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1. Introduced Mental Hygiene and Mental Health
2. Define Mental Hygiene and Mental Health
3. Enlist nature of mental health
4. Discuss characteristics mentally healthy person.
5. Explain warning signs
6. Explain promotive and preventive methods of
mental health strategies and service
7. Explain ego-defense mechanism and its implication
8. Discuss personal and social adjustment
9. Explain Guidance and counseling
10. Implement role of nurse to improve mental health.
Health is often used to refer to a state of
physical, mental, social and spiritual well- being of
the individual.
Thus, mental health is one of the components of the
broad concept of health.
It is concerned with an optimum level of
emotional and behavioral adjustment of the
It is a state of maintaining harmony or balance
between the needs, desires, aspirations and attitudes
of the individual with respect to the prevailing
conditions in the external environment.
Mental health in that How a person: looks
at own’s self looks at own’s life and the others
thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's
situations evaluates those challenges and
problems, and explore choices.
i.e. handling stress, relating to other people, and
making decisions.
I. Definition
♣ the successful performance of mental
function, resulting in productive activities,
fulfilling relationships with other people and
the ability to adapt to change and cope with
♣ How a person:
looks at own’s self
looks at own’s life and the others
thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's
evaluates those challenges and problems, and
explore choices. i.e. handling stress, relating
to other people, and making decisions.
♣ Developing, maintaining and promoting
necessary behavioral, emotional and social
skills to sustain good, effective and efficient
mental health.
Nature of Mental Health
1. There is nothing to be called as perfect mental health.
2. Mental health is a dynamic concept.
3. Mental health can’t be achieved without physical
4. Mental health can’t be achieved without physical
5. Mental health and efficiency are not the same thing.
6. Mental health and sociability are not the same thing.
7. Mental health differs from ethical standards/Morality.
Characteristics of a Mentally Health person
1. He knows himself such as own strength and
2. Has the ability to make adjustments.
3. Emotionally mature and stable.
4. Socially adjustable.
5. Intellectual powers are adequately developed.
6. Lives in the world of reality.
7. Courage and tolerance to face failures in his
8. Free from mental illness.
9. Good health habits.
10. Self-confident and optimist.
11. Has an adequate sex adjustment.
12. Healthy interest and aptitudes.
13. Well balanced life.
14. Satisfied with profession and occupation.
Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health
1. General features.
2. Bodily signs.
3. Behavioral Signs.
1. General features.
• Emotionally unstable and easily upset.
• Suspicious and insecure.
• Self-critical.
• Lack of self-confidence.
• Lack of adjustment.
• Frustrations and conflicts.
• Over anxious and tensed.
• Poor self-concept.
• Lives in the world of imagination.
2. Bodily Signs
• Back pain
• Change in appetite.
• Chest pain.
• Diarrhea
• High blood pressure.
• Palpitations.
• Insomnia.
• Sexual problems
3. Behavioral Signs
• Sudden change in mood.
• Long lasting sadness.
• Temper tantrums.
• Excessive fear, worry.
• Confused thinking, illogical reasoning.
• Paranoid thinking.
• Delusions and hallucinations.
• Alcoholism and drug abuse.
• Difficulty in concentration.
1. Strategies for adjusting with one self.
• Aware of own strength and limitations so that realistic
goals may be achieved.
• The Strategy of accepting one’s self:
one who accepts and respects oneself in its very
shape and existence is likely to enjoy good mental health
while the others who blames self cannot lead a healthy
mental health.
• The Strategy of balancing the level of aspiration: too
high or low achievement aspirations are not good. It
should be based on own capabilities.
• The strategy of balancing his development:
concentrate on harmonies development of
personality, in all of its dimensions such as physical,
mental, emotional, social and moral.
• Integrating self: one should not make one's self torn
between the opposing and conflicting desires and
ambitions. Avoid unnecessary tensions.
• Self-driving and Shaping: we should decide our life
and destiny ourselves not under anyone's pressure.
• Self-Control: believe in self-discipline rather than
forced discipline.
2. Strategies for adjusting with Environment
• Understand and Accept Others: Others
interests, attitudes, temperaments etc.
otherwise we may invite unnecessary quarrels
and tensions.
• Socialize self: mingle in society
• Satisfy the needs: security, love and affection,
freedom, recognition, etc.
• Train the Emotions: Flow of emotional energy
into constructive channels of life.
• Adjust to world of Work: work is worship. Do
all the work with a positive attitude.
• Positive attitude towards life: love and believe
in yourself.
• Bear the stress and strain: stress management
• Maintain good physical health: exercise and
1. Reality Contact
• having a realistic appraisal of one’s own
reactions, emotions and abilities.
