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spark leadership

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01. current identity
01. current identity
02. new name
02. new name

               SPARK LEADERSHIP
02. new name

02. new name

spark 1 |spärk|
1 a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by
striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.
• a light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air.
• a discharge such as this serving to ignite the explosive mixture in an internal
combustion engine.
• a small bright object or point: there was a spark of light.
2 a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling: a tiny spark of anger flared within her.
• a sense of liveliness and excitement: there was a spark between them at their first meeting.

1 [ no obj. ] emit sparks of fire or electricity: the ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on.
• produce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted.
2 [ with obj. ] ignite: the explosion sparked a fire.
• provide the stimulus for (a dramatic event or process): the severity of the plansparked
off street protests.
02. new name

spark 1 |spärk|
1 a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by
ignition of energy
striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.
• a light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air.
striking quality helps to sharpen vision
• a discharge such as this serving to ignite the explosive mixture in an internal
combustion engine.
bright dot on the horizon
• a small bright object or point: there was a spark of light.
the click in the relation
2 a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling: a tiny spark of anger flared within her.
• a sense of liveliness and excitement: there was a spark between them at their first meeting.

1 [ no obj. ] emit sparks of fire or electricity: the ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on.
• produce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted.
2 [ with obj. ] ignite: the explosion sparked a fire.
• provide the stimulus for (a dramatic event or process): the severity of the plansparked
off street protests.
02. new name

               SPARK LEADERSHIP
02. new name

               SPARK LEADERSHIP
02. new name

lead |lēd|

verb ( past and past participle led |led| ) [ with obj. ]
1 cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, ahalter, a rope, etc., while moving forward: she emerged
leading a bay horse.
• show (someone or something) the way to a destination by going in front of or beside them: she stood up and led her friend to the door.
• be a reason or motive for (someone): nothing that I have read about the caseleads me to the conclusion that anything untoward happened | 
[ with obj. andinfinitive ] : a fascination for art led him to start a collection of paintings.
• [ no obj. ] be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction: a door leading to a better-lit corridor.
• [ no obj. ] (lead to) culminate in (a particular event): closing the plant will lead to the loss of 300 jobs.
4 have or experience (a particular way of life): she's led a completely sheltered life.
5 initiate (action in a game or contest), in particular:
• (in card games) play (the first card) in a trick or round of play.
• [ no obj. ] (lead with) Boxing make an attack with (a particular punch or fist): Adam led with a left.
• [ no obj. ] Baseball (of a base runner) advance one or more steps from the base one occupies while the pitcher has the ball: the
runner leads from first.

1 the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow: The US is nowtaking the environmental lead .
• a clue to be followed in the resolution of a problem: detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leads.
• (in card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play: it's your lead.
• the card played first in a trick or round.

2 (the lead) a position of advantage in a contest; first place: they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead .
• an amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others: the team held aslender one-goal lead.
• Baseball an advance of one or more steps taken by a base runner from the base they occupy while the pitcher has the ball.
02. new name

lead |lēd|

verb ( past and past participle led |led| ) [ with obj. ]
1 cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, ahalter, a rope, etc., while moving forward: she emerged
leading a bay horse.
• show (someone or something) the way to a destination by going in front of or beside them: she stood up and led her friend to the door.
• be a reason or motive for (someone): nothing that I have read about the caseleads me to the conclusion that anything untoward happened | 
action of leading an organization
[ with obj. andinfinitive ] : a fascination for art led him to start a collection of paintings.
• [ no obj. ] be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction: a door leading to a better-lit corridor.
• [ no obj. ] (lead to) culminate in (a particular event): closing the plant will lead to the loss of 300 jobs.
higher purpose
4 have or experience (a particular way of life): she's led a completely sheltered life.
5 initiate (action in a game or contest), in particular:
the beginning of a journey
• (in card games) play (the first card) in a trick or round of play.
• [ no obj. ] (lead with) Boxing make an attack with (a particular punch or fist): Adam led with a left.
• [ no obj. ] Baseball (of a base runner) advance one or more steps from the base one occupies while the pitcher has the ball: the
runner leads from first.

1 the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow: The US is nowtaking the environmental lead .
• a clue to be followed in the resolution of a problem: detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leads.
• (in card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play: it's your lead.
• the card played first in a trick or round.

