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How To CreateA
“Way of the Master” is a satirical journey through the profitable world of Cults from
the perspective of a Cult Leader in the making. These are the elements to create a cult.
Some cults are more extreme and some cults are more subtle in use of these tactics. If
too much attention is brought to the cult, the cult can temporary cease cult activity
until the spotlight is gone, then continue as before.
Cults are groups that often seem benign at first but exhibit extreme or unethical
behaviors most often under the guise of religion, philosophy, social justice
movements, personal development or some other important issue. Although, a
cult can be created around any belief system or human activity whatsoever
(even a legitimate business endeavor). Understanding the elements of a cult is
essential for identifying and avoiding potentially harmful situations. All cults are
different and therefore use a different mix of the elements discussed ahead...
• "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - John Dalberg-Acton
• "... men are so simple, and prone to being won over by the necessity of the moment, that a deceiver will always find someone willing
to be deceived." - The Prince
• “Deceive the Receive.” - Catch Me If You Can" (2002)
• “Fear is the greatest catalyst for control that there is.” - Brandon Sanderson
• "It is better to be feared than loved, if one cannot be both." - Niccolo Machiavelli
• "A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and not even know it" - Jim Jones, Suicidal Leader
of The Peoples Temple
• A cult is a sociological construct, which serves as an apparatus to elevate a single (or more) personality over, and at the expense of,
the other members, by using psychological and physiological techniques of control.
• If people find out about the tricks and techniques of cults... it will be nigh-on impossible to fool them into joining a cult (except with
fear/social pressure).
• Follow the 6-Stages and you will appear to be the Leader that everyone would want you to be, and that is enough for most people.
(You don't have to be credentialed, accomplished, handsome, charismatic, or have a perfect past.) Reinvent yourself with a
Transformation Epiphany...
Stage 1: Finding Your Inner
The following steps are needed to be seen as a great
(Stage 1 has 6 Steps)
The first step is to craft a pivotal transformational moment or
epiphany that signifies a shift from ordinary to divine, which will
serve as a cornerstone of the cult's narrative and justify the
leader's authority and special status.
This could be a cosmic experience, a journey of discovery, or a
revelation, and it needs to be convincing enough to garner trust
and followership. The Cult leader may even undergo a name
change and/or a change in appearance.
Have a Transformational Epiphany, requires the cult leader to
have a life-changing experience that sets them apart from
Step 1: Have a Transformational
The second step emphasizes the importance of unwavering certainty in a cult leader's
proclamations and decisions, no matter how incorrect they may be. Cult leaders should
maintain an image of decisiveness and surety, as this elicits confidence from followers,
who naturally gravitate toward certainty in the face of their own uncertainties and
fears. Always be Certain, emphasizes the importance of projecting confidence and
conviction, even when the cult leader is wrong. SCARF: A Brain-Based Model for
Collaborating with and Influencing Others - describes the process like this - "A sense of
uncertainty about the future generates a strong threat or 'alert' response in your limbic
system. Your brain detects something is wrong, and your ability to focus on other
issues diminishes. Your brain doesn't like uncertainty - it's like a type of pain,
something to be avoided. Certainty on the other hand feels rewarding, and we tend to
steer toward it, even when it might be better for us to remain uncertain." Studies have
shown that, contrary to what they say, people would prefer to follow a decisive leader
even when he's wrong more often than not, than a cautious leader who gets it right
most of the time (Harvard, CEO Genome Study). When people see or hear you get
something wrong, follow the three D's ~ DENY, DENY, DENY. The only reasonable
response to someone who publicly notes your contradictions is to attack; DENY, DENY,
Your minions MUST see you as the sole arbiter of The Truth for them to feel justified in
following you. Being absolutely certain about your position, and stamping out any
dissent within the group, will go a long way to achieve this.
Step 2: Always be Certain
Cult leaders must be comfortable with and capable of maintaining
double standards, moralizing on virtues while simultaneously
engaging in behaviors that contradict those morals. This step relies
on the cult members' cognitive dissonance, for example allowing the
leader to live a life of privilege and excess while preaching austerity
and humility. Embrace Hypocrisy, allows the cult leader to live a
privileged life even if preaching against such behavior. This process
is exemplified in George Orwell's Dystopian novel '1984', with the
corrupt government's slogan being "War is Peace, Freedom is
Slavery, Ignorance is Strength."
"... although a Prince need not have all the good qualities that I have
mentioned, it is most necessary for him to appear to have them. I
will even be so bold as to say that it actually does a Price harm to
have those good qualities and always observe them. But appearing
to have them will benefit him." - Niccolo Machiavelli
Step 3: Embrace Hypocrisy
The fourth step requires the cult leader to position themselves as the sole source
of truth and salvation. Cult leaders must exploit the followers' desire for a 'jackpot'
leader who can deliver them to bliss, utilizing their need for a figure of absolute
devotion. It is suggested that cult leaders enhance their mystique through
techniques like cold reading or giving themselves grandiose titles to amplify their
perceived importance and legitimacy. Be the 'One and Only', requires the cult
leader to position themselves as the only one who understands the truth.
Give yourself a False Title of Importance: Professor, Doctor, etc. A real cult leader
Joseph Di Mambro proclaimed himself as "The Cosmic Master". When cult minions
automatically use titles or superlatives when they talk to or about your then your
special status will be legitimized. The cult has one Shepard, many sheep dogs and a
large herd of sheep. The Supporting Witness (also know as First Follower) is a sheep
dog and recognizes how special you are and encourages others to join you. The
larger the cult, the more sheep dogs are needed. The Supporting Witness enforces
rules, assists in the logistical planing, first to clap, laugh or be amazed at the leader.
The Supporting Witness(es) transform a lone wolf into a Leader. New followers
emulate the Supporting Witness(es). Managing a cult is predicated on forms of
social control and many forms of social control are reliant upon peer pressure.
Step 4: Be the 'One and Only
Cult leaders should embody what is termed as 'insufferable righteousness' or
piousness, presenting themselves as ever-piety incarnate whether they are indulging in
luxuries or exploiting others. This righteousness is comprised of two elements: sharp
moral outrage against the outside world and dissenters, and a narrative of modest
reluctance, suggesting that they wish they didn't have to be in such a position but must
for the greater good. It's essential to balance these to avoid appearing either too
arrogant or too self-pitying, and instead come off as a savior figure. Project Humble
Righteousness, calls for the cult leader to appear humble (at least sometimes) in order
to avoid being seen as too arrogant.
Minions will begin to feel "It must be true that the leader is Chosen because he doesn't
want to do it. He's sacrificing his life for the rest of us against his own will. Who else
would do that except for the Chosen One?" This is the logic (even if exaggerated here to
illustrate the point) that a cult leader will build in his minions.