2. Impulse Control
• being in complete control over your impulse
3. Self-Esteem
• evaluative component of self
• also includes self-concept which is the
awareness about oneself
4. Positive Thoughts
• developing the power of positive thinking
which generates positive emotions
Mental Health
Mental Hygiene
Mental Wellness
Mental status has two possibilities:
either health or illness/disorder
are terms used to
describe the
absence of mental
1. Stress
2. Problems relating to interpersonal
3. Depression
4. Anxiety
5. Tension
6. Adjustment
7. Hassles (day to day problems)
8. Family problems
9. Sexual problems
1. Depression/ Bipolar disorder
2. Anxiety Disorder
3. Schizophrenia
4. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
5. Stress disorder
6. Social phobia
7. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia or over
8. Addiction
1. Toreduce stigma and discrimination against
people with mental illnesses
2. To achieve equity for mental health care
comparable to other health care
3. Toadvance promotion, prevention and early
intervention services for children and their
4. To increase public awareness worldwide
about mental health and mental illness and
to stimulate local actions to address those
1. Right Food (Ahara)
2. Right Routine (Achara)
3. Right Recreation (Vihara)
4. Right Thinking (Vichara)
According to Ayurveda,
the Science of Indian Medicine
Sigmund Freud in 1904 used this term “defense
mechanism” to refer to the unconscious process that
defends or protects a person against anxiety, shame,
loss of self-esteem, conflict or unacceptable feelings.
According to Freud, when Id is in serious conflict
with ego and superego, the individual suffer from
tension or anxiety.
• Defense mechanism enables a person to
resolve conflict and reduce the stress and
• Usually all defense mechanisms are operated at
unconscious level.
• Most of defense mechanisms are self-deceptive
in nature.
1. Defense mechanism is a pattern of
adjustment through which an individual
relieves anxiety caused by an uncomfortable
situation that threatens self-esteem.
2. When these defense mechanisms are used
moderately are harmless but excessive and
persistent defense use is harmful.
 Ways people deal with stresses in their
 Used to try to solve problems, hide or
counterbalance feelings or actions.
 do not usually get rid of the problem,
and are often negative or not a very
effective way to deal with stress.
These defense mechanisms are classified
according to its results-
1. Positive defense mechanism
2. negative defense mechanism
1. Compensation
2. Substitution
3. Sublimation
4. Rationalization
5. Repression
6. Undoing
7. Identification
8. Transference
9. Intellectualization
10. Introjection
1. Suppression
2. Displacement
3. Projection
4. Regression
5. Fixation
6. Fantasy
7. Reaction formation
8. Conversion
9. Dissociation
10. Denial
1.Compensation: people overachieve in one
area to compensate for failures in another
Ex. Becoming good at a sport to overcome
insecurities in other areas
It is a mechanism by which tension or anxiety
reduced by replacing the unachievable goal with
achievable goal.
• A student who has not been able to get admission
to the MBBS course may try to substitute it with a
course of physiotherapy or nursing.
• A person aspires to become a national level cricket
player and not selected. He may substitute this goal by
being a coach at college level.
3. Sublimation: redirecting bad or
unacceptable behavior/emotions into positive
• We sublimate the desire to fight into the
ritualistic activities of formal competition.
Ex. When I’m angry, I box at the gym.
It is a defense mechanism in which an individual
justifies his failures and socially unacceptable feelings
and behaviors by making excuses or formulate logical
reasons / socially approved reasons.
• A husband does not enjoy the company of wife outside the
home and usually leave his wife at home. He gives logic that his
wife is social shy.
• A girl fails to get admission for the nursing course may point out
a number of difficulties of nursing profession.
• A person without a vehicle says that he does not want to risk his
life by driving.
5. Repression: Burying a painful feeling or
thoughts from your awareness though it may
resurface in symbolic form
Ex. A little girl’s memory of being molested when
she was a toddler might become a repressed
memory. The little girl will completely forget
about this experience, until the memory
might resurface years later.
Undoing is the act symbolically cancelling
or reversing out a previous act which is
A daughter shout at her father as there is no
petrol in the car and is getting late for office,
brings a favorite film for her father to watch.
This is an example of undoing her behavior of
shouting and then bringing a film.
Through this process, an individual attempts to
increase self-worth by acquiring certain attributes and
characteristics of another individual one admires. It
plays a large part in the development of personality. In
this individual feels personal satisfaction in the success
and achievement of other group or person.
The young son of a famous civil rights worker
adopts his father’s attitudes and behavior with the intent
of pursuing similar aspirations. An illiterate father often
takes his son’s higher education as his own achievement.
8. TRANSFERENCE:- In transference, the image
of one person is unconsciously identified with
that of another.
A patient who is fond of his daughter finds the nurse of
the same age and height as his daughter. So he transfers
his positive emotions to the nurse as his daughter. It is
also possible that if he dislikes his daughter he transfers
his negative emotions to the nurse by being rude,
abusive, or aggressive without any cause.
