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Transitions For Persuasive Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Transitions for Persuasive Essays" can be a challenging task
that requires a keen understanding of both persuasive writing techniques and the art of seamless
transitions. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between maintaining a coherent flow
of ideas and persuading the reader effectively. Crafting transitions that smoothly guide the
reader from one point to the next without losing the persuasive momentum is a nuanced skill.
One of the challenges is ensuring that each transition serves a specific purpose, whether it's
reinforcing an argument, introducing evidence, or counteracting opposing viewpoints. It requires
a deep understanding of the essay's overall structure and the persuasive goals of each section.
Finding the right words and phrases to connect ideas logically while maintaining the persuasive
tone can be time-consuming and mentally taxing.
Moreover, the difficulty lies not only in the technical aspect of using transitions but also in
ensuring that the essay maintains a persuasive edge throughout. It demands a thorough
understanding of the audience, their potential objections, and the ability to preemptively address
those concerns. Striking the right balance between being assertive and respectful is crucial, as
overly aggressive or passive persuasion can undermine the effectiveness of the essay.
In addition, writers must be vigilant about the overall coherence of the essay. Overusing certain
transitional phrases or relying too heavily on a single strategy can lead to monotony and diminish
the impact of the persuasive message. Achieving variety while maintaining a consistent
persuasive thread requires a careful and thoughtful approach to writing.
In conclusion, composing an essay on transitions for persuasive essays is no small feat. It
necessitates a combination of persuasive writing skills, a deep understanding of the topic at hand,
and the ability to craft transitions that enhance the overall persuasive impact. However, for those
seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where
skilled writers are ready to tackle the intricacies of persuasive essay writing.
Transitions For Persuasive EssaysTransitions For Persuasive Essays
Apple Form Two Essay
In Corry Feist s artpiece, Apple Form II, It displays an array of warms and bright
colors. The piece was made using acrylics in unblended brush strokes. On the left
side of the apple is a red apple casting an off shadow. The background is shown to
have a bright pink with white and soft blue strokes laid over it lacking fluency. In
the bottom right corner is their signature printed in big letters. Lastly the apple has a
black scratch on it s skin.
The art piece is organise in which they put the apple on the one of the rule of thirds
lines farthest to the left, making the apple the most interesting focus of the piece.
The light source is coming from the top left and pointing down casting an odd
shadow on the apple. The shadow itself gives the apple a sense of realism and
depth. Feist uses warm bright colors for the apple and background to convey a
sense of excitement in this dry and unoriginal piece but also splashing a soft blue
onto the background to calm the mood. The artist uses dry brushstrokes to give the
background a rough texture making the piece seem almost abstract. The lack of space
also puts most of the focus on the detail and talent the artist put into the apple.
Thought piece is simple ... Show more content on ...
This piece is nowhere near being realistic, with the ragged brush strokes and off
shadow they mean to say that art is not meant to be perfect. While some believe that
an artist s talent is weighed upon how well they excel at drawing a realistic eye, or
how well they can draw a landscape to the smallest detail, feist is attempting to
counter attack those standards by painting a piece that shows their skill in style than
in realism. I believe this because I too am not one to amazed at artist who display
their realistic artwork based off a photograph. When you are not creative within your
work , how are you going to improve your own
Essay on Nazi Book Burning
Nearly a century before World War II, German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine wrote,
Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people ( Holocaust History ).
These chilling words not only forecasted the events to come, but also went up in
flames in Germany during the Nazi book burning. Throughout Germanyon May 10,
1933, thousands of people came out to witness these horrid events. These public
displays of censorship were monstrous in nature. Book burning is defined as the
ritual destruction by fire of books or other written materials. Usually carried out in a
public context, the burning of books represents an element of censorship and usually
proceeds from a cultural, religious, or political opposition to the materials in... Show
more content on ...
In this war, [World War II] we know, books are weapons (Von Merveldt). He was
trying to lift the American spirits in spite of the horrific events in Europe . In
Germany, the mood was much more cheerful, as they were accompanied by singing
of Nazi songs and anthems (The History Place). The leader of propaganda and book
burning for the Nazi party, Joseph Goebbels, proclaimed The flames not only
illuminate the end of the old era, they also light up the new. (Foxman) Unlike the
rest of the world, the Nazi party viewed the book burning as a positive event and as
a beginning, not an end. Not only did the Nazis try to censor literature, they also
tried to eliminate foreign ideas by limiting types of art and communication. The
Nazis judged most of modern art degenerate and tried to expel it from the country
(Foxman). They also tried to limit all communication, which was limited already to
books, newspapers, periodicals, radio, and the moving pictures because of the time
period (Foxman). Any communication had to be deemed German before it could be
permitted. So many movies were banned that films were almost nonexistent except
for Nazi propaganda. The Nazi s attempt was to limit all communication from other
countries, so that only their ideas would be accepted, which is the same rationale as
the book burnings. The book burnings and the censorship in Germany relate directly
to Ayn Rand s works. In one
The Curriculum And Assessment Framework
Over the past decade there have been vast changes to our education system here in
Northern Ireland. The revamp of the curriculum is described by CCEA (2007) as a
curriculum and assessment framework that is capable of meeting the changing
needs of pupils, society and the economy. Despite the review tackling proposals for
change across a wide variety of areas within the curriculum, it can be said that it has
failed to meet the changing needs of the pupils in terms of learner voice. Rodgers
(2005) defines leaner voice as the active opportunity for students to express their
opinions and make decisions regarding the planning, implementation and evaluation
of their learning experiences. This definition is very fitting to our society today...
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There are various strategies that can be employed to support pupil voice both within
the classroom and whole school context. One of the main up and coming strategies
that schools seem to be focusing on is that of a school council. School councils are
the easiest way for schools to give pupils their say and make decisions about current
School councils are a very tangible manifestation of pupil voice. They can be
important in offering a formal, democratic, transparent and accountable whole school
forum for pupil participation, linking to the broader governance framework of a
school (Alderson 2000:121 34).
Surrounding every strategy, there is a widely seen debate about how beneficial or
problematic each strategy is. For school councils to be beneficial in promoting
pupil voice, there must be a fair representation of all pupils within the school.
Levin (1998) described the moral concept surrounding this strategy where
democratic practice should lie among the least powerful. The least powerful in our
schools are the younger pupils, the quiet pupils and those pupils with SEN. When
all individuals are fairly represented the system will lend to adequate and
successful learner voice. School councils allow pupils to see first hand how their
needs and views will be responded to and how their opinions will be valued by all.
They can be contextualised to a classroom environment whereby each class has a
Energy Efficient Wireless Network For Green Radio Project
Energy Efficient Architectures and Key Techniques to Enable Energy Efficient
Wireless Network in green radio project
Technical innovations changed every day life as fast and profoundly as the massive
use of personal mobile communications. With rapid increase of modern
communications networks, problems like emission of CO2 and energy
consumption has emerged which have a potential adverse impact upon the
environment and their operating energy costs are also increasing. Since 2006, data
traffic on mobile networks has been increasing at a rate of approximately 300% and
is expected to grow even at much faster rate. This has forced the researchers to
address how to design future wireless networks which can reduce the energy ... Show
more content on ...
In 2007, analyst Gartner reported that ICT sector share about 2% in carbon
emissions. It might appear small at first sight but the overall footprint of the whole
ICT sector is expected to double between 2007 and 2020. Mobile data traffic is
going to increase dramatically in the next 5 years and one of the main reason is
increase in mobile video traffic. In developing countries, electricity connections
may not be directly available. So, for example, Vodafone uses extra 1 million
gallons of gas per day to provide power their network. The above example gives us
an idea of how the energy is consumed by the information technology. They are
increasing energy costs with larger base station site densities which leads to increase
in energy price. Many companies have decided to reduce carbon emissions, for
example Vodafone has set a target to reduce it CO2 emissions by approximately
50% by 2020. From an operators perspective, lowering of operating expenditure is
possible with reduce in energy consumption. 3% of world wide energy is used by
the Information and Communication architecture which is causing 2% of world
wide CO2 emmission. The main key reason behind the development of mobile VCE
green radio program is to reduce carbon emissions (CO2) and Reduction in operating
expenditure for wireless cellular networks. The challenge of energy reduction should
be achieved without compromise in the quality of service which is experienced by the
Magura Cave Research Paper
Prehistoric cave art is important because it can serve as an art journal. The artwork of
prehistoric people allow us to look into how they interact with their environment. Not
only the artwork, but the tools they use and the remains near the sites can provide us
with information about the artists lives. The Magura Cave, Chauvet Cave, and
Altamira Cave are a few caves that contain prehistoric artwork.
The Magura Cave is located in northeastern Bulgaria. The cave is about 2,500 meters
long. The paintings in the cave shows outline of women, men dancing and hunting,
and people with masks on. There were also pictures of animals, stars, tools, and
planets. The paintings were carved into the walls and they were decorated with bat
guano. The early Paleolithic, the Neolithic, the later Neolithic, and the beginning of
the Bronze Age were different eras when the paintings were created. The earliest
solar calendar founded in Europe was painted inside this cave.
The Chauvet Cave is in southern France, specifically in the Ardeche Valley. It is about
... Show more content on ...
It is approximately 971 feet long. Numerous remains of the Solutrean and
Magdalenian were found; there were also animal shoulder blades that were
engraved on. Out of some animal shoulder blades, one has been dated back to
14,480 years ago. The height of the lateral chamber varies from 3.8 8.7 feet and
therefore, creating the paintings on the ceilings require crouching and working
above the head. Paintings and engravings covers the roof of the chamber. The colors
used to illustrate the images include red, black, and some violet. The animals painted
include horses, a doe that is 8.2 feet long, and other simpler creatures. Some of the
engravings include eight anthropomorphic figures, handprints, and hand stencils. In
some part of the cave, there are black painted and engraved figures. These artists
played around with contouring on rock surfaces to add a three dimensional look to
Popular Science Argument Structures
Argument structures have three different categories, appeals, focuses, and framings,
each one to shape the material that is being presented. Appeals are as they sound in
order to gravitate someone, to give it some flare in order to become desirable in the
aspect of being read. In a research article this can be demonstrated in the form of
writing about the newness of things such as the new findings, the new discovery, new
research, new testing, anything that can be new and be shown off is inserted. On
the other side of the spectrum a popular science article will want to share what is
able to be sold or what is worth reading, just a gossip magazine is picked up more
than a cooking magazine, it is all about knowing your audience and how to engage
Empirical Studies ... Show more content on ...
has mentioned other studies that have been done in the a similar study Massad et al.
reported that high school students are also using a wide variety of supplements such
as fluid replacement drinks, multivitamins and minerals, vitamin C, protein drinks,
and carbohydrate loading drinks. (Froiland et al, 2004) They compare their research
on the supplement use and what has been shown in a previous study. This helps in
show that they have done something correct. Their focus is on the four specific
questions as to the popularity use of a supplement, the knowledge they have before
taking them, where they get the information, and finally the differences between
genders. They frame the article not for the general public, but to an audience that are
fairly knowledgeable in nutrition and health. Less than 2.0% reported taking MCT
oils, ATP, branched chain amino acids, biotin, pantothenic acid... (Froiland et al,
2004) as for what are MCT oils and supplements that contain amino acids, is for
someone that has an education in nutrition and
Key Requirements For A Successful Vm Implementation
There are several important additional requirements for a successful VM
implementation ( Jaapar,. et al. 2012). First, unwavering and visible support from
top management is an absolute prerequisite for the success of a VM program.
Second, it is imperative that all stakeholders (investors, end users, project team, the
owner, constructors/manufacturers, designers, specialist suppliers, etc.) be
involved in the process, especially during the VP and VE stages. The extent of their
involvement depends on the level and stage of the value management process, as
well as the person responsible for VM procedures. Third, in larger or more
complex projects, an independent/external value manager is needed, as well as an
external team with relevant design and technical expertise. Projects that are highly
complex are simply too challenging or massively complex to enable one
individual to conduct all VM analyses herself. It is important to ensure that when a
value manager is appointed to oversee a project, he is afforded the cooperation of
all stakeholders. In the case of smaller projects, VM might be undertaken by the
sponsor s professional adviser or project manager and, in some cases, an external
professional. However, when establishing a structure for dealing with value for
money on projects, there may be a need for expert assistance, particularly at the
review stages. Fourth, because each project is different, there is no single correct
approach to VM. However, there are a
Impact Of Slavery On African American Slave Trade
African American slave trade was gruesome, barbaric, and just evil until 1865 when
there was a shred of hope from the emancipation proclamation. At the time that
slavery was established it was more of an institution instead of a slave trade; the
number was small but slaves worked in all the colonies. Before the constitution was
established Northern states either abolished slaveryor they made laws for gradual
emancipation of slaves. The ordinance of 1787 kept many slaves from new
territories, so with that slavery only existed in the south where they became regions
peculiar institution. In this time slavery was just starting to soon become a way of
life for many Americans including slaves themselves.
From the beginning slavery existed even ... Show more content on ...
In 1859, two years after the Scott decision the would spark passion in the nation
had occurred. Abolitionist and 22 men raided a federal arsenal leading to the deaths
of 10 people, then soon the south would reach a breaking point. Three months in to
president Lincolns presidency several southern states seceded to make the
confederate stated of America, and four more followed after the civil war. With
Lincoln being anti slavery, the central union war set first to not abolish slavery. To
be an abolitionist only became a goal later to the fact that military necessities grew
anti slavery in the north and self emancipation was the idea for many African
Americans who sought to flee slavery as union troops when into the
The Importance of School Counselors
A school counselor s role is vital in many schools across America. Many students see
their counselor, to work on any emotional stressors, academic changes and challenges.
This may include, interventions, group therapy and changes in class schedule, but
sometimes with all the implementations given, students do not succeed in school.
Perhaps one needs to take a closer look at the programs being implemented and its
success rate. In addition, a counselor should guide itself using the ASCA (American
School CounselorAssociation) to provide evidence based practices in schools.
According to Carey and Dimmitt, it is essential for counselors to use evidence based
practice to make sure they are able to ensure and improve student outcomes (2008). ...
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I find it this more reasonable and effective for a counselor to do. A researchbased
program has done all the work of creating a variable (experimental group) and a
control group to show if a program s effectiveness. This means the counselor can see
the results of the experimental group and see if this would work for the group
intended. As mentioned by Carey and Dimmitt, research based interventions ensure
that the school s resources are invested wisely. This means, the counselor can rely on
the program and be able to predict positive outcomes.
Another method for a counselor to use science in their practice is to make sure the
intervention or program used has strong research support. While many may not
hold strong support to be shown to be effective, a counselor must evaluate its
effectiveness for the students. I find this part of science more difficult for
counselors to implement due to time constraints and resources. While there may be
many programs out there, not all may be ideal for all schools. The counselor can
experiment and see if works well for the intended students or perhaps continue to
find more research to back up the program. Often times, this leads to counselors
developing their own programs or curriculum but their outcomes be unknown and not
as valid as solid research based programs. Therefore, if the
Blood Lead Testing History
Renovate right brochure link
/renovaterightbrochure.pdf Lead remediation
Where it all began
The Greeks and Romans were the first to use it. It was considered a luxury good in
the American Colonies. The White House was even painted with it. Lead based paint
was a hot item. It was durable, flexible and weather resistant. The use of white lead
pigment peaked in 1922. While the primary public health concerns were things like
tuberculosis and Spanish influenza, the extremely washable lead based paint seemed
like a great alternative to germ harboring wallpaper. Continuing into the 1950s, the
U.S. government overwhelmingly recommended the use of lead based paints.
