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Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy
gestational diabetes | type 2 diabetes | type 1 diabetes mellitus
Dr. Shashikiran Umakanth
Professor & Head, Medicine
Dr. TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi
Manipal University
Why is diabetes important in
 Women with gestational diabetes are an ideal group for
primary prevention of diabetes
 Women with GDM are at an increased risk of type 2 DM in
 Their children are at high risk
 Even subsequent generations!
Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy
Glucose Metabolism in Pregnancy
Normal pregnancy is characterized by
Insulin Resistance in Pregnancy
 Insulin resistance (IR) increases due to
 Hormones by placenta
 Human placental lactogen (hPL)
 Human placental growth hormone (hPGH)
 Growth hormone, Progesterone, etc.
 Increased calorie intake, reduced exercise etc.
 Insulin resistance increases as pregnancy progresses…
Hormonal Changes in Pregnancy
Adipokines: Role in GDM
 Adipokines: leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α, interleukin-6,
 TNF-α impairs insulin signaling by
 increasing serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate
 diminishing insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase activity
 Low adiponectin levels correlate highly with insulin
resistance in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and GDM
Barbour LA, et al. Cellular Mechanisms for Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007 Jul;
30(Supplement 2): S112-S119
Why is there IR in pregnancy?
 To ensure adequate glucose and nutrients to the foetus
 especially in 3rd trimester (70% fetal growth)
 However, in about 4-14% pregnant women
 Maternal hyperglycemia occurs when pancreatic function is
not sufficient to overcome this insulin resistance
Glucose Homeostasis
 Balance between
 insulin resistance &
 insulin secretion
 In normal pregnancy,
hepatic glucose production
increases by 30% in 3rd
 Even more in the obese
Catalano PM, Tyzbir ED, Wolfe RR, et al: Longitudinal changes in basal hepatic glucose production and suppression during insulin
infusion in normal pregnant women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167:913-919, 1992.
Mother Foetus Neonate Child
Macrosomia Hypoglycemia
Pedersen Hypothesis
Effect on Mother & Child
Pedersen Hypothesis
 Formulated >50 years ago
 Increased transplacental transfer of glucose, stimulating the release
of insulin by the fetal beta cell, beta cell hyperplasia, and subsequent
 Recent developments
 Role of lipids - especially triglycerides, free fatty acids –
transplacental transfer – increased fat mass
 Explains macrosomia in spite of good glycemic control in few cases
 Role of insulin (in preventing macrosomia)
Catalano PM, Hauguel-De Mouzon S. Is it time to revisit the Pedersen hypothesis in the face of the obesity epidemic? Am J Obstet
Gynecol. 2011 Jun;204(6):479-87.
Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy
Whom to screen for diabetes?
 Two modes of screening
 Selective
 Universal
 Universal screening for GDM detects more cases and
improves maternal and offspring prognosis
E. Cosson et al: Screening and insulin sensitivity in gestational
diabetes. Abstract volume of the 40th Annual Meeting of the EASD,
September 2004, A 350.
Selective Screening- Risk factors for GDM
 Previous history of GDM or
glucose intolerance
 Family history of diabetes
 Previous macrosomia (>4000 g)
 Previous unexplained stillbirth
 Previous neonatal
hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, or
 Advanced maternal age
 Obesity
 Polyhydramnios
 Suspected macrosomia
 Bad obstetric history
 Ethnic group - Indians
Screening in India…
 Screening is essential in all pregnant women
 Indian women have a 11-fold increased risk of developing
glucose intolerance during pregnancy as compared to
Caucasian women
Dornhost A, Paterson CM, Nicholls JS, Wadsworth J, Chiu DC, Elkeles RS, Johnston DG, Beard RW: High prevalence of GDM in women
from ethnic minority groups. Diabetic Med 1992: 9 (9): 820-2.
When to screen?