Intellectualization is an attempt to avoid
expressing actual emotions associated with a
stressful situation by using the intellectual
processes of logic, reasoning and analysis.
In introjection the values and characteristics of
significant persons are incorporated in one’s
A young professor receives a letter from his fiancée
breaking off their engagement. He shows no emotion
when discussing this with his best friend. Instead he
analyzes his fiancée’s behavior and tries to reason why
the relationship failed.
1. Suppression
Suppression is the voluntary blocking of
unpleasant feelings and experiences from one’s
awareness to avoid discomfort and anxiety.
Student consciously decides not to think about her
insult in examinations hall so that he can study
effectively. A patient may refuse to consider his
difficulties by saying that he does not want to talk
about it.
2. Displacement: the transfer of negative
emotions from one person or thing to
an unrelated person or thing.
Ex. “I did so poorly on my SAT,I’ll just go
home and kick my dog.”
Placing blame for own difficulties upon others. Here,
others are seen as responsible for own mistakes. One’s
own unacceptable feelings and thoughts are expressed
as they are due to others.
A surgeon who did mistake in operation may insist that it
happened because theatre nurse and ward boy did their
task badly. A businessperson who values punctuality is
late for a meeting and states , “sorry I’m late. My
assistant forgot to remind me of the time.
Regression means an immature way of responding to a
stress or go backwards. In this the adult revert back to an earlier
developmental level in order to deal with reality. An individual
does less mature form of behavior when faced with difficulties,
where he finds less conflict hence less anxiety. Adults too may
regress to the oral stage of development and suck their thumb
when life gets stressful.
Nurse makes an error in giving medication and starts
crying. A person who is depressed may withdraw to his or
her room, curl up in a fetal position on the bed.
Fixation refers to the point in the
individual’s development at which certain
aspects of the emotional development do not
escaping from an unpleasant
situation by using your
imagination. Living in a fantasy
Ex. “I love animals so much, so even if I fail
biology, I can still be a veterinarian”
7. Reaction Formation: is the converting of
unwanted or dangerous thoughts, feelings or
impulses into their opposites.
Ex. A woman who is very angry with her boss and
would like to quit her job may instead be overly
kind and generous toward her boss and express a
desire to keep working there forever. She is
incapable of expressing the negative emotions of
anger and unhappiness with her job, and instead
becomes overly kind to publicly demonstrate her
lack of anger and unhappiness.
In this pattern of defense mechanism strong emotional
conflicts which are not expressed are converted into
physical symptoms. It has two benefit for person-  It
resolves the conflict  It brings him a great deal of
attention and sympathy.
A student nurse, who is very anxious about her
examination, may develop a headache.
Dissociation is involuntary suppression of a
mental function from rest of personality in a
manner that allows expression of forbidden
unconscious impulse without having any sense of
responsibility for actions.
EXAMPLE:- Partial amnesia.
10. Denial: failure to accept reality.
Ex. “This is not happening. It
can’t happen to me.”
Personal and social adjustment
• Mental health has two important aspects.
• It is both individual and social.
• Social force are in constant flux.
• They are constantly moving and changing. Similarly
our mental adjustment is affected by various tresses.
• Mental health is a process of adjustment is affected by
various stresses.
• Mental health is process of adjustment, which
involves compromise and adaptation, growth and
• Because of the significance of individual and social
aspects, some psychologist have defined mental
health as the ability of the individual to make personal
and social adjustments.
• The word adjustment needs some explanation. If one
can establish a satisfactory relationship between
himself and his environment, his needs and desires
and those of other people, or if one can meet the
demands of situation, he has achieved adjustment.
• Adjustment results in happiness because emotional
conflicts and tension have been resolved and relieved.
1. Guidance is an assistance made available by a
competent counselor to an individual of any age to
help him direct his own life, develop his own point of
view, make his own decision & carry his own burden. -
Hamrin & Erikson
2. Guidance is a process of helping every individual,
through his own effort to discover & develop his
potentialities for his personal happiness & social
usefulness. - Ruth Strang
1. Counseling is essentially a process in which the
counselor assists the counselee to make
interpretations of facts relating to a choice, plan or
adjustment which he needs to make.
- Glenn F. Smith
1. Counseling is a series of direct contacts with the
individual which aims to offer him assistance in
changing his attitude & behaviors. - Carl Rogers
1. Providing the needed information & assistance
2. Helping in individual to make wise choices
3. Improve the understanding of self
4. Facilitate the adjustment
5. Helps in adapting to the changes or new environment
6. Making self-sufficient & independent
7. Efficient use of capabilities & talent
8. Promote the optimal personal & professional
9. Balanced physical, psychological, emotional, social &
spiritual growth
10. Helps in overall development & to live productive life.
Functions of guidance and counseling
1. To provide optimum development & well-being for
2. To help individuals adjust to themselves & the society.
3. To help people understand themselves in relation to
the world.