"Of course, I don't want to take on this position but neither do I want to let people
down, so I have to fly in my private jet to save as many people as I can; it would be
wrong not to do so. I do this for you all'" - Cult Leader
"I don't want to lock you in the cellar and leave you there for 3 days. In fact, it saddens
me deeply to do so, but if you fail then the whole group fails, and we won't reach
salvation. I have no choice but to chain you up.'" - Cult Leader
Step 5: Project Humble Righteousness
The sixth step is about embracing cruelty as a necessity. A cult leader cannot afford to
treat followers with respect because it doesn't instill the level of obedience and control
necessary for a cult. Instead, followers should be seen as stepping stones to the
leader's happiness. A pattern of alternating cruelty with love is recommended to create
a cycle of fear and guilt in followers, akin to Battered Spouse Syndrome, which traps
them in a dynamic that is ideal for maintaining a cult. It's important to note that this
step, like the rest of the book, is presented as a satirical critique and not a serious
endorsement of such behavior (wink wink). Make Cruelty Your Best Friend, requires the
cult leader to use cycles of love and cruelty to gain absolute devotion from followers.
The specific implementation of cruelty needs to follow a very simple pattern: Love -
Cruelty - Love - Cruelty - Cruelty - Love, in alternating and repeating sequences. This
creates what is better known as Battered Spouse Syndrome (BSS), whereby the abused
partner is trapped in a cycle of fear and guilt, as the abuser blames the partner for the
cruelty but then shows remorse in, what's often referred as, the 'honeymoon period'
after the cruelty. In most cases, it creates a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) that lowers their self-esteem, stops them from reaching out for help from loved
ones, and warps their understanding of what is real.
The perfect dynamic for a Cult Leader! ln fact, it is often this 'Coercive Kindness' that
can be used as a specific device to transition into the cruelty: directly blaming the
victim for the abuse, compounding the guilt and low self-esteem.
Step 6: Make Cruelty Your Best Friend
Stage 2: Creating Your
(Stage 2 has 6 Parts)
The real aim of the cult is essentially to fulfill the Cult Leader’s
desires, whether they are for adulation, money, sex, power, or a
combination. The cult is designed to appear supportive to its
members, but its true purpose is to serve the leader’s needs.
Depending on the leader's goals, the cult could be a small,
intimate group for personal control or a large organization for
financial gain. For instance, a desire for wealth suggests building
a cult with broad appeal, while a focus on sexual control might
lead to a smaller, more exclusive group. The aim of your cult is
to serve and satiate the cult leader. It is important to consider
what is fueling your need for a cult, whether it be adulation,
money, sex, power, or a mixture of these. A large Kingdom needs
to be supported by Knights, Lords, Barons, castle walls, armies,
taxes. etc., but when it comes down to it, the King is still
Part 1: Aim of Your Cult
A Doomsday Device is a fear-inducing concept that facilitates indoctrination, often
involving an apocalyptic scenario. This concept exploits the human awareness of mortality
and the fear of the world's end, either through divine judgment or natural disasters. The key
is to offer salvation from this catastrophe within the cult's mythology, positioning the leader
as a divine prophet who can save followers from impending doom. Its important when
'installing' the Doomsday Device that it's not seen as something that is long into the future.
There is no point in saying that the world willcome to an end in five billion years, when the
sun will go supernova; No one will care. You need to suggest that it will be within the
minion's lifetime, or at least within the next few generations. This should be sufficient
enough to scare the wits out of them and give you their money/adulation/naked bodies!
Don't worry about the fact that these threats have been going on for millennia; people don't
think in a rational way like that. Fear blinds them to the bleeding obvious!
It's crucial not to set a specific date for the apocalypse to avoid discrediting the cult if the
prediction fails. The doomsday device is a key component of a cult, as it instills fear in your
followers and makes indoctrination work. It is important to suggest that the end of the world
will happen within the minion's lifetime in order to scare them into submission.
If you do succumb to media pressure and reluctantly give a date for Armageddon, there is a
way around it. A Cult Leader should never admit to getting anything wrong (anything
Part 2: Doomsday Device
The structure of a cult can vary from a Compound Cult, which is isolated and easier to control, to
Open-Societal (most large cults) and Closed-Societal Cults (Isolated Communities such as
Fundamentalist Mormans), which integrate more with society. While the Compound Cult is akin to
a prison with heightened control over members, Open-Societal Cults allow members to interact
with the outside world, posing challenges in maintaining control but also offering greater rewards
in terms of membership and finances. Regardless of the structure, it’s essential that the outside
world is viewed by members as toxic, aligning with the cult’s need for isolation and control. The
structure of your cult can take different forms, such as a compound cult, closed-societal cult, or
open-societal cult. The structure is guided by what is fueling the cult leader.
Open-Societal Cults can set up mini-compounds (MC) within an Open-Societal structure, where
you can do the tricky Indoctrination process first and then feed your minions into the open society.
You can also use the MC to reinforce the process if your minions dare to have doubts about your
legitimacy. You can call these MC's 'Social Retreats' or 'Training Centres'. The best example of this
is Scientology and its Sea Org practice of sending mbers to ships or warehouses to be
'rehabilitated'. This can also be accomplished using technology through private message boards,
forums, group chats, online communities, discords, etc.
The one feature that ALL of these structures need to possess is that the Outside World MUST be
seen by your minions as poisonous, doomed and dangerous to 'mess' with. There needs to be some
enemy or challenge to be avoided in the outside world.
Part 3: Structure of Your Cult
The theme of a cult attracts specific demographics and dictates the cult's branding.
Religious themes are common due to their pre-packaged elements that aid in managing a
successful cult. Asian Fusion themes are easier to work with due to their vague concepts,
appealing to those seeking a mystical experience. Both themes have their own advantages
in attracting and retaining members based on the demographics they appeal to. The theme
of your cult is important because it will attract or repel different social demographics. Sci-
Fi cults typically replace godheads with some form of alien species. The main cult themes
are religious, Asian fusion, science fiction, and pseudo science.
Pseudo-Science Theme:
Pseudo-science themes are emerging, leveraging the public's limited understanding of
science or some academic discipline (legal, history, etc.) to make authoritative claims. This
theme takes advantage of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, where a basic grasp of scientific
language, jargon, or terms of art can be used to confuse the public. Cult leaders can take a
small scientific fact and overlay it with their own fabricated claims to attract followers.
This theme has not been fully exploited yet but has potential due to the public’s tendency
to believe in scientific-sounding, technical, and jargon laced concepts that align with their
Part 4: Theme of Your Cult
Motivational Mythology is crucial for cults as it draws minions in and justifies their hardships. The Peerless Principle is
central here, emphasizing that the cult's truth is the only one, making minions feel lucky yet fearful of missing out.
Cults must appear to offer a unique path to peace and harmony, often through familiar narratives. The mythology
should be reinforced by repetition and peer pressure, convincing minions they've found the one true way, even though
it's all fabricated by the leader for personal gain. The motivational mythology of your cult should make your followers
feel lucky and grateful to have found you. It should suggest that there is only one true 'Truth' to believe in, and that it
is the one you are peddling.
Cult Followers need to believe that there is a genuine justification for their difficult journey, one that will bring peace
and harmony to their lives.