 Universal screening is done at 24-28 weeks
 However, it is preferable to screen in the first antenatal
visit itself to detect undiagnosed type 2 DM (overt DM)
 Recent trend is to check HbA1c in the first trimester itself to
diagnose overt DM
 If HbA1c ≥ 5.9% – high risk of GDM, screen repeatedly
 If HbA1c ≥ 6.5% – T2DM
History of GDM Screening
 1960s: O’Sullivan et al. 3-hour 100g OGTT
 1980: International panels. 2-hour 75g OGTT
 1999: WHO 2-hour 75g OGTT
 ADA and US NDDG continued with O’Sullivan method
 2008: IADPSG. 2-hour 75-g OGTT
Most common guidelines (GDM)
Organization Year FBS
WHO 1999 ≥ 126 75g NR ≥ 140 NR
ACOG 2011 ≥ 95 100g ≥ 180 ≥ 155 ≥ 140
IADPSG 2010 ≥ 92 75g ≥ 180 ≥ 153 NR
WHO 2013 92 - 125 75g ≥ 180 153 - 200 NR
Indian Guidelines (DIPSI)
 Random test
 75g glucose, orally
 Test after 2-hr
 If ≥ 140 mg/dL, diagnostic of GDM
Gestational Diabetes mellitus – Indian Guidelines, Journal of Indian medical Association Nov 2009; 107 (11): 799 – 806
Organization Year FBS
WHO 1999 ≥ 126 75g NR ≥ 140 NR
DIPSI Guidelines
Kolkata Declaration
How to Screen? 2-step approach
75g glucose
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
if 1-hr blood glucose
50g glucose
Glucose challenge test
(GCT), Spot test
Classification: DM in pregnancy
 Overt Diabetes
(T2DM unmasked by pregnancy)
 FBS ≥ 126mg/dL (first
antenatal visit)
 RBS ≥ 200mg/dL
 HbA1c ≥ 6.5%
 Gestational Diabetes
 FBS ≥ 92mg/dL (at any
gestational age)
 75gm GTT (24-28wk)
 1-hr ≥ 180mg/dL
 2-hr ≥ 153mg/dL
 any one abnormal value
Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy
Adverse Outcomes with Diabetes
 Preeclampsia
 Infections, recurrent
 Hydramnios
 Fetal macrosomia
 Fetal organomegaly (hepatomegaly,
 Birth trauma
 Perinatal mortality
 Neonate: respiratory problems and
metabolic complications –
hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia
 Long-term: obesity and diabetes
during childhood, impaired fine and
gross motor functions, and higher
rates of inattention & hyperactivity
 Mother: Up to 40% likelihood of
developing diabetes later in life
Additional Complications in
Overt Diabetes
 Hyperglycemia is present during organogenesis too
 increased miscarriages
 congenital abnormalities
 Diabetic complications - slight increase in progression
 Retinopathy
 Nephropathy
 Ketoacidosis (T1DM) - increased risk
Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy
Management of “Overt” Diabetes
 At diagnosis: Detailed assessment for DM complications
 especially complications which can affect pregnancy or be
aggravated by it
 retinopathy
 renal impairment
 During pregnancy: More intensive monitoring and treatment
 After delivery: Closer follow-up and ongoing monitoring and
Metabolic Management of
Diabetes in Pregnancy
 Diet Advice (MNT)
 Glucose Monitoring
 Pharmacological Therapy
 Peripartum management
 Goals of therapy:
 Achieve normoglycemia
 Prevent ketosis
 Provide adequate weight gain
 Contribute to fetal well-being
Diet Advice
 A typical meal plan: 3 small-to-moderate sized meals and 2-4
 Carbohydrates: about 40% of calories (20% protein, 40% fats, less
saturated fats)
 Calorie requirement for the present pregnant weight
 ideal body weight: 30 kcal/kg/day
 overweight: 22-25 kcal/kg/day
 morbidly obese: 12-14 kcal/kg/day
 underweight: 40 kcal/kg/day
Glucose Monitoring
 Ideally 4 times in a day,
everyday, at home (SMBG)
 once fasting
 once each, 2-hr after major
 Practically?