From hero to zero
The transformation ... Show more content on ...
The test took two days just to analyze a sample. This made the test unsuitable for
larger scale testing in communities. The technology that enabled community wide
screenings for blood lead levels became available in the mid 1960s. This allowed
health officials to depart from relying on painfully obvious symptoms such as pale
skin, slurred speech, loss of appetite and cognitive deficits.
The first ban on lead paint
The first restriction on the use of lead paint in the U.S. came about in 1951 when the
Baltimore Public Health Department issued a ban on its use as interior paint. Since
then, the restrictions on the use of lead paint have come a long way. In 1978, paint
containing more than .06% lead (in the dry product) was banned for residential use in
the United States.
Why so much focus on children?
If you look through the federal rules concerning lead paint, you will see that the
lion s share of defining standards are all about buildings inhabited by children.
Aside from the obvious need to protect our children, this is because children are
more susceptible to the effects of lead poisoning. For example, a child s cerebral
membrane is still largely permeable until the age of
Freshman Pros
There are some things that you do not desire to accomplish your freshman year.
Although on the other hand, there are something s that freshman should try. If I
could go back to being a freshman, I would want to make sure I attempt all the
actives. Secondly, I wouldn t be concerned what others contemplate of me. Lastly, I
would tell you to take all the collegecredits that your schooloffers, these will help
your degree of choice. These are some tips for high school. If I could attempt back to
be a freshman, I would want to create to challenge all the actives. Well, since you
never know if you re going to like something unless you make the effort yourself. If
you don t try them out how are you accepted to know if you liked it or not. Actives
can help shape your self confidences and support acquaintances. I recommend that
you try all the actives you can, since that way you won t... Show more content on ...
First bullies are everywhere no matter what. They are always waiting for the perfect
moment to pick on an individual. Just try to block them out and not let them bother
you and you will come out a head. Second don t worry what others opinions are
because the only one the means anything remains to be your own. So high school can
be hard to fit into but just find others with the same importance and build a collection
of acquaintances and you will accomplish high school just fine.
Lastly, I would tell you to take all the college credits that your school has to offers;
these will help your degree of choice. By taking these credits offered throughout
your high school they are free to you take advantage of that. Bonus, then you won t
have to take as many fundamental lectures when you get to college so you will
farther a head. Take high school seriously, I know at times it can be difficult and
demanding, but I never took it seriously and know I wishing I would have. Study
hard and get good grades it will benefit you in the long
The Criminal Case Of Dr. Richard Heartman, An Internal...
Health insurance fraud is what drives up health insurance premium costs, wastes
taxpayer s money, but can also endanger beneficiaries or leave them uninsurable. In
2015, Medicare Strike Force reported over $700 million in false billing by doctors,
nurses, other licenses medical professionals, laboratories, and individuals (
This is a staggering figure that is only getting worse. In this fictitious federal case I
will be describing the criminal offender, the crime that was committed, the charge
handed down by law enforcement, and the judicial process from the beginning of the
criminal case to the sentencing of Dr. Richard Heartman, an internal medicine
The Defendant
Defendant Richard Heartman, a licensed internal ... Show more content on ...
Charges The U.S. Attorney General, or prosecutor Amita Anders, provided the
grand jury all the evidence and testimony from witnesses, who voted to indict Dr.
Richard Heartman based on the strong evidence by the U.S. Attorney General,
which was able to establish Dr. Heartman was found guilty beyond a reasonable
doubt. On January 31, 2016, FBI agents arrive at his office at Heartless Rd,
Heartotack, Illinois and place Dr. Heartman under arrest. He is read his Miranda
rights and has been advised of the charges against him. Because he has been
determined to be a flight risk, he will be detained in the county jail until his
Defendant Heartman, has been charged with 10 counts of wire fraud, for knowingly
caused to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce
from the account of Medicare at Citibank in Indianapolis to the defendants account
at JP Morgan Chase in Heartotack, Illinois, which represents the payments by
Medicare on all claims submitted from 2005 2015 by all the individuals. This is a
violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343 (Cornell Law, 2016).
Defendant Heartman also has been charged with 10 counts of U.S. Mail fraud, for
knowingly caused to be delivered by United States mail, envelopes containing checks
from commercial and private health insurance carriers, which represented the
payments by the
Literary Analysis Of Shrek 2
Nowadays, when we hear Shrek we think of him as an icon of the internet. In a
world where appearances seem to be societies focus, Shrek 2 reminds us that looks
are fleeting, but what is on the inside is what is important. Shrek 2 is a movie
written in 2014 that follows the main character, Shrek an ogre, on his journey in
the kingdom, Far Far Away as he tries to acquire the approval of his wife s, Fiona
also an ogre, parents which are the human king and queen of Far Far Away.
Overwhelming, the movie is able to depict a fantastic children s romantic fairytale by
teaching a life lesson in the use a medieval style with numerous references to pop
culture and iconic soundtrack.
Although set in what seemingly resembles medieval times and the characters
costumes fit the backdrop, Shrek 2 presents modern references which enable the
audience to realize the mockery of today s world. Knowing that Fiona is a princess
as well, we instantly know that Far Far Away is where the royals live. The film
creators draw this city in a way that looks strikingly similar to Hollywood. As Shrek
and Fiona arrive in front of her parents castle, crowds await them cheering. Royals
are put in a standard and admiration similar to those of celebrities, while the cheering
crowds at the gate resembles obsessive fans. The creator s use of this medieval
Hollywood works well because people are often idolized and idealized. Shrek
displays an obvious hesitance on visiting the in laws since he is aware his image
What Is The Purpose Of The Truman Show
The Truman Show Film Review
Twenty nine years ago, Truman Burbank was adopted by the Omnicom
corporation and was set to be the star of a worldwide reality tv show that would
film his entire life existence. Christof, the creator of the tv show built a world
inside a dome and controlled every aspect of Trumans life and even mind without his
knowledge. As Truman slowly discovers the real meaning of his life, he must decide
whether or not to make a change. The purpose of this film is to explore the effect of
reality tv has on people.
The Truman show is a metaphor of our own society. The fake landscape in Trumans
eyes is our very own media landscape in which the news, politics, tv shows,
celebrity gossip , advertisement, body image and much more is simply made up
from illusions. Like our media, it is convincing just like it was in Trumans world,
with all the storylines and similarities between his world and the real thing. We
accept the reality of the world with which we are presented , this quote from Christof
represents how we just accept our reality without really examining it Closely . What
made this film so fascinating is that Truman had genuine and real emotions to those
he cared for, meanwhile his family and ... Show more content on ...
In the film there were many film techniques used. Cue the sun , is quoted by
Christof which gave him the power to make the sun come up like a god, in which
he wishes to be viewed as. Symbols in the film include water and stripes ; This is
the symbol of Trumans fear from when he saw his dad drown , and this is the fear
keeping him between freedom, which he overcame. The symbols of stripes represent
Trumans metaphorical prison, it can be seen on Clothing throughout the film. There
were many camera shots and angles to capture the story of Truman, such as fisheyes
and close ups, which were precisely used when product placement was
Application of Number Assignment
Task One: Gather, present and interpret data for a purpose The purpose of my task is
to compare daily website traffic to the daily sales conversion rate over the month of
June for a newly established sales campaign. With this information I can identify
whether the projected conversion rate percentage has been forecast accurately. This
information will also be used as the control sample data to base future sale trends on.
w/c |Visitors / Sales |Mon |Tues |Wed |Thurs |Fri |Sat |Sun |Week Total | |01/06/11 |V |
| |5 |1 |4 |1 |4 |15 | | |S | | |2 |0 |1 |0 |2 |5 | |06/06/11 |V |3 |2 |1 |5 |1 |1 |1 |14 | | |S |2 |1 |0
|2 |0 |0 |0 |5 | |13/06/11 |V |5 |2 |4 |3 |1 |2 |0 |17 | | |S |2 |0 |2 |1 |0 |1 |0 |6 | |20/06/30 |V
|3 |3 |7 |6 |4 |4... Show more content on ...
To do this, you need to divide the top and the bottom number by the same number
to get a smaller whole number on both parts of the fraction. This fraction can then be
simplified as follows: 12/88 Г· 4 = 3/22 This fraction cannot be simplified any further
as 3 and 22 cannot both be divided by the same number. Decimal To express Monday
s traffic as a decimal we find the fraction that represents the proportion we are looking
for. Using or previous calculation, this gives us 12/88 or 3/22 To convert a fraction
into a decimal, divide the top number of the fraction by the bottom number ie 3 Г· 22
= 0.13 (or 12 Г· 88 = 0.13). Percentages To work out percentages, all you need to do
is work out the decimal and move the decimal point two places to the right. This is
the same as multiplying it by 100. Using Monday s figures again, this would be
applied in the following way: 0.131.3013.013% So, to work out a percentage you
need to follow the above steps to express the proportion as a fraction, convert it to a
decimal and then move the decimal point two places to the right. Using Monday s
figures again this can be simplified as: 12 Г· 88 x 100 = 13% Task two: Scale
Drawing Purpose: We have been given a budget of ВЈ500 to
A Superstar s Open Contempt
A Superstar s Open Contempt
For various folks, the description of the nature of Jesus prevails as a yielding,
meek man that merely wants people to be morally, loving toward each other;
notwithstanding, this analogy surfaces as being insultingly inadequate. For this
man, if you want to call Him a man, shined as a towering superstar and labored
continually to tolerate people s ignorance and stupidity. Throughout the four
gospels, from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5 7), to all of His teachings and
parables, He does expound on people to strive to better their brotherly love, ethics,
morals, etc., speaking quite compassionately; while focusing mainly on people s
spiritual transformations, becoming born again. (John 3:3) Nevertheless, looking
closer, there occur matters that exhibit disregard and possibly open contempt
numerous times (Matt 10:21, 10:34 38), even towards His own mother (Matt 12:46
50, Mar 3:31 35, John 2:4); in addition, He demonstrates a temper to the point of
killing a barren fig tree (Matt 21:18 21; Mark 11:12 14; 11:20 21).
Moreover, Jesus persists as constantly attacking people for their erroneous beliefs,
and other unruly behaviors; such as the Scribes, (Matt 5:20, 23:14 15), the Pharisees,
(Matt 23:25, Luke 11:44); the Sadducees, (Matt 16:11 12). He discredits Gentiles,
and Samaritans (Matt 10:5); people buying and selling in the temple (Matt 21:12);
heathens (Matt 6:7); publicans (Matt 18:17); anyone outside of the house of Israel
(Matt 15:24 26);
Case Study Of RICB
Major RQ: What are the critical successes factors responsible for smooth adoption of
electronic payment platform by RICB in an emerging market? The following are the
sub research questions:
1.How does top management support influence the intention to adopt electronic
payment platform for RICB?
2.What is the organizational readiness level of RICB to influence the adoption of
electronic payment platform?
3.What are the perceived benefits identified influencing RICB to adopt the electronic
payment platform?
4.Which factors of external pressure have significant influence on adoption of
electronic payment platform by RICB?
Chapter 4: Findings
This chapter illustrates complete assessment on the findings made on electronic
payment platform adoption prospect by Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan
Limited in its chosen lines of businesses. The theoretical framework of Iacovou et al.,
(1995) model was used as the base for the research, customized to be applicable to
Bhutanese perception. The Independent variables are perceived benefits, top
management support, organizational readiness and external pressure and electronic
payment platform adoption as dependent variable. The research also came upon some
of astoundingly latest findings; it ... Show more content on ...
Apart from that the respondents felt RICB Multifaceted Business structure is one of
the company s existing strength thus the adoption of electronic payment platform
will provide customers the convenience of investment, insurance, and social security s
services under one umbrella. With the introduction of this electronic mode of transfer
of funds, the inconveniences and delays associated with the current cash and other
paper based transfer of funds such as cheques and drafts shall be minimized as the
participants will be able to settle their transactions efficiently and faster(RMA,
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Water Fluoridation
WATER FLUORIDATION: A high degree of reduction in caries/ tooth decay occur
when fluoride content is approximately IPPM (i.e. one part of fluoride to one
million part of water), the prevalence of oral fluorosis increase greatly when the
concentration of fluoride is more than 1pm. Therefore, the optimal concentration of
community fluoridation is 1pm. The very first community water fluoridation was
in Grand Rapids in USA in 1945 and these produced a reduction in caries between
40 50% in deciduous teeth while in permanent dentition is 50 60%. Apart from
caries reduction, there is also a slower rate of progression of caries lesion less
involvement of oral pulp. Many more people have caries free teeth or dentition. It
was noticed that these four differences occur and its lifelong protection for the water
fluoridation is interrupted the caries protective effect is diminished. Drinking habits
are affected by temperature and failure to make adjustment for this many result in
increasing incidence in fluorosis in one climate. To achieve maximum protection for
both primary and secondary teeth, the consumption of fluoridated water is essential
as it acts directly as topical agent as well as systematically during teeth formation.
Proximal and surfaces are more protected than pits fissures. ADVANTAGE OF
WATER FLUORIDATION (WHO 1984): The major advantage of water fluoridation
is that apart from school (students) the entire community benefits adequately
irrespective of age,
The Suspect Being Arrested For Driving Under The
This case involves the suspect being arrested for driving under the influence of
alcoholic beverages in violation of CVC 23152(a) DUI.
This incident occurred in the 700 block of N. Garfield Avenue.
On 10 28 16 at 1354 hours Officer Harrell #3441 and I were dispatched to the area of
Garfield Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard regarding a possible DUI driver.
Dispatch advised that Witness Alma Funes described the vehicle as a beige Honda
with a license plate of #4HCX801. Funes told dispatch the driver parked his vehicle
in front of 721 N. Garfield Avenue.
Upon our arrival, Officer Harrell and I were traveling southbound in the 700 block
of N. Garfield Avenue approaching Orange Grove Boulevard. I saw a female
Hispanic, later identified as Witness Funes standing near the west sidewalk of
Garfield Avenue. She began pointing at a tan Toyota Camry, California license plate
#4HCX801. The vehicle was parked along the west curb line in front of 729 N.
Garfield Avenue.