2 (the lead) a position of advantage in a contest; first place: they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead .
• an amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others: the team held aslender one-goal lead.
• Baseball an advance of one or more steps taken by a base runner from the base they occupy while the pitcher has the ball.
03. concept #1
03. concept #1

03. concept #1

03. concept #1

                          is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

                          leads to growth
                          is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

                          only works in collaboration
                          leads to growth
                          is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

                          sum of experience and examples
                          only works in collaboration
                          leads to growth
                          is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

                         (                                )
                             sum of experience and examples
                             only works in collaboration
                             leads to growth
                             is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

                         ( +                           )
                          sum of experience and examples
                          only works in collaboration
                          leads to growth
                          is the point of ignition

03. concept #1

03. concept #1

03. concept #1

03. concept #1

03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded
03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded

                       this font is an alteration of
                       an existing font, and therefor
                       a unique look and feel.

                       it has all rounded corners
                       that gives a soft expression
03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded

          SPARK                        leadership
03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded
03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration

                                          pieter van osch
03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration

                                          rutger prent
03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration

                                          arjan vergeer
03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration

                                          better business
                                          better world
03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration
03. concept #1: dynamic logo
03. concept #1: color
03. concept #1: color

                        the origin of the
                        word comes from
                        turning green
03. concept #1: color

                        the origin of the
                        word comes from
                        turning green
03. concept #1: color

                        the origin of the
                        word comes from
                        turning green
03. concept #1: color
03. concept #1: color system / visual language
03. concept #1: color system / visual language
03. concept #1: other branding ideas
03. concept #1: other branding ideas: business cards

                                                       pieter van osch
                                                       @pyotr | 0031 655 394 395
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / banner at events


03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts

                                IN ROUGH TIMES
                                ONLY THE MOST
                                DISCIPLINED WIN
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts

                                  ALL MODELS
                                  ARE WRONG
                                  SOME MODELS
                                  ARE USEFUL
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / moleskin
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / espresso reminder
03. concept #1: other branding ideas / book
04. concept #2
04. concept #2

04. concept #2

                          is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                          is a reference to knowledge
                          is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                          is a reference to collaboration
                          is a reference to knowledge
                          is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                          is a focus point
                          is a reference to collaboration
                          is a reference to knowledge
                          is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                         (                                     )
                             is a focus point
                             is a reference to collaboration
                             is a reference to knowledge
                             is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                         (                                     )
                             is a focus point
                             is a reference to collaboration
                             is a reference to knowledge
                             is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

                         (                                     )
                             is a focus point
                             is a reference to collaboration
                             is a reference to knowledge
                             is the point of ignition

04. concept #2

04. concept #2

                 *   SPARK
04. concept #2


                 *   SPARK   LEADERSHIP
04. concept #2
04. concept #2: color
04. concept #2: reference

           pieter van osch
04. concept #2: reference

04. concept #2: reference

04. concept #2: reference
04. concept #2: reference color
04. concept #2: : other branding ideas / card for bbbw

                                initiated by
04. concept #2: other branding ideas / piece of text in a book
04. concept #2: other branding ideas / banner
04. concept #2: other branding ideas / t-shirts

                                        ALL MODELS
                                        ARE WRONG
                                        SOME MODELS
                                        ARE USEFUL
05. website: site structure / sitemap
05. website: site structure / sitemap

                                     | mini website
                                              home groeien | juicer | open training data
                                              rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen
                                      it #1
                              pri             open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden
                                              coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen
                                              spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer


                                              home waarom doen we wat we doen
                                  it          groeien wat is groei | hoe werkt groei | hoe kunnen wij helpen?