 Targets
 FBS < 95mg/dL
 1-hr < 140mg/dL
 2-hr < 120mg/dL
Glucose Monitoring - HbA1c
 Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
 Useful to detect overt diabetes in early pregnancy
 Generally lower in pregnant than non-pregnant
 reduced RBC lifespan, increased RBC mass
 relative iron deficiency
 A general idea of control, but too crude to guide insulin
Pharmacological Therapy
 When diet management is inadequate
 Sometimes, selected oral anti-diabetic drugs
 Human Insulin
 Regular insulin
 Premixed insulin
 Usual requirement:
 0.5 - 2.0 units/kg
 Short-acting analogues
 Insulin Lispro (Class B)
 Insulin Aspart (Class B)
 Long-acting analogues
 Insulin Detemir (Class B)
 Insulin Glargine? (Class C)
Insulin analogues are viable therapeutic options for diabetes in
pregnancy, specifically lispro, aspart and detemir.
Insulin in GDM
 Clinical inertia!
 Reasonable time on dietary interventions alone: 1-2 wk
(waiting longer does not improve control further)
 Most effective period to reduce macrosomia incidence is
from 24 to 33 weeks - insulin is essential
Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, et al: Effect of treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus on pregnancy outcomes.
N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2477-2486. (ACHOIS trial)
Insulin initiation
 One principle:
 Start with the simplest regimen
 Increase the complexity as needed
 Hospitalization is not mandatory, but is sometimes
Insulin in Pregnancy
 In overt (pregestational) diabetes, insulin requirement
reduces in first trimester (10-25%)
 Gradually rises to reach an increase of 30%-150% of pre-
pregnant requirement by end of third trimester
 Usual requirement: 0.7 u/kg/day in first trimester
 Additional bedtime snack to avoid nocturnal
Hypoglycemia management
 Severe hypoglycemia is uncommon in women with GDM
 If mild, treated by administering 10 to 20 g of a mixed protein
and carbohydrate snack immediately.
 Pure simple sugar use leads to
 rapid elevation of glucose
 followed by rapid decline
 Frequent or severe hypoglycemia needs insulin dose reduction
Oral anti-diabetics
 Metformin: Established safety in PCOS pregnancies, can
also be used in others
 Crosses placenta, levels may be higher in foetus than mother
 No long term follow-up studies
Oral anti-diabetics
 Glibenclamide (glyburide): Recently increasing use. Some
groups advice caution.
 Generally well tolerated, no fetal hypoglycemia
 But long-term follow-up studies are not available
Langer O, Conway DL, Berkus MD, Xenakis EM, Gonzales O. A comparison of glyburide and insulin in women with gestational diabetes
mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2000;343(16):1134
Moore TR: Glyburide for the treatment of gestational diabetes: A critical appraisal. Diabetes Care 2007; 30:S209-S213.
Both metformin and glyburide (glibenclamide) are suitable for use in
the management of GDM because of good glycemic control.
However, glyburide (glibenclamide) treatment is associated with
increased risk of
• neonatal hypoglycemia
• high maternal weight gain
• high neonatal birth weight, and
• macrosomia.
At short term, in women with gestational diabetes requiring drug
treatment, glibenclamide is clearly inferior to both insulin and
metformin, while metformin (plus insulin when required) performs
slightly better than insulin. According to these results, glibenclamide
should not be used for the treatment of women with gestational
diabetes if insulin or metformin is available.
For metformin, results were better for maternal outcomes in terms
of weight gain and pregnancy induced hypertension but uneven for
fetal outcomes: more preterm birth and less severe neonatal
hypoglycaemia. It is important to bear in mind, however, that
metformin is associated with a higher rate of treatment failure and
that its long term safety remains unknown.
Other oral
Kelley KW, Carroll DG, Meyer A. A review of
current treatment strategies for gestational
diabetes mellitus. Drugs in Context.
2015;4:212282. doi:10.7573/dic.212282.
AMPK activators
 AMP-activated protein kinase
 central regulator of energy homeostasis
 coordinates metabolic pathways
 balances nutrient supply with energy demand
 Activation results in favourable metabolic outcomes
AMPK activators: mechanisms of action and physiological activities. Exp Mol Med. 2016 Apr; 48(4): e224.