Officer Harrell and I exited our patrol unit (#15) and approached the vehicle. I
contacted a male Hispanic, later identified as Suspect Otolio Anibal Perez Martin in
the driver seat. I looked through the rear driver side window and saw a bottle of
Modelo beer siting on the rear passenger side floorboard. I saw several closed bottles
of Modelo beer bottles in the center console cup holder and front passenger
floorboard. I also saw a metal container which had an
Desobry Mission Command
INTRODUCTION This mission command analysis review the battle of Team
Desobry at the town of Noville, Belgium. These events took place between 18 to
20 December 1944 which impacted later on the battle fought at Bastogne during
the World War II period. It is also the goal of this review to discuss and analyze
three mission command principles displayed during this battle: (1), (2) and (3). One
of the main protagonist forces to be part of this history was the 20th Armored
Infantry Battalion, 10th Armored Division. The commanding officer of this element
was Major William R. Desobry. (During/Among) the events of World War II the
German forces were trying to gain control of the Ardennes to cut off the supply lines
in order to isolate British... Show more content on ...
Therefore this represented a disadvantages for the American forces since they did
not have the higher ground. To increase the handicap even more, the weather at the
time was predominantly foggy, no maps of the area were available for the arriving
commanders and team Desobry arrived at Noville 18 December at 23:00 hours,
depriving them from the opportunity to take initial advantage of the area natural
defenses. Desobry established teams at Bourcy road, Houffalize road and the road to
Vaux. Those teams consisted of an understrength platoon of infantry and a section of
medium tanks.В№ Through the night the Engineer troops were ordered to set up a
mine field in support of the roadblocks, however, they were unable to do so due to
the heavy transit of remanent units fleeing to the west. Many elements from the 9th
Armor Division s Combat Command R, the 28th Infantry Division and several
engineer units were drafted through the night by Desobry s
Money The True Force Behind Dracula
In Dracula (1897), Bram Stoker explores the wonderful power of money (Stoker
341). Through the actions of Van Helsing and the Army of Light Stoker ponders
What can it not do when it is properly applied; and what it might do when basely
used! (341) through Dracula s machinations. Though one does not usually associate a
vampire with a bank statement, Dracula utilizes the power of money as well as his
abilities to turn into dust and bats. By granting Dracula the same influence of the
blessed buck that the Army of Light uses to acquire information, Stoker augments the
Count s threat to British society and allows him to function as not only a creature of
the night but as a person ... Show more content on ...
In his search for Dracula s boxes, Harker bribes nearly everyone he encounters; A
half crown tip put the deputy s knowledge at my disposal (252) and another man
provides information because Harker treats him wery an some (251) and gives
him half a sovereign. Harker s behaviour during this pursuit of Dracula differs
greatly from the beginning of the novel when he travels to Transylvania. While
journeying to Dracula s castle, Harker does not bribe the local peasants for
information about the Count, even when they begin acting suspiciously whenever
Harker mentions to where he travels. He only receives his money in the middle of
the book, so perhaps Harker does not feel as though he may control the lower class
people as he does later in the novel.
Dracula, however, does wield this kind of power in Transylvania. When Harker
arrives at his hotel in Bistritz he discovers that Dracula has all ready paid for his
room. Even though the owners of the hotel know the stories of Count Dracula and
believe them, the old couple still cooperates with his plans because he pays them
enough. Dracula also has a ...great heap of gold in one corner gold of all kinds,
Roman, and British, and Australian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money
(47), which suggests that he has
Erythroxylum Coca Cocaine
Erythroxylum coca, is a shrub that is native to the lands of Southern and Central
America, and Southeast Asia (1). During the mid 1800s, German chemist Albert
Niemann discovered and isolated the harmful drug, cocaine, from E. coca (2).
Shortly after its discovery, companies such as the Coca Cola Company used cocaine
to add flavor to their carbonated beverages (3). Back then, cocaine was actually
present in just about everything from ointments to margarine. Cocaine was even
used medically as a pain alleviator due to its soothing properties. However, a type of
wine called Vin Mariani was the most popular of drinks because it contained
approximately 6 milligrams of cocaine per ounce. A typical serving of wine is 4 5
ounces so that means one serving... Show more content on ...
Cocaine was the leading illicit drug in the late 20th century in America. It is
suggested that the use of cocaine may potentially lead to severe cardiovascular
disease, other serious health issues and even death. Despite these serious health
risks, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (7) reported in 2011 a total of 505,224
emergency visits nationwide in regards to cocaine use suggesting that cocaine use
still poses as a problem in today s society. There weren t any antidotes available to
be given for accidental overdoses until the major discovery of enzyme called
cocaine esterase (cocE) (8). CocE is capable of degrading cocaine and therefore the
harmful effects of cocaine are diminished. CocE has the potential to save lives of
individuals that are unfortunately under the control of cocaine.
CocE was isolated from the genomes of bacteria living around the plant, E. coca.
CocE was initially derived from Pseudomonas maltophilia strain MB11L (9). Shortly
after, cocE was isolated from the bacterium, Rhodococcus sp. strain MB1. Bacteria
such as these have adapted to their surrounding environment. These bacteria have
acquired the specialized ability to use cocaine produced by the plant as their sole
source of carbon and nitrogen (10). In the environment of a harsh toxin, cocaine,
these bacteria can still obtain energy necessary to thrive and flourish.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working Money
Drawing Power is the amount of Working Capital funds the borrower is allowed to
draw from the Working Capital limit allotted to him. Because the working capital
limit is usually allotted to a borrower against security of Stock and Book Debts, the
amount of funds a borrower is allowed to draw is calculated by considering the total
value of Stock plus total value of Book Debts for the month after deducting the
margin. It is for this purpose that the borrower must regularly submit Stock and Book
Debts Statement and Statement of Trade Creditors.
Thus, in a way Trade Creditors also finance the borrower s stock and hence the stock
purchased under credit being unpaid stock, cannot be provided as security to Bank.
Hence total amount ... Show more content on ...
There are three parties to a contract of a guarantee. The person who guarantees the
performance of a promise or the liability of a third person is called the guarantor
(surety). The person, on whose behalf the guarantee is given is the principal debtor,
and the person to whom the guarantee is given is called the creditor.
The obligation of the surety, under a guarantee issued, arises when there is a default
to perform the promise by the person on whose behalf the guarantee is given. The
liability of a surety runs parallel to the liability of a principal debtor towards the
creditor. On failure of the principal debtor to perform the obligation under the
contract, the liability of the surety with respect to the guarantee starts. The bank may
be called to perform its obligation under a bank guarantee issued by it. Therefore,
though bank guarantees are non fund credits, the probability of their turning into fund
based credit is high.
In order to ensure that the guarantee executed by the banker does not remain in force
for an indefinite period, it is stipulated that the guarantee would remain in force the
period specified therein, on the expiry of which no claims would be entertained by the
How Lean s Helps A Sustainable Print Company
How Lean Methodology Leads to a Sustainable Print Company
Continual improvement is a goal for all print companies looking for future success.
To become a sustainable company one needs to cut unnecessary costs and waste
generated by doing business. Removing cost and waste may seem like simple things
to do but finding the necessary changes and implementing these changes requires
time and effort. A method used to accomplish this goal is lean manufacturing.
Lean manufacturing is a continuous improvement practice that focuses on waste
reduction. Waste in its simplest form is anything that is excessive and consumes
resources. It can also be referred to as non value added activities that do not add
value to the end product (Rizzo, 2008, 58). Sustainability on the other hand
recognizes a print company s capability to satisfy the 3 dimensions: people, profit and
environment (Wirtenberg, 2013). These three dimensions are referred to as the triple
bottom line (TBL). Even when a business is making a profit, anything that does not
create value for customers, fulfill employees needs, and benefit the environment is
wasteful and must be restructured to eliminate non value added activities (Wandiga,
2013).This is the philosophy of lean manufacturing; a beneficial concept that can help
reduce the amount of wasted resources in a company and contribute to its
Knowing the theories behind lean and sustainability is not enough, print companies
need to know how to implement
Essay about Super Size Me
Super Size Me Numerous individuals around the world are familiar with McDonald
s and its unhealthy menu; however, that does not stop many from visiting the fast
food giant. Super Size Me is an in depth film by Morgan Spurlock, which shows
viewers his journey from healthy eating to becoming a fast food junkie. Viewers are
able to see the damage that the unhealthy foodfrom McDonald s causes while
Spurlock eats three meals a day from the fast food chain. Spurlock visits three
schools, each with different meal programs. The differences in the healthy and
unhealthy choices made by the schools are abundantly clear. Audiences also become
aware of how effective advertisers are in securing business for unhealthy food
products. Spurlock s... Show more content on ...
Watching him wake up early in the morning having a hard time breathing and
complaining of heart palpitations makes even the most avid McDonald s patron
want to stop eating their harmful food. During a checkup after experiencing the
heart palpitations, Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock Your cholesterol is now 225 and your
liver is inflamed. The doctor advises him to stop eating McDonald s food. It is
shocking to see that after only two weeks on a McDonald s diet an individual can
become severely ill. Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock You are pickling your liver much like
an alcoholic does when drinking. My advice is to stop. Stop this fatty diet. Two
weeks later Spurlock s final weigh in indicates that he has gone from 185.5 lbs. to
210 lbs. He has gained a total of 24.5 lbs., which has increased his total body fat
from 11% to 18%. It is astonishing to see that thirty days of a fast food diet can
cause so much damage to an individual s body. The unhealthy effect fast food has
on the body is no longer deniable to individuals who have seen the film. Schools
play a vital role in the health and well being of their students. Spurlock gives viewers
a look into three different schools and the nutrition they supply their students.
Madison Jr. High in Naperville, Illinois outsources their food services to Sodexho
Alliance. Sodexho Alliance provides students with many unhealthy lunch choices.
Among their food choices are french fries,
Nicotine Effects On Health
Nicotine Effects on Health Smoking is the most avoidable cause of death. The drug
nicotine is found in tobacco, and the most common use of nicotine is in cigarettes.
Filter cigarettes are the popular form of nictoine in todays society, controlling over
ninety percent of the U.S. cigarette market (Hart, Carl L., et al., 2013). Nicotinecan be
absorbed through the mucous membranes. Additionally it can cause, lung cancer,
cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung diseases (including emphysema)
(Hart, Carl L., et al.,2013). Nicotine can cause dependence, and often leads to
smokers modify smokingpatterns to acqire more nicotine. However, smokers are not
the only people who suffer the consequences of smoke. Second handsmoke can cause
Explain The Procedures Of Three Sociological Research...
Explain the procedures of three sociological research methods and evaluate their
strengths and weaknesses.
Sociology is the study of how humans experience life. Through studying behaviour,
development, cultures and how people function as a society sociologist strive to
explain social problems. This is achieved through research methods. Research
methods can take many different approaches and rarely is one method used to gain
insight and understanding, a mixture of different concepts can be used so the
findings are more rigor. This is known as triangulation (Pullinger,2014,p.89). Many
different factors can influence methods, self interest can affect whether the
sociologist is prepared to carry out time consuming methods, also time available
and funds available can be a factor. Research methods that take long to analyse,
such as statistics, might be to time consuming and large scale interviewing or
surveys may not be very cost effective. Methods can also be , in some situations,
unethical therefore a different approach would be needed. The biggest influences
are methodologies and theories. If the sociologist leans towards positivism their
research methods will be hard data and high in reliability, meaning the data will be
strong in consistency, precise and if repeated the results would be very similar. Data
findings will be numerical, large scaled and statistical meaning it is quantitative data.
This method is scientific and favours social surveys and use of official
History Of Abortion Essay
The History of Abortion nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;
nbsp;Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion results in the
death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced. For years,
abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. The history of abortion reaches
back not just decades, but centuries, and even milleniums. Today, policies regarding
legal abortion in the U.S. is being debated everywhere. Many myths and
misconceptions confuse this issue. A better understanding of the history of abortion
in America can help provide a context for an improved policy in the future. Abortion
has been widely known, practiced, and debated since ancient times. The ancient
Hebrews... Show more content on ...
These illegal abortions were unsafe, and could be fatal to most women, and put
their lives at risk. Jane Roe was a twenty one year old woman that was pregnant,
who represented all of the women who wanted abortions but could not get one.
Henry Wade was a Texas attorney General who had defended the state s law. The
Supreme Court ruled for Roe and stated that America s right to privacy included: the
right for a woman to choose whether or not to have her child; and the right for a
woman and her doctor to make this decision without state involvement within the first
trimester of the pregnancy. It made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions
from well trained medical practitioners. Consequently, there was a dramatic decrease
in pregnancy related deaths. Anti abortion politicians in 1981 unsuccessfully
attempted to introduce a Human Life Amendment that prohibited abortions under all
conditions. President Reagan and George Bush also wanted to overturn the Supreme
Court s ruling of the Roe v. Wade case. The Department of Health and Human
Services in 1988, introduced federal gag rules. These rules did not allow federally
funded family planning clinics to discuss and inform their patients about abortion. In
1939, the abortion pill RU 486 was banned by the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration). After, many anti abortion bills were introduced in state legislatures.
Bills supporting abortion rights were
Karl Popper Science As Falsification Summary
In Karl Popper s paper Science as Falsification , he attempted to explain what
exactly separates hard science from pseudoscience. He came to the conclusion that
all theories which are to be deemed scientific must be falsifiable. In other words, the
theory must have the ability to be tested and proven to be true, and not just deemed
to be true because it happens to be true in some instances. Popper s logic was that the
only reason to test a theorywas to find a way to deem it untrue, and so theories which
are unable to be tested cannot be considered as science. I believe that this was a great
turning point in the history of science because there were many theories which were
considered as scientific because there was no basis of proving them otherwise. Many
people who were studying in certain unfalsifiable... Show more content on ...
Astronomy is concerned with the study of celestial bodies like planets, stars, comets,
asteroids, moons, etc., the physics of these objects, and their relation to each other.
Almost all information obtained in astronomy is through direct observation and
mathematical calculations. Any astronomical theory can be tested by just looking up
in the sky with a telescope. Further knowledge can be obtained by observing the
relationships between these bodies and using theories from other branches of science
such as physics and chemistry. Astrology, on the other hand, attempts to use the
information observed from celestial bodies, such as the location of the sun, the
moon, stars, and constellations in space, and their alignment relative to each other, to
try to predict and explain things which are happening here on Earth. Astrologers use
things such as the time of one s birth in relation to the position of these objects as a
basis for making predictions about a person s personality traits, things which they
may or may not do, or things which they may
Myopia Is The Most Common Eyesight Problem
Myopia is the most common eyesight problem which affects about one in five
people worldwide. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error
which makes it difficult for people to see objects that are far away. The different
kinds of myopia, each based on its own symptoms and severity. All of these myopia
share similar symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches and eyestrain. The most
common is classified as simple or mild myopia. High myopia is a severe form of
myopia which affects about 2% of the population. An eye with high myopia
continues to grow and become large which increases the risk of retinal detachment.
On normal eyes, the light rays will focus directly on the surface of the retina.
Another form of severe and rare myopia is degenerative myopia, which begins in
early childhood and increases the risk of degenerative changes. Myopia occurs
when the eyeball is too long or when the cornea is too curved for the length of the
eyeball which causes the light rays to focus in front of the retina. This renders a
person s vision to be limited to under 6 meters. Not being able to see objects that
are further than 6 meters creates problems for humans when performing daily tasks.
