects, pro-
grams, and policies were best applicable to the two
Milwaukee sites.

Upon completion of the GIS analysis, the intersection of N 91st
Street & W Silver Spring Drive (CTH E) in the north side of Mil-
waukee was one of the two sites used to conduct research on best
practices. This site, along with the intersection of N 35th Street &
W Capitol Drive (STH 190), was the intersection with the highest
pedestrian crash rates in the City of Milwaukee. This intersection
has an annual average traffic count of 19,700 and posted speed
limits of 35 miles per hour on 91st Street and 40 miles per hour
on Silver Spring Drive. This intersection has a similar framework
as other intersections seen throughout the City of Milwaukee.

SITE SELECTION                                                         Image from the Wisconsin De-
The map to the right, titled “Crash Location: N. 91st St. and W.       partment of Transportation’s
Silver Spring Ave.” is an aerial view that displays the orientation    2009 “Wisconsin Highway Traffic
and the land uses surrounding the intersection.                        Volume Data”

The map on page 48 titled “Crash Frequency:
N. 91st St. and W. Silver Spring Ave.” displays
the crash frequency for the intersection of S.
91st St. and W. Silver Spring Ave. When cal-
culating the frequency the ArcGIS program
calculates the number of points (crashes) with
in a 1/4 mile radius. The output of the point
density tool is an image with a color ramp dis-
playing greater number of crashes in the area
as a darker color, i.e. blue. Because this inter-
section has such a high number of crashes,
and in tern a high number of points, a ratio of
1:1 (points to crashes), enabled this location
to have a high density of crashes.

The Walk Score for the neighborhoods around the intersection of
91st and Silver Spring is comprised of the Silver Swan Neighbor-
hood and the Valhalla neighborhood. The table on the right indi-
cates where each of these neighborhoods ranks amongst Milwau-
kee neighborhoods. The Silver Swan neighborhood score is 50.
It has a population of 3,208 people which is .02% of Milwaukee’s
population. Valhalla is ranked 135 and has a score of 46. It con-
tains 0.7% of Milwaukee’s population, or 4,301 people.

The overall Walk Score for the area is a car-dependent 38. The
maps and charts below show a fifteen minute walk to the various
services in the areas. Because of the low number of intersections
in the area and long block lengths, this area is ranked negatively
on pedestrian friendliness. While it does have high scores for
walking distance to schools (Bryant Elementary only) and bank-
ing (Chase ATM), it ranks poorly in terms of grocery stores and
restaurant choices which are not fast food. Providing access to
better food choices is one way Milwaukee can encourage walking
and promote a healthier lifestyle for its residents. In addition,
by locating smaller scale neighborhood services within shorter
distances, the City can better connect people to other modes of
transportation and increase the frequency of walking.
Better urban design of block
lengths and street amenities
will provide a safer, less car-
dependent walking experience
at 91st and Silver Spring.

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Pedestrian Planning
Pedestrian Planning
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Pedestrian Planning

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  • 5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The primary objective of this study is to identify best management prac- tices in pedestrian planning for the City of Milwaukee. The Planning Group has compiled different pedestrian related best practice methods and identified how each method can be adapted to fit Milwaukee’s pe- destrian needs. Best practices have been categorized in three groups— project based, programs, and policies—which address various pedes- trian issues. This report also provides a set of recommended policies and programs to encourage, educate, and promote increased use of a more accessible and walkable environment. Many large cities- Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Kansas City, Denver have successfully drafted and adopted pedestrian plans. Many of these GROUP MEMBERS plans are also inclusive of bicycle plans and accommodations. Milwau- kee currently has a Bicycle Plan but not a plan that focuses on the XYLIA RUEDA improvement of pedestrian interests, safety, and infrastructure. One Project Manager result of not having a pedestrian plan is a large number pedestrian crash reports generated by the Milwaukee Police Department. In a three year HEATH ANDERSON: period from January 2007 to January 2011, 828 pedestrian crashes GIS Spatial Analysis were reported. Because of the need to increase pedestrian safety, this report begins the research and development of a pedestrian plan for the MARK SAUER: City of Milwaukee. Public Participation To begin this study, the Planning Group first began by identifying various Coordinator case studies in improvements to pedestrian related projects, programs, and policies. Then the group utilized ESRI’s ArcGIS program point den- RACHANA KOTHARI: sity tool in conjunction with the crash data to better define the areas Urban Design Specialist of highest crash frequency. Further analysis was conducted on various sites that met the group’s criteria to gain a greater understanding of PAUL MERKEY: the physical make-up of the sites. The two sites that best fit our criteria Program Researcher were the intersections of N 91st St. & W Silver Spring Ave. and S 6th St. & W Lincoln Ave. In order to better serve the public, questionnaires and a public open house were conducted to gain an understanding of the publics’ desires, needs, likes, and dislikes. One of those needs was to address speed and driver courtesy throughout Milwaukee. Photomontages and spe- cific site recommendations were constructed for each site that included project recommendations intended to aid in the reduction of pedestrian crashes. The group then identified best practice methods to be adopted as the framework for problematic intersections throughout the City. The end product is a compilation of best practice project, program, and policy recommendations at two site specific locations and city wide which outlines tasks needed to reduce pedestrian crashes throughout the City. The next critical steps for the City is to devise a ranking system to stra- tegically prioritize and ensure the most critical projects are addressed first while phasing in lower-priority projects based on cost and feasibil- ity. These recommendations were constructed through public input and are in the best interest of the residents of Milwaukee. 5 INTRODUCTION
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  • 7. INTRODUCTION During the fifteen week semester, group members worked on a planning related problem dealing with improvements to the proj- ects, programs, and policies impacting the pedestrian realm in Milwaukee. Taking a client-centered approach to defining and solving the problem, the group acted as a consulting team for Dave Schlabowske, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the City of Milwaukee, Department of Public Works. The overall project goal for is to present the client with a docu- ment on best practice case studies in pedestrian projects, pro- grams, and policies from around the nation. Not only will this document highlight best practices, but it will showcase how those best practices can be implemented at various sites throughout the City of Milwaukee. PROBLEM Ninety-five percent of streets in Milwaukee have sidewalks. This existing infrastructure provides ample opportunity for pedestrian circulation and allows for safe separation of motorized and non motorized transportation in the public realm. However, sidewalks alone are not enough. In order to cater to the increased den- sity of pedestrian traffic desired by stakeholders throughout the city, Milwaukee must improve policies and programs to guide the physical design of streets for the pedestrian. Currently, the State of Wisconsin uses “Guide to Complete Streets” when redeveloping state roads and highways. This plan is enact- ed when any State or federal money is used to finance a project, regardless of the location of the infrastructure in the State. The “complete” street guide however, does not apply to city streets not owned by the state. Though the City of Milwaukee has the ability to create the infrastructure and density it desires through its own means, there is currently no best practices program or complete streets policy in place to guide this development at the local level. This study is intended to create a living, breathing document which applies best practice principles in pedestrian-oriented de- sign to specific areas throughout the City of Milwaukee. In addi- tion, it will act as a gateway and template for further develop- ment of best practices in City projects. The outcome will be a combination of project, policy, and program recommendations for the City of Milwaukee. 7 INTRODUCTION