 Metformin, thiazolidinediones
 Ginsenosides, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)
 Polyphenols
 Direct activators like
 Salicylates
 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR)
 Thienopyridone (A-769662)
 benzimidazole (Compound 911)
AMPK activators
Peripartum management
 Avoid maternal hyperglycemia during labour, to reduce
 fetal acidosis
 neonatal asphyxia
 neonatal hypoglycemia
Intrapartum glycemic management
 Withhold morning dose of insulin
 Plan induction or Caesarean delivery early in the day
 Start 5% dextrose infusion - 100 mL/hr
 Start a separate regular insulin infusion - 0.5 U/hr
 Hourly blood glucose measurement
 Adjust insulin as per blood glucose
 Maintain between 80-110 mg/dL
Insulin infusion titration
 Intrapartum period: titrate
insulin dose
 hourly blood glucose
 when rate has to increase,
give 2-5 U bolus IV
 Glucose and insulin
Blood glucose
<80 -
80-100 0.5
101-140 1
141-180 1.5
181-220 2
>220 2.5
Intrapartum glucose control
Goal: 80-110 mg/dL
Blood glucose
IV insulin
IV fluid solution
Start of labour HOLD start NS infusion
<70 HOLD
5%D @ 100-150 mL/hr
until glucose 100mg/dL
regular insulin @
1.25 u/hr
5%D @ 100 mL/hr
until glucose 100mg/dL
ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists. Number 60, March 2005. Pregestational
diabetes mellitus. Obstet Gynecol 2005; 105:675.
Postpartum period
 GDM: insulin requirement reduces drastically and can be
 T2DM: insulin can be continued as per need with frequent
 oral drugs may be started before discharge
 However, insulin is safer as it does not enter breast milk
 T1DM: honeymoon period common and insulin requirement
will reduce temporarily
Long term management
 As GDM poses a 40% risk of T2DM later, life style changes
are strongly recommended
Thank you

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Diabetes in Pregnancy

  • 1. Diabetes Mellitus & Pregnancy gestational diabetes | type 2 diabetes | type 1 diabetes mellitus Dr. Shashikiran Umakanth Professor & Head, Medicine Dr. TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi Manipal University
  • 2. Why is diabetes important in pregnancy?  Women with gestational diabetes are an ideal group for primary prevention of diabetes  Women with GDM are at an increased risk of type 2 DM in future  Their children are at high risk  Even subsequent generations!
  • 5. Glucose Metabolism in Pregnancy Normal pregnancy is characterized by Hyper- insulinemia Insulin Resistance
  • 6. Insulin Resistance in Pregnancy  Insulin resistance (IR) increases due to  Hormones by placenta  Human placental lactogen (hPL)  Human placental growth hormone (hPGH)  Growth hormone, Progesterone, etc.  Increased calorie intake, reduced exercise etc.  Insulin resistance increases as pregnancy progresses…
  • 8. Adipokines: Role in GDM  Adipokines: leptin, adiponectin, TNF-α, interleukin-6, resistin  TNF-α impairs insulin signaling by  increasing serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1  diminishing insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase activity  Low adiponectin levels correlate highly with insulin resistance in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and GDM Barbour LA, et al. Cellular Mechanisms for Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007 Jul; 30(Supplement 2): S112-S119
  • 9. Why is there IR in pregnancy?  To ensure adequate glucose and nutrients to the foetus  especially in 3rd trimester (70% fetal growth)  However, in about 4-14% pregnant women  Maternal hyperglycemia occurs when pancreatic function is not sufficient to overcome this insulin resistance
  • 10. Glucose Homeostasis  Balance between  insulin resistance &  insulin secretion  In normal pregnancy, hepatic glucose production increases by 30% in 3rd trimester  Even more in the obese Catalano PM, Tyzbir ED, Wolfe RR, et al: Longitudinal changes in basal hepatic glucose production and suppression during insulin infusion in normal pregnant women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167:913-919, 1992.