4. To aid individuals in efficient decision making.
5. To help individuals plan for a productive life in their
social context by focusing on their assets, skills,
strengths & possibilities for further development.
6. To bring about changes in the attitude & behavior of
1. It is process, It is a continuous process Choice & problem
points are the distinctive concerns of guidance.
2. It is the assistance to the individual in the process of
development rather than a direction of that development
3. Guidance is a service meant for all Guidance is both
generalized & a specialized service
4. Guidance is an organized service & not an incidental
activity of the school.
5. Guidance is not a branch of any discipline Guidance bas
limits Guidance is more an art than science
6. Guidance bas its roots in the education system Guidance
is centered around the needs & aspirations of students.
1. Counseling involves two individuals-one seeking help & the
other a professionally trained person who can help the first.
2. There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the
two individuals.
3. Counseling is aimed at bringing about desired changes in the
individual for self-realization & providing assistance to solve
problems through an intimate personal relationship.
4. The counselor discovers the problems of the counselee & help
him to set up realistic goals
5. If counselee is a student, counseling helps him to take a
decision, make a choice or find a direction in matters related to
an educational program or career.
1. Guidance & counseling for personal needs/problems
2. Guidance & counseling for physical, emotional, social,
moral & marital problems
3. Guidance & counseling for career advancement
4. Guidance & counseling for educational
5. Guidance & counseling for vocational, occupational &
professional needs
6. Guidance & counseling for holistic individual
7. Guidance & counseling for situational problems
I. Need s for personal & social domain
• Personal & social development of individual
• To adapt in different stages of development
• Offering art of better living
• Proper use of leisure time
• Holistic personality development
• Best use of available opportunities
• Motivates for effective utilization &
development of self
II. Needs for educational/professional domain
• Helps in academic growth & development
• Helps in vocational & professional maturity
• Facilitates an individual in the right education &
• Offer help to handle educational & professional
• Helps in the proper utilization of human
• Helps in adapting to the changing concept of
III. Need of Guidance and Counseling in Nursing
• To help students adjusting with the new environment of the
nursing institute.
• To help in developing qualities required for a successful for a
nursing practice.
• To help students in getting adjusted with the clinical
• To help students keeping in touch with the latest trends in
• To help students in developing positive learning habits,
especially skill learning
• To help in the development of appropriate coping straggles in
order to deal with stress in a productive manner
• To help nursing students in establishing proper identity.
• Arrange orientation program for the other support staff to enlist their
• Prepare an up-to-date list of resources, information, referral & energy
available to him.
• Organize the guidance committee.
• Set up an educational & occupational information center.
• Display the information collected in an attractive way.
• Disseminate information through educational & career talks, group
discussion & so on.
• Arrange talks by expert from different fields.
• Organize career days, career weeks, career conferences, parent’s day & so
• Educate students regarding proper study habits & assist them in their
• Arrange individual discussion with students & their parents for giving them
educational & occupational information.
• Scarcity of qualified & competent counselors
• Lack of awareness about needs & resources of
• Minimal pro-counseling environment
• Lack of counseling training for nurse/nursing faculty
• Poor organizational set-up for counseling services
• Lack of interest & initiatives for counseling services
• Poor counselor-counselee ratio
• Lack of funds for counseling services
• Noncompliance with counseling interventions Ethical
& moral Issues
1. Coordinator
2. Communicator
3. Teacher
4. Counselor
5. Manager
6. Leader
7. Team player
8. Motivator
9. Delegator
10. Critical thinker
11. Innovator
12. Researcher
13. Advocate

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  • 2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1. Introduced Mental Hygiene and Mental Health 2. Define Mental Hygiene and Mental Health 3. Enlist nature of mental health 4. Discuss characteristics mentally healthy person. 5. Explain warning signs 6. Explain promotive and preventive methods of mental health strategies and service 7. Explain ego-defense mechanism and its implication 8. Discuss personal and social adjustment 9. Explain Guidance and counseling 10. Implement role of nurse to improve mental health.
  • 3. Introduction Health is often used to refer to a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well- being of the individual. Thus, mental health is one of the components of the broad concept of health. It is concerned with an optimum level of emotional and behavioral adjustment of the individual. It is a state of maintaining harmony or balance between the needs, desires, aspirations and attitudes of the individual with respect to the prevailing conditions in the external environment.
  • 4. Conti… Mental health in that How a person: looks at own’s self looks at own’s life and the others thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's situations evaluates those challenges and problems, and explore choices. i.e. handling stress, relating to other people, and making decisions.