An easy way to suggest that your cult is the only one to go for is by giving it a suitable name; for example Chen Tao
means 'The True or Right Way', and Aum Shinrikyo means 'Universal or Absolute Truth'. But the simplest tactic is to
repeat, over and over again, that your Truth is the only truth that is true; repetition is a vital factor for Indoctrination.
Then let Groupthink and peer pressure do the rest.
This doesn't mean, however, that you actually have to come up with something original or different within your
mythology. Quite the opposite! The LAST thing that you should do is introduce new ideas or concepts that would be
unfamiliar to your minions. The lesson is to always appropriate the familiar, Don't create, just incorporate. Assimilate,
not originate! You must tell your minions that what you have is unique but, in reality, you must always appropriate the
"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty" - Theodore Roosevelt
"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." - Buddha
Part 5: Motivational Mythology
Funding a cult requires upfront financial investment and creativity in revenue generation. A
Compound or Closed-Societal structure allows for monetizing through minions' possessions and
labor, whereas an Open-Societal structure might only allow a leader to claim a portion of their
income. The key strategy is to leverage minions' labor and savings without providing them with
tangible benefits or compensation. This exploitation is rationalized to the minions as freeing
themselves from material possessions or contributing to the greater good of the cult, but ultimately
it funnels resources to the leader. There are multiple revenue sources for a cult leader to exploit,
such as monetizing your minions, selling their possessions, soliciting donations, or selling them
Literature and Merchandise:
Most cults, from Hare Krishna to Jehovah's Witness, Family of God to Scientology, have a wide
variety of literature, DVD's and knick-knacks which are produced from within the cult. Some of this
merchandise is distributed for free as part of the recruitment process to draw people in -
'something for nothing', but most of it will be available for purchase, both by the unsuspecting
public and by the minions themselves. It is easy nowadays to create a library of literature from your
'teachings' by getting your minions to write down everything you've said, cutting and pasting as you
go. Make sure that you do many different versions of what you say so that you can avoid any
accusation of contradiction by explaining that "different versions apply to different people". The
most important aspect of the merchandise is that you sell it to your captive market, your minions.
They will need to buy EVERY version of your books, ALL the DVD's and CD's, and every trinket made
to complete their collection.
Part 6: Funding Your Cult
Stage 3: Molding Your Minions
(Stage 3 has 6 Phases)
Stage 3:
'Gradualism: More accurately known as Creeping Normality, this is the principle that a major
change in a person's life, particularly one that is objectionable or harmful, can be easily accepted
if it is done through small and often unnoticeable, incremental steps.
1) The education must come from an Authoritarian Instructor; no friendly, sympathetic teachers
allowed here. This should already be the case if you have been successful at becoming a Cult
Leader (Stage I).
2) The content of the 'education' should play to their fears and weaknesses; "Do you want the
world to be destroyed? Are you a man or a mouse?" This should be covered by the Motivational
Mythology that you have created in Stage 2 (Page 65).
3) Fear of failure or punishment must be ever-present in the minds of the minions; "'Do you want
to die a failure?" Fear is an integral part of Indoctrination.
Stage 3:
4) Critical Thinking and Individual Independence must be inhibited and eventually
nullified. We will cover this later in Phase 4 and 5, respectively.
5) An environment of Peer Pressure must pile on the need to conform and accept what is
being told to the minion.
6) Repetition must be practiced at all times.
This last factor is so important that it needs to be repeated. '''Repetition must be
practiced at all times.'''
The very neurological processes of the brain mean that humans are hard•wired to value
repetition over reason. This allows false or flawed concepts to triumph over factually
accurate ones, if repeated enough.
This phase involves using seemingly innocuous organizations as entry points to recruit potential
followers, which are termed Temporarily Vulnerable Targets (TVTs). These front groups, like self-
improvement seminars or therapy programs, provide a non-confrontational method for cult
recruitment and also serve as income sources. The key recruitment targets are individuals in a
vulnerable state, like those who have recently experienced significant life changes. Fishing with Front
Groups, involves using a seemingly harmless organization to lure in potential cult members.
Anybody has the potential for becoming a minion. Whether they are young or old, rich or poor, highly
intelligent or state educated; it doesn't matter. The key factor to look out for is whether they are
vulnerable at the point of contact or 'when the line is cast', to continue with the analogy. It is a general
misconception that Cult Leaders should only target stupid, gullible losers to be minions. This is wrong
because, although it will be easy to mold them, you will just be left with stupid loser minions, who will
continually make mistakes and ruin your cult in the long run. You will be missing out on a rich stream
of targets if you only take the easy option.
A word of caution.The sort of person you must avoid is a skeptic, who arrogantly asks annoying
questions like - "Do you have verifiable evidence for what you are saying?" or "Can you provide any
citations for your claims?"! They will create ripples in the water, disturbing the other fish that you are
trying to catch. Just accuse them of something like trying to sabotage other people's happiness [or
the mission] and get rid of them as quickly as possible.
For now, what's important is to create a friendly, supportive and comforting system that can draw
people in through Front Groups. Talking of 'friendly, supportive and comforting' ...
Phase 1: Fishing with Front Groups
Once potential followers are gathered, they are 'love bombed' by existing cult members to make them feel
valued and accepted. This technique involves excessive praise, attention, and affection, which lowers the
recruits' defenses and fosters a strong emotional bond to the group. Over time, this affection becomes
conditional, reinforcing group conformity and discouraging independent thought, effectively manipulating
recruits into reliance on the cult for validation and a sense of belonging. Love Bombing, is the process of
showering new recruits with affection and attention in order to make them feel welcome and valued.
Don't challenge the new recruits directly on anything that they say, encouraging a need for them to 'keep an
open mind' ... laying the ground work for you to close their minds tight shut later. Everybody should express a
deep connection with each other and how much they enjoy a place where they can be themselves without fear of
judgement - you gotta keep 'Embracing Hypocrisy'. Make the new recruits want to come back for a second
session ... and a third. Make them feel like they are part of the group, that maybe they've found some new friends
or even a potential 'family'. Love Bombing works remarkably well at lowering a person's defenses.
Increasingly though, as the sessions continue, you make this 'love' conditional; nothing serious at first, just very
subtle changes. Using the psychology of group dynamics (Groupthink), if a new recruit questions or doubts the
claims that are being made, your more experienced minions will begin to withhold their affection, dropping the
smile, creating awkward silences, looking at each other uneasily. Once the new recruit expresses sentiments that
are in line with those being taught, the affection immediately returns.
This is formally known as '''Operant Conditioning''' and was popularized in the 1930's by Professor BF Skinner.
The process reinforces the idea that, 'Conformity - Good, Independent Thinking - Bad'. This kind of group
coercion or Herd Mentality really works; people are far more malleable than they want to believe. Many studies
have proven this to be true - one of the most famous being the Asch Conformity Experiment (Psychologist
Solomon Asch 1951).