                                              rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen | aanbod
                                              go fast forward wat is GFF | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen | aanbod
                                              learning events event & workshop kalender
                                              thought leadership blog
                                              spark leadership wie is spark leadership | onze mensen | relaties
05. website: site structure / sitemap

                                | mini website
                                         home groeien | juicer | open training data
                                         rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen
                                  t #1
                         pri             open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden
                                         coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen
                                         spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer

05. website: site structure / sitemap

                                         het blog staat dus - in ons advies
                                         niet op, maar

                                 | mini website
                                          home groeien | juicer | open training data
                                          rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen
                                  t #1
                         pri              open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden
                                          coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen
                                          spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer

05. website: wire frame

                                                                                                                                                      contact - vragen

                                               rockefeller habits | events | open training | coaching | spark leadership

                                                                    IN ROUGH TIMES
                                                                    ONY THE MOST
                                                                    DISCIPLINED WIN!
                                                                       lees alles over rockefeller habits

                                   juicer.                      workshop. event.                                               juicer.
                                   rockefeller habits           rockefeller habits               better business               rockefeller habits
                                   24.08.2012                   23.09.2012                       better world                  24.08.2012
                                   amsterdam                    utrecht                          09.10.2012                    amsterdam
                                            aanmelden                      aanmelden                       aanmelden                      aanmelden

                                  english      rockefeller habits          open training              coaching              spark leadership
                                  contact      wat is rockefeller habits   wat zijn open trainingen   interne programma's   wie is spark leadership
                                  vragen       wie heeft er baat bij       training data              intake aanvragen      partners
                                               grootste succesfactor       aanmelden
05. website: wire frame

                                                                                                                                                        contact - vragen

                                                 rockefeller habits | events | open training | coaching | spark leadership

                                  GROEIEN IN 2012
                                  EN DAARNA?
                                  In deze onzekere tijden vraagt u zich als
                                  ondernemer of directeur misschien het volgende af:
                                  hoe kan mijn organisatie in 2012 en daarna groeien?

                                  Hoe maak ik mijn organisatie daar klaar voor?
                                  hoe weet ik hoe mijn organisatie wil groeien en hoe wij
                                  de kansen kunnen verzilveren? hoe maak ik een helder
                                  en duidelijk strategisch én operationeel plan voor mijn
                                  mensen om het uit te voeren?

                                   IS DIT WAT VOOR JOU?

                                  english        rockefeller habits          open training              coaching              spark leadership
                                  contact        wat is rockefeller habits   wat zijn open trainingen   interne programma's   wie is spark leadership
                                  vragen         wie heeft er baat bij       training data              intake aanvragen      partners
                                                 grootste succesfactor       aanmelden