  • 11. Mother Foetus Neonate Child insulin glucose glucose insulin Macrosomia Hypoglycemia RDS Obesity IGT Diabetes Pedersen Hypothesis Effect on Mother & Child
  • 12. Pedersen Hypothesis  Formulated >50 years ago  Increased transplacental transfer of glucose, stimulating the release of insulin by the fetal beta cell, beta cell hyperplasia, and subsequent macrosomia  Recent developments  Role of lipids - especially triglycerides, free fatty acids – transplacental transfer – increased fat mass  Explains macrosomia in spite of good glycemic control in few cases  Role of insulin (in preventing macrosomia) Catalano PM, Hauguel-De Mouzon S. Is it time to revisit the Pedersen hypothesis in the face of the obesity epidemic? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Jun;204(6):479-87.
  • 14. Whom to screen for diabetes?  Two modes of screening  Selective  Universal  Universal screening for GDM detects more cases and improves maternal and offspring prognosis E. Cosson et al: Screening and insulin sensitivity in gestational diabetes. Abstract volume of the 40th Annual Meeting of the EASD, September 2004, A 350.
  • 15. Selective Screening- Risk factors for GDM  Previous history of GDM or glucose intolerance  Family history of diabetes  Previous macrosomia (>4000 g)  Previous unexplained stillbirth  Previous neonatal hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, or hyperbilirubinemia  Advanced maternal age  Obesity  Polyhydramnios  Suspected macrosomia  Bad obstetric history  PCOD  Ethnic group - Indians
  • 16. Screening in India…  Screening is essential in all pregnant women  Indian women have a 11-fold increased risk of developing glucose intolerance during pregnancy as compared to Caucasian women Dornhost A, Paterson CM, Nicholls JS, Wadsworth J, Chiu DC, Elkeles RS, Johnston DG, Beard RW: High prevalence of GDM in women from ethnic minority groups. Diabetic Med 1992: 9 (9): 820-2.
  • 17. When to screen?  Universal screening is done at 24-28 weeks  However, it is preferable to screen in the first antenatal visit itself to detect undiagnosed type 2 DM (overt DM)  Recent trend is to check HbA1c in the first trimester itself to diagnose overt DM  If HbA1c ≥ 5.9% – high risk of GDM, screen repeatedly  If HbA1c ≥ 6.5% – T2DM
  • 18. History of GDM Screening  1960s: O’Sullivan et al. 3-hour 100g OGTT  1980: International panels. 2-hour 75g OGTT  1999: WHO 2-hour 75g OGTT  ADA and US NDDG continued with O’Sullivan method  2008: IADPSG. 2-hour 75-g OGTT
  • 19. Most common guidelines (GDM) Organization Year FBS Glucose Challenge 1-h Glucose 2-h glucose 3-h glucose WHO 1999 ≥ 126 75g NR ≥ 140 NR ACOG 2011 ≥ 95 100g ≥ 180 ≥ 155 ≥ 140 IADPSG 2010 ≥ 92 75g ≥ 180 ≥ 153 NR WHO 2013 92 - 125 75g ≥ 180 153 - 200 NR
  • 20. Indian Guidelines (DIPSI)  Random test  75g glucose, orally  Test after 2-hr  If ≥ 140 mg/dL, diagnostic of GDM Gestational Diabetes mellitus – Indian Guidelines, Journal of Indian medical Association Nov 2009; 107 (11): 799 – 806 Organization Year FBS Glucose Challenge 1-h Glucose 2-h glucose 3-h glucose WHO 1999 ≥ 126 75g NR ≥ 140 NR DIPSI Guidelines Kolkata Declaration 2010
  • 21. How to Screen? 2-step approach 1 2 75g glucose Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) if 1-hr blood glucose >140mg/dL 50g glucose Glucose challenge test (GCT), Spot test
  • 22. Classification: DM in pregnancy  Overt Diabetes (T2DM unmasked by pregnancy)  FBS ≥ 126mg/dL (first antenatal visit)  RBS ≥ 200mg/dL  HbA1c ≥ 6.5%  Gestational Diabetes (pregnancy-related)  FBS ≥ 92mg/dL (at any gestational age)  75gm GTT (24-28wk)  1-hr ≥ 180mg/dL  2-hr ≥ 153mg/dL  any one abnormal value