Phase 2: Love Bombing
In this phase, cults portray the outside world as corrupt and dangerous,
enhancing the allure of the cult as the only safe haven. This demonization
reinforces a binary worldview of good (the cult) versus evil (everything
outside the cult), solidifying the recruits' allegiance to the cult. It also instills
fear of leaving the group and distrust towards anyone outside the cult,
further isolating members and making them more susceptible to cult
doctrine. Demonize the Outside World, aims to create an "us vs. them"
mentality in cult members, making them distrustful of anyone outside the
Depending on the structure of your cult, seeing the Outside World as evil and
dangerous can help with the separation and distancing of your minions from
nosy, interfering family, friends and anyone who has a critical thought
process. Obviously. a Compound Cult won't need this quality so much, but it
most definitely will be needed with Closed or Open-Societal Cults. Your
minions will often come into contact with dangerous influences, sometimes
without any supervision, so they must have an ever-present suspicion and
even aversion to people from the Outside World.
Phase 3: Demonize the Outside World
Thought-stopping techniques are employed to suppress critical
thinking and enforce the cult's ideology. These methods include
but are not limited to promoting logical fallacies (Circular Logic,
Confirmation Bias, Cognitive Dissonance, False Dichotomies
and every other logical fallacy at every chance you can get),
encouraging pattern-seeking in randomness (apophenia: "It's a
sign.1 It was meant to be!"), and utilizing numerology to create
an illusion of order and significance. These techniques are
designed to shut down skepticism and reinforce the cult's
teachings as the only truth. Thought-Stopping Techniques, uses
various methods to prevent cult members from thinking
critically (rhythmic rituals, slogans, chants, never ending targets
and goals).
Phase 4: Thought-Stopping
Destroying the self involves breaking down the individual's sense of autonomy and
identity, making them "as one" with the cult. This phase aims to reduce members to
merely being cogs in the machine that serves the Cult Leader's ambitions. Individuals
can be given duties and roles within the cult. Destroying the Self, breaks down a
person's sense of individuality in order to make them more compliant. There are 3 main
techniques that will lead to the destruction, - Devalue Deduction, Self as Defective, and
Remove Personal Markers.
Devalue Deduction: Appeal to the Unknown, Appeal to the Unknowable. Place more
value on subjective ideas and decisions not logical ones.
Self as Defective: Use Systems of Disclosure (Scientology uses this extensively). Have
minion share personal details about themselves. Take notes of their flaws. This can be
used against them and lower their self esteem.
Remove Personal Markers: Encourage group identity. For example, minions can wear the
same outfits, uniforms, have special names, special lingo. When the minion engage with
the cult, the minions to only see themselves in terms of the Cult. Cult, Cult, Cult.
Nothing but the Cult.
Phase 5: Destroying the Self
Isolation and deprivation (IsoDep) are intense tactics used to
fundamentally change individuals employed by some cults. This
phase operates on the notion that it is surprisingly easy to alter
someone's personality with enough narcissistic cruelty, which is
considered necessary to be a successful Cult Leader. Members
may be subjected to sleep and calorie deprivation, which
zombifies them into a cycle of waking, working, conforming, and
collapsing from exhaustion. This process is designed to break
down their critical thinking and autonomy, making them fully
dependent on the cult for their sense of identity and purpose.
Isolation and Deprivation, involves limiting cult members'
contact with the outside world and depriving them of basic
needs in order to further control them.
Phase 6: Isolation and Deprivation
Stage 4: Maintaining Your
(Stage 4 has 6 Levels)
"Matters must be arranged in such a way that when the
populace no longer believes, a prince can compel them to
believe by force." - Niccolo Machiavelli
This level focuses on isolating minions from family and friends
who are not part of the cult, as these connections might
interfere with the minion's control and allegiance. It is vital to
sever these ties to maintain control, as loved ones may attempt
to rescue the minion from the cult's influence. There are two
types of disconnection: before and after the minion has fully
joined the cult. Each serves to prevent any outside perspective
that might undermine the cult's indoctrination and control.
Disconnection from Loved Ones, involves separating the minion
from family and friends in order to prevent outside
Level 1: Disconnection from Loved
"A wise prince must find a way in which his citizens will consider
him and his state to be indispensable in every circumstance and
at all times. Then his citizens will be always faithful." - Niccolo
Minions must believe they are wholly dependent on the cult for
their happiness, morality, and future, essentially feeling that
survival without the cult is impossible. Economic and social
dependencies are enforced; for instance, minions might be led
to donate all property to the cult and rely on it for basic needs
and social structure. This level aims to make minions feel that
leaving the cult would be akin to suicide due to the loss of their
support system and inability to function independently in
society. Enforced Dependency, requires the cult leader to make
the minion economically and socially dependent on the cult.
Level 2: Enforced Dependency
The use of social echo chambers reinforces the cult's beliefs and opinions through
repetition and a deep distrust of external information. This insular communication
validates the cult's messaging and creates an environment where contrary information is
dismissed. As a result, minions perpetuate a cycle of reinforcing the cult's ideology
among themselves, rejecting any outside perspectives or arguments, no matter how
valid they may be. The goal is to keep minions in a controlled thought loop that is
resistant to external influence. Social Echo Chambers, uses self-affirming
communicational structures (Duplicating Insular Systems of Communication (DISC)) to
validate and re-enforce claims.
Each minion will be talking about what they have learnt with the other minions, wanting
to keep 'on message' in order to receive the Love Bombing that is going around. Your
messaging, opinions and instructions will be continually repeated by each minion, being
validated and reinforced at every rendition; remember the principle in Stage 3 -
"Humans are hardwired to value repetition over reason."
Well, within a Social Echo Chamber, at the very least, a dissenter's voice gets drowned
out. At the most, they get victimized into silence for trying to be different. Either way,
dissension gets stamped out. Conformity is king. You can just sit back and watch them
Groupthink their way into submission.
Level 3: Social Echo Chambers
This level involves creating a culture of paranoia within the cult
by encouraging members to inform on each other, thereby
fostering an environment of constant surveillance. This is done
by rewarding those who report on deviations from the cult's
rules and ideologies, instilling fear and competition among
members. Such a system not only induces anxiety but also
ensures that criticism or defiance is stifled, as everyone fears
being reported by their peers, and it turns members against
their own loved ones, further isolating them within the cult.
They might even make things up about people just to get that
reward, which will really feed the paranoia.
Level 4: The Surveillance State
This level uses guilt as a tool to control members, making them believe
their actions have weighty consequences for themselves, their loved
ones, and the entire cult. By questioning their loyalty and ability to
fulfill their 'important' responsibilities, leaders can manipulate
members into obedience, exploiting their fear of failure and betrayal.
Guilt is also employed to create high costs for leaving the cult,
branding those who consider it as traitors who would jeopardize the
cult's success and their relationships within it. The Surveillance State,
instills paranoia in the minion by rewarding others for informing on
them and information obtained can be used against insubordinate
Level 5: Guilt Trips and Traitors
Known as the Sunk Cost Fallacy, this principle explains why
members may continue to support the cult even when it no
longer serves their best interest. Having invested significant
time, energy, and resources, members struggle to admit they
made a poor decision. This fallacy leads to oppressive control
over members, as they are more likely to continue supporting
the cult due to their previous investments rather than
acknowledging their mistake and facing the reality of being
scammed. Guilt Trips and Traitors, uses guilt as a motivator to
control the minion. Level 6: Psychology of Previous Investment,
exploits the sunk cost fallacy to keep the minion from leaving
the cult. The high-end consumer industry is wholly dependent
on this dynamic!