  • 5. MENTAL HEALTH I. Definition ♣ the successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity;
  • 6. MENTAL HEALTH ♣ How a person: looks at own’s self looks at own’s life and the others thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's situations evaluates those challenges and problems, and explore choices. i.e. handling stress, relating to other people, and making decisions.
  • 7. MENTAL HYGIENE ♣ Developing, maintaining and promoting necessary behavioral, emotional and social skills to sustain good, effective and efficient mental health.
  • 8. Nature of Mental Health 1. There is nothing to be called as perfect mental health. 2. Mental health is a dynamic concept. 3. Mental health can’t be achieved without physical health. 4. Mental health can’t be achieved without physical health. 5. Mental health and efficiency are not the same thing. 6. Mental health and sociability are not the same thing. 7. Mental health differs from ethical standards/Morality.
  • 9. Characteristics of a Mentally Health person 1. He knows himself such as own strength and weakness. 2. Has the ability to make adjustments. 3. Emotionally mature and stable. 4. Socially adjustable. 5. Intellectual powers are adequately developed. 6. Lives in the world of reality. 7. Courage and tolerance to face failures in his life. 8. Free from mental illness.
  • 10. CONTI.. 9. Good health habits. 10. Self-confident and optimist. 11. Has an adequate sex adjustment. 12. Healthy interest and aptitudes. 13. Well balanced life. 14. Satisfied with profession and occupation.
  • 11. Warning Signs of Poor Mental Health 1. General features. 2. Bodily signs. 3. Behavioral Signs.
  • 12. 1. General features. • Emotionally unstable and easily upset. • Suspicious and insecure. • Self-critical. • Lack of self-confidence. • Lack of adjustment. • Frustrations and conflicts. • Over anxious and tensed. • Poor self-concept. • Lives in the world of imagination.
  • 13. 2. Bodily Signs • Back pain • Change in appetite. • Chest pain. • Diarrhea • High blood pressure. • Palpitations. • Insomnia. • Sexual problems
  • 14. 3. Behavioral Signs • Sudden change in mood. • Long lasting sadness. • Temper tantrums. • Excessive fear, worry. • Confused thinking, illogical reasoning. • Paranoid thinking. • Delusions and hallucinations. • Alcoholism and drug abuse. • Difficulty in concentration.
  • 16. 1. Strategies for adjusting with one self. • Aware of own strength and limitations so that realistic goals may be achieved. • The Strategy of accepting one’s self: one who accepts and respects oneself in its very shape and existence is likely to enjoy good mental health while the others who blames self cannot lead a healthy mental health. • The Strategy of balancing the level of aspiration: too high or low achievement aspirations are not good. It should be based on own capabilities.
  • 17. Conti… • The strategy of balancing his development: concentrate on harmonies development of personality, in all of its dimensions such as physical, mental, emotional, social and moral. • Integrating self: one should not make one's self torn between the opposing and conflicting desires and ambitions. Avoid unnecessary tensions. • Self-driving and Shaping: we should decide our life and destiny ourselves not under anyone's pressure. • Self-Control: believe in self-discipline rather than forced discipline.
  • 18. 2. Strategies for adjusting with Environment • Understand and Accept Others: Others interests, attitudes, temperaments etc. otherwise we may invite unnecessary quarrels and tensions. • Socialize self: mingle in society • Satisfy the needs: security, love and affection, freedom, recognition, etc. • Train the Emotions: Flow of emotional energy into constructive channels of life.
  • 19. Conti… • Adjust to world of Work: work is worship. Do all the work with a positive attitude. • Positive attitude towards life: love and believe in yourself. • Bear the stress and strain: stress management • Maintain good physical health: exercise and diet.
  • 20. BASIC STRATEGIES 1. Reality Contact • having a realistic appraisal of one’s own reactions, emotions and abilities. 2. Impulse Control • being in complete control over your impulse behaviors.