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Preso spark leadership

  • 5. 02. new name SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 6. 02. new name SPARK
  • 7. 02. new name spark 1 |spärk| noun 1 a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal. • a light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air. • a discharge such as this serving to ignite the explosive mixture in an internal combustion engine. • a small bright object or point: there was a spark of light. 2 a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling: a tiny spark of anger flared within her. • a sense of liveliness and excitement: there was a spark between them at their first meeting. verb 1 [ no obj. ] emit sparks of fire or electricity: the ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on. • produce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted. 2 [ with obj. ] ignite: the explosion sparked a fire. • provide the stimulus for (a dramatic event or process): the severity of the plansparked off street protests.
  • 8. 02. new name spark 1 |spärk| noun 1 a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by ignition of energy striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal. • a light produced by a sudden disruptive electrical discharge through the air. striking quality helps to sharpen vision • a discharge such as this serving to ignite the explosive mixture in an internal combustion engine. bright dot on the horizon • a small bright object or point: there was a spark of light. the click in the relation 2 a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling: a tiny spark of anger flared within her. • a sense of liveliness and excitement: there was a spark between them at their first meeting. verb 1 [ no obj. ] emit sparks of fire or electricity: the ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on. • produce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted. 2 [ with obj. ] ignite: the explosion sparked a fire. • provide the stimulus for (a dramatic event or process): the severity of the plansparked off street protests.
  • 9. 02. new name SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 10. 02. new name SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 11. 02. new name lead |lēd|  1  verb ( past and past participle led |led| ) [ with obj. ] 1 cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, ahalter, a rope, etc., while moving forward: she emerged leading a bay horse. • show (someone or something) the way to a destination by going in front of or beside them: she stood up and led her friend to the door. • be a reason or motive for (someone): nothing that I have read about the caseleads me to the conclusion that anything untoward happened |  [ with obj. andinfinitive ] : a fascination for art led him to start a collection of paintings. • [ no obj. ] be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction: a door leading to a better-lit corridor. • [ no obj. ] (lead to) culminate in (a particular event): closing the plant will lead to the loss of 300 jobs. 4 have or experience (a particular way of life): she's led a completely sheltered life. 5 initiate (action in a game or contest), in particular: • (in card games) play (the first card) in a trick or round of play. • [ no obj. ] (lead with) Boxing make an attack with (a particular punch or fist): Adam led with a left. • [ no obj. ] Baseball (of a base runner) advance one or more steps from the base one occupies while the pitcher has the ball: the runner leads from first. noun 1 the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow: The US is nowtaking the environmental lead . • a clue to be followed in the resolution of a problem: detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leads. • (in card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play: it's your lead. • the card played first in a trick or round. 2 (the lead) a position of advantage in a contest; first place: they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead . • an amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others: the team held aslender one-goal lead. • Baseball an advance of one or more steps taken by a base runner from the base they occupy while the pitcher has the ball.
  • 12. 02. new name lead |lēd|  1  verb ( past and past participle led |led| ) [ with obj. ] 1 cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, ahalter, a rope, etc., while moving forward: she emerged leading a bay horse. • show (someone or something) the way to a destination by going in front of or beside them: she stood up and led her friend to the door. • be a reason or motive for (someone): nothing that I have read about the caseleads me to the conclusion that anything untoward happened |  action of leading an organization [ with obj. andinfinitive ] : a fascination for art led him to start a collection of paintings. • [ no obj. ] be a route or means of access to a particular place or in a particular direction: a door leading to a better-lit corridor. • [ no obj. ] (lead to) culminate in (a particular event): closing the plant will lead to the loss of 300 jobs. higher purpose 4 have or experience (a particular way of life): she's led a completely sheltered life. 5 initiate (action in a game or contest), in particular: the beginning of a journey • (in card games) play (the first card) in a trick or round of play. • [ no obj. ] (lead with) Boxing make an attack with (a particular punch or fist): Adam led with a left. • [ no obj. ] Baseball (of a base runner) advance one or more steps from the base one occupies while the pitcher has the ball: the runner leads from first. noun 1 the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow: The US is nowtaking the environmental lead . • a clue to be followed in the resolution of a problem: detectives investigating the murder are chasing new leads. • (in card games) an act or right of playing first in a trick or round of play: it's your lead. • the card played first in a trick or round. 2 (the lead) a position of advantage in a contest; first place: they were beaten 5-3 after twice being in the lead . • an amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others: the team held aslender one-goal lead. • Baseball an advance of one or more steps taken by a base runner from the base they occupy while the pitcher has the ball.
  • 14. 03. concept #1 SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 15. 03. concept #1 SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 16. 03. concept #1 is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 17. 03. concept #1 leads to growth is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 18. 03. concept #1 only works in collaboration leads to growth is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 19. 03. concept #1 sum of experience and examples only works in collaboration leads to growth is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 20. 03. concept #1 ( ) sum of experience and examples only works in collaboration leads to growth is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 21. 03. concept #1 ( + ) sum of experience and examples only works in collaboration leads to growth is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 22. 03. concept #1 + SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 23. 03. concept #1 SPARK + LEADERSHIP