Level 6: Psychology of Previous
Stage 5: Vital Lessons in Life
(Stage 5 has 6 Lessons)
This lesson suggests that facing opposition can be beneficial for
a cult leader, as it strengthens group cohesion among members.
It discusses the use of perceived persecution to rally followers
and reinforce their dedication to the group's cause. Nothing
builds group cohesion like a good dose of Outside Persecution.
The example of the Westboro Baptist Church is used to
illustrate how external antagonism can be leveraged to bolster
internal unity and validate the leader's authority. The lesson
warns against taking this principle too far, as it can escalate to
dangerous levels, but it can also be used to discredit critics by
portraying the cult as a victim of 'fake news'. The Persecution
Principle, discusses the importance of anticipating and
managing antagonism from various sources.
Lesson 1: The Persecution Principle
The management of media perception is critical for a cult. It’s
suggested that cult leaders control the narrative by avoiding
detailed explanations and using vague language that can be
interpreted in various ways. The lesson advises against calling
the organization a cult due to the negative connotations and
suggests using more accepted terms like 'spiritual organization'
or 'philosophical movement.' Leaders are warned about the
risks of digital records of their actions, as seen with
Scientology's declining membership due to increased
transparency and public accountability. Media Management,
emphasizes the importance of understanding the power of
words and images.
Lesson 2: Media Management
Cult leaders must navigate their relationships with authorities
carefully. The lesson discusses various tactics for dealing with
legal and governmental scrutiny, such as mimicking mainstream
religions to avoid attention, engaging in political maneuvering,
and using legal and financial strategies to gain influence. It also
suggests that in some cases, evading authorities through
relocation or other means can be effective, emphasizing the
importance of assessing the cult’s practices and their potential
to attract attention from law enforcement.
Lesson 3: Accounting for Authorities
This lesson deals with the strategic use of children within a cult.
It highlights the benefits of having children as part of the
organization, such as their natural compliance, their
effectiveness in fundraising, and their utility in promoting the
cult's image of innocence. However, it also warns of the dangers
of child leaders gaining too much autonomy and the legal and
ethical implications of exploiting children for the cult’s
purposes. From womb to tomb, children are the most
committed minions a Cult Leader could hope to have. You can
even sell products to their parents. Make lots of them if they
can be useful for your cult!
Lesson 4: Influential Innocence
The text explicitly condemns cult-related violence, including
mass suicide and murder. It argues that such actions are
counterproductive and warns leaders against getting caught up
in their own deceptions to the point of self-destruction. The
lesson acknowledges the risk of leaders believing their own lies
and emphasizes the need for self-awareness to prevent
catastrophic outcomes like those of Peoples Temple or
Heaven's Gate.
Lesson 5: Death and the Afterlife
This lesson discusses the intrinsic flaws in human cognition and
perception, suggesting that these flaws can be exploited by cult
leaders. It emphasizes that while humans like to believe they
are rational and sensible, they are often anything but. The brain
is said to be heavily flawed, not perceiving reality directly but
rather making 'best guesses' based on stimuli, which can lead to
misconceptions and errors. Human memory is also flawed, with
people remembering events not as they happened but as they
want to remember them, influenced by their biases and
opinions. The lesson further states that humans are more
influenced by emotional appeals and gut reactions rather than
facts, and they use cognitive dissonance to rationalize their
choices. The cult leader is encouraged to exploit these cognitive
flaws and convince their followers that they have free will and
autonomy, even though they are being manipulated, making it
easier to control them.
Lesson 6: Reflections Upon Humanity
Stage 6: Bonus Section:
[Examples of Large Cults]
(Stage 6 has 6 Cults)
The Happy Science group, led by Ryuho Okawa (previously
known as Takashi Nakagawa), is based on a blend of Asian
fusion, pseudo-science, and science fiction themes. Founded in
1986 in Japan, it aims at gathering money and adulation. Okawa
claims to be the savior of Earth, channeling truths from the
supreme god of the Earth, Lord El Cantare. Despite the
controversy and apparent self-service of its practices, it claims
a widespread following. Happy Science, founded in Japan in
1986, is led by Ryuho Okawa and blends Asian philosophy with
pseudoscience and science fiction.
Cult 1: Happy Science (Kofuku no
The cult's leader, referred to as Dr. King or "His Eminence Sir
George King," is noted to have taken on an exaggerated title
which is an example of the use of a "False Title of Importance," a
common tactic in cults to enhance the leader's status. The
society was established in the United Kingdom in 1955 and is
described as having the aim of adulation, with the leader
enjoying a good living. It is themed around science fiction with
elements of Asian Fusion and operates an Open Societal
structure but includes Closed 'Mountain Pilgrimages', indicating
a mix of public outreach and private, exclusive events for
members. The Aetherius Society, founded in the United
Kingdom in 1955, is a UFO religion that believes in
extraterrestrial intelligence.
Cult 2: Aetherius Society
The Church of Bible Understanding (COBU) was established in the United States in
1977 by Stewart Tanner Traill. The cult's primary objectives were money and sex,
utilizing a religious theme. Traill, who had previously established a network of
followers through a group called Forever Family, was known for his manipulative
tactics, including appropriating ideas from others and using strong-arm sales tactics.
COBU operated in a closed society structure, with properties that served as
indoctrination centers.
Traill’s leadership was marked by controversy, including charges of abuse and
corrupt behavior. After his first marriage deteriorated due to his misconduct, he
started COBU as a rebranding effort and married a much younger follower. Despite
internal challenges, including admitting to wrongdoing in the 1980s which led to a
loss of faith among his followers, Traill managed to maintain control and continued
his leadership until his death in 2018.
The Church of Bible Understanding claims to have the only true interpretation of the
Cult 3: Church of Bible Understanding
Raelism, created in France in 1973 by Claude Maurice Marcel
Vorilhon, who renamed himself Maitreya Rael, presents itself as
a religion that worships life created by advanced
extraterrestrial species called the Elohim. Its mythology claims
that the Elohim used their sophisticated genetic technology to
create all life on Earth, including humans in their own image.
Raelism's lure is not based on front groups; instead, it
straightforwardly offers enticements such as sex orgies, which
have been surprisingly effective in attracting followers. The cult
aims for sexual freedom, with a hint of monetary gain, and it has
been noted for Claude's attempts to spread love and happiness,
albeit controversially, given his multiple marriages and
divorces. Raelism, founded in France in 1974, is a UFO religion
that believes in extraterrestrial creators.
Cult 4: Raelism
The Unification Church, commonly known as the Moonies, was
founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon in South Korea. The
church integrates Christian theology with Eastern spiritual
traditions and is known for its mass wedding ceremonies.