To combat this issue, most people use a form of vision correction such as glasses or
contact lenses while others get surgery. The curved lenses of eyeglasses and contact
lenses helps refocus the light rays onto the retina. Refractive surgeries correct myopia
by changing the shape of the
Essay on The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental...
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has a number
of features. First of all, every disorder is identified using a name and a numerical
code. In addition, the manual provides the criteria for diagnosing each disorder as
well as establishes subtypes of a disorder and examples that would illustrate the
disorder. The manual goes further by addressing the typical age of onset, culturally
related information, gender related information, prevalence of a disorder, typical
clinical course of a disorder, typical predisposing factors of a disorder and genetic
family patterns of a disease (Summers, 2009). The DSM IV is a tool that is used by
mental health practitioners and social service workers. As has been demonstrated...
Show more content on ...
Personality disorders have a sex prevalence rate and there has been some suggestion
that those rates reflect gender bias. The bias concerns derived from the
conceptualization of personality disorders, the wording of diagnostic criteria, the
application of diagnostic criteria, thresholds for diagnosis, clinical presentation,
researching sampling, the self awareness and openness of patients and the items
included within self report inventories (Butcher, 2009, p. 356). Studies have failed to
prove that there is significant gender bias in the DSM. However, research has
showed there is gender bias within clinical judgments. For example, gender related
items would be included within self report inventories (Butcher, 2009). Clinicians
tend to judge female patients as being mentally ill more readily than male patients,
even when the symptoms are the same. Moreover, women are more likely to be cast
as overly emotional, have a need for mood altering medication and require ongoing
monitoring/treatment (Zur and Nordmarken, 2010).
Sexual orientation has also caused considerable bias. Homosexuality was listed in the
DSM as a mental disorder up until 1974. Even law had identified homosexual
behavior as criminal; for instance, sodomy laws. Although homosexuality is no
longer listed in the DSM, therapists still have the option of considering homosexual
behavior as a sexual disorder not otherwise specified. The ability to still classify
homosexuality as a
Men’s Conflict With Food, Weight, Shape Appearance
Why does the general public believe only women are victims of body image and
eating disorders? Adolescent to adult males are dangerously preoccupied with the
appearance of their bodies. The difference between men and women are men almost
never talk openly about this problem. Society has taught them that they shouldn t be
concerned about how they look. But countless numbers of men are sacrificing
important aspectsof their lives to working out compulsively. This leads to distorted
body images, which ties together with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
(Adonis Complex.) The general public usually categorizes these disorders with
women only. Women aren t the only victims; men are suffering too, but just silently.
According ... Show more content on ...
Their perception of the male body becomes skewed. On television these days, it
seems as if the models stick together. It is rare to see an over weight person with a
lean and muscular person. From my observation, women on television are usually
tall and skinny with voluptuous curves. The men are tone with unrealistic chiseled
features. I grew up spending a lot of time in front of the television, unaware that I
was being subliminally brainwashed. Television is causing young males and
females to develop a negative perception on what is seen as normal. During the
earlier part of November, NBC broadcasted the 2001 Victoria Secret Fashion Show:
The Sexiest Night on Television. This one hour event was broadcasted in prime time
that featured tall, incredibly skinny, full featured women elegantly modeling lingerie.
But in reality, it was just a tacky peepshow of emaciated women pumped full of
silicone flaunting their bodies. It was a full hour of sugarcoated pornography, an hour
of women whoring themselves to photographers. According to The View, a talk show,
more than half of people who tuned were teenage girls. They were interested in what
the general public deemed as beautiful. What was on television that night was nothing
close to realistic. Imagine all the teenage girls who are completely mesmerized these
women. To achieve that look, those models have to go through rigorous diets and
dehydration. The lighting has
Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate...
Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate of Diffusion
Aim and Background
This is an experiment to examine how the Surface Area / Volume Ratio affects the
rate of diffusion and how this relates to the size and shape of living organisms.
The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients
and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most cells
are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and oxygen
to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell quickly. If
the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the nutrients and
oxygen to diffuse into the cell so the cell would probably not ... Show more content
on ...
The larger blocks have a smaller surface area than the smaller blocks. The smallest
block has 1.2mm squared of surface area for every 1mm cubed of volume. The
largest block only has 0.2mm squared of surface area for each 1mm cubed of
volume. This means that the hydrochloric acid is able to diffuse the smallest block
much faster than the largest block.
When the Surface Area/Volume Ratio goes down it takes longer for the
Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail By Dr. Martin...
The idea of civil disobedience is one that has fascinated human beings and American
culture specifically for generations. The idea of brave men and women going beyond
the bounds of the law to fight whatever injustice stands in their path is one that has
been frequently romanticized. However, today many are beginning to become
disillusioned with the idea of civil disobedience, questioning whether or not today s
social activists are capable of any real change, as many issues such as widespread
poverty or race relations seem to go unredressed. The distinction between the political
protests in history that are idealized and those seen today which seem relatively
ineffective is simply the ability to communicate. Movements that effectively
communicate... Show more content on ...
As MoisГ©s NaГm, contributing editor to The Atlantic, describes, The fervent
political energy on the ground is hugely disproportionate to the practical results of
these demonstrations . The issue with protest today is quite simply it happens so
often. When the immediate reactions to outrages that happen frequently today in
places like Ferguson, Charlotte, and others, is to immediately protest, over time
these protests seem to lose their significance. Even when the issues they bring up
are legitimate, the age of social media where everyone has a soap box and a story
to tell means the shock value protests used to have in Dr. King s day has all but
disappeared. The loss of that shock value hinders any ability to communicate a
message, making disobedience and protest a less viable option for effectively
causing social change. As a platform for communication increases in frequency and
decreases in uniqueness, its viability to actually deal with issues such as racial
tension decreases exponentially. Given today s environment, therefore, civil
disobedience appears to have lost its efficacy, as it is now unable to effectively
communicate its message, and thus may have far greater difficulty in impacting free
society in a positive
Immunization Study Ethically Wong
Discussion Forum Unit 3 For my discussion, I want though out the given two
topics which one is led to the most harmed, And what do you think could have been
done by the scientists, the media and the public to avoid or to fix? Even though
both research experiments are Ethically Wong in my understanding, my discussion
focused and decide to take a look very serious about Immunization study it is more
serious than the Stanford prison Because it is not expected and painful story to me
and very serious medical fraud and completely affecting every child s life around the
globe And intentionally not even by mistake it is on purpose and for their... Show
more content on ...
Andrade C. (2011), a groups of colleagues leaded by Andrew Wakefield has been
published a dangers and very series in the Lancet, which suggested that the measles,
mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine may predispose to character regression and
pervasive growth in life of children(Sathyanarayan Rao Andrade,2011). Despite the
fact without enough researched and reality and the fact wrongfully speculated and
brings it up to the public attention and confused parent and stop vaccination of their
children.Because of this dangerous information from media and critical situations,
the parent had a difficult time to vaccinate and put their lovely child s life at risk
(sathyanarayan Rao Andrade, 2011). Not very too long that almost the same time
after the wrong post, epidemiological studies were come out and reported stated that
the similar posted link between MMR vaccination and autism (p 3,4). The logic that
the MMR vaccine may trigger autism was also questioned stated because both are
dangers for the child s future (Sathyanarayan Rao Andrade, 2011). Almost all of the
groups admitting the all mace they created, and they decided to gain benefit from this
wrong action and complete by retracting and interpreted the element in the paper
incorrectly. which is contrary to the findings of the original report and finally
Wakefield were responsible and guilty ethical violations which they had completely
irresponsible, and invasive investigations on the child s life with false statement and
scientific misrepresentation(Sathyanayan Rao Andrade, 2011
The Paradoxical Theory Of Change
A satisfied life is hard to achieve. There are many behaviors that can be beneficial
in making a more effective life. Some of these factors are personal and internal and
some are external and involve other people. An effective life begins on the inside.
One must be aware of themselves. Change is a key facet of learning and personal
growth. The paradoxical theory of change: personal change tends to occur when
we become aware of what we are as opposed to trying to become what we are not.
To me, this theory of change means that we should beware of our strengths and our
weakness and work to change our weakness to strengths not to change our self to
fit the norm of society. We do not need to change to be like everyone else but to
better ourselves. There are ten rules of change. The ten rules include: all behaviors
are complex, change is frightening, change must be positive, being is easier than
becoming, slower is better, know more, do better, change requires structure,
practice is necessary, new behaviors must be protected, and small successes are
big. Too many people change is intimidating. I have not experienced that many
environmental changes in my life. Coming to college is the first time that I am
living on my own and not in the only town I ve ever lived in. So far I am pretty
adaptable to environmental changes, but I am not as successful with internal
changes. I am comfortable with who I am, but I know there are many weakness
and behaviors that need to be changed to have a better life. A hindrance to a life
that we desire is stress. Stress comes from internal and external forces. The key
with stress is knowing how you respond and what strategies help manage stress.
Stress can cause physical complications as well. Many people suffer physical pain
from stress. I can sometimes get very anxious about stress which feels like my
stomach is tied in knots or the is a pile of rocks lying on my chest. There is a
disease that comes from stress. The disease from stress used to be called
psychosomatic which implies it was just in the head . now the disease is called
psychophysiological disease. The psychophysiological disease accounts for the
consequences stress has on the body. I personally am working on a way to
Essay About Area 51
According to the article, What Do You Know about Area 51? , several people argued
that they witness some paranormal activities in Area 51. Area 51 is a facility located
in Nevada for developing aviation technology. There is no proof explaining why the
paranormal happenings are coming from there. Nevertheless, the witnesses claim that
these happenings are all related to the aliens. Additionally, they assume the high
government officials would have communicated with the aliens in Area 51. The
evidences are unidentified flying objects that they witnessed; however, the flying
objects have not been identified. Although their evidence has not been proven, people
still believe that there are paranormal happenings of aliens. The facility s high security
... Show more content on ...
The evidence of the claims is not credible is the first point that the article violets
from the Baloney Detection Kit. The believers were not skeptical about their
claims and they did not try to figure out if their claims were scientifically proven.
They just argue that the unidentified flying objects they witnessed are a piece of
valid evidence for their claims. Moreover, the flying objects, or what they claimed
as their evidences, have not been identified yet. The article does not state where they
got the sources of people who saw specious activities happening in Area 51. An
unverified claim is also infringing one of Shermer s ten Baloney Detection Kit
questions, since their claims have not yet been confirmed by anyone else. In addition,
the believers violated the rules of science. The rules of science include observe,
predict, test, interpret, and communicate. They first observed the flying objects
around the facility. Then, the believers started to predict their hypothesis that there
were aliens in Area 51. However, they did not test or exam their hypothesis to identify
the objects. Also, they should have gathered data and analyzed them to verify their
claims. Lastly, they have not published their study for peer review. Instead, the
believers just rumored around. Therefore, this article has not used any of the
scientific methods to prove their
Theme Of Pathos In Forrest Gump
People see movies to get a momentary escape from reality and be engaged in a
fictional perfect world or other genres that may snatch their emotions. The emotions
seen in the audience are created by using ethos, logos, and pathos throughout the
movie. Ethos is what portrays the credibility throughout the film such as using
famous actors or placing historically accurate scenes in the film. Logos is represented
by the logical scenes throughout the film such as the fame of the film including its
rating and awards or the historically accurate scenes representing the time the film
was set in. Finally, pathos is what grabs the emotions of the audience from the
dramatic scenes throughout the movie. In the movie Forrest Gump, Robert Zemeckis
portrays ethos, logos, and pathos several times throughout the film to pull the
audience in and leave them as if they were living in the film.
In the movie, the director uses two popular actors along with historic moments from
real life to show credibility of how good the quality of the movie will be representing
ethos. Tom Hanks plays as the main character, Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump). He is
a very well known actor who gained much of his fame from this very film. He has
worked alongside Steven Spielberg in four of his many films ( Forrest Gump ).
Hanks was also voted the 26th Greatest Movie Star of all time by Entertainment
Weekly ( Forrest Gump ). Sally Field also plays in the film as Forrest s mother, Mrs.
Gump. Sally has been in
The Musical Theatre Of America
Musical Theatre in America
Before the 20th century, people used music and dancing to tell stories, but it had
nothing to do with developing musical theater. Musical theatre is a type of play that
tells a story through songs, spoken dialogue, and dancing. During the 20th century,
there was a lot of change going on in Musical Theatre. Musicals are different from
other types of stage works such as opera because a musical would not be a musical
without the music, story line, or dancing. European operetta was becoming more
popular than American Musical Theatre. The two main types of opera that were
being made were called ballad operas and comic operas which had romantic plots.
American composers sought to come up with something new, since Musical Theatre
was not very popular with the general public. There were a lot of components that
helped shape musical theatre in America , but most think that it was mainly
developed because of the different tastes developing, likeable styles, spirit and energy
by composers in America, it was not. Although musical theaters origins are not
certain, Musical theatre gradually developed using influences of ballad opera, comic
opera, operetta, vaudeville, and burlesque.
Musical theatre had not been called musicals , although there were previous stage
entertainments. Before the 20th century there was a reported first musical written
entitled The Disappointment was a ballad opera that was taken from rehearsal
because it contained
Marine Battery Charger Research Paper
Marine Battery Charger Reviews As a boat owner, you are probably always
searching for a quality marine battery that can keep up with your electronics. What
you may not realize is that the quality of your battery extends to the type of battery
charger that you use when it is dead. To help you gain more understanding of why
it matters and which type may work best for you, consider these marine battery
charger reviews. Why You Need a Marine Battery Charger Even an excellent
quality marine battery may die a quick death if it is not charged the right way. This
is because most boaters venture out during only select times of the year and it leads
to times of inactivity followed by times where they expect their battery to keep up
with anything they throw its way. If you were to use it more consistently, it would
not be as hard to keep your marine battery healthy. Oddly enough, it is the inactive
times of the season that pose the most strain on your battery. That is, unless you
charge it properly throughout even the inactive times of the year. Marine Battery
Chargers Can Help... Show more content on ...
However, you need to take time and consider which type of charger is going to
work best for you. Do you need a portable marine battery charger or a deep cycle
marine battery charger? Most people seem to like a battery charger that is both
portable as well as a deep cycle. This is because deep cycle batteries, which most
people prefer, benefit more from a battery charger that is designed to charge them.
Beyond that, you will need to focus on how to use it the right
Summary Of An Ethic Of Eating By Michael Pollan
In Michael Pollan s essay An Ethic of Eating , he talks about how real food is
disappearing from supermarkets and groceries and being replaced with food like
substances. He claims that the overly processed foods are taking over and that
ordinary foods are becoming harder to find. He is also claiming that these foodlike
substances are confusing consumers into thinking that they are healthy for you
and consumer should shop from the source, farmer s markets. His first piece of
advice he has is don t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn t recognize as
food. He evidence is that she wouldn t recognize modern food as actual food. If he
was born in 1955, that would place his great grandmother in the 1890 s. Back in
that time, consumers thought that Crisco was good healthy and that eggs were full
of bad cholesterol. Eggs are actually healthy because they are full of high density
lipoprotein cholesterol, which is good for you. I see the point he is trying to make
here, stay away from processed foods that were not... Show more content on ...