  • 24. 03. concept #1 SPARK + LEADERSHIP
  • 25. 03. concept #1 SPARK + LEADERSHIP
  • 26. 03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded
  • 27. 03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded this font is an alteration of an existing font, and therefor a unique look and feel. it has all rounded corners that gives a soft expression
  • 28. 03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded + SPARK leadership
  • 29. 03. concept #1: unique font / spark rounded
  • 30. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration pieter van osch
  • 31. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration rutger prent
  • 32. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration arjan vergeer
  • 33. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration better business better world
  • 34. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo / only in collaboration
  • 35. 03. concept #1: dynamic logo
  • 37. 03. concept #1: color GROWTH the origin of the word comes from turning green
  • 38. 03. concept #1: color GROWTH the origin of the word comes from turning green
  • 39. 03. concept #1: color GROWTH the origin of the word comes from turning green
  • 41. 03. concept #1: color system / visual language
  • 42. 03. concept #1: color system / visual language
  • 43. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas
  • 44. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas: business cards pieter van osch @pyotr | 0031 655 394 395
  • 45. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / banner at events + +
  • 46. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts IN ROUGH TIMES ONLY THE MOST DISCIPLINED WIN
  • 47. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts
  • 48. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts ALL MODELS ARE WRONG SOME MODELS ARE USEFUL
  • 49. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / t-shirts
  • 50. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / moleskin
  • 51. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / espresso reminder
  • 52. 03. concept #1: other branding ideas / book
  • 54. 04. concept #2 SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 55. 04. concept #2 is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 56. 04. concept #2 is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 57. 04. concept #2 is a reference to collaboration is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 58. 04. concept #2 is a focus point is a reference to collaboration is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 59. 04. concept #2 ( ) is a focus point is a reference to collaboration is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 60. 04. concept #2 ( ) is a focus point is a reference to collaboration is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 61. 04. concept #2 ( ) * is a focus point is a reference to collaboration is a reference to knowledge is the point of ignition SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 62. 04. concept #2 SPARK LEADERSHIP *
  • 63. 04. concept #2 * SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 64. 04. concept #2 SPARK * SPARK LEADERSHIP
  • 67. 04. concept #2: reference pieter van osch
  • 68. 04. concept #2: reference dopper
  • 69. 04. concept #2: reference rockefeller habits
  • 70. 04. concept #2: reference
  • 71. 04. concept #2: reference color
  • 72. 04. concept #2: : other branding ideas / card for bbbw initiated by
  • 73. 04. concept #2: other branding ideas / piece of text in a book
  • 74. 04. concept #2: other branding ideas / banner
  • 75. 04. concept #2: other branding ideas / t-shirts ALL MODELS ARE WRONG SOME MODELS ARE USEFUL
  • 76. 05. website: site structure / sitemap
  • 77. 05. website: site structure / sitemap | mini website home groeien | juicer | open training data rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen it #1 orite pri open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer rockefeller habits home waarom doen we wat we doen pr ior ite it groeien wat is groei | hoe werkt groei | hoe kunnen wij helpen? #2 rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen | aanbod go fast forward wat is GFF | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen | aanbod learning events event & workshop kalender thought leadership blog spark leadership wie is spark leadership | onze mensen | relaties
  • 78. 05. website: site structure / sitemap | mini website home groeien | juicer | open training data rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen t #1 oritei pri open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer rockefeller habits
  • 79. 05. website: site structure / sitemap het blog staat dus - in ons advies niet op, maar op | mini website home groeien | juicer | open training data rockefeller habits wat is RH | grootste succesfactor | succesverhalen t #1 oritei pri open training wat zijn open trainingen | training data | aanmelden coaching interne programma’s | intake aanvragen spark leadership wie is spark leadership | lees meer rockefeller habits
  • 80. 05. website: wire frame contact - vragen rockefeller habits | events | open training | coaching | spark leadership rockefeller habits IN ROUGH TIMES ONY THE MOST DISCIPLINED WIN! lees alles over rockefeller habits juicer. workshop. event. juicer. rockefeller habits rockefeller habits better business rockefeller habits 24.08.2012 23.09.2012 better world 24.08.2012 amsterdam utrecht 09.10.2012 amsterdam amsterdam aanmelden aanmelden aanmelden aanmelden english rockefeller habits open training coaching spark leadership contact wat is rockefeller habits wat zijn open trainingen interne programma's wie is spark leadership vragen wie heeft er baat bij training data intake aanvragen partners grootste succesfactor aanmelden succesverhalen
  • 81. 05. website: wire frame contact - vragen rockefeller habits | events | open training | coaching | spark leadership rockefeller habits GROEIEN IN 2012 EN DAARNA? In deze onzekere tijden vraagt u zich als ondernemer of directeur misschien het volgende af: hoe kan mijn organisatie in 2012 en daarna groeien? Hoe maak ik mijn organisatie daar klaar voor? hoe weet ik hoe mijn organisatie wil groeien en hoe wij de kansen kunnen verzilveren? hoe maak ik een helder en duidelijk strategisch én operationeel plan voor mijn mensen om het uit te voeren? IS DIT WAT VOOR JOU? english rockefeller habits open training coaching spark leadership contact wat is rockefeller habits wat zijn open trainingen interne programma's wie is spark leadership vragen wie heeft er baat bij training data intake aanvragen partners grootste succesfactor aanmelden succesverhalen