  • 8. PROJECT, PROGRAM, POLICY FRAMEWORK Pedestrian planning is inclusive of three elements- project, pro- gram, and policy. Implemented through private or public entities, the three p’s of pedestrian planning are used to ensure a safe and rewarding walking experience. Project: A project is defined as the implementation of a physical change to the pedestrian infrastructure or experience. Projects would include things like installing speed humps, or new cross- walk line painting. Projects should be done at the municipal level. Program: A program is a short-term activity with a goal of edu- cating the public or encouraging walking as a viable transporta- tion option. Programs can be implemented at the municipal level or privately. Policy: A policy is a long-term resolution, ordinance, or commit- ment by a department or agency to educate the public or encour- age walking as a viable transportation option. Policies can be implemented by private entities or through a municipality. PROCESS The research began with a problem definition and understanding of Milwaukee’s current pedestrian infrastructure, programs, and policies. Goals, objectives, and criteria were then defined in order to frame the research and problem-solution. Finally, a scope of work was created and roles were selected by each group member. Two Milwaukee sites were selected using Geographic Information Systems analysis. In addition, best practice case study research was conducted to effectively and efficiently enhance pedestrian infrastructure, programs, and policies in cities around the nation. Through conceptual design renderings and recommendations, best practice research will be implemented on two sites within the City of Milwaukee focusing on site specific projects, programs, and policies. As part of the implementation and recommendation process, a public participation charette and stakeholder interviews were conducted within the two selected sites. Stakeholder interviews proved to be useful in understanding how power and responsibil- ity is shared amongst the users of the intersection (drivers, pe- Above: Participants of the public destrians, local business owners). The public charette allowed for charette place stickers on safe preference surveys to be conducted and residents to have a direct and unsafe areas of one of the impact on the future of their community. target intersections. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 8
  • 9. The result of this process is both conceptual design ideas and recommendations on projects, programs, and policies the City of Milwaukee can implement to improve the pedestrian realm. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND CRITERIA The goals, objectives, and criteria, outlined below, were defined by the Planning Group. They are intended to be the result of the research and identify recommendations presented in this docu- ment and future implementation by the City on specific sites, or in City wide policy. IMPROVE SAFETY: By eliminating the perceived and real safety issues in the pedestrian realm, people are more likely to choose to walk. Objective: 1. Reduce pedestrian crashes Criteria: - Improve block and intersection design for pedestrian usage based on best practices - Improve Pedestrian Level of Service (see WISDOT) 2. Ensure pedestrian right-of-way Criteria: - Restrict street furnishings to the edges of the sidewalk - Increase sidewalk width 3. Education and Outreach Criteria: - Safe pedestrian habits will be presented in at least three different media formats - Safe pedestrian habits will be directed at all ages - Programs will educate the public on pedestrian safety regulations - Safe driving habits ENCOURAGE WALKABILITY: Milwaukee should encourage walking to promote healthy and active lifestyles which result in associated environmental and economic benefits. Objective: 1. Increase the frequency of walking Criteria: - Create programs that encourage walking over motor- ized transportation - Enhance street design as to be part of the public realm to make pedestrians feel welcome and safe 2. Education and Outreach: Criteria: - Inform and educate elected officials and public agency staff about the pedestrian realm 9 INTRODUCTION
  • 10. - Organize programs and events to encourage public to walk 3. Improve access to sidewalks and crossings: Criteria: - Reduce intersection crossing distances for pedestrians - Improve accessibility to crossings and sidewalks for those with disabilities 4. Improve connectivity: Criteria: - Enhance accessibility to other modes of travel such as mass transit - Promote pedestrian design to be compatible with sur- rounding uses - Implement American Disability Act (ADA) design stan- dards in all projects to improve accessibility for all users THINK LOCAL: The City of Milwaukee has the resources and ability to manage its pedestrian infrastructure with local funding sources and incentives. Objectives: 1. Complete and maintain pedestrian system Criteria: - Create funding strategies for pedestrian infrastructure improvements - Create funding strategies for pedestrian infrastructure maintenance 2. Public/Private investment (partnerships) Criteria: - Identify private funding sources for pedestrian infra- structure - Identify avenues for ventures - Identify and pursue available grants through intergov- ernmental co-operation PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 10
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  • 13. PEDESTRIANS IN MILWAUKEE The following chapter is background information on pedestrian planning as it relates to Milwaukee. U.S. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING AND MILWAUKEE Cities like Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco all consistently rank among the most desirable cities to live and visit. Their ur- banism- multi-modal approach to transportation, economic vital- ity, and livability- is notorious Nationwide and often emulated in the planning profession. Among the various reasons for their de- sirability is the fact that these cities are extremely walkable. Since the early 1990’s, pedestrian planning has emerged as a form of transportation that progressive cities like Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco have incorporated into planning policies and pro- grams. In 1998 the City of Portland adopted it’s Pedestrian Mas- ter Plan. Even earlier, in 1996, Seattle drafted and adopted its first Pedestrian Master Plan which has now blossomed into an on- line interactive map highlighting walking routes, amenities, and multi-modal connections. One of the main reasons these urban areas are so successful is because they have taken a wholistic approach to transportation planning and created pedestrian plans for the 21st Century. The City of Milwaukee currently ranks as the 28th largest city by Population. Similar cities like Denver, Portland, and Louisville, Kentucky have all adopted or are in the process of adopting pe- destrian plans. Cities like Baltimore and Nashville have county or regional pedestrian plans which are used at the local level by each respective city to coordinate pedestrian planning. On the other hand, Milwaukee has just drafted its Bicycle Plan and does not have a strategic, City wide plan for its pedestrians. Walking is still very much a necessity in Milwaukee because of the safety and desirability factors which stem from its foundation. While the City of Milwaukee has in place the sidewalks it needs to encour- age walking, the City lacks a wholistic approach to pedestrian and transportation plans. Using studies like Seattle and Denver allows Milwaukee to see what an excellent pedestrian plan looks like. More importantly, it will allow Milwaukee to emulate an excellent pedestrian planning process. Data Source. US Census, 2010 Above: a comparison of similar sized cities in terms of areas and population. Source: City of Milwaukee Downtown Plan 13 PEDESTRIANS IN MILWAUKEE
  • 14. WALK SCORE Walk Score is an independent interactive mapping site launched in 2007. Inspired by the work of the Sightline Institute, its mis- sion is promote walkable neighborhoods by making it easy for the average Joe to evaluate walkability- or access to amenities and transportation- when deciding where to live. The Planning Group decided to utilize this free service to evalu- ate the two target areas because the Planning Group agrees with Walk Score’s identification of certain variables that make a place or neighborhood walkable. Walkable neighborhoods offer ben- efits to the environment, health, finances, and communities that sprawling, auto-dependent neighborhoods do not. Walking pro- duces zero emissions and provides an alternative to costly gas prices or bus fares. Additionally, studies show that for every ten minutes a person spends in a daily car commute, time spent in community activities falls by 10% (Sightline Institute). Final- ly, according to a Seattle Times report entitled 2 studies: Urban sprawl adds pounds, pollution, “the average resident of a walk- able neighborhood weighs seven pounds less than someone who lives in a sprawling neighborhood” In each target area section, there is an evaluation of the select- ed intersection and surrounding neighborhood using Walk Score. Walk scores are numbered between 0 and 100 with 100 being a “walker’s paradise” where daily errands do not require a car. The City of Milwaukee average Walk Score is 62, but it ranks 13th amongst the largest 40 U.S. cities. San Francisco is number 1. Above: Milwaukee’s most walk- able neighborhoods are ranked by Walk Score Bottom Left: A one mile radius in a compact neighborhood versus a sprawling neighborhood PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 14