  • 24. Adverse Outcomes with Diabetes  Preeclampsia  Infections, recurrent  Hydramnios  Fetal macrosomia  Fetal organomegaly (hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly)  Birth trauma  Perinatal mortality  Neonate: respiratory problems and metabolic complications – hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia etc.  Long-term: obesity and diabetes during childhood, impaired fine and gross motor functions, and higher rates of inattention & hyperactivity  Mother: Up to 40% likelihood of developing diabetes later in life
  • 25. Additional Complications in Overt Diabetes  Hyperglycemia is present during organogenesis too  increased miscarriages  congenital abnormalities  Diabetic complications - slight increase in progression  Retinopathy  Nephropathy  Ketoacidosis (T1DM) - increased risk
  • 27. Management of “Overt” Diabetes  At diagnosis: Detailed assessment for DM complications  especially complications which can affect pregnancy or be aggravated by it  retinopathy  renal impairment  During pregnancy: More intensive monitoring and treatment  After delivery: Closer follow-up and ongoing monitoring and treatment
  • 28. Metabolic Management of Diabetes in Pregnancy  Diet Advice (MNT)  Glucose Monitoring  Pharmacological Therapy  Peripartum management  Goals of therapy:  Achieve normoglycemia  Prevent ketosis  Provide adequate weight gain  Contribute to fetal well-being
  • 29. Diet Advice  A typical meal plan: 3 small-to-moderate sized meals and 2-4 snacks  Carbohydrates: about 40% of calories (20% protein, 40% fats, less saturated fats)  Calorie requirement for the present pregnant weight  ideal body weight: 30 kcal/kg/day  overweight: 22-25 kcal/kg/day  morbidly obese: 12-14 kcal/kg/day  underweight: 40 kcal/kg/day
  • 30. Glucose Monitoring  Ideally 4 times in a day, everyday, at home (SMBG)  once fasting  once each, 2-hr after major meals  Practically?  Targets  FBS < 95mg/dL  1-hr < 140mg/dL  2-hr < 120mg/dL
  • 31. Glucose Monitoring - HbA1c  Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)  Useful to detect overt diabetes in early pregnancy  Generally lower in pregnant than non-pregnant  reduced RBC lifespan, increased RBC mass  relative iron deficiency  A general idea of control, but too crude to guide insulin adjustment
  • 32. Pharmacological Therapy  When diet management is inadequate  INSULIN  Sometimes, selected oral anti-diabetic drugs
  • 33. Insulin  Human Insulin  Regular insulin  Premixed insulin  Usual requirement:  0.5 - 2.0 units/kg  Short-acting analogues  Insulin Lispro (Class B)  Insulin Aspart (Class B)  Long-acting analogues  Insulin Detemir (Class B)  Insulin Glargine? (Class C)
  • 34. Insulin analogues are viable therapeutic options for diabetes in pregnancy, specifically lispro, aspart and detemir.
  • 35.
  • 36. Insulin in GDM  Clinical inertia!  Reasonable time on dietary interventions alone: 1-2 wk (waiting longer does not improve control further)  Most effective period to reduce macrosomia incidence is from 24 to 33 weeks - insulin is essential Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, et al: Effect of treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus on pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2477-2486. (ACHOIS trial)
  • 37. Insulin initiation  One principle:  Start with the simplest regimen  Increase the complexity as needed  Hospitalization is not mandatory, but is sometimes necessary
  • 38. Insulin in Pregnancy  In overt (pregestational) diabetes, insulin requirement reduces in first trimester (10-25%)  Gradually rises to reach an increase of 30%-150% of pre- pregnant requirement by end of third trimester  Usual requirement: 0.7 u/kg/day in first trimester  Additional bedtime snack to avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia
  • 39.