Central to the Unification Church's belief system is the Divine
Principle, which is a unique interpretation of the Bible
emphasizing the importance of pure love and the unification of
world religions and cultures. The church has been subject to
controversy and criticism, in part due to its recruitment
practices and the considerable political and commercial
activities conducted by its affiliates worldwide. Despite the
controversies, the Unification Church has grown significantly,
with a presence in many countries around the globe. The
Unification Church, founded in South Korea in 1954, is led by
Sun Myung Moon and reinterprets the Bible through Taoist
Cult 5: Unification Church (Moonies)
Scientology was created by L. Ron Hubbard in the United States
in 1953. Its aim is to make money and gain adulation, and it uses
a mix of pseudo-science and religion to do so. Scientology is
structured as an open societal organization, with training
centers called "Orgs" for indoctrination. The organization has a
number of front groups, such as Narconon, which it uses to
further its goals. Scientology's teachings emphasize that
humans are basically good, and that they possess inalienable
rights. The organization also believes that the spirit is what is
saved and is the source of healing for the mind and body.
Scientology uses a process called "auditing" to help members
achieve mental health by removing "engrams" from the
"reactive mind." Auditing can be used to gather intel about
member and used against them to exert control. Scientology,
founded in the United States in 1953, is led by L Ron Hubbard
and uses pseudoscience and religion to promote self-
Cult 6: Scientology
Cult Glossary 1/9:
Amorphous: Without a clearly defined shape or form.
Anecdotal Accounts (Page 24 ), Personal testimony of events or claims that can be fake or, at best, unreliable. The kicker is, however,
that humans have traditionally learnt about life from a narrative process; fables. myths, fairy tales, allegories and parables - particularly
in childhood, so they are primed to take anecdotal accounts as fact. Very advantageous for a Cult Leader.
Apophenia: The neurological phenomena of finding meaningful patterns or connections within trivial or random events. This is usually
accompanied by people shouting, "It's a sign!"
Associative Comparisons: The process of comparing two things in order to highlight similarities or differences.
Ataraxia: A state of calmness or serenity.
Barnum Effect: Formally known as The Forer Effect, it is when a vague or ambiguous statement is seen as meaningful to a specific
individual, even though the statement could apply to many people- "We've got something for everyone." - PT Barnum. Horoscopes are
based on this effect It is usually accompanied by the person saying, "That is so me.' How could he know?"
Battered Spouse Syndrome (BSS): The psychological condition of someone who has experienced prolonged physical, emotional, or
sexual abuse from a partner.
Binary Landscape: The false or forced dichotomy of 'All or Nothing'. This narrow view of the world ignores the multifaceted spectrum of
life. The less practice a minion gets of understanding the nuances and complexities of life, the easier it is to manipulate them; they are
either with you or against you!
Charlatans: People who falsely claim to have special knowledge or abilities.
Cult Glossary 2/9:
Circular Logic: Claims that try to support themselves without any warrants or evidence. Think or a multi-plug extension that's plugged
into itself. It's a claim that is easy to make but has no power to it! For example, "We know our Master is honest because he said he is
Cocktail Party Effect (Page 96). A neurological process that 'filters out' much of the stimuli that the brain receives in order to operate
efficiently in a crowded environment. This selective attention allows the individual to give greater importance to certain stimulus. This
filtering system can be recalibrated to include your claims and priorities. (Also see Confirmation Bias on Page 22)
Cognitive Dissonance: The mental discomfort that arises when someone holds two conflicting beliefs or values at the same time. Also,
can mean the ability to hold two or more opposing ideas or beliefs at the same time. For example, "Our Master loves us and wants to
show us how to live a good life, which is why it is good that he abuses us, in order for us to learn."
Cold Reading: A set of techniques that obtain personal information on a stranger using human cues such as body language, reactions to
generic phrases, and individual expressions, such as fashion. It is mostly used by psychics and fortune tellers, but Cult Leaders can also
use it in the same way.
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs. More commonly
known as Cherry Picking, it is the practice of only observing or remembering information or events that support the person's worldview.
Complete Cognitive Collapse (CCC): The goal of the IsoDep process.
Confirmation Bias: The tendency for people to focus on and remember information that confirms their preexisting beliefs, while ignoring
information that contradicts them.
Cult Glossary 3/9:
Creeping Normality (Page 80). A slow process of acclimation to a changed reality, usually unnoticed by the individual concerned. Think of a
Hoarder, living in ever-increasing squalor. The same can happen to a minion, as they get dravm into the Cult.
Cul-de-Sac Questions: Questions that only have one answer, leading the person being asked back to the same point.
Demonizing the Outside World (Page 92). The act of making anything or anyone (especially family, friends and ex-minions) outside of the
Cult appear to be evil, poisonous and doomed. This is vitally imperative for a Cult to operate, in order to enforce conformity and oppression
of the minions. (Please, please, please read page 92 of the "Way of the Master"!)
Destroying the Self (Page 99). The act of breaking down a person's sense of autonomy and individuality, so that they become 'as one' with
the Cult; seen as just a cog in the Wheel of Fortune ... for the Cult Leader, that is'
Divine Revelation: A message or insight that is believed to come directly from a god or higher power.
Dogma: A set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
Dunning-Kruger Effect: The phenomenon in which people who lack knowledge or expertise in a certain area are unable to recognize their
own deficiencies, and therefore overestimate their abilities. It is when a person has such a low ability at a certain task or skillset, that they
tend to overestimate such ability in order to deny this deficiency, yet have such a reduced understanding that they can't even recognise
their flaws. The psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger state that - "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error
about the Self" Just look at the 'Flat-Earth Movement' to get an idea.
Duplicating Insular Systems of Communication (Page 124). More commonly known as Social Echo Chambers, these are selfaffirming
communicational structures that validate and re-enforce claims that are passed between minions, whilst creating suspicion of other
contrary messages. This also enforces conformity as minions will not want to go against 'the accepted truth', fearful of being rejected by
Cult Glossary 4/9:
Endism: The belief that things are finite and will come to an end.
Epiphany: A sudden realization or insight.
Flirty Fishing: A term coined by David Berg to describe using sex to lure people into a cult.
Forced Dichotomy: A situation in which someone is forced to choose between two opposing options.
Front Groups: Organizational platforms that offer access to potential cult members. Any business or organization that serves as the public
face of the Cult, providing a legitimate and seemingly harmless access to potential minions. It Normally also serves as an extra revenue
stream for the Cult.
Gradualism: The principle that a major change can be accepted if it is done in small, incremental steps.
Groupthink: The tendency for people in a group to conform to the majority opinion, even if it goes against their own beliefs. A psychological
phenomenon that is driven by the desire for harmony and conformity; not wishing to 'rock the boat' and be singled out as a trouble maker.
This desire can lead to the group as a whole making irrational decisions and Committing to submission 'at all cost'. Perfect for a Cult Leader!
Halo Effect: The tendency for people to generalize a positive impression of someone or something based on one positive attribute. A form
of Confirmation Bias that is based upon a single experience or characteristic of a person or group, that is then forever attributed to that
person or group, regardless of how false that opinion rums out to be. It's like putting on Rose-Tinted glasses whenever viewing that person
or group.