The edges are where cheese, yogurt, meat, and fresh foods are. He explains you
have to be careful around the edges as well saying; things like high fructose corn
syrup have slipped into the diary case undercover. In the middle of the supermarket
you find canned foods, these are highly processed and don t contain much
nutritional value. You will also find the prepackaged sweets and candies. Everyone
already know these are awful for your health and such be avoid in the supermarket
to curb temptation to throw a package in your shopping cart. This brings up his
point to just avoid supermarkets altogether, but this is often impossible for some
people. Personally, the nearest farmer s market is about an hour away while out
local grocery store is about five minutes away. Farmers markets and fresh produce are
also more expensive and a lot of people these days cannot afford to eat

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Transitions For Persuasive Essays

  • 1. Transitions For Persuasive Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Transitions for Persuasive Essays" can be a challenging task that requires a keen understanding of both persuasive writing techniques and the art of seamless transitions. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between maintaining a coherent flow of ideas and persuading the reader effectively. Crafting transitions that smoothly guide the reader from one point to the next without losing the persuasive momentum is a nuanced skill. One of the challenges is ensuring that each transition serves a specific purpose, whether it's reinforcing an argument, introducing evidence, or counteracting opposing viewpoints. It requires a deep understanding of the essay's overall structure and the persuasive goals of each section. Finding the right words and phrases to connect ideas logically while maintaining the persuasive tone can be time-consuming and mentally taxing. Moreover, the difficulty lies not only in the technical aspect of using transitions but also in ensuring that the essay maintains a persuasive edge throughout. It demands a thorough understanding of the audience, their potential objections, and the ability to preemptively address those concerns. Striking the right balance between being assertive and respectful is crucial, as overly aggressive or passive persuasion can undermine the effectiveness of the essay. In addition, writers must be vigilant about the overall coherence of the essay. Overusing certain transitional phrases or relying too heavily on a single strategy can lead to monotony and diminish the impact of the persuasive message. Achieving variety while maintaining a consistent persuasive thread requires a careful and thoughtful approach to writing. In conclusion, composing an essay on transitions for persuasive essays is no small feat. It necessitates a combination of persuasive writing skills, a deep understanding of the topic at hand, and the ability to craft transitions that enhance the overall persuasive impact. However, for those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where skilled writers are ready to tackle the intricacies of persuasive essay writing. Transitions For Persuasive EssaysTransitions For Persuasive Essays
  • 2. Apple Form Two Essay In Corry Feist s artpiece, Apple Form II, It displays an array of warms and bright colors. The piece was made using acrylics in unblended brush strokes. On the left side of the apple is a red apple casting an off shadow. The background is shown to have a bright pink with white and soft blue strokes laid over it lacking fluency. In the bottom right corner is their signature printed in big letters. Lastly the apple has a black scratch on it s skin. The art piece is organise in which they put the apple on the one of the rule of thirds lines farthest to the left, making the apple the most interesting focus of the piece. The light source is coming from the top left and pointing down casting an odd shadow on the apple. The shadow itself gives the apple a sense of realism and depth. Feist uses warm bright colors for the apple and background to convey a sense of excitement in this dry and unoriginal piece but also splashing a soft blue onto the background to calm the mood. The artist uses dry brushstrokes to give the background a rough texture making the piece seem almost abstract. The lack of space also puts most of the focus on the detail and talent the artist put into the apple. Thought piece is simple ... Show more content on ... This piece is nowhere near being realistic, with the ragged brush strokes and off shadow they mean to say that art is not meant to be perfect. While some believe that an artist s talent is weighed upon how well they excel at drawing a realistic eye, or how well they can draw a landscape to the smallest detail, feist is attempting to counter attack those standards by painting a piece that shows their skill in style than in realism. I believe this because I too am not one to amazed at artist who display their realistic artwork based off a photograph. When you are not creative within your work , how are you going to improve your own
  • 3. Essay on Nazi Book Burning Nearly a century before World War II, German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine wrote, Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people ( Holocaust History ). These chilling words not only forecasted the events to come, but also went up in flames in Germany during the Nazi book burning. Throughout Germanyon May 10, 1933, thousands of people came out to witness these horrid events. These public displays of censorship were monstrous in nature. Book burning is defined as the ritual destruction by fire of books or other written materials. Usually carried out in a public context, the burning of books represents an element of censorship and usually proceeds from a cultural, religious, or political opposition to the materials in... Show more content on ... In this war, [World War II] we know, books are weapons (Von Merveldt). He was trying to lift the American spirits in spite of the horrific events in Europe . In Germany, the mood was much more cheerful, as they were accompanied by singing of Nazi songs and anthems (The History Place). The leader of propaganda and book burning for the Nazi party, Joseph Goebbels, proclaimed The flames not only illuminate the end of the old era, they also light up the new. (Foxman) Unlike the rest of the world, the Nazi party viewed the book burning as a positive event and as a beginning, not an end. Not only did the Nazis try to censor literature, they also tried to eliminate foreign ideas by limiting types of art and communication. The Nazis judged most of modern art degenerate and tried to expel it from the country (Foxman). They also tried to limit all communication, which was limited already to books, newspapers, periodicals, radio, and the moving pictures because of the time period (Foxman). Any communication had to be deemed German before it could be permitted. So many movies were banned that films were almost nonexistent except for Nazi propaganda. The Nazi s attempt was to limit all communication from other countries, so that only their ideas would be accepted, which is the same rationale as the book burnings. The book burnings and the censorship in Germany relate directly to Ayn Rand s works. In one
  • 4. The Curriculum And Assessment Framework Over the past decade there have been vast changes to our education system here in Northern Ireland. The revamp of the curriculum is described by CCEA (2007) as a curriculum and assessment framework that is capable of meeting the changing needs of pupils, society and the economy. Despite the review tackling proposals for change across a wide variety of areas within the curriculum, it can be said that it has failed to meet the changing needs of the pupils in terms of learner voice. Rodgers (2005) defines leaner voice as the active opportunity for students to express their opinions and make decisions regarding the planning, implementation and evaluation of their learning experiences. This definition is very fitting to our society today... Show more content on ... There are various strategies that can be employed to support pupil voice both within the classroom and whole school context. One of the main up and coming strategies that schools seem to be focusing on is that of a school council. School councils are the easiest way for schools to give pupils their say and make decisions about current issues. School councils are a very tangible manifestation of pupil voice. They can be important in offering a formal, democratic, transparent and accountable whole school forum for pupil participation, linking to the broader governance framework of a school (Alderson 2000:121 34). Surrounding every strategy, there is a widely seen debate about how beneficial or problematic each strategy is. For school councils to be beneficial in promoting pupil voice, there must be a fair representation of all pupils within the school. Levin (1998) described the moral concept surrounding this strategy where democratic practice should lie among the least powerful. The least powerful in our schools are the younger pupils, the quiet pupils and those pupils with SEN. When all individuals are fairly represented the system will lend to adequate and successful learner voice. School councils allow pupils to see first hand how their needs and views will be responded to and how their opinions will be valued by all. They can be contextualised to a classroom environment whereby each class has a council
  • 5. Energy Efficient Wireless Network For Green Radio Project Energy Efficient Architectures and Key Techniques to Enable Energy Efficient Wireless Network in green radio project Abstract: Technical innovations changed every day life as fast and profoundly as the massive use of personal mobile communications. With rapid increase of modern communications networks, problems like emission of CO2 and energy consumption has emerged which have a potential adverse impact upon the environment and their operating energy costs are also increasing. Since 2006, data traffic on mobile networks has been increasing at a rate of approximately 300% and is expected to grow even at much faster rate. This has forced the researchers to address how to design future wireless networks which can reduce the energy ... Show more content on ... In 2007, analyst Gartner reported that ICT sector share about 2% in carbon emissions. It might appear small at first sight but the overall footprint of the whole ICT sector is expected to double between 2007 and 2020. Mobile data traffic is going to increase dramatically in the next 5 years and one of the main reason is increase in mobile video traffic. In developing countries, electricity connections may not be directly available. So, for example, Vodafone uses extra 1 million gallons of gas per day to provide power their network. The above example gives us an idea of how the energy is consumed by the information technology. They are increasing energy costs with larger base station site densities which leads to increase in energy price. Many companies have decided to reduce carbon emissions, for example Vodafone has set a target to reduce it CO2 emissions by approximately 50% by 2020. From an operators perspective, lowering of operating expenditure is possible with reduce in energy consumption. 3% of world wide energy is used by the Information and Communication architecture which is causing 2% of world wide CO2 emmission. The main key reason behind the development of mobile VCE green radio program is to reduce carbon emissions (CO2) and Reduction in operating expenditure for wireless cellular networks. The challenge of energy reduction should be achieved without compromise in the quality of service which is experienced by the
  • 6. Magura Cave Research Paper Prehistoric cave art is important because it can serve as an art journal. The artwork of prehistoric people allow us to look into how they interact with their environment. Not only the artwork, but the tools they use and the remains near the sites can provide us with information about the artists lives. The Magura Cave, Chauvet Cave, and Altamira Cave are a few caves that contain prehistoric artwork. The Magura Cave is located in northeastern Bulgaria. The cave is about 2,500 meters long. The paintings in the cave shows outline of women, men dancing and hunting, and people with masks on. There were also pictures of animals, stars, tools, and planets. The paintings were carved into the walls and they were decorated with bat guano. The early Paleolithic, the Neolithic, the later Neolithic, and the beginning of the Bronze Age were different eras when the paintings were created. The earliest solar calendar founded in Europe was painted inside this cave. The Chauvet Cave is in southern France, specifically in the Ardeche Valley. It is about ... Show more content on ... It is approximately 971 feet long. Numerous remains of the Solutrean and Magdalenian were found; there were also animal shoulder blades that were engraved on. Out of some animal shoulder blades, one has been dated back to 14,480 years ago. The height of the lateral chamber varies from 3.8 8.7 feet and therefore, creating the paintings on the ceilings require crouching and working above the head. Paintings and engravings covers the roof of the chamber. The colors used to illustrate the images include red, black, and some violet. The animals painted include horses, a doe that is 8.2 feet long, and other simpler creatures. Some of the engravings include eight anthropomorphic figures, handprints, and hand stencils. In some part of the cave, there are black painted and engraved figures. These artists played around with contouring on rock surfaces to add a three dimensional look to their
  • 7. Popular Science Argument Structures Argument structures have three different categories, appeals, focuses, and framings, each one to shape the material that is being presented. Appeals are as they sound in order to gravitate someone, to give it some flare in order to become desirable in the aspect of being read. In a research article this can be demonstrated in the form of writing about the newness of things such as the new findings, the new discovery, new research, new testing, anything that can be new and be shown off is inserted. On the other side of the spectrum a popular science article will want to share what is able to be sold or what is worth reading, just a gossip magazine is picked up more than a cooking magazine, it is all about knowing your audience and how to engage them. Empirical Studies ... Show more content on ... has mentioned other studies that have been done in the a similar study Massad et al. reported that high school students are also using a wide variety of supplements such as fluid replacement drinks, multivitamins and minerals, vitamin C, protein drinks, and carbohydrate loading drinks. (Froiland et al, 2004) They compare their research on the supplement use and what has been shown in a previous study. This helps in show that they have done something correct. Their focus is on the four specific questions as to the popularity use of a supplement, the knowledge they have before taking them, where they get the information, and finally the differences between genders. They frame the article not for the general public, but to an audience that are fairly knowledgeable in nutrition and health. Less than 2.0% reported taking MCT oils, ATP, branched chain amino acids, biotin, pantothenic acid... (Froiland et al, 2004) as for what are MCT oils and supplements that contain amino acids, is for someone that has an education in nutrition and
  • 8. Key Requirements For A Successful Vm Implementation Essay There are several important additional requirements for a successful VM implementation ( Jaapar,. et al. 2012). First, unwavering and visible support from top management is an absolute prerequisite for the success of a VM program. Second, it is imperative that all stakeholders (investors, end users, project team, the owner, constructors/manufacturers, designers, specialist suppliers, etc.) be involved in the process, especially during the VP and VE stages. The extent of their involvement depends on the level and stage of the value management process, as well as the person responsible for VM procedures. Third, in larger or more complex projects, an independent/external value manager is needed, as well as an external team with relevant design and technical expertise. Projects that are highly complex are simply too challenging or massively complex to enable one individual to conduct all VM analyses herself. It is important to ensure that when a value manager is appointed to oversee a project, he is afforded the cooperation of all stakeholders. In the case of smaller projects, VM might be undertaken by the sponsor s professional adviser or project manager and, in some cases, an external professional. However, when establishing a structure for dealing with value for money on projects, there may be a need for expert assistance, particularly at the review stages. Fourth, because each project is different, there is no single correct approach to VM. However, there are a
  • 9. Impact Of Slavery On African American Slave Trade African American slave trade was gruesome, barbaric, and just evil until 1865 when there was a shred of hope from the emancipation proclamation. At the time that slavery was established it was more of an institution instead of a slave trade; the number was small but slaves worked in all the colonies. Before the constitution was established Northern states either abolished slaveryor they made laws for gradual emancipation of slaves. The ordinance of 1787 kept many slaves from new territories, so with that slavery only existed in the south where they became regions peculiar institution. In this time slavery was just starting to soon become a way of life for many Americans including slaves themselves. From the beginning slavery existed even ... Show more content on ... In 1859, two years after the Scott decision the would spark passion in the nation had occurred. Abolitionist and 22 men raided a federal arsenal leading to the deaths of 10 people, then soon the south would reach a breaking point. Three months in to president Lincolns presidency several southern states seceded to make the confederate stated of America, and four more followed after the civil war. With Lincoln being anti slavery, the central union war set first to not abolish slavery. To be an abolitionist only became a goal later to the fact that military necessities grew anti slavery in the north and self emancipation was the idea for many African Americans who sought to flee slavery as union troops when into the
  • 10. The Importance of School Counselors A school counselor s role is vital in many schools across America. Many students see their counselor, to work on any emotional stressors, academic changes and challenges. This may include, interventions, group therapy and changes in class schedule, but sometimes with all the implementations given, students do not succeed in school. Perhaps one needs to take a closer look at the programs being implemented and its success rate. In addition, a counselor should guide itself using the ASCA (American School CounselorAssociation) to provide evidence based practices in schools. According to Carey and Dimmitt, it is essential for counselors to use evidence based practice to make sure they are able to ensure and improve student outcomes (2008). ... Show more content on ... I find it this more reasonable and effective for a counselor to do. A researchbased program has done all the work of creating a variable (experimental group) and a control group to show if a program s effectiveness. This means the counselor can see the results of the experimental group and see if this would work for the group intended. As mentioned by Carey and Dimmitt, research based interventions ensure that the school s resources are invested wisely. This means, the counselor can rely on the program and be able to predict positive outcomes. Another method for a counselor to use science in their practice is to make sure the intervention or program used has strong research support. While many may not hold strong support to be shown to be effective, a counselor must evaluate its effectiveness for the students. I find this part of science more difficult for counselors to implement due to time constraints and resources. While there may be many programs out there, not all may be ideal for all schools. The counselor can experiment and see if works well for the intended students or perhaps continue to find more research to back up the program. Often times, this leads to counselors developing their own programs or curriculum but their outcomes be unknown and not as valid as solid research based programs. Therefore, if the