  • 15. SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION (SEWRPC) The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission’s (SEWRPC) planning report “A Regional Transportation System Plan for Southeastern Wisconsin: 2035,” states that their pedes- trian facilities plan element is a policy, rather than a system, plan. It proposes that the various units and agencies of government responsible for the construction and maintenance of pedestrian facilities in Southeastern Wisconsin adopt and follow recommend- ed standards and guidelines with regard to the development of those facilities. The guidelines, together with the recommended standards for pedestrian facilities, are designed to facilitate safe and efficient pedestrian travel within the Region. SEWRPC’s planning report further notes the importance of pedes- trian safety: “The standards and guidelines for pedestrian facilities in- clude recommendations that sidewalks be provided along streets and highways in areas of existing or planned urban development based upon identified criteria; that sidewalks be designed and constructed using widths and clearances appropriate for the levels of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in any given area; that landscaped terraces, curb lawns, or other buffer areas be provided between sidewalks and the roadways enhancing the pedestrian environment; and that efforts be made to maximize pedestrian safety at street crossings, including the timing of the “walk” phase of traf- fic signals to provide for safe pedestrian crossings, and the provision of pedestrian “islands” and medians in wide, heavily traveled, or otherwise hazardous roadways. The plan also emphasizes that all pedestrian facilities must be designed and constructed in accordance with the require- ments of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and its implementing regulations.” They also propose that local units of government prepare com- munity bicycle and pedestrian plans to supplement their regional plan. The local plans should provide for facilities to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian travel within neighborhoods, providing for convenient travel between residential areas and shopping cen- ters, schools, parks, and transit stops within or adjacent to the neighborhood. Lastly, SEWRPC recommends that local units of government consider the preparation and implementation of land use plans that encourage more compact and dense development patterns, in order to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle travel. 15 PEDESTRIANS IN MILWAUKEE
  • 16. MILWAUKEE’S EXISTING BICYCLE ACCOMMODATIONS Transportation comes in many forms. These forms sometimes work together and sometimes compete for users. Whether an individual decides to bike, walk, drive or otherwise, it is important to think about pedestrian planning as part of a larger transporta- tion network which supports the need and desire to have multiple modes of transportation. One area where Milwaukee has excelled thus far is in bicycle planning and accommodation. Incorporating the existing bicycle infrastructure into pedestrian planning will offer multiple benefits that a singular approach to transportation planning would otherwise miss. The following is an excerpt from SEWRPC Memorandum Report No. 197 Review, Update, and Reaffirmation of the Year 2035 Re- gional Transportation System Plan: This map (page 17) identifies those arterial streets and highways which provided bicycle accommodations through paved shoulders, bicycle lanes, or separate paths in 2009. The mileage of arterial streets and highways that provided bicycle accommodations through paved shoulders, bicycle lanes, or separate paths increased from about 633 miles in 2004 to about 650 miles in 2009, or about a 3% increase. Data is not available to identify those urban arterials with outside lanes of 14 feet in width which also accommodate bicycles. A multi-modal transportation system with high quality pub- lic transit, bicycle and pedestrian, and arterial street and highway elements which adds to the quality of life of Region residents and supports and promotes expansion of the Re- gion’s economy, by providing for convenient, efficient, and safe travel by each mode, while protecting the quality of the Region’s natural environment, minimizing disruption of both the natural and man-made environment, and serving to support implementation of the regional land use plan, while minimizing the capital and annual operating costs of the transportation system. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 16
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  • 19. BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES The best practice section of this report outlines several project, Case Studies are from the Pe- program, and policy best practices from around the nation that destrian and Bicycle Information deal with how to improve the pedestrian experience. They range Center Case Study Compendium, from simple project practices like lighting and stripping cross- July 2010 walks to programs designed to reinstitute the practice of walk- ing to neighborhood schools. Ultimately, these physical and insti- tutional changes are recommendations based on their success. They can only be fully successful in Milwaukee through a com- bined social change in the behavior of pedestrian, bicyclists, and motorists alike. PROJECT BEST PRACTICES The project section includes a collection of case studies cover- PROJECTS ing a broad array of topics from safety, walkability, accessibility, 1. UNCONTROLLED infrastructure improvements, planning, education and enforce- CROSSWALKS ment. These case studies will serve as a baseline for project im- 2. SPEEDING AND LACK OF plementation by providing ideas for potential methods Milwaukee VISIBILITY can undertake to improve pedestrian infrastructure and support 3. IRREGULAR ANGLES a walkable environment. Each case study provides a context in 4. LACK OF CURBS which the project takes place, a description of the pedestrian is- 5. ECONOMIC sues faced, as well as how the community sought to address DISINVESTMENT their concerns through various measures. Each case study then 6. ROUNDABOUT concludes with a solution describing the successes and lessons 7. MANAGING learned from the planning process or implementation. STORMWATER 8. CREATING SIDEWALKS 9. UNLIMITED AND CASE STUDY 1: UNCONTROLLED CROSSWALKS UNDEFINED ACCESS Location 10. TOTAL FACILITIES City of Santa Rosa, California OVERHAUL Problem The City of Santa Rosa reported an unusually high incidence of pedestrian/vehicle collisions due to uncontrolled crosswalks. Background Speeding on residential streets is cited as one of the most fre- quently expressed concerns by local citizens. To provide a solu- tion to the issue, three locations were selected for traffic calming and facilities improvements. The solution was tested, analyzed and monitored with funding from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). Solution Santa Rosa initiated a new proactive pedestrian warning system where a flashing device would be installed on the pavement sur- 19 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 20. face, along the crosswalk lines facing traffic. The In-Pavement Flashing Lights Crosswalk Warning System’s purpose was to warn the vehicular traffic of the presence of pedestrians in the cross- walk at uncontrolled intersections. This was tested in the city with the permission of The California Traffic Control Devices Commit- tee. The experimental system consists of a series of flashing Below: In-Pavement Crosswalk light units which are embedded in the pavement adjacent to a lighting during the day and at marked crosswalk. The lights reflect toward the oncoming traffic night. to warn drivers of a pedestrian’s presence. Result and Application for Milwaukee The concept of flashing amber lights embedded in the pavement at uncontrolled crosswalks clearly has a positive effect in enhanc- ing a driver’s awareness of crosswalks and modifying driver hab- its to be more favorable for pedestrians. It is even more effec- tive during adverse weather conditions such as darkness, fog and rain. With continuous monitoring it has been found that after the implementation of the device the number of pedestrian/vehicle fatalities had been reduced in the City of Santa Rosa. Moreover, other cities like Lafayette and West Hollywood have also installed the crosswalk warning systems based on the success in City of Santa Rosa. CASE STUDY 2: SPEEDING AND LACK OF VISIBILITY Location Bellevue, Washington Problem Pedestrian crash data suggested increased fatalities on the resi- dential streets of the City of Bellevue. With the expressed con- cerns of the local citizens, the City needed to take some action. Two main issues which concerned the citizens were speeding on residential streets and reduced visibility due to close parking near school crosswalks. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 20