Herd Mentality: The tendency for people to adopt the behaviors and beliefs of those around them. A social phenomenon that makes an
individual think or act differently than if they were on their own. It is an acute form of peer pressure that allows an individual to feel that
Cult Glossary 5/9:
Indoctrination: The process of teaching someone to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. A process of learning that demands, usually through
a threat of punishment, a lack of critical thinking and examination; fear is an integral part of the indoctrination process, as is repetition. The
other factor is repetition. Repetition is really important when it comes to indoctrination ... Repetition!
IsoDep: The process of isolation and deprivation that the cult leader uses to break down a recruit's spirit.
Jackpot Mentality: The mindset of someone who is excited by the prospect of winning a big prize. The desire to 'beat the odds' and win big,
blinding the person from the irrational decisions that they are making. (Also see Target Blindness on Page 98)
Litmus Test: A test that can quickly determine whether something is true or false.
Love Bombing: The practice of showering new recruits with affection in order to make them feel welcome and valued. The process of
smothering a new member with affection and kindness, lulling them into a false sense of security, then placing conditions on that affection
to enforce conformity. It is formally known as Operant Conditioning.
Media Management: The way cult leaders control the information their followers have access to in order to maintain control.
Metamorphic: Refers to the process of transformation or change.
Metaphor: A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another.
Minions: The followers or members of a cult. A victim of control and manipulation, usually targeted at a time of vulnerability; similar to a
Battered Spouse. Although the minion will feel that they are important to the Cult Leader, they will mean nothing to him; just a stepping
stone to his happiness ... similar to a Battered Spouse.
Cult Glossary 6/9:
Nocebo Effect: The negative psychological effect caused by the suggestion that something will be harmful. The ability to induce adverse
mental and physiological affects just by suggestion alone. It is the 'evil twin' of the Placebo Effect, and can be used both as a form of control
and of punishment. When 'cured' by the Placebo Effect, it can also be used as proof of a Cult Leader's powers of healing.
Operant Conditioning: A type of learning in which behaviors are reinforced or discouraged based on the consequences that follow.
Pareidolia: The tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things. The phenomenon of discerning something
definite and clear within a formless, nondescript image or sound. It is a visual or audio version of Apophenia on page 96. Good examples of
these would be seeing the face of Jesus on a slice of toast or hearing the voice of a dead person in the static of an untuned radio.
Personality Projection: The way someone presents themselves to others in order to create a certain impression.
Piousness: Being devoutly religious or exhibiting a holier-than-thou attitude.
Placebo Effect: The positive psychological effect caused by the suggestion that something will be beneficial. The ability to induce beneficial
mental and physiological affects just by suggestion alone. A treatment using a Placebo will have no direct causal ingredient, but the subject
will believe that it does, in some way, from the authority that administers it. That's where a Cult Leader can come in.
Parrhesia: The practice of speaking candidly or freely, even if it may be unpleasant or dangerous to do so.
Peerless: Unrivaled or without equal.
Persecution Principle: The idea that cult leaders can use the perception of being under attack to rally their followers. The action of feigning
victimization in order to avoid criticism, and/or to enforce group cohesion, and/or to receive unjust privilege.
Cult Glossary 7/9:
Pluralism: The acceptance of different beliefs or opinions within a society.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A mental disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.
Pseudo Causality (Page 95). A fabricated link between 2 or more unconnected events. A form of Non Sequitur called 'cum or post hoc ergo
propter hoc• (Latin for with or after this, therefore because of this).
The Psychology of Previous Investment (Page 130). Formally known as the Sunk Cost Fallacy, it is a process of denial, by which the
collective commitments to a decision makes it increasingly difficult to reassess or change that decision, as doing so would lead the
individual to admit that their choices had been a mistake.
Rehabilitated: The process of restoring someone to a healthy or normal state.
Reluctant Narrative (Page 39). A feigned position of humble hesitance, where the Cult Leader 'regrettably' takes on the position of
authority, not because he wants to, but because his high sense of moral responsibility MAKES him do so. Honest ... wink, wink!
Rigor: Strictness or severity.
Semantics: The meanings of words and phrases.
Social Echo Chamber: A situation in which people only hear opinions that reinforce their own, and are closed off to opposing viewpoints.
Subliminal: Means affecting someone's mind without them being aware of it.
Supporting Witness: Someone who can back up the cult leader's claims, making them seem more credible.
Cult Glossary 8/9:
Surveillance State: A society in which the government closely monitors and controls its citizens.
Symbolism: Refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
Target Blindness: The inability to see or understand the consequences of one's actions. The natural sense of achievement that is gained by
'reaching a goal' can be used against a minion, by setting arbitrary targets and challenges and watching them 'chase their tails', blind to how
much control they have lost.
Temporarily Vulnerable Targets (TVT's): People who are vulnerable at the point of contact.
The Asch Paradigm: Refers to an experiment conducted by Solomon Asch that demonstrated how people will conform to the group even
when the group is clearly wrong.
The Duluth Model: A program developed in Minnesota to address domestic violence, and includes a "Wheel of Power and Control" that
outlines different tactics abusers use to control their victims.
The First Follower: Described as a supporting witness who helps legitimize a leader by being the first to follow them.
The Persecution Principle: The idea that being persecuted or hated by outsiders can actually help unite a group.
Thought-Stopping Rituals (Page 97). Meditation, chanting, dancing, or any other repetitive activity which switches off the analytical part of
the brain. Most of these physical activities can increase the levels of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that leave the individual feeling
blissfully relaxed, which can then be framed as a 'spiritual experience'.
Cult Glossary 9/9:
Transformational Epiphany: A sudden moment of realization or understanding that leads to a significant change in someone's life. A
fabricated experience that confers wisdom, power, and respect onto the 'received' person. It allows the person's 'dodgy' past to be wiped
clean, and its transformational quality elevates that person to a special status.
Vagueness: The quality of being uncertain or unclear.
Weltschmerz: A German word that refers to a feeling of sadness or melancholy caused by the discrepancy between the way the world is and
the way one wishes it to be.

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Way of the Master - How To Create A Cult - Richard Francis & Johnny Rico.pptx

  • 2. “Way of the Master” is a satirical journey through the profitable world of Cults from the perspective of a Cult Leader in the making. These are the elements to create a cult. Some cults are more extreme and some cults are more subtle in use of these tactics. If too much attention is brought to the cult, the cult can temporary cease cult activity until the spotlight is gone, then continue as before.
  • 3. Cults are groups that often seem benign at first but exhibit extreme or unethical behaviors most often under the guise of religion, philosophy, social justice movements, personal development or some other important issue. Although, a cult can be created around any belief system or human activity whatsoever (even a legitimate business endeavor). Understanding the elements of a cult is essential for identifying and avoiding potentially harmful situations. All cults are different and therefore use a different mix of the elements discussed ahead...