  • 40. Hypoglycemia management  Severe hypoglycemia is uncommon in women with GDM  If mild, treated by administering 10 to 20 g of a mixed protein and carbohydrate snack immediately.  Pure simple sugar use leads to  rapid elevation of glucose  followed by rapid decline  Frequent or severe hypoglycemia needs insulin dose reduction
  • 41. Oral anti-diabetics  Metformin: Established safety in PCOS pregnancies, can also be used in others  Crosses placenta, levels may be higher in foetus than mother  No long term follow-up studies
  • 42. Oral anti-diabetics  Glibenclamide (glyburide): Recently increasing use. Some groups advice caution.  Generally well tolerated, no fetal hypoglycemia  But long-term follow-up studies are not available Langer O, Conway DL, Berkus MD, Xenakis EM, Gonzales O. A comparison of glyburide and insulin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2000;343(16):1134 Moore TR: Glyburide for the treatment of gestational diabetes: A critical appraisal. Diabetes Care 2007; 30:S209-S213.
  • 43. Both metformin and glyburide (glibenclamide) are suitable for use in the management of GDM because of good glycemic control. However, glyburide (glibenclamide) treatment is associated with increased risk of • neonatal hypoglycemia • high maternal weight gain • high neonatal birth weight, and • macrosomia.
  • 44. At short term, in women with gestational diabetes requiring drug treatment, glibenclamide is clearly inferior to both insulin and metformin, while metformin (plus insulin when required) performs slightly better than insulin. According to these results, glibenclamide should not be used for the treatment of women with gestational diabetes if insulin or metformin is available. For metformin, results were better for maternal outcomes in terms of weight gain and pregnancy induced hypertension but uneven for fetal outcomes: more preterm birth and less severe neonatal hypoglycaemia. It is important to bear in mind, however, that metformin is associated with a higher rate of treatment failure and that its long term safety remains unknown.
  • 45.
  • 46. Other oral drugs Kelley KW, Carroll DG, Meyer A. A review of current treatment strategies for gestational diabetes mellitus. Drugs in Context. 2015;4:212282. doi:10.7573/dic.212282.
  • 47. AMPK activators  AMP-activated protein kinase  central regulator of energy homeostasis  coordinates metabolic pathways  balances nutrient supply with energy demand  Activation results in favourable metabolic outcomes AMPK activators: mechanisms of action and physiological activities. Exp Mol Med. 2016 Apr; 48(4): e224.
  • 48. AMPK
  • 49.  Metformin, thiazolidinediones  Ginsenosides, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)  Polyphenols  Direct activators like  Salicylates  5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside (AICAR)  Thienopyridone (A-769662)  benzimidazole (Compound 911) AMPK activators
  • 50. Peripartum management  Avoid maternal hyperglycemia during labour, to reduce  fetal acidosis  neonatal asphyxia  neonatal hypoglycemia
  • 51. Intrapartum glycemic management  Withhold morning dose of insulin  Plan induction or Caesarean delivery early in the day  Start 5% dextrose infusion - 100 mL/hr  Start a separate regular insulin infusion - 0.5 U/hr  Hourly blood glucose measurement  Adjust insulin as per blood glucose  Maintain between 80-110 mg/dL
  • 52. Insulin infusion titration  Intrapartum period: titrate insulin dose  hourly blood glucose  when rate has to increase, give 2-5 U bolus IV  Glucose and insulin separately Blood glucose (mg/dL) Insulin (U/hr) Dextrose (mL/hr) <80 - 100 80-100 0.5 101-140 1 141-180 1.5 181-220 2 >220 2.5
  • 53. Intrapartum glucose control Goal: 80-110 mg/dL Blood glucose (mg/dL) IV insulin (units/hr) IV fluid solution Start of labour HOLD start NS infusion <70 HOLD 5%D @ 100-150 mL/hr until glucose 100mg/dL >100 regular insulin @ 1.25 u/hr 5%D @ 100 mL/hr until glucose 100mg/dL ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists. Number 60, March 2005. Pregestational diabetes mellitus. Obstet Gynecol 2005; 105:675.
  • 54. Postpartum period  GDM: insulin requirement reduces drastically and can be stopped  T2DM: insulin can be continued as per need with frequent monitoring  oral drugs may be started before discharge  However, insulin is safer as it does not enter breast milk  T1DM: honeymoon period common and insulin requirement will reduce temporarily
  • 55. Long term management  As GDM poses a 40% risk of T2DM later, life style changes are strongly recommended