  • 11. Blood Lead Testing History Renovate right brochure link /renovaterightbrochure.pdf Lead remediation Where it all began The Greeks and Romans were the first to use it. It was considered a luxury good in the American Colonies. The White House was even painted with it. Lead based paint was a hot item. It was durable, flexible and weather resistant. The use of white lead pigment peaked in 1922. While the primary public health concerns were things like tuberculosis and Spanish influenza, the extremely washable lead based paint seemed like a great alternative to germ harboring wallpaper. Continuing into the 1950s, the U.S. government overwhelmingly recommended the use of lead based paints. From hero to zero The transformation ... Show more content on ... The test took two days just to analyze a sample. This made the test unsuitable for larger scale testing in communities. The technology that enabled community wide screenings for blood lead levels became available in the mid 1960s. This allowed health officials to depart from relying on painfully obvious symptoms such as pale skin, slurred speech, loss of appetite and cognitive deficits. The first ban on lead paint The first restriction on the use of lead paint in the U.S. came about in 1951 when the Baltimore Public Health Department issued a ban on its use as interior paint. Since then, the restrictions on the use of lead paint have come a long way. In 1978, paint containing more than .06% lead (in the dry product) was banned for residential use in the United States. Why so much focus on children? If you look through the federal rules concerning lead paint, you will see that the lion s share of defining standards are all about buildings inhabited by children. Aside from the obvious need to protect our children, this is because children are more susceptible to the effects of lead poisoning. For example, a child s cerebral membrane is still largely permeable until the age of
  • 12. Freshman Pros There are some things that you do not desire to accomplish your freshman year. Although on the other hand, there are something s that freshman should try. If I could go back to being a freshman, I would want to make sure I attempt all the actives. Secondly, I wouldn t be concerned what others contemplate of me. Lastly, I would tell you to take all the collegecredits that your schooloffers, these will help your degree of choice. These are some tips for high school. If I could attempt back to be a freshman, I would want to create to challenge all the actives. Well, since you never know if you re going to like something unless you make the effort yourself. If you don t try them out how are you accepted to know if you liked it or not. Actives can help shape your self confidences and support acquaintances. I recommend that you try all the actives you can, since that way you won t... Show more content on ... First bullies are everywhere no matter what. They are always waiting for the perfect moment to pick on an individual. Just try to block them out and not let them bother you and you will come out a head. Second don t worry what others opinions are because the only one the means anything remains to be your own. So high school can be hard to fit into but just find others with the same importance and build a collection of acquaintances and you will accomplish high school just fine. Lastly, I would tell you to take all the college credits that your school has to offers; these will help your degree of choice. By taking these credits offered throughout your high school they are free to you take advantage of that. Bonus, then you won t have to take as many fundamental lectures when you get to college so you will farther a head. Take high school seriously, I know at times it can be difficult and demanding, but I never took it seriously and know I wishing I would have. Study hard and get good grades it will benefit you in the long
  • 13. The Criminal Case Of Dr. Richard Heartman, An Internal... Health insurance fraud is what drives up health insurance premium costs, wastes taxpayer s money, but can also endanger beneficiaries or leave them uninsurable. In 2015, Medicare Strike Force reported over $700 million in false billing by doctors, nurses, other licenses medical professionals, laboratories, and individuals ( This is a staggering figure that is only getting worse. In this fictitious federal case I will be describing the criminal offender, the crime that was committed, the charge handed down by law enforcement, and the judicial process from the beginning of the criminal case to the sentencing of Dr. Richard Heartman, an internal medicine physician. The Defendant Defendant Richard Heartman, a licensed internal ... Show more content on ... Charges The U.S. Attorney General, or prosecutor Amita Anders, provided the grand jury all the evidence and testimony from witnesses, who voted to indict Dr. Richard Heartman based on the strong evidence by the U.S. Attorney General, which was able to establish Dr. Heartman was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. On January 31, 2016, FBI agents arrive at his office at Heartless Rd, Heartotack, Illinois and place Dr. Heartman under arrest. He is read his Miranda rights and has been advised of the charges against him. Because he has been determined to be a flight risk, he will be detained in the county jail until his arraignment. Defendant Heartman, has been charged with 10 counts of wire fraud, for knowingly caused to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce from the account of Medicare at Citibank in Indianapolis to the defendants account at JP Morgan Chase in Heartotack, Illinois, which represents the payments by Medicare on all claims submitted from 2005 2015 by all the individuals. This is a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343 (Cornell Law, 2016). Defendant Heartman also has been charged with 10 counts of U.S. Mail fraud, for knowingly caused to be delivered by United States mail, envelopes containing checks from commercial and private health insurance carriers, which represented the payments by the
  • 14. Literary Analysis Of Shrek 2 Nowadays, when we hear Shrek we think of him as an icon of the internet. In a world where appearances seem to be societies focus, Shrek 2 reminds us that looks are fleeting, but what is on the inside is what is important. Shrek 2 is a movie written in 2014 that follows the main character, Shrek an ogre, on his journey in the kingdom, Far Far Away as he tries to acquire the approval of his wife s, Fiona also an ogre, parents which are the human king and queen of Far Far Away. Overwhelming, the movie is able to depict a fantastic children s romantic fairytale by teaching a life lesson in the use a medieval style with numerous references to pop culture and iconic soundtrack. Although set in what seemingly resembles medieval times and the characters costumes fit the backdrop, Shrek 2 presents modern references which enable the audience to realize the mockery of today s world. Knowing that Fiona is a princess as well, we instantly know that Far Far Away is where the royals live. The film creators draw this city in a way that looks strikingly similar to Hollywood. As Shrek and Fiona arrive in front of her parents castle, crowds await them cheering. Royals are put in a standard and admiration similar to those of celebrities, while the cheering crowds at the gate resembles obsessive fans. The creator s use of this medieval Hollywood works well because people are often idolized and idealized. Shrek displays an obvious hesitance on visiting the in laws since he is aware his image
  • 15. What Is The Purpose Of The Truman Show The Truman Show Film Review Twenty nine years ago, Truman Burbank was adopted by the Omnicom corporation and was set to be the star of a worldwide reality tv show that would film his entire life existence. Christof, the creator of the tv show built a world inside a dome and controlled every aspect of Trumans life and even mind without his knowledge. As Truman slowly discovers the real meaning of his life, he must decide whether or not to make a change. The purpose of this film is to explore the effect of reality tv has on people. The Truman show is a metaphor of our own society. The fake landscape in Trumans eyes is our very own media landscape in which the news, politics, tv shows, celebrity gossip , advertisement, body image and much more is simply made up from illusions. Like our media, it is convincing just like it was in Trumans world, with all the storylines and similarities between his world and the real thing. We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented , this quote from Christof represents how we just accept our reality without really examining it Closely . What made this film so fascinating is that Truman had genuine and real emotions to those he cared for, meanwhile his family and ... Show more content on ... In the film there were many film techniques used. Cue the sun , is quoted by Christof which gave him the power to make the sun come up like a god, in which he wishes to be viewed as. Symbols in the film include water and stripes ; This is the symbol of Trumans fear from when he saw his dad drown , and this is the fear keeping him between freedom, which he overcame. The symbols of stripes represent Trumans metaphorical prison, it can be seen on Clothing throughout the film. There were many camera shots and angles to capture the story of Truman, such as fisheyes and close ups, which were precisely used when product placement was
  • 16. Application of Number Assignment Task One: Gather, present and interpret data for a purpose The purpose of my task is to compare daily website traffic to the daily sales conversion rate over the month of June for a newly established sales campaign. With this information I can identify whether the projected conversion rate percentage has been forecast accurately. This information will also be used as the control sample data to base future sale trends on. w/c |Visitors / Sales |Mon |Tues |Wed |Thurs |Fri |Sat |Sun |Week Total | |01/06/11 |V | | |5 |1 |4 |1 |4 |15 | | |S | | |2 |0 |1 |0 |2 |5 | |06/06/11 |V |3 |2 |1 |5 |1 |1 |1 |14 | | |S |2 |1 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |5 | |13/06/11 |V |5 |2 |4 |3 |1 |2 |0 |17 | | |S |2 |0 |2 |1 |0 |1 |0 |6 | |20/06/30 |V |3 |3 |7 |6 |4 |4... Show more content on ... To do this, you need to divide the top and the bottom number by the same number to get a smaller whole number on both parts of the fraction. This fraction can then be simplified as follows: 12/88 Г· 4 = 3/22 This fraction cannot be simplified any further as 3 and 22 cannot both be divided by the same number. Decimal To express Monday s traffic as a decimal we find the fraction that represents the proportion we are looking for. Using or previous calculation, this gives us 12/88 or 3/22 To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the top number of the fraction by the bottom number ie 3 Г· 22 = 0.13 (or 12 Г· 88 = 0.13). Percentages To work out percentages, all you need to do is work out the decimal and move the decimal point two places to the right. This is the same as multiplying it by 100. Using Monday s figures again, this would be applied in the following way: 0.131.3013.013% So, to work out a percentage you need to follow the above steps to express the proportion as a fraction, convert it to a decimal and then move the decimal point two places to the right. Using Monday s figures again this can be simplified as: 12 Г· 88 x 100 = 13% Task two: Scale Drawing Purpose: We have been given a budget of ВЈ500 to
  • 17. A Superstar s Open Contempt A Superstar s Open Contempt For various folks, the description of the nature of Jesus prevails as a yielding, meek man that merely wants people to be morally, loving toward each other; notwithstanding, this analogy surfaces as being insultingly inadequate. For this man, if you want to call Him a man, shined as a towering superstar and labored continually to tolerate people s ignorance and stupidity. Throughout the four gospels, from the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5 7), to all of His teachings and parables, He does expound on people to strive to better their brotherly love, ethics, morals, etc., speaking quite compassionately; while focusing mainly on people s spiritual transformations, becoming born again. (John 3:3) Nevertheless, looking closer, there occur matters that exhibit disregard and possibly open contempt numerous times (Matt 10:21, 10:34 38), even towards His own mother (Matt 12:46 50, Mar 3:31 35, John 2:4); in addition, He demonstrates a temper to the point of killing a barren fig tree (Matt 21:18 21; Mark 11:12 14; 11:20 21). Moreover, Jesus persists as constantly attacking people for their erroneous beliefs, and other unruly behaviors; such as the Scribes, (Matt 5:20, 23:14 15), the Pharisees, (Matt 23:25, Luke 11:44); the Sadducees, (Matt 16:11 12). He discredits Gentiles, and Samaritans (Matt 10:5); people buying and selling in the temple (Matt 21:12); heathens (Matt 6:7); publicans (Matt 18:17); anyone outside of the house of Israel (Matt 15:24 26);
  • 18. Case Study Of RICB Major RQ: What are the critical successes factors responsible for smooth adoption of electronic payment platform by RICB in an emerging market? The following are the sub research questions: 1.How does top management support influence the intention to adopt electronic payment platform for RICB? 2.What is the organizational readiness level of RICB to influence the adoption of electronic payment platform? 3.What are the perceived benefits identified influencing RICB to adopt the electronic payment platform? 4.Which factors of external pressure have significant influence on adoption of electronic payment platform by RICB? Chapter 4: Findings 4.1Introduction This chapter illustrates complete assessment on the findings made on electronic payment platform adoption prospect by Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited in its chosen lines of businesses. The theoretical framework of Iacovou et al., (1995) model was used as the base for the research, customized to be applicable to Bhutanese perception. The Independent variables are perceived benefits, top management support, organizational readiness and external pressure and electronic payment platform adoption as dependent variable. The research also came upon some of astoundingly latest findings; it ... Show more content on ... Apart from that the respondents felt RICB Multifaceted Business structure is one of the company s existing strength thus the adoption of electronic payment platform will provide customers the convenience of investment, insurance, and social security s services under one umbrella. With the introduction of this electronic mode of transfer of funds, the inconveniences and delays associated with the current cash and other paper based transfer of funds such as cheques and drafts shall be minimized as the participants will be able to settle their transactions efficiently and faster(RMA,
  • 19. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Water Fluoridation WATER FLUORIDATION: A high degree of reduction in caries/ tooth decay occur when fluoride content is approximately IPPM (i.e. one part of fluoride to one million part of water), the prevalence of oral fluorosis increase greatly when the concentration of fluoride is more than 1pm. Therefore, the optimal concentration of community fluoridation is 1pm. The very first community water fluoridation was in Grand Rapids in USA in 1945 and these produced a reduction in caries between 40 50% in deciduous teeth while in permanent dentition is 50 60%. Apart from caries reduction, there is also a slower rate of progression of caries lesion less involvement of oral pulp. Many more people have caries free teeth or dentition. It was noticed that these four differences occur and its lifelong protection for the water fluoridation is interrupted the caries protective effect is diminished. Drinking habits are affected by temperature and failure to make adjustment for this many result in increasing incidence in fluorosis in one climate. To achieve maximum protection for both primary and secondary teeth, the consumption of fluoridated water is essential as it acts directly as topical agent as well as systematically during teeth formation. Proximal and surfaces are more protected than pits fissures. ADVANTAGE OF WATER FLUORIDATION (WHO 1984): The major advantage of water fluoridation is that apart from school (students) the entire community benefits adequately irrespective of age,
  • 20. The Suspect Being Arrested For Driving Under The Influence... INTRODUCTION: This case involves the suspect being arrested for driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages in violation of CVC 23152(a) DUI. LOCATION DESCRIPTION: This incident occurred in the 700 block of N. Garfield Avenue. INVESTIGATION: On 10 28 16 at 1354 hours Officer Harrell #3441 and I were dispatched to the area of Garfield Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard regarding a possible DUI driver. Dispatch advised that Witness Alma Funes described the vehicle as a beige Honda with a license plate of #4HCX801. Funes told dispatch the driver parked his vehicle in front of 721 N. Garfield Avenue. Upon our arrival, Officer Harrell and I were traveling southbound in the 700 block of N. Garfield Avenue approaching Orange Grove Boulevard. I saw a female Hispanic, later identified as Witness Funes standing near the west sidewalk of Garfield Avenue. She began pointing at a tan Toyota Camry, California license plate #4HCX801. The vehicle was parked along the west curb line in front of 729 N. Garfield Avenue. Officer Harrell and I exited our patrol unit (#15) and approached the vehicle. I contacted a male Hispanic, later identified as Suspect Otolio Anibal Perez Martin in the driver seat. I looked through the rear driver side window and saw a bottle of Modelo beer siting on the rear passenger side floorboard. I saw several closed bottles of Modelo beer bottles in the center console cup holder and front passenger floorboard. I also saw a metal container which had an
  • 21. Desobry Mission Command INTRODUCTION This mission command analysis review the battle of Team Desobry at the town of Noville, Belgium. These events took place between 18 to 20 December 1944 which impacted later on the battle fought at Bastogne during the World War II period. It is also the goal of this review to discuss and analyze three mission command principles displayed during this battle: (1), (2) and (3). One of the main protagonist forces to be part of this history was the 20th Armored Infantry Battalion, 10th Armored Division. The commanding officer of this element was Major William R. Desobry. (During/Among) the events of World War II the German forces were trying to gain control of the Ardennes to cut off the supply lines in order to isolate British... Show more content on ... Therefore this represented a disadvantages for the American forces since they did not have the higher ground. To increase the handicap even more, the weather at the time was predominantly foggy, no maps of the area were available for the arriving commanders and team Desobry arrived at Noville 18 December at 23:00 hours, depriving them from the opportunity to take initial advantage of the area natural defenses. Desobry established teams at Bourcy road, Houffalize road and the road to Vaux. Those teams consisted of an understrength platoon of infantry and a section of medium tanks.В№ Through the night the Engineer troops were ordered to set up a mine field in support of the roadblocks, however, they were unable to do so due to the heavy transit of remanent units fleeing to the west. Many elements from the 9th Armor Division s Combat Command R, the 28th Infantry Division and several engineer units were drafted through the night by Desobry s