  • 21. BASIC STRATEGIES 3. Self-Esteem • evaluative component of self • also includes self-concept which is the awareness about oneself 4. Positive Thoughts • developing the power of positive thinking which generates positive emotions
  • 22. Mental Health Mental Hygiene Mental Wellness Mental status has two possibilities: either health or illness/disorder are terms used to describe the absence of mental illness
  • 23. LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE AWARENESS WILL LEAD PEOPLE TO: 1. Stress 2. Problems relating to interpersonal relationships 3. Depression 4. Anxiety
  • 24. LACK OF MENTAL HEALTH AND HYGIENE AWARENESS WILL LEAD PEOPLE TO: 5. Tension 6. Adjustment 7. Hassles (day to day problems) 8. Family problems 9. Sexual problems
  • 25. EXAMPLES OF MENTAL DISORDERS 1. Depression/ Bipolar disorder 2. Anxiety Disorder 3. Schizophrenia 4. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
  • 26. EXAMPLES OF MENTAL DISORDERS 5. Stress disorder 6. Social phobia 7. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia or over eating) 8. Addiction
  • 27. BETTER MENTAL HEALTH FOR ALL 1. Toreduce stigma and discrimination against people with mental illnesses 2. To achieve equity for mental health care comparable to other health care
  • 28. BETTER MENTAL HEALTH FOR ALL 3. Toadvance promotion, prevention and early intervention services for children and their families 4. To increase public awareness worldwide about mental health and mental illness and to stimulate local actions to address those issues
  • 29. BEHAVIORS WHICH SUSTAIN GOOD HEALTH 1. Right Food (Ahara) 2. Right Routine (Achara) 3. Right Recreation (Vihara) 4. Right Thinking (Vichara) According to Ayurveda, the Science of Indian Medicine
  • 31. INTRODUCTION:- Sigmund Freud in 1904 used this term “defense mechanism” to refer to the unconscious process that defends or protects a person against anxiety, shame, loss of self-esteem, conflict or unacceptable feelings. According to Freud, when Id is in serious conflict with ego and superego, the individual suffer from tension or anxiety.
  • 32. Conti… • Defense mechanism enables a person to resolve conflict and reduce the stress and anxiety. • Usually all defense mechanisms are operated at unconscious level. • Most of defense mechanisms are self-deceptive in nature.
  • 33. DEFINITION:- 1. Defense mechanism is a pattern of adjustment through which an individual relieves anxiety caused by an uncomfortable situation that threatens self-esteem. 2. When these defense mechanisms are used moderately are harmless but excessive and persistent defense use is harmful.
  • 34. DEFENSE MECHANISMS  Ways people deal with stresses in their lives.  Used to try to solve problems, hide or counterbalance feelings or actions.  do not usually get rid of the problem, and are often negative or not a very effective way to deal with stress.
  • 35. CLASSIFICATION OF DEFENCE MECHANISM:- These defense mechanisms are classified according to its results- 1. Positive defense mechanism 2. negative defense mechanism
  • 36. CONTI… POSITIVE DEFENCE MECHANISMS:- 1. Compensation 2. Substitution 3. Sublimation 4. Rationalization 5. Repression 6. Undoing 7. Identification 8. Transference 9. Intellectualization 10. Introjection NEGATIVE DEFENCE MECHANISMS:- 1. Suppression 2. Displacement 3. Projection 4. Regression 5. Fixation 6. Fantasy 7. Reaction formation 8. Conversion 9. Dissociation 10. Denial
  • 37. 1.Compensation: people overachieve in one area to compensate for failures in another Ex. Becoming good at a sport to overcome insecurities in other areas
  • 38. 2. SUBSTITUTION : It is a mechanism by which tension or anxiety reduced by replacing the unachievable goal with achievable goal. EXAMPLE: • A student who has not been able to get admission to the MBBS course may try to substitute it with a course of physiotherapy or nursing. • A person aspires to become a national level cricket player and not selected. He may substitute this goal by being a coach at college level.
  • 39. 3. Sublimation: redirecting bad or unacceptable behavior/emotions into positive behavior. • We sublimate the desire to fight into the ritualistic activities of formal competition. Ex. When I’m angry, I box at the gym.
  • 40. 4. RATIONALIZATION:- It is a defense mechanism in which an individual justifies his failures and socially unacceptable feelings and behaviors by making excuses or formulate logical reasons / socially approved reasons. EXAMPLE: • A husband does not enjoy the company of wife outside the home and usually leave his wife at home. He gives logic that his wife is social shy. • A girl fails to get admission for the nursing course may point out a number of difficulties of nursing profession. • A person without a vehicle says that he does not want to risk his life by driving.
  • 41. 5. Repression: Burying a painful feeling or thoughts from your awareness though it may resurface in symbolic form Ex. A little girl’s memory of being molested when she was a toddler might become a repressed memory. The little girl will completely forget about this experience, until the memory might resurface years later.
  • 42. 6. UNDOING:- Undoing is the act symbolically cancelling or reversing out a previous act which is unacceptable. • EXAMPLE:- A daughter shout at her father as there is no petrol in the car and is getting late for office, brings a favorite film for her father to watch. This is an example of undoing her behavior of shouting and then bringing a film.
  • 43. 7. IDENTIFICATION:- Through this process, an individual attempts to increase self-worth by acquiring certain attributes and characteristics of another individual one admires. It plays a large part in the development of personality. In this individual feels personal satisfaction in the success and achievement of other group or person. EXAMPLE:- The young son of a famous civil rights worker adopts his father’s attitudes and behavior with the intent of pursuing similar aspirations. An illiterate father often takes his son’s higher education as his own achievement.