  • 21. Background The numerous concerns of local citizens- including increased fa- talities on the residential streets near schools- put this project into motion. Five different school locations were selected for fa- cilities improvements on the basis of high numbers of students living within walking distance. Initially, this program was created for traffic calming but infrastructure improvements were later im- plemented. Solution Design and infrastructure improvements included installing raised Above: A typical curb exten- crosswalks which doubled to reduce vehicle speeds while at the sion. Curb extensions are used same time improving pedestrian visibility by preventing vehicles to reduce the distance pedestrian from parking too close to the crosswalk. Curb extensions were have to cross. As a secondary also added, where feasible, to decrease the distance necessary to benefit, they can often reduce cross the road and improve line of sight. Bollards were installed the speed of traffic and provide room for additional sidewalk ele- in the curb extensions to prevent children from huddling near the ments like lighting, rubbish bins, curb. In several locations additional measures were also taken, and signage. such as a traffic circle for additional traffic calming, improved street lighting, and additional sidewalks to bridge gaps. The im- provements also included an educational component. ...through facilities Result and Application for Milwaukee At the selected locations within Bellevue for which data was avail- improvements the able, it has been noticed that through facilities improvements the average vehicle average vehicle speed is reduced by 3 mile per hour. The curb speed is reduced by extensions have effectively prevented parking next to the cross- walk, physically keeping parked cars at least 30 feet away. Com- 3 mile per hour... ments from parents and residents are extremely positive after the improvements and the city plans to implement these in future projects. CASE STUDY 3: IRREGULAR ANGLES Location Mulry Square, New York City, New York Problem The Mulry Square intersection in Greenwich Village was perceived to be an odd and dangerous intersection due to a continuously increasing number of fatalities. Speeding, obstructed views of on- coming vehicular or pedestrian traffic, irregular angles resulting in high speed irregular turns, improper and unidentifiable cross- walks were some of the reported issues that the community re- quested the City take actions on. Background Mulry Square, a wedge-shaped site, is currently owned by NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority. The site is used as a parking lot 21 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 22. and is located at the southwest corner of Greenwich Avenue and south of Seventh Avenue. Because of the ongoing reports of traf- fic related safety issues by concerned residents, the New York City Department of Transportation has worked with the local com- munity to assess the issues and provide solutions. Solution The community-based planning process resulted in recommen- dations for traffic calming techniques and the addition of ameni- ties in the surrounding area. These included sidewalk extensions, reconfigured crosswalks, and additional greening of the area. These improvements transformed this intersection, which was previously known for pedestrian accidents and high-speed turns. As a short term solution, sidewalk extensions were painted on the street and outlined with temporary bollards to test the impact of the recommendations on traffic flow. Once it was clear that the solutions worked, the project was built out in final form with slate pavers, granite curbs, new crosswalks, landscaping, bollards, and changes in traffic light phasing. Above: Mulry Square before and after pedestrian improvements Result and Application for Milwaukee were made. With the infrastructure improvements at Mulry square the num- ber of fatalities has been reduced by nearly 60%. The success of the project is evident in the positive community feedback. CASE STUDY 4: LACK OF CURBS Location Seattle, Washington Problem The sidewalks on Seattle’s southeastern streets were perceived to be unsafe and less pedestrian friendly without curbs. Due to a lack of curbs, cars were parked on the sidewalks and planting strips which left no barriers to traffic and made streetscaping maintenance impracti- cal. Furthermore, because cars were not parked on the street, the width of the street encouraged an unsafe driving at- mosphere discouraging pedestrians. Above: Mulry Square now offers Background a safer pedestrian experience The Seattle Department of Transportation identified the need to because of traffic calming efforts improve facilities in its southeastern quarter, a largely low income like sidewalk extensions and in- community of Seattle between the years 2001-2004. With the creased green space. plan to implement safer and more walkable neighborhoods in this quarter, this project was initiated. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 22
  • 23. Solution The Seattle Department of Transportation was committed to tak- ing numerous actions for this project including adding curbs, pro- moting on-street parallel parking, installing landscaping, traffic calming, and sidewalk repairs to support safer and more walk- able neighborhoods. However, the project faced several obstacles due to concerns raised by local residents. With concerns ranging from maintenance issues of planting strips to gentrification, and limited funds, the initial project was termed as a demonstration Below: Extruded curb technology project chosen to serve as a model for future improvements. is used to install curbs. By using this technology, the Seattle DOT One street segment with disintegrating sidewalks and high rates avoided costly street repaving of thru-traffic was chosen for the demonstration. After the im- and still accomplished its goal to provement was identified as having a positive impact, surveys formalize the street because ex- truded curbs can be freestanding. were carried out to further the work of revital- izing the neighborhood. Results showed that sixty-six of the ninety-five affected house- holds approve of the project. To incorporate the needs of the residents, a staff designer was assigned throughout the design and con- struction phase. Extruded curb technology was used rather than formed curbs, which would have required repaving the street to current standards. City landscape crews also worked with residents to plant trees and lay sod. Funding was obtained through two sources: a Community Development Block Grant- due to the status of the neighborhood as low in- come- and a small neighborhood grant of City funds. Since the funding source was limited in the long-run, it did not allow more than sev- eral thousand linear feet of improvements to be accomplished city-wide in one given year. “The three speed humps Thus, the project was carried out in phases over a number of years. installed and new parallel parking helped to slow traffic Result and Application for Milwaukee by an average of 12 miles per The results were widely appreciated by the southeastern quarter neighborhoods. Pedest- hour” rians have an unimpeded path beside the road that is now pro- tected by attractive plantings. The three speed humps installed and new parallel parking has helped to slow traffic by an aver- age of 12 miles per hour. Residents themselves appreciate the improvements and view it as public investment to bring adequate standards to their neighborhood. 23 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 24. Below: Reinvestment in the CASE STUDY 5: ECONOMIC DISINVESTMENT pedestrian experience included Location new brick pavers, bluestone Washington, D.C. pedestrian crossings, a planting strip, new lighting, bike racks, Problem and trash receptacles. These improvements proved essential Barracks Row (8th Street SE) a ¾-mile, 6-block stretch between to new retail business growth on Pennsylvania Avenue and M Street SE, is one of the District’s old- this D.C. street est commercial corridors. The century old buildings in the oldest commercial strip give the street charm and character, but over the years it had experienced economic disinvestment. Vacant storefronts and loitering added to the perception that 8th Street was an unsafe place to be and shop after dark. Merchants com- plained that there was inadequate public parking. Time had taken its toll on the public realm which was left with cracked concrete sidewalks, inconsistent roadway-focused street lighting, inade- quate parking and weathered and unhealthy street trees. Background The Capitol Hill neighborhood began organizing for the revitaliza- tion of 8th Street years ago with the formation of a non-profit organization. It began by using materials and following the model provided by the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street program. Continuous efforts to improve the public realm along the street fell short so the organization expressed concern to DDOT and a study of local streets was launched. DDOT con- tracted with a private transportation and landscaping firm to con- duct the study and prepare a concept plan. Solution The primary goal of the Barracks Row streetscape project was to create a safe and visually appealing pedestrian environment and address transportation concerns in order to foster business and retail growth in the area. The public realm on 8th Street and Barracks Row was completely reconstructed. New brick-pav- ers were installed within sidewalks, and key pedestrian cross- ings were visually enhanced with bluestone paving. A five foot planting strip was created along the curb to absorb surface runoff from sidewalks and to provide a continuous root zone for newly planted street trees. The project also provided for new globe lights, bicycle racks, and trash receptacles. Additionally, 92 new American Elm trees were donated and planted by a local “green” organization. Loriope was planted in tree boxes as edging and a public park was replanted and enhanced. In response to concerns regarding the neighborhood’s lack of adequate parking, angled parking was created along the street to replace the existing paral- lel on-street parking. The new configuration has increased the overall number of park- PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 24