  • 22. Money Money The True Force Behind Dracula In Dracula (1897), Bram Stoker explores the wonderful power of money (Stoker 341). Through the actions of Van Helsing and the Army of Light Stoker ponders What can it not do when it is properly applied; and what it might do when basely used! (341) through Dracula s machinations. Though one does not usually associate a vampire with a bank statement, Dracula utilizes the power of money as well as his abilities to turn into dust and bats. By granting Dracula the same influence of the blessed buck that the Army of Light uses to acquire information, Stoker augments the Count s threat to British society and allows him to function as not only a creature of the night but as a person ... Show more content on ... In his search for Dracula s boxes, Harker bribes nearly everyone he encounters; A half crown tip put the deputy s knowledge at my disposal (252) and another man provides information because Harker treats him wery an some (251) and gives him half a sovereign. Harker s behaviour during this pursuit of Dracula differs greatly from the beginning of the novel when he travels to Transylvania. While journeying to Dracula s castle, Harker does not bribe the local peasants for information about the Count, even when they begin acting suspiciously whenever Harker mentions to where he travels. He only receives his money in the middle of the book, so perhaps Harker does not feel as though he may control the lower class people as he does later in the novel. Dracula, however, does wield this kind of power in Transylvania. When Harker arrives at his hotel in Bistritz he discovers that Dracula has all ready paid for his room. Even though the owners of the hotel know the stories of Count Dracula and believe them, the old couple still cooperates with his plans because he pays them enough. Dracula also has a ...great heap of gold in one corner gold of all kinds, Roman, and British, and Australian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money (47), which suggests that he has
  • 23. Erythroxylum Coca Cocaine Erythroxylum coca, is a shrub that is native to the lands of Southern and Central America, and Southeast Asia (1). During the mid 1800s, German chemist Albert Niemann discovered and isolated the harmful drug, cocaine, from E. coca (2). Shortly after its discovery, companies such as the Coca Cola Company used cocaine to add flavor to their carbonated beverages (3). Back then, cocaine was actually present in just about everything from ointments to margarine. Cocaine was even used medically as a pain alleviator due to its soothing properties. However, a type of wine called Vin Mariani was the most popular of drinks because it contained approximately 6 milligrams of cocaine per ounce. A typical serving of wine is 4 5 ounces so that means one serving... Show more content on ... Cocaine was the leading illicit drug in the late 20th century in America. It is suggested that the use of cocaine may potentially lead to severe cardiovascular disease, other serious health issues and even death. Despite these serious health risks, the Drug Abuse Warning Network (7) reported in 2011 a total of 505,224 emergency visits nationwide in regards to cocaine use suggesting that cocaine use still poses as a problem in today s society. There weren t any antidotes available to be given for accidental overdoses until the major discovery of enzyme called cocaine esterase (cocE) (8). CocE is capable of degrading cocaine and therefore the harmful effects of cocaine are diminished. CocE has the potential to save lives of individuals that are unfortunately under the control of cocaine. CocE was isolated from the genomes of bacteria living around the plant, E. coca. CocE was initially derived from Pseudomonas maltophilia strain MB11L (9). Shortly after, cocE was isolated from the bacterium, Rhodococcus sp. strain MB1. Bacteria such as these have adapted to their surrounding environment. These bacteria have acquired the specialized ability to use cocaine produced by the plant as their sole source of carbon and nitrogen (10). In the environment of a harsh toxin, cocaine, these bacteria can still obtain energy necessary to thrive and flourish.
  • 24. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Working Money 3) DRAWING POWER Drawing Power is the amount of Working Capital funds the borrower is allowed to draw from the Working Capital limit allotted to him. Because the working capital limit is usually allotted to a borrower against security of Stock and Book Debts, the amount of funds a borrower is allowed to draw is calculated by considering the total value of Stock plus total value of Book Debts for the month after deducting the margin. It is for this purpose that the borrower must regularly submit Stock and Book Debts Statement and Statement of Trade Creditors. Thus, in a way Trade Creditors also finance the borrower s stock and hence the stock purchased under credit being unpaid stock, cannot be provided as security to Bank. Hence total amount ... Show more content on ... There are three parties to a contract of a guarantee. The person who guarantees the performance of a promise or the liability of a third person is called the guarantor (surety). The person, on whose behalf the guarantee is given is the principal debtor, and the person to whom the guarantee is given is called the creditor. The obligation of the surety, under a guarantee issued, arises when there is a default to perform the promise by the person on whose behalf the guarantee is given. The liability of a surety runs parallel to the liability of a principal debtor towards the creditor. On failure of the principal debtor to perform the obligation under the contract, the liability of the surety with respect to the guarantee starts. The bank may be called to perform its obligation under a bank guarantee issued by it. Therefore, though bank guarantees are non fund credits, the probability of their turning into fund based credit is high. In order to ensure that the guarantee executed by the banker does not remain in force for an indefinite period, it is stipulated that the guarantee would remain in force the period specified therein, on the expiry of which no claims would be entertained by the
  • 25. How Lean s Helps A Sustainable Print Company How Lean Methodology Leads to a Sustainable Print Company Continual improvement is a goal for all print companies looking for future success. To become a sustainable company one needs to cut unnecessary costs and waste generated by doing business. Removing cost and waste may seem like simple things to do but finding the necessary changes and implementing these changes requires time and effort. A method used to accomplish this goal is lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a continuous improvement practice that focuses on waste reduction. Waste in its simplest form is anything that is excessive and consumes resources. It can also be referred to as non value added activities that do not add value to the end product (Rizzo, 2008, 58). Sustainability on the other hand recognizes a print company s capability to satisfy the 3 dimensions: people, profit and environment (Wirtenberg, 2013). These three dimensions are referred to as the triple bottom line (TBL). Even when a business is making a profit, anything that does not create value for customers, fulfill employees needs, and benefit the environment is wasteful and must be restructured to eliminate non value added activities (Wandiga, 2013).This is the philosophy of lean manufacturing; a beneficial concept that can help reduce the amount of wasted resources in a company and contribute to its sustainability. Knowing the theories behind lean and sustainability is not enough, print companies need to know how to implement
  • 26. Essay about Super Size Me Super Size Me Numerous individuals around the world are familiar with McDonald s and its unhealthy menu; however, that does not stop many from visiting the fast food giant. Super Size Me is an in depth film by Morgan Spurlock, which shows viewers his journey from healthy eating to becoming a fast food junkie. Viewers are able to see the damage that the unhealthy foodfrom McDonald s causes while Spurlock eats three meals a day from the fast food chain. Spurlock visits three schools, each with different meal programs. The differences in the healthy and unhealthy choices made by the schools are abundantly clear. Audiences also become aware of how effective advertisers are in securing business for unhealthy food products. Spurlock s... Show more content on ... Watching him wake up early in the morning having a hard time breathing and complaining of heart palpitations makes even the most avid McDonald s patron want to stop eating their harmful food. During a checkup after experiencing the heart palpitations, Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock Your cholesterol is now 225 and your liver is inflamed. The doctor advises him to stop eating McDonald s food. It is shocking to see that after only two weeks on a McDonald s diet an individual can become severely ill. Dr. Isaacs tells Spurlock You are pickling your liver much like an alcoholic does when drinking. My advice is to stop. Stop this fatty diet. Two weeks later Spurlock s final weigh in indicates that he has gone from 185.5 lbs. to 210 lbs. He has gained a total of 24.5 lbs., which has increased his total body fat from 11% to 18%. It is astonishing to see that thirty days of a fast food diet can cause so much damage to an individual s body. The unhealthy effect fast food has on the body is no longer deniable to individuals who have seen the film. Schools play a vital role in the health and well being of their students. Spurlock gives viewers a look into three different schools and the nutrition they supply their students. Madison Jr. High in Naperville, Illinois outsources their food services to Sodexho Alliance. Sodexho Alliance provides students with many unhealthy lunch choices. Among their food choices are french fries,
  • 27. Nicotine Effects On Health Nicotine Effects on Health Smoking is the most avoidable cause of death. The drug nicotine is found in tobacco, and the most common use of nicotine is in cigarettes. Filter cigarettes are the popular form of nictoine in todays society, controlling over ninety percent of the U.S. cigarette market (Hart, Carl L., et al., 2013). Nicotinecan be absorbed through the mucous membranes. Additionally it can cause, lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung diseases (including emphysema) (Hart, Carl L., et al.,2013). Nicotine can cause dependence, and often leads to smokers modify smokingpatterns to acqire more nicotine. However, smokers are not the only people who suffer the consequences of smoke. Second handsmoke can cause lung
  • 28. Explain The Procedures Of Three Sociological Research... Explain the procedures of three sociological research methods and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Sociology is the study of how humans experience life. Through studying behaviour, development, cultures and how people function as a society sociologist strive to explain social problems. This is achieved through research methods. Research methods can take many different approaches and rarely is one method used to gain insight and understanding, a mixture of different concepts can be used so the findings are more rigor. This is known as triangulation (Pullinger,2014,p.89). Many different factors can influence methods, self interest can affect whether the sociologist is prepared to carry out time consuming methods, also time available and funds available can be a factor. Research methods that take long to analyse, such as statistics, might be to time consuming and large scale interviewing or surveys may not be very cost effective. Methods can also be , in some situations, unethical therefore a different approach would be needed. The biggest influences are methodologies and theories. If the sociologist leans towards positivism their research methods will be hard data and high in reliability, meaning the data will be strong in consistency, precise and if repeated the results would be very similar. Data findings will be numerical, large scaled and statistical meaning it is quantitative data. This method is scientific and favours social surveys and use of official
  • 29. History Of Abortion Essay The History of Abortion nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion results in the death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced. For years, abortion has been an extremely controversial subject. The history of abortion reaches back not just decades, but centuries, and even milleniums. Today, policies regarding legal abortion in the U.S. is being debated everywhere. Many myths and misconceptions confuse this issue. A better understanding of the history of abortion in America can help provide a context for an improved policy in the future. Abortion has been widely known, practiced, and debated since ancient times. The ancient Hebrews... Show more content on ... These illegal abortions were unsafe, and could be fatal to most women, and put their lives at risk. Jane Roe was a twenty one year old woman that was pregnant, who represented all of the women who wanted abortions but could not get one. Henry Wade was a Texas attorney General who had defended the state s law. The Supreme Court ruled for Roe and stated that America s right to privacy included: the right for a woman to choose whether or not to have her child; and the right for a woman and her doctor to make this decision without state involvement within the first trimester of the pregnancy. It made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions from well trained medical practitioners. Consequently, there was a dramatic decrease in pregnancy related deaths. Anti abortion politicians in 1981 unsuccessfully attempted to introduce a Human Life Amendment that prohibited abortions under all conditions. President Reagan and George Bush also wanted to overturn the Supreme Court s ruling of the Roe v. Wade case. The Department of Health and Human Services in 1988, introduced federal gag rules. These rules did not allow federally funded family planning clinics to discuss and inform their patients about abortion. In 1939, the abortion pill RU 486 was banned by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). After, many anti abortion bills were introduced in state legislatures. Bills supporting abortion rights were
  • 30. Karl Popper Science As Falsification Summary In Karl Popper s paper Science as Falsification , he attempted to explain what exactly separates hard science from pseudoscience. He came to the conclusion that all theories which are to be deemed scientific must be falsifiable. In other words, the theory must have the ability to be tested and proven to be true, and not just deemed to be true because it happens to be true in some instances. Popper s logic was that the only reason to test a theorywas to find a way to deem it untrue, and so theories which are unable to be tested cannot be considered as science. I believe that this was a great turning point in the history of science because there were many theories which were considered as scientific because there was no basis of proving them otherwise. Many people who were studying in certain unfalsifiable... Show more content on ... Astronomy is concerned with the study of celestial bodies like planets, stars, comets, asteroids, moons, etc., the physics of these objects, and their relation to each other. Almost all information obtained in astronomy is through direct observation and mathematical calculations. Any astronomical theory can be tested by just looking up in the sky with a telescope. Further knowledge can be obtained by observing the relationships between these bodies and using theories from other branches of science such as physics and chemistry. Astrology, on the other hand, attempts to use the information observed from celestial bodies, such as the location of the sun, the moon, stars, and constellations in space, and their alignment relative to each other, to try to predict and explain things which are happening here on Earth. Astrologers use things such as the time of one s birth in relation to the position of these objects as a basis for making predictions about a person s personality traits, things which they may or may not do, or things which they may
  • 31. Myopia Is The Most Common Eyesight Problem Myopia is the most common eyesight problem which affects about one in five people worldwide. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error which makes it difficult for people to see objects that are far away. The different kinds of myopia, each based on its own symptoms and severity. All of these myopia share similar symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches and eyestrain. The most common is classified as simple or mild myopia. High myopia is a severe form of myopia which affects about 2% of the population. An eye with high myopia continues to grow and become large which increases the risk of retinal detachment. On normal eyes, the light rays will focus directly on the surface of the retina. Another form of severe and rare myopia is degenerative myopia, which begins in early childhood and increases the risk of degenerative changes. Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long or when the cornea is too curved for the length of the eyeball which causes the light rays to focus in front of the retina. This renders a person s vision to be limited to under 6 meters. Not being able to see objects that are further than 6 meters creates problems for humans when performing daily tasks. To combat this issue, most people use a form of vision correction such as glasses or contact lenses while others get surgery. The curved lenses of eyeglasses and contact lenses helps refocus the light rays onto the retina. Refractive surgeries correct myopia by changing the shape of the
  • 32. Essay on The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental... The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has a number of features. First of all, every disorder is identified using a name and a numerical code. In addition, the manual provides the criteria for diagnosing each disorder as well as establishes subtypes of a disorder and examples that would illustrate the disorder. The manual goes further by addressing the typical age of onset, culturally related information, gender related information, prevalence of a disorder, typical clinical course of a disorder, typical predisposing factors of a disorder and genetic family patterns of a disease (Summers, 2009). The DSM IV is a tool that is used by mental health practitioners and social service workers. As has been demonstrated... Show more content on ... Personality disorders have a sex prevalence rate and there has been some suggestion that those rates reflect gender bias. The bias concerns derived from the conceptualization of personality disorders, the wording of diagnostic criteria, the application of diagnostic criteria, thresholds for diagnosis, clinical presentation, researching sampling, the self awareness and openness of patients and the items included within self report inventories (Butcher, 2009, p. 356). Studies have failed to prove that there is significant gender bias in the DSM. However, research has showed there is gender bias within clinical judgments. For example, gender related items would be included within self report inventories (Butcher, 2009). Clinicians tend to judge female patients as being mentally ill more readily than male patients, even when the symptoms are the same. Moreover, women are more likely to be cast as overly emotional, have a need for mood altering medication and require ongoing monitoring/treatment (Zur and Nordmarken, 2010). Sexual orientation has also caused considerable bias. Homosexuality was listed in the DSM as a mental disorder up until 1974. Even law had identified homosexual behavior as criminal; for instance, sodomy laws. Although homosexuality is no longer listed in the DSM, therapists still have the option of considering homosexual behavior as a sexual disorder not otherwise specified. The ability to still classify homosexuality as a