  • 44. 8. TRANSFERENCE:- In transference, the image of one person is unconsciously identified with that of another. EXAMPLE:- A patient who is fond of his daughter finds the nurse of the same age and height as his daughter. So he transfers his positive emotions to the nurse as his daughter. It is also possible that if he dislikes his daughter he transfers his negative emotions to the nurse by being rude, abusive, or aggressive without any cause.
  • 45. 9. INTELLECTUALIZATION:- Intellectualization is an attempt to avoid expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation by using the intellectual processes of logic, reasoning and analysis.
  • 46. 10. INTROJECTION:- In introjection the values and characteristics of significant persons are incorporated in one’s personality. EXAMPLE:- A young professor receives a letter from his fiancée breaking off their engagement. He shows no emotion when discussing this with his best friend. Instead he analyzes his fiancée’s behavior and tries to reason why the relationship failed.
  • 48. 1. Suppression Suppression is the voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from one’s awareness to avoid discomfort and anxiety. EXAMPLE:- Student consciously decides not to think about her insult in examinations hall so that he can study effectively. A patient may refuse to consider his difficulties by saying that he does not want to talk about it.
  • 49. 2. Displacement: the transfer of negative emotions from one person or thing to an unrelated person or thing. Ex. “I did so poorly on my SAT,I’ll just go home and kick my dog.”
  • 50. 3. PROJECTION:- Placing blame for own difficulties upon others. Here, others are seen as responsible for own mistakes. One’s own unacceptable feelings and thoughts are expressed as they are due to others. EXAMPLE:- A surgeon who did mistake in operation may insist that it happened because theatre nurse and ward boy did their task badly. A businessperson who values punctuality is late for a meeting and states , “sorry I’m late. My assistant forgot to remind me of the time.
  • 51. 4. REGRESSION:- Regression means an immature way of responding to a stress or go backwards. In this the adult revert back to an earlier developmental level in order to deal with reality. An individual does less mature form of behavior when faced with difficulties, where he finds less conflict hence less anxiety. Adults too may regress to the oral stage of development and suck their thumb when life gets stressful. EXAMPLE:- Nurse makes an error in giving medication and starts crying. A person who is depressed may withdraw to his or her room, curl up in a fetal position on the bed.
  • 52. 5. FIXATION:- Fixation refers to the point in the individual’s development at which certain aspects of the emotional development do not advance.
  • 53. 6.Daydreaming/FANTASY: escaping from an unpleasant situation by using your imagination. Living in a fantasy world • Ex. “I love animals so much, so even if I fail biology, I can still be a veterinarian”
  • 54. 7. Reaction Formation: is the converting of unwanted or dangerous thoughts, feelings or impulses into their opposites. Ex. A woman who is very angry with her boss and would like to quit her job may instead be overly kind and generous toward her boss and express a desire to keep working there forever. She is incapable of expressing the negative emotions of anger and unhappiness with her job, and instead becomes overly kind to publicly demonstrate her lack of anger and unhappiness.
  • 55. 8. CONVERSION:- In this pattern of defense mechanism strong emotional conflicts which are not expressed are converted into physical symptoms. It has two benefit for person-  It resolves the conflict  It brings him a great deal of attention and sympathy. EXAMPLE:- A student nurse, who is very anxious about her examination, may develop a headache.
  • 56. 9. DISSOCIATION:- Dissociation is involuntary suppression of a mental function from rest of personality in a manner that allows expression of forbidden unconscious impulse without having any sense of responsibility for actions. EXAMPLE:- Partial amnesia.
  • 57. 10. Denial: failure to accept reality. Ex. “This is not happening. It can’t happen to me.”
  • 58. Personal and social adjustment • Mental health has two important aspects. • It is both individual and social. • Social force are in constant flux. • They are constantly moving and changing. Similarly our mental adjustment is affected by various tresses. • Mental health is a process of adjustment is affected by various stresses. • Mental health is process of adjustment, which involves compromise and adaptation, growth and continuity.
  • 59. CONTI… • Because of the significance of individual and social aspects, some psychologist have defined mental health as the ability of the individual to make personal and social adjustments. • The word adjustment needs some explanation. If one can establish a satisfactory relationship between himself and his environment, his needs and desires and those of other people, or if one can meet the demands of situation, he has achieved adjustment. • Adjustment results in happiness because emotional conflicts and tension have been resolved and relieved.