  • 25. ing spaces- which are short time meters to ensure a steady sup- ply of parking in front of retail uses. Additionally, a one block area was converted from one-way traffic to two-way, in order to pro- mote greater access to storefronts and increase traffic mobility. These changes were made to help revitalize the commercial area, one of the oldest in the District of Columbia. Result and Application for Milwaukee The Barrack’s Row revitalization effort has been highly successful. Since 1999, 43 new businesses have opened in the area (includ- ing business expansion through 12 new outdoor cafes), 51 fa- cades have been restored, 198 net new jobs have been created, and 3 new traditional buildings have been constructed. Pedestri- ans now have a safer and more welcoming environment in which to walk around. CASE STUDY 6: ROUNDABOUT Location Abita Springs, LA Problem Strange configuration of the main intersection of Abita Springs round- about area resulted in vehicles speed- ing and higher traffic during peak hours. Even with the Tammany Trace pedestrian and bicycle facility adja- cent to the intersection, the environ- ment of the Abita Springs historic dis- trict remained unsafe for pedestrians and other non-motorized traffic. Background Above: New sidewalk pavers, Abita Springs Historic District’s main intersection routes traffic bluestone pavers, trash recep- counterclockwise where Louisiana 59 and 36 meet with exits onto tacles, and other sidewalk im- Level Street as well as the two highways. The complex four-way provements transformed not only the pedestrian realm, but spurred intersection, which borders the town center and is close to Abita economic development in Wash- Springs Middle School, had been regulated by a traffic light. The ington D.C. current lighting system has created backups which extend onto the freeways. Solution With the consensus of the Mayor, Abita Springs Town Council and business owners in the vicinity, the transportation depart- ment committed to take actions to accommodate the needs of all stakeholders during the design and construction phases. The highway department measured traffic volume at the inter-section at about 14,000 vehicles a day pre-Katrina and 17,000 after the 25 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 26. storm. DDOT overcame the challenges by selecting the smallest diameter roundabout possible to accommodate vehicles (about 20,000 vehicles a day). Also, they were able to purchase and raze a non-contributing building in the historic district to provide extra space for the roundabout. A section of the Tammany Trace was also shifted slightly to make it easier for pedestrians and bikers to cross the intersection. Landscaping and more directional signs, as well as a final layer of asphalt, were installed. Result and Application for Milwaukee Statistical data is not yet available for the project but studies indicated that roundabouts are safer for drivers and pedestrians than both traffic circles and traditional intersections. Because low speeds are required for traffic entering roundabouts they are not designed for high-speed motor ways. However, since speeding and congestion is high in the Abita Springs district, designing and implementing a roundabout is considered significant so the speed limit at the roundabout is 20 mile per hour. Above: A new roundabout- de- signed to fit the site specifically, CASE STUDY 7: MANAGING STORMWATER was used as a traffic calming device within a historic district to Location allow for easier pedestrian cross- Portland, Oregon ing. Problem The SW 12th Avenue now known as Green Street- located at Montgomery adjacent to Portland State University- needed to retrofit existing street space for pedestrians, on-street parking, street trees, landscaping, street lighting, and signage, while at the same time capturing and filtering stormwater run-off from 12th Avenue. All this within an eight-foot wide space. Background The retrofit project is the City of Portland’s first green street proj- ect and is based off of City’s commitment to promote natural sys- tems to manage urban stormwater runoff. Solution The streetscape project not only manages street run-off but also maintains strong pedestrian circulation and on-street parking. The project utilizes a series of landscaped infiltration planters to handle approximately 8,000 square feet of storm water runoff. The design provides water quality treatment and maximizes in- filtration of the runoff. Each facility can pond about 7 inches of stormwater runoff and retain it for infiltration. A 30-inch wide parking egress zone was dedicated for people to access their vehicles without infringing upon the stormwater planters. Perpendicular pathways were created between each PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 26
  • 27. stormwater planter so that a pedestrian would not have to walk Above: These two diagrams very far to access their cars or the sidewalk. A four-inch curb ex- depict how the new stormwater posure at each planter indicates to the pedestrian that there is a runoff planters work during drop in grade. Each curb cut which allows the street runoff to en- heavy rainfall ter the stormwater planters has an ADA accessible grate to allow Below: Birdseye view of new for unencumbered pedestrian flow along the parking egress zone. stormwater planters Result and Application for Milwaukee This was a successful “green street” project and it has won a National Award of Honor from the American Society of Landscape Architects. The project design does not pose safety issues for pedestrians or for people getting in and out of vehicles. Fur- ther, it has demonstrated how both new and existing streets in downtown or highly urbanized areas can be de- signed to provide direct environmen- tal benefits and be aesthetically inte- grated into the urban streetscape. CASE STUDY 8: CREATING SIDEWALKS Location Snohomish County, Washington Problem The Lake Serene Community was forced to walk in the travel lanes of Serene Way, a two-lane local access road. Walkers some- times had to jump into the ditches to avoid oncoming cars at certain blind turns. Background The road had minimal shoulders and drainage from the road col- lected into open ditches along both sides of the road. The existing right-of-way for the road was 60 feet and with a high number of pedestrian vehicle collisions, the Lake Serene Community Asso- ciation initiated the project by requesting a sidewalk be built. 27 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 28. Solution The project has several main objectives which include provision of a safe walkway, coordination with the Lake Serene Commu- nity association, minimizing impacts to adjacent properties, and minimizing modifications to the existing drainage system while avoiding the use of a detention pond/pipe design. To further the perception of safety, the 4,500 linear foot walkway was designed in such a way that the walkway is located behind the drainage ditches. This provides a buffer between cars, bicyclists, and pe- destrians. Additionally, the sidewalk connects with adjacent pe- destrian facilities and provides a safer route to school for students of a local elementary school. In order to minimize the impact on adjacent properties, an alignment within the existing right-of- way was chosen that would meander among existing project site features such as fences, trees and utility poles. Due to a lack of funding, the County used porous concrete as infiltrating material which doubled as a stormwater drain. Result and Application for Milwaukee There is anecdotal evidence of increased foot traffic since the Above: Before and After views installation of the walkway, particularly during night hours. Ad- of the new retention area and ditionally, there was a considerable cost savings because the use sidewallk of porous concrete material enabled the walkway to be built by eliminating the need for a detention system. CASE STUDY 9: UNLIMITED AND UNDEFINED ACCESS Location City of Des Moines, Washington Problem The existing SR-99 corridor is an undivided five-lane facility with a two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL) and paved shoulders. Significant segments of the roadside have unlimited and undefined access. The corridor has heavy traffic and creates an unsafe environment for pedestrians. Background The project was initiated to improve traffic congestion, opera- tions, and safety, provide facilities for transit and pedestrians, and encourage economic redevelopment along the SR-99 corridor through the City of Des Moines. Solution SR-99 will undertake a series of infrastructure improvements in- cluding the placement and type of intersection signals, pedestrian features, access control, and aesthetic treatments to increase ca- pacity and mobility and relieve congestion. One of the specific PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 28
  • 29. features that will be considered in this project is a landscaped me- dian with a low profile concrete barrier which would eliminate the existing two-way left-turn lane and improve both pedestrian and vehicular safety. Additionally, curbs and gutters will be installed along the highway, and a six-foot landscaped planter will be built on each side of the street. The project will also install equipment needed to support transit signal priority. As a trial project, Des Moines and King County Metro have even considered the instal- lation of a High Occupancy Vehicle and Business Access lane in each direction of the route as well as bus pullouts and new transit shelters. To further enhance pedestrian activity, sidewalks will be installed on both sides of the highway with sidewalk lighting and a pedestrian-activated signal. Below: A conceptual rendering Result and Application for Milwaukee of the SR-99 corridor with road- The conditions for pedestrians along the corridor were greatly way improvements. Some im- improved and the efforts of the transportation department were provements include a landscaped median,HOV lane, left-turn lane, appreciated by the citizens of Des Moines. With the facility im- bus pullouts and transit shelters, provements, the frequency of walking was significantly increased. and paved crosswalks. 29 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROJECTS
  • 30. CASE STUDY 10: TOTAL FACILITIES OVERHAUL Location Cleveland Heights, Ohio Problem Severance Circle, surrounded by a high-use commercial and re- tail development in a vital suburb, is perceived to be unfriendly to pedestrians and bicyclists. Due to very little accommodation for pedestrians and bicyclists, at times it forces them to cut into vehicular lanes at the risk of their personal safety. Despite being enclosed by a shopping mall, Severance Circle was not properly connected to other surrounding land uses. Below: Bike lanes, mid-block Background crosswalks and signals, benches The Canyon Johnson Urban Fund purchased the land and rede- and bus shelters were added to veloped the center in 2002. They agreed to dedicate Severance Severence Cirlce to enrich the Circle as a public street and to build a complete sidewalk system. pedestrian experience and en- Funds were set aside by the buyer, the seller, and the City for courage walking, biking, and public transit instead of driving. road and sidewalk improvements. Solution With an array of goals formulated by the Department of Planning and Development, a variety of measures were implemented. These measures include provision of benches and bus shelters, sidewalks abutting build- ing facades to provide storefront displays, addition of pedestrian activated walk signals at busy intersections and at mid-block crossings, and the installation of light poles, shade trees, and awnings. One of the significant construction projects involved converting the four-lane road into two-lanes with a center left-turn lane and bike lanes on either side. As an added measure, enforcement of speeding and other dangerous driving was stepped up, and numerous tickets were issued. Result and Application for Milwaukee Completed in 2003, the street project has formed a com- plete and connected sidewalk system, created common spaces, and installed benches, bus shelters, pedestrian- scaled lights, trees, and other landscaping. Dedicated bicycle lanes were added and the four-lane road was reconfigured. With all these facility improvements it has been reported by city engineer that during the 2003 holiday shopping rush, vehicular traffic moved without significant delay, without speeding, and the new side- walks and crosswalks were also used by pedestrians. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 30
  • 31. PROGRAM BEST PRACTICES The program best practices are short-term activities or events PROGRAMS designed to promote and encourage walking. They may have 1. SAFETY TRAINING long-lasting effects on the community or city where implemented, 2. “CROSS SAFELY, but they are designed to achieve short-term goals and address DRIVE SAFELY” specific problems. Many of the case studies have an objective of 3. EXTREME POSTER educating the public or encouraging walking as a viable transpor- CAMPAIGN tation option either in tandem with public transit and biking or as 4. PUBLIC TELEVISION an alternative to the automobile. Like the project best practices, SAFETY VIDEOS the programs are from around the country and provide a wide 5. WALK THERE! range of urban to suburban experiences. CHALLENGE 6. BILINGUAL SCHOOL CASE STUDY 1: SAFETY TRAINING EDUCATION Location Tucson, Arizona Background The safety training program was developed to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Arizona boasted the second highest fatality rate for pedestrians at 13% of total traffic fatalities (NHT- SA). Moreover, Tucson spent less than $1 per year per student on pedestrian and traffic safety education, with even less being spent on adults. In 2004, the City of Tucson requested federal transportation enhancement funds to improve pedestrian safety through public outreach and safety training. Below: A publication by the City Solution of Tucson and its partners for In order to reduce pedestrian and automobile roadway crashes, educating the public about rules, increase awareness of pedestrian responsibility and tolerance of regulations, activities, and safety all right-of-way users, the City of Tucson developed television measures for pedestrian and bicyclists and radio public service announcements. This was coupled with the creation of educational videos for police training as well as for student safety classes to be taught by police officers. Ad- ditionally, a traffic safety guide with pedestrian maps was created and handed out. A “share the road” ethic was promoted as the permanent result. Result and Application for Milwaukee The City installed 180 poster sized signs promoting the “share the road” ethic at bus shelters around the city. These signs were also displayed in forty (40) libraries and bike shops to reach a larger audience. Lastly, there was a monthly safety newsletter created and distributed. All handouts- mostly for bicyclists and motorists- were in both English and Spanish and available on- line. A separate Bicycle Ambassadors program was also created and has helped to install over seventy (70) HAWK (high intensity activated crosswalk) signals at high prioritization location in the Tucson-Pima County region. 31 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROGRAMS
  • 32. CASE STUDY 2: “CROSS SAFELY, DRIVE SAFELY” Location Amherst, Massachusetts Background There is heavy pedestrian as well as automobile traffic on the University of Massachusetts campus, but few pedestrian safety programs. In the late 1990’s, two pedestrians were killed when a car stuck them in crosswalks on the University campus. Addi- tionally, since 2000 an average of four pedestrians per year have been seriously injured by drivers. In the past, after a complaint was made about either a pedestrian or a driver not being safe an officer would be assigned to the area for a few days to patrol where the complaint was made. Recognizing the lack of safety between pedestrians and motorists, UMassSAFE- a partnership between the Governors Highway Safety Bureau and the UMass College of Engineering Transportation Center- and University Police partnered together and created the “Cross Safely Drive Safely”. Federal funding (NHTSA) allowed the program to include Above: The “Cross Safely Drive education, enforcement, and evaluation. Safely” Poster which was hung around the UMass campus Solution The program included an awareness campaign along with a judi- cial education component. Safety tips were placed on posters and bus cards and reinforced through media coverage to remind residents about safe pedestrian habits. For the first month of the program violators of either pedestrian or automobile laws (identified by a plain clothed decoy with a radio) were stopped Below: An officer discussing the by UMass officers and given a handout but not cited for any importance of pedestrian/ mo- violation. Each handout included push button hand operator torist safety on campus. Notice and pedestrian safety tips. For the second month violators were the “Cross Safely Drive Safely” cited and fined. Additionally, these efforts were publicized in the poster promoted on the side of local media. the bus Result and Application for Milwaukee Despite pedestrian crashes still occur- ring, it is evident that motorists are more aware of pedestrians. More motor- ists yielding the right-of-way to pedestri- ans is one noticeable results. Addition- ally, police officers have become more aware of crosswalk violations which has led to more consistent enforcement of the laws. The program was deemed so successful that UMass has continued the program despite running out of grant money. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 32
  • 33. CASE STUDY 3: EXTREME POSTER CAMPAIGN Location Ontario, Canada Background Ontario recognized a lack of safe habits instilled in its pedestrians when, in 2002, the City of Toronto reported more than half of all traffic fatalities were pedestrian fatalities (50). Due to the ex- treme nature of the information, the Injury Prevention Coalition created an extreme poster campaign for the City. Solution The Injury Prevention Coalition waged a media campaign with the slogan “Cross the Street as if Your Life Depends on it, Because it Does”. The Coalition sent posters and brochures to over 900 com- munity agencies and also had posters on the sides of over thirty buses. Additionally, a short safety slideshow was developed to be played in movie theaters for the audience to see while waiting for the show to begin. Funding was provided through a number of local contributions. Result and Application for Milwaukee The initial launch of the campaign was covered by local media outlets to help get the message out about both the campaign and the message. It is estimated that the slideshow in movie theaters reached an audience of 867,000 individuals. In 2009 the Coalition developed a website entitled iNAVIGAIT, dedicated to education and awareness for pedestrians. Above: The Injury Prevention Coalition poster created to make an impact in Ontario CASE STUDY 4: PUBLIC TELEVISION SAFETY VIDEOS Location Bethesda, Maryland Background Since 1996 a series of videos about pedestrian safety has been created for playing on public access channels in Maryland. These videos are designed to educate the public about barriers to pe- destrian safety. Solution Each month a specific issue or case study is highlighted in a twenty-eight minute episode. Issues are brought to light by ex- perts, advocates, planners, engineers, and public officials and in- terviews on topics have been conducted in all fifty states, Canada, five European countries, and Australia and New Zealand. Some issues include pedestrian infrastructure, planning in coordination with transit, and hazards confronting pedestrians. 33 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROGRAMS
  • 34. Result and Application for Milwaukee Over 120 public access cable stations carry the episodes each month in addition to a DISH Network channel. Viewers include both citizens and public officials. Moreover, the videos are ar- chived online and the website received over 100,000 visitors per year. The program is now archived on Google Video at: http:// ns%22 CASE STUDY 5: WALK THERE! CHALLENGE Location Atlanta, Georgia Background It was noted that most citizens of Atlanta do not consider walking as a means of transportation for shorter, neighborhood trips. To promote health and sustainability, and reduce traffic congestion, Atlanta’s Downtown Transportation Management Association de- veloped an education program to encourage walking. Solution As part of the “Let’s Walk Downtown” plan, the “Walk There!” challenge was created. The challenge was for members of the State Legislature, City Council, and Mayor’s Office to walk instead of drive. Those elected officials who joined the team also par- ticipated in promotional events to raise awareness of the heath, environmental, and social benefits of walking. Free pedometers Above: The Walk There Challenge were given out to participants who then tracked the number of is an ongoing program through steps they took each week. In addition to the challenge, walking the City of Atlanta. maps with sites within easy walking distance to downtown were created and distributed. Result The challenge was taken by many elected officials with almost 2,000 pedometers being distributed. The challenge was also followed closely by the local media. It was so successful that an expansion of the challenge is currently being developed. CASE STUDY 6: BILINGUAL SCHOOL EDUCATION Location San Diego, California Background Though there was some pedestrian education already in schools, it was noted that this education was lacking and missing the target with English as a Second Language (ESL) students. A PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 34
  • 35. pedestrian child safety training program was created for a bilin- gual low-income school where the majority of the children walked to school. Solution A pedestrian education curriculum was developed, translated, and presented in both English and Spanish. Moreover, standard videos and images typically used for presentations were replaced with images from the students’ own neighborhoods making the presentation more interactive for students. Result and Application for Milwaukee Post-presentation survey and analysis (two weeks after) indi- cated that students retained the information better than when presentations were not retrofitted. The students’ notion that their parents, Safety Patrol, and siblings were responsible for their Above: A neighborhood image safety was overcome to help them realize they themselves must used in the school education pro- be responsible pedestrians. Moreover, the thought that “Cars will gram. The image shows students always stop for kids” was challenged and the students realized inappropriately crossing the street without looking for oncom- that this is not always the case. ing traffic 35 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES PROGRAMS
  • 36. POLICY BEST PRACTICES POLICIES The policy best practices are long-term solutions to enhance the 1. LOCAL COMPLETE pedestrian realm. Some policies take immediate action to impact STREETS the physical nature of a space or an entire municipality. Other 2. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL policies take aim at a social, behavioral problem that training, ed- EDUCATION ucation, and reinforcement of good practice is hopeful to change. 3. PEDESTRIAN AND Some solutions are directly applicable while others offer pieces BICYCLE TRAVEL POLICY which might be compatible in Milwaukee. While this list is not 4. CORRIDOR TRAFFIC comprehensive, these six policy case studies are intended to give CALMING an idea of the wide range of possible policy solutions the City of 5. TRAFFIC OFFICER Milwaukee must consider. TRAINING 6. INJURY PREVENTION CASE STUDY 1: LOCAL COMPLETE STREETS PROGRAM Location Throughout the nation Background Streets designed with only the car in mind limit the option of mode choice in mobility. These types of streets can be danger- ous for bicyclists and pedestrians due to their lack of amenities offered for these mode types. In order to plan for and fund all modes of transportation, the National Complete Street Coalition was formed and as a result, the complete streets policy move- ment has been adopted by municipalities nationwide. Above: The National Complete Streets Coalition is the founder Solution and all-knowing source for Com- One solution to an automobile oriented street construction policy plete Streets has been the introduction of “complete streets” policies. Complete Streets policies have been adopted throughout the nation at the state and local levels through ordinances and resolutions through quasi-public agencies, and through comprehensive plans and de- sign manuals. These policies ensure that all users of the streets are kept in mind when constructing or improving a street. The general policy framework for complete streets policies includes seven elements: a vision; specifics on all end users; a compre- hensive transportation network outside of the project area; ap- plicability for all agencies and all roads; applicability for all proj- ects; approval of exceptions; design criteria; context-sensitive solutions; performance measures and implementation strategies. This comprehensive approach ensures a complete policy in which all users are kept in mind and all departments know the approach as they work on individual projects. Above: A complete street in Port- land, Oregon accommodates the Result and Application for Milwaukee automobile, bicycle, and pedes- The passing of Complete Streets policies has resulted in several trian in the right-of-way. benefits which include: improved safety; easing of automobile congestion; help children; improved air quality and fiscal rewards. Specifically, the City of Seattle, WA adopted a complete streets PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 36
  • 37. ordinance requiring all Seattle DOT projects to implement com- plete streets and specifies all transportation funding sources be drawn from for the implementation of the policy. Seattle also includes critical elements of operations and maintenance in its policy so regular improvements can be made to the existing in- frastructure. CASE STUDY 2: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDUCATION Location Orange County, Florida Background After a series of crashes involving school-aged children, Orange County realized a lack of safe pedestrian training for students in its schools. A safety team was formed, comprised of the Sheriff’s Office safety specialist, staff from Police and Fire departments, engineering specialists, the local school board, and advocacy organizations to educate and train students Solution Within the elementary age, there was a big push to promote “Walk Your Child to School Day” to help facilitate parents to be a teacher to their children of safe pedestrian habits. Moreover, a pedestrian component was added to Safety Villages that were already in place. Safety Villages are opportunities for public figures such as police officers and firefighters to engage with students and teach them general safety around the house and when out in public. With older students of the Middle and High School age, safe pe- destrian habits were taught through different media formats and both active and passive teaching. These included direct in-class Above: Students attract attention curriculum taught by teachers, presentations by safety officials, to their new pedestrian training videos, and also posters. program by walking the streets Result and Application for Milwaukee The process to develop the curriculum took one and a half years. It was accomplished by education specialists, law enforcement, engineers, and emergency services. An accurate, balanced, and consistent message about safety and a clarification of vague pedestrian laws (i.e. “what constitutes jaywalking?”) was ac- complished. CASE STUDY 3: PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE TRAVEL POLICY Location The State of Kentucky Background After the USDOT passed “Design Guidance Accommodating Bicy- cle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach,” the State 37 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES POLICIES
  • 38. of Kentucky created the Pedestrian and Bicycle Design Guidance Task Force. The goal of the Task Force was to help guide the Ken- tucky Transportation Cabinet by creating policies regarding when, where, and how to implement bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Solution The Task Force was able to have design guidelines signed in as official order, which took a year of monthly meetings to de- velop. The guidelines ensure that with all new and reconstruct- ed roadways pedestrians and bicyclists are kept in mind. These guidelines give designers specific criteria to consider for accom- modating pedestrians, including land use, existing transportation networks, transit stops, and public demand. Result and Application for Milwaukee Through the passing of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel Policy, not only has the safety of pedestrian and bicyclists increased, but so has non-motorized travel. In just three years the number of bicycle boarding’s on city buses in Louisville grew six fold. It is also expected that this policy will reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve air quality in the state. CASE STUDY 4: CORRIDOR TRAFFIC CALMING Location Albemarle, Virginia Background Residents in the Forest Lakes community of Albemarle were tired of the speeding cut-thru traffic on their major streets. A survey determined this concern was valid and indeed harming the community and a solution to the cut-thru speeding traffic was sought. A committee with a number of residents and representa- tives from the Department of Transportation, police department, fire department, and the school board was developed and tasked with generating a solution for the community. Solution As a solution to the cut-thru speeding, a number of improve- ments for the area were identified. These included speed bumps, white road edge markings, pavement markings, and pedestrian signs. School buses were also contributing to the speeding issue and the school board agreed to ensure that the posted speed limit would be followed by bus drivers. Result and Application for Milwaukee During an informal survey process evaluating the potential imple- mentation of the solutions, there was nearly unanimous support PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 38