  • 33. Men’s Conflict With Food, Weight, Shape Appearance Essay Why does the general public believe only women are victims of body image and eating disorders? Adolescent to adult males are dangerously preoccupied with the appearance of their bodies. The difference between men and women are men almost never talk openly about this problem. Society has taught them that they shouldn t be concerned about how they look. But countless numbers of men are sacrificing important aspectsof their lives to working out compulsively. This leads to distorted body images, which ties together with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia (Adonis Complex.) The general public usually categorizes these disorders with women only. Women aren t the only victims; men are suffering too, but just silently. According ... Show more content on ... Their perception of the male body becomes skewed. On television these days, it seems as if the models stick together. It is rare to see an over weight person with a lean and muscular person. From my observation, women on television are usually tall and skinny with voluptuous curves. The men are tone with unrealistic chiseled features. I grew up spending a lot of time in front of the television, unaware that I was being subliminally brainwashed. Television is causing young males and females to develop a negative perception on what is seen as normal. During the earlier part of November, NBC broadcasted the 2001 Victoria Secret Fashion Show: The Sexiest Night on Television. This one hour event was broadcasted in prime time that featured tall, incredibly skinny, full featured women elegantly modeling lingerie. But in reality, it was just a tacky peepshow of emaciated women pumped full of silicone flaunting their bodies. It was a full hour of sugarcoated pornography, an hour of women whoring themselves to photographers. According to The View, a talk show, more than half of people who tuned were teenage girls. They were interested in what the general public deemed as beautiful. What was on television that night was nothing close to realistic. Imagine all the teenage girls who are completely mesmerized these women. To achieve that look, those models have to go through rigorous diets and dehydration. The lighting has
  • 34. Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate... Surface Area to Volume Ratio and the Relation to the Rate of Diffusion Aim and Background This is an experiment to examine how the Surface Area / Volume Ratio affects the rate of diffusion and how this relates to the size and shape of living organisms. The surface area to volume ratio in living organisms is very important. Nutrients and oxygen need to diffuse through the cell membrane and into the cells. Most cells are no longer than 1mm in diameter because small cells enable nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell quickly and allow waste to diffuse out of the cell quickly. If the cells were any bigger than this then it would take too long for the nutrients and oxygen to diffuse into the cell so the cell would probably not ... Show more content on ... The larger blocks have a smaller surface area than the smaller blocks. The smallest block has 1.2mm squared of surface area for every 1mm cubed of volume. The largest block only has 0.2mm squared of surface area for each 1mm cubed of volume. This means that the hydrochloric acid is able to diffuse the smallest block much faster than the largest block. When the Surface Area/Volume Ratio goes down it takes longer for the
  • 35. Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail By Dr. Martin... The idea of civil disobedience is one that has fascinated human beings and American culture specifically for generations. The idea of brave men and women going beyond the bounds of the law to fight whatever injustice stands in their path is one that has been frequently romanticized. However, today many are beginning to become disillusioned with the idea of civil disobedience, questioning whether or not today s social activists are capable of any real change, as many issues such as widespread poverty or race relations seem to go unredressed. The distinction between the political protests in history that are idealized and those seen today which seem relatively ineffective is simply the ability to communicate. Movements that effectively communicate... Show more content on ... As MoisГ©s NaГm, contributing editor to The Atlantic, describes, The fervent political energy on the ground is hugely disproportionate to the practical results of these demonstrations . The issue with protest today is quite simply it happens so often. When the immediate reactions to outrages that happen frequently today in places like Ferguson, Charlotte, and others, is to immediately protest, over time these protests seem to lose their significance. Even when the issues they bring up are legitimate, the age of social media where everyone has a soap box and a story to tell means the shock value protests used to have in Dr. King s day has all but disappeared. The loss of that shock value hinders any ability to communicate a message, making disobedience and protest a less viable option for effectively causing social change. As a platform for communication increases in frequency and decreases in uniqueness, its viability to actually deal with issues such as racial tension decreases exponentially. Given today s environment, therefore, civil disobedience appears to have lost its efficacy, as it is now unable to effectively communicate its message, and thus may have far greater difficulty in impacting free society in a positive
  • 36. Immunization Study Ethically Wong Discussion Forum Unit 3 For my discussion, I want though out the given two topics which one is led to the most harmed, And what do you think could have been done by the scientists, the media and the public to avoid or to fix? Even though both research experiments are Ethically Wong in my understanding, my discussion focused and decide to take a look very serious about Immunization study it is more serious than the Stanford prison Because it is not expected and painful story to me and very serious medical fraud and completely affecting every child s life around the globe And intentionally not even by mistake it is on purpose and for their... Show more content on ... Andrade C. (2011), a groups of colleagues leaded by Andrew Wakefield has been published a dangers and very series in the Lancet, which suggested that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine may predispose to character regression and pervasive growth in life of children(Sathyanarayan Rao Andrade,2011). Despite the fact without enough researched and reality and the fact wrongfully speculated and brings it up to the public attention and confused parent and stop vaccination of their children.Because of this dangerous information from media and critical situations, the parent had a difficult time to vaccinate and put their lovely child s life at risk (sathyanarayan Rao Andrade, 2011). Not very too long that almost the same time after the wrong post, epidemiological studies were come out and reported stated that the similar posted link between MMR vaccination and autism (p 3,4). The logic that the MMR vaccine may trigger autism was also questioned stated because both are dangers for the child s future (Sathyanarayan Rao Andrade, 2011). Almost all of the groups admitting the all mace they created, and they decided to gain benefit from this wrong action and complete by retracting and interpreted the element in the paper incorrectly. which is contrary to the findings of the original report and finally Wakefield were responsible and guilty ethical violations which they had completely irresponsible, and invasive investigations on the child s life with false statement and scientific misrepresentation(Sathyanayan Rao Andrade, 2011
  • 37. The Paradoxical Theory Of Change A satisfied life is hard to achieve. There are many behaviors that can be beneficial in making a more effective life. Some of these factors are personal and internal and some are external and involve other people. An effective life begins on the inside. One must be aware of themselves. Change is a key facet of learning and personal growth. The paradoxical theory of change: personal change tends to occur when we become aware of what we are as opposed to trying to become what we are not. To me, this theory of change means that we should beware of our strengths and our weakness and work to change our weakness to strengths not to change our self to fit the norm of society. We do not need to change to be like everyone else but to better ourselves. There are ten rules of change. The ten rules include: all behaviors are complex, change is frightening, change must be positive, being is easier than becoming, slower is better, know more, do better, change requires structure, practice is necessary, new behaviors must be protected, and small successes are big. Too many people change is intimidating. I have not experienced that many environmental changes in my life. Coming to college is the first time that I am living on my own and not in the only town I ve ever lived in. So far I am pretty adaptable to environmental changes, but I am not as successful with internal changes. I am comfortable with who I am, but I know there are many weakness and behaviors that need to be changed to have a better life. A hindrance to a life that we desire is stress. Stress comes from internal and external forces. The key with stress is knowing how you respond and what strategies help manage stress. Stress can cause physical complications as well. Many people suffer physical pain from stress. I can sometimes get very anxious about stress which feels like my stomach is tied in knots or the is a pile of rocks lying on my chest. There is a disease that comes from stress. The disease from stress used to be called psychosomatic which implies it was just in the head . now the disease is called psychophysiological disease. The psychophysiological disease accounts for the consequences stress has on the body. I personally am working on a way to
  • 38. Essay About Area 51 According to the article, What Do You Know about Area 51? , several people argued that they witness some paranormal activities in Area 51. Area 51 is a facility located in Nevada for developing aviation technology. There is no proof explaining why the paranormal happenings are coming from there. Nevertheless, the witnesses claim that these happenings are all related to the aliens. Additionally, they assume the high government officials would have communicated with the aliens in Area 51. The evidences are unidentified flying objects that they witnessed; however, the flying objects have not been identified. Although their evidence has not been proven, people still believe that there are paranormal happenings of aliens. The facility s high security ... Show more content on ... The evidence of the claims is not credible is the first point that the article violets from the Baloney Detection Kit. The believers were not skeptical about their claims and they did not try to figure out if their claims were scientifically proven. They just argue that the unidentified flying objects they witnessed are a piece of valid evidence for their claims. Moreover, the flying objects, or what they claimed as their evidences, have not been identified yet. The article does not state where they got the sources of people who saw specious activities happening in Area 51. An unverified claim is also infringing one of Shermer s ten Baloney Detection Kit questions, since their claims have not yet been confirmed by anyone else. In addition, the believers violated the rules of science. The rules of science include observe, predict, test, interpret, and communicate. They first observed the flying objects around the facility. Then, the believers started to predict their hypothesis that there were aliens in Area 51. However, they did not test or exam their hypothesis to identify the objects. Also, they should have gathered data and analyzed them to verify their claims. Lastly, they have not published their study for peer review. Instead, the believers just rumored around. Therefore, this article has not used any of the scientific methods to prove their
  • 39. Theme Of Pathos In Forrest Gump People see movies to get a momentary escape from reality and be engaged in a fictional perfect world or other genres that may snatch their emotions. The emotions seen in the audience are created by using ethos, logos, and pathos throughout the movie. Ethos is what portrays the credibility throughout the film such as using famous actors or placing historically accurate scenes in the film. Logos is represented by the logical scenes throughout the film such as the fame of the film including its rating and awards or the historically accurate scenes representing the time the film was set in. Finally, pathos is what grabs the emotions of the audience from the dramatic scenes throughout the movie. In the movie Forrest Gump, Robert Zemeckis portrays ethos, logos, and pathos several times throughout the film to pull the audience in and leave them as if they were living in the film. In the movie, the director uses two popular actors along with historic moments from real life to show credibility of how good the quality of the movie will be representing ethos. Tom Hanks plays as the main character, Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump). He is a very well known actor who gained much of his fame from this very film. He has worked alongside Steven Spielberg in four of his many films ( Forrest Gump ). Hanks was also voted the 26th Greatest Movie Star of all time by Entertainment Weekly ( Forrest Gump ). Sally Field also plays in the film as Forrest s mother, Mrs. Gump. Sally has been in
  • 40. The Musical Theatre Of America Musical Theatre in America Before the 20th century, people used music and dancing to tell stories, but it had nothing to do with developing musical theater. Musical theatre is a type of play that tells a story through songs, spoken dialogue, and dancing. During the 20th century, there was a lot of change going on in Musical Theatre. Musicals are different from other types of stage works such as opera because a musical would not be a musical without the music, story line, or dancing. European operetta was becoming more popular than American Musical Theatre. The two main types of opera that were being made were called ballad operas and comic operas which had romantic plots. American composers sought to come up with something new, since Musical Theatre was not very popular with the general public. There were a lot of components that helped shape musical theatre in America , but most think that it was mainly developed because of the different tastes developing, likeable styles, spirit and energy by composers in America, it was not. Although musical theaters origins are not certain, Musical theatre gradually developed using influences of ballad opera, comic opera, operetta, vaudeville, and burlesque. Musical theatre had not been called musicals , although there were previous stage entertainments. Before the 20th century there was a reported first musical written entitled The Disappointment was a ballad opera that was taken from rehearsal because it contained
  • 41. Marine Battery Charger Research Paper Marine Battery Charger Reviews As a boat owner, you are probably always searching for a quality marine battery that can keep up with your electronics. What you may not realize is that the quality of your battery extends to the type of battery charger that you use when it is dead. To help you gain more understanding of why it matters and which type may work best for you, consider these marine battery charger reviews. Why You Need a Marine Battery Charger Even an excellent quality marine battery may die a quick death if it is not charged the right way. This is because most boaters venture out during only select times of the year and it leads to times of inactivity followed by times where they expect their battery to keep up with anything they throw its way. If you were to use it more consistently, it would not be as hard to keep your marine battery healthy. Oddly enough, it is the inactive times of the season that pose the most strain on your battery. That is, unless you charge it properly throughout even the inactive times of the year. Marine Battery Chargers Can Help... Show more content on ... However, you need to take time and consider which type of charger is going to work best for you. Do you need a portable marine battery charger or a deep cycle marine battery charger? Most people seem to like a battery charger that is both portable as well as a deep cycle. This is because deep cycle batteries, which most people prefer, benefit more from a battery charger that is designed to charge them. Beyond that, you will need to focus on how to use it the right
  • 42. Summary Of An Ethic Of Eating By Michael Pollan In Michael Pollan s essay An Ethic of Eating , he talks about how real food is disappearing from supermarkets and groceries and being replaced with food like substances. He claims that the overly processed foods are taking over and that ordinary foods are becoming harder to find. He is also claiming that these foodlike substances are confusing consumers into thinking that they are healthy for you and consumer should shop from the source, farmer s markets. His first piece of advice he has is don t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn t recognize as food. He evidence is that she wouldn t recognize modern food as actual food. If he was born in 1955, that would place his great grandmother in the 1890 s. Back in that time, consumers thought that Crisco was good healthy and that eggs were full of bad cholesterol. Eggs are actually healthy because they are full of high density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is good for you. I see the point he is trying to make here, stay away from processed foods that were not... Show more content on ... The edges are where cheese, yogurt, meat, and fresh foods are. He explains you have to be careful around the edges as well saying; things like high fructose corn syrup have slipped into the diary case undercover. In the middle of the supermarket you find canned foods, these are highly processed and don t contain much nutritional value. You will also find the prepackaged sweets and candies. Everyone already know these are awful for your health and such be avoid in the supermarket to curb temptation to throw a package in your shopping cart. This brings up his point to just avoid supermarkets altogether, but this is often impossible for some people. Personally, the nearest farmer s market is about an hour away while out local grocery store is about five minutes away. Farmers markets and fresh produce are also more expensive and a lot of people these days cannot afford to eat