  • 61. DEFINITION 1. Guidance is an assistance made available by a competent counselor to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own point of view, make his own decision & carry his own burden. - Hamrin & Erikson 2. Guidance is a process of helping every individual, through his own effort to discover & develop his potentialities for his personal happiness & social usefulness. - Ruth Strang
  • 62. COUNSELLING 1. Counseling is essentially a process in which the counselor assists the counselee to make interpretations of facts relating to a choice, plan or adjustment which he needs to make. - Glenn F. Smith 1. Counseling is a series of direct contacts with the individual which aims to offer him assistance in changing his attitude & behaviors. - Carl Rogers
  • 63. PURPOSES OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING: 1. Providing the needed information & assistance 2. Helping in individual to make wise choices 3. Improve the understanding of self 4. Facilitate the adjustment 5. Helps in adapting to the changes or new environment 6. Making self-sufficient & independent 7. Efficient use of capabilities & talent 8. Promote the optimal personal & professional development 9. Balanced physical, psychological, emotional, social & spiritual growth 10. Helps in overall development & to live productive life.
  • 64. Functions of guidance and counseling 1. To provide optimum development & well-being for individual. 2. To help individuals adjust to themselves & the society. 3. To help people understand themselves in relation to the world. 4. To aid individuals in efficient decision making. 5. To help individuals plan for a productive life in their social context by focusing on their assets, skills, strengths & possibilities for further development. 6. To bring about changes in the attitude & behavior of individuals.
  • 65. CHARACTERISTICS OF GUIDANCE 1. It is process, It is a continuous process Choice & problem points are the distinctive concerns of guidance. 2. It is the assistance to the individual in the process of development rather than a direction of that development 3. Guidance is a service meant for all Guidance is both generalized & a specialized service 4. Guidance is an organized service & not an incidental activity of the school. 5. Guidance is not a branch of any discipline Guidance bas limits Guidance is more an art than science 6. Guidance bas its roots in the education system Guidance is centered around the needs & aspirations of students.
  • 66. CHARACTERISTS OF COUNSELLING 1. Counseling involves two individuals-one seeking help & the other a professionally trained person who can help the first. 2. There should be a relationship of mutual respect between the two individuals. 3. Counseling is aimed at bringing about desired changes in the individual for self-realization & providing assistance to solve problems through an intimate personal relationship. 4. The counselor discovers the problems of the counselee & help him to set up realistic goals 5. If counselee is a student, counseling helps him to take a decision, make a choice or find a direction in matters related to an educational program or career.
  • 67. SCOPE OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING 1. Guidance & counseling for personal needs/problems 2. Guidance & counseling for physical, emotional, social, moral & marital problems 3. Guidance & counseling for career advancement 4. Guidance & counseling for educational needs/problems 5. Guidance & counseling for vocational, occupational & professional needs 6. Guidance & counseling for holistic individual development 7. Guidance & counseling for situational problems
  • 69. I. Need s for personal & social domain • Personal & social development of individual • To adapt in different stages of development • Offering art of better living • Proper use of leisure time • Holistic personality development • Best use of available opportunities • Motivates for effective utilization & development of self
  • 70. II. Needs for educational/professional domain • Helps in academic growth & development • Helps in vocational & professional maturity • Facilitates an individual in the right education & profession • Offer help to handle educational & professional situations • Helps in the proper utilization of human resources • Helps in adapting to the changing concept of education
  • 71. III. Need of Guidance and Counseling in Nursing Education… • To help students adjusting with the new environment of the nursing institute. • To help in developing qualities required for a successful for a nursing practice. • To help students in getting adjusted with the clinical environment. • To help students keeping in touch with the latest trends in nursing • To help students in developing positive learning habits, especially skill learning • To help in the development of appropriate coping straggles in order to deal with stress in a productive manner • To help nursing students in establishing proper identity.
  • 72. ROLE OF THE COUNSELLOR • Arrange orientation program for the other support staff to enlist their cooperation. • Prepare an up-to-date list of resources, information, referral & energy available to him. • Organize the guidance committee. • Set up an educational & occupational information center. • Display the information collected in an attractive way. • Disseminate information through educational & career talks, group discussion & so on. • Arrange talks by expert from different fields. • Organize career days, career weeks, career conferences, parent’s day & so on. • Educate students regarding proper study habits & assist them in their development. • Arrange individual discussion with students & their parents for giving them educational & occupational information.
  • 73. ISSUES OF COUNSELLING IN NURSING • Scarcity of qualified & competent counselors • Lack of awareness about needs & resources of counseling • Minimal pro-counseling environment • Lack of counseling training for nurse/nursing faculty • Poor organizational set-up for counseling services • Lack of interest & initiatives for counseling services • Poor counselor-counselee ratio • Lack of funds for counseling services • Noncompliance with counseling interventions Ethical & moral Issues
  • 74. ROLE OF NURSE TO IMPROVE MENTAL HEALTH. 1. Coordinator 2. Communicator 3. Teacher 4. Counselor 5. Manager 6. Leader 7. Team player 8. Motivator 9. Delegator 10. Critical thinker 11. Innovator 12. Researcher 13. Advocate