  • 39. for the new improvements. A DOT representative congratulated the initiative taken by community members to bring a pressing issue to light, saying the Department would not have made the improvements if the community had not spoken up. CASE STUDY 5: TRAFFIC OFFICE TRAINING Location Madison, Wisconsin Background It was recognized that traffic officers had not been trained on pe- destrian issues which included both safety and pedestrian laws. Additionally, there was a noted lack of discussion about pedes- trian issues during driver education courses. Solution A safety training DVD for officers was developed by a member of the traffic enforcement safety team within the Madison Police Department. After being used to train officers, the DVD was then modified appropriately for viewing by the general public. Copies of this DVD were distributed to high school and private driver education instructors and AAA. Additionally, training was developed to be presented by officers to companies that spend significant amounts of time on the road. Above: A training video from the Madison Police Department Result and Application for Milwaukee depicts a common confusing sce- Traffic officers are now more versed in both pedestrian safety nario for pedestrians and traffic and laws. Additionally, more time is spent by driver education instructors on pedestrian related issues. Due to the successful- ness of the DVD, the city is now working to create a training book which will help in training the public in the future. CASE STUDY 6: INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM Location Miami-Dade County, Florida Background In the state of Florida, Miami-Dade County had the highest num- ber of pedestrian injuries. Moreover, it is the third highest in the nation. Recognizing this, and the associated costs of the prob- lem presented, the Florida DOT lookedfor the causes, effects, and then solutions to the high pedestrian injury rate. Solution The initial steps of the cause, effect and solution identification process was to analyze hospital records of those injured, conduct crash scene visits, speak with patients and their families directly 39 BEST PRACTICE CASE STUDIES POLICIES
  • 40. and conduct police interviews to find any commonalities between pedestrian crashes. It was discovered that many sites had issues regarding obstructed views and long distances between marked intersections. It was also noted that 293 of the crashes were with pedestrians under the age of 14. As a policy, Miami-Dade County developed an injury prevention program and implemented it in 184 elementary schools. The program was taught to students for a half-hour session once per week over a 4 week period. Result and Application for Milwaukee With the utilization of pre and post tests it was discovered that gains in pedestrian knowledge was maintained for at least a three month period- when the second post test was conducted. The Above: Children participate in a number of children admitted to a Level 1 trauma center in Miami- safe pedestrian program. Dade as a result of a pedestrian injury dropped from ninety-three to just fifty-two in a three year span. PEDESTRIAN PLANNING: MILWAUKEE BEST PRACTICE’S FOR PEDESTRIAN POLICIES, PROGRAMS, AND PROJECTS 40
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. MILWAUKEE SITE SELECTION The Milwaukee Site Selection is the first step in the research pro- cess. It was conducted to decide which two focus areas the Plan- ning Group would focus on for pedestrian improvements. To Begin, data was gathered for the past three years of auto- pe- destrian crashes from the Milwaukee Police Department’s (MPD) interactive mapping website, “Compass”. This data contained populated fields that displayed detailed information about each crash. After analyzing the data it became apparent that the ad- dress locations of the crashes needed to be cleaned in order for ArcMap to geocode the crash locations. A customized address locator was created based-off of the Milwaukee DIME file roads layer from Map Milwaukee. After reviewing the geocoded results to ensure data location ac- curacy, a point density geoprocessing tool was utilized to gain fur- ther understanding of crash clustering effects over the last three years(essentially a hotspot analysis technique). Upon creation of this image, a summary output file was created that counted the number of crashes at the same location. Each location with a summary of greater than two crashes was analyzed to determine if it fell within an area that the hotspot image determined as a frequent crash location. If it did fall within this area it was further examined for such criteria as: number in intersecting streets, number of crashes, alternate transportation access, speed limits, and land use. If the location fell outside a hotspot, it was dis- missed from further analysis. After compiling the crash records, the results indi- cated that over the last three years, two sites had a total of five crashes and one with a total of four crashes. The two sites chosen were North 91st Street & West Silver Spring Drive, and at South 6th Street & West Lincoln Avenue. The reasons why these sites where chosen above the rest is because of their high crash counts, variety of uses, structures near the street, and the framework of these streets are typical throughout Milwaukee, making a model more adaptable to other parts of the city in future studies. Once the site selection process was complete, the group was able to conduct research on best prac- tice case studies to determine which projects, pro- grams, and policies were best applicable to the two Milwaukee sites. 43 MILWAUKEE SITE SELECTION
  • 46.
  • 47. TARGET AREA A 91ST AND SILVER SPRING Upon completion of the GIS analysis, the intersection of N 91st Street & W Silver Spring Drive (CTH E) in the north side of Mil- waukee was one of the two sites used to conduct research on best practices. This site, along with the intersection of N 35th Street & W Capitol Drive (STH 190), was the intersection with the highest pedestrian crash rates in the City of Milwaukee. This intersection has an annual average traffic count of 19,700 and posted speed limits of 35 miles per hour on 91st Street and 40 miles per hour on Silver Spring Drive. This intersection has a similar framework as other intersections seen throughout the City of Milwaukee. SITE SELECTION Image from the Wisconsin De- The map to the right, titled “Crash Location: N. 91st St. and W. partment of Transportation’s Silver Spring Ave.” is an aerial view that displays the orientation 2009 “Wisconsin Highway Traffic and the land uses surrounding the intersection. Volume Data” The map on page 48 titled “Crash Frequency: N. 91st St. and W. Silver Spring Ave.” displays the crash frequency for the intersection of S. 91st St. and W. Silver Spring Ave. When cal- culating the frequency the ArcGIS program calculates the number of points (crashes) with in a 1/4 mile radius. The output of the point density tool is an image with a color ramp dis- playing greater number of crashes in the area as a darker color, i.e. blue. Because this inter- section has such a high number of crashes, and in tern a high number of points, a ratio of 1:1 (points to crashes), enabled this location to have a high density of crashes. 47 TARGET AREAS AREA A: 91st STREET & SILVER SPRING DRIVE
  • 49. WALK SCORE The Walk Score for the neighborhoods around the intersection of 91st and Silver Spring is comprised of the Silver Swan Neighbor- hood and the Valhalla neighborhood. The table on the right indi- cates where each of these neighborhoods ranks amongst Milwau- kee neighborhoods. The Silver Swan neighborhood score is 50. It has a population of 3,208 people which is .02% of Milwaukee’s population. Valhalla is ranked 135 and has a score of 46. It con- tains 0.7% of Milwaukee’s population, or 4,301 people. The overall Walk Score for the area is a car-dependent 38. The maps and charts below show a fifteen minute walk to the various services in the areas. Because of the low number of intersections in the area and long block lengths, this area is ranked negatively on pedestrian friendliness. While it does have high scores for walking distance to schools (Bryant Elementary only) and bank- ing (Chase ATM), it ranks poorly in terms of grocery stores and restaurant choices which are not fast food. Providing access to better food choices is one way Milwaukee can encourage walking and promote a healthier lifestyle for its residents. In addition, by locating smaller scale neighborhood services within shorter distances, the City can better connect people to other modes of transportation and increase the frequency of walking. Better urban design of block lengths and street amenities will provide a safer, less car- dependent walking experience at 91st and Silver Spring. 49 TARGET AREAS AREA A: 91st STREET & SILVER SPRING DRIVE