  • 4. Quotes: • "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - John Dalberg-Acton • "... men are so simple, and prone to being won over by the necessity of the moment, that a deceiver will always find someone willing to be deceived." - The Prince • “Deceive the Receive.” - Catch Me If You Can" (2002) • “Fear is the greatest catalyst for control that there is.” - Brandon Sanderson • "It is better to be feared than loved, if one cannot be both." - Niccolo Machiavelli • "A man's gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and not even know it" - Jim Jones, Suicidal Leader of The Peoples Temple • A cult is a sociological construct, which serves as an apparatus to elevate a single (or more) personality over, and at the expense of, the other members, by using psychological and physiological techniques of control. • If people find out about the tricks and techniques of cults... it will be nigh-on impossible to fool them into joining a cult (except with fear/social pressure). • Follow the 6-Stages and you will appear to be the Leader that everyone would want you to be, and that is enough for most people. (You don't have to be credentialed, accomplished, handsome, charismatic, or have a perfect past.) Reinvent yourself with a Transformation Epiphany...
  • 5. Stage 1: Finding Your Inner Master The following steps are needed to be seen as a great leader. (Stage 1 has 6 Steps)
  • 6. The first step is to craft a pivotal transformational moment or epiphany that signifies a shift from ordinary to divine, which will serve as a cornerstone of the cult's narrative and justify the leader's authority and special status. This could be a cosmic experience, a journey of discovery, or a revelation, and it needs to be convincing enough to garner trust and followership. The Cult leader may even undergo a name change and/or a change in appearance. Have a Transformational Epiphany, requires the cult leader to have a life-changing experience that sets them apart from others. Step 1: Have a Transformational Epiphany
  • 7. The second step emphasizes the importance of unwavering certainty in a cult leader's proclamations and decisions, no matter how incorrect they may be. Cult leaders should maintain an image of decisiveness and surety, as this elicits confidence from followers, who naturally gravitate toward certainty in the face of their own uncertainties and fears. Always be Certain, emphasizes the importance of projecting confidence and conviction, even when the cult leader is wrong. SCARF: A Brain-Based Model for Collaborating with and Influencing Others - describes the process like this - "A sense of uncertainty about the future generates a strong threat or 'alert' response in your limbic system. Your brain detects something is wrong, and your ability to focus on other issues diminishes. Your brain doesn't like uncertainty - it's like a type of pain, something to be avoided. Certainty on the other hand feels rewarding, and we tend to steer toward it, even when it might be better for us to remain uncertain." Studies have shown that, contrary to what they say, people would prefer to follow a decisive leader even when he's wrong more often than not, than a cautious leader who gets it right most of the time (Harvard, CEO Genome Study). When people see or hear you get something wrong, follow the three D's ~ DENY, DENY, DENY. The only reasonable response to someone who publicly notes your contradictions is to attack; DENY, DENY, DENY - ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK. Your minions MUST see you as the sole arbiter of The Truth for them to feel justified in following you. Being absolutely certain about your position, and stamping out any dissent within the group, will go a long way to achieve this. Step 2: Always be Certain
  • 8. Cult leaders must be comfortable with and capable of maintaining double standards, moralizing on virtues while simultaneously engaging in behaviors that contradict those morals. This step relies on the cult members' cognitive dissonance, for example allowing the leader to live a life of privilege and excess while preaching austerity and humility. Embrace Hypocrisy, allows the cult leader to live a privileged life even if preaching against such behavior. This process is exemplified in George Orwell's Dystopian novel '1984', with the corrupt government's slogan being "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength." "... although a Prince need not have all the good qualities that I have mentioned, it is most necessary for him to appear to have them. I will even be so bold as to say that it actually does a Price harm to have those good qualities and always observe them. But appearing to have them will benefit him." - Niccolo Machiavelli Step 3: Embrace Hypocrisy
  • 9. The fourth step requires the cult leader to position themselves as the sole source of truth and salvation. Cult leaders must exploit the followers' desire for a 'jackpot' leader who can deliver them to bliss, utilizing their need for a figure of absolute devotion. It is suggested that cult leaders enhance their mystique through techniques like cold reading or giving themselves grandiose titles to amplify their perceived importance and legitimacy. Be the 'One and Only', requires the cult leader to position themselves as the only one who understands the truth. Give yourself a False Title of Importance: Professor, Doctor, etc. A real cult leader Joseph Di Mambro proclaimed himself as "The Cosmic Master". When cult minions automatically use titles or superlatives when they talk to or about your then your special status will be legitimized. The cult has one Shepard, many sheep dogs and a large herd of sheep. The Supporting Witness (also know as First Follower) is a sheep dog and recognizes how special you are and encourages others to join you. The larger the cult, the more sheep dogs are needed. The Supporting Witness enforces rules, assists in the logistical planing, first to clap, laugh or be amazed at the leader. The Supporting Witness(es) transform a lone wolf into a Leader. New followers emulate the Supporting Witness(es). Managing a cult is predicated on forms of social control and many forms of social control are reliant upon peer pressure. Step 4: Be the 'One and Only
  • 10. Cult leaders should embody what is termed as 'insufferable righteousness' or piousness, presenting themselves as ever-piety incarnate whether they are indulging in luxuries or exploiting others. This righteousness is comprised of two elements: sharp moral outrage against the outside world and dissenters, and a narrative of modest reluctance, suggesting that they wish they didn't have to be in such a position but must for the greater good. It's essential to balance these to avoid appearing either too arrogant or too self-pitying, and instead come off as a savior figure. Project Humble Righteousness, calls for the cult leader to appear humble (at least sometimes) in order to avoid being seen as too arrogant. Minions will begin to feel "It must be true that the leader is Chosen because he doesn't want to do it. He's sacrificing his life for the rest of us against his own will. Who else would do that except for the Chosen One?" This is the logic (even if exaggerated here to illustrate the point) that a cult leader will build in his minions. "Of course, I don't want to take on this position but neither do I want to let people down, so I have to fly in my private jet to save as many people as I can; it would be wrong not to do so. I do this for you all'" - Cult Leader "I don't want to lock you in the cellar and leave you there for 3 days. In fact, it saddens me deeply to do so, but if you fail then the whole group fails, and we won't reach salvation. I have no choice but to chain you up.'" - Cult Leader Step 5: Project Humble Righteousness
  • 11. The sixth step is about embracing cruelty as a necessity. A cult leader cannot afford to treat followers with respect because it doesn't instill the level of obedience and control necessary for a cult. Instead, followers should be seen as stepping stones to the leader's happiness. A pattern of alternating cruelty with love is recommended to create a cycle of fear and guilt in followers, akin to Battered Spouse Syndrome, which traps them in a dynamic that is ideal for maintaining a cult. It's important to note that this step, like the rest of the book, is presented as a satirical critique and not a serious endorsement of such behavior (wink wink). Make Cruelty Your Best Friend, requires the cult leader to use cycles of love and cruelty to gain absolute devotion from followers. The specific implementation of cruelty needs to follow a very simple pattern: Love - Cruelty - Love - Cruelty - Cruelty - Love, in alternating and repeating sequences. This creates what is better known as Battered Spouse Syndrome (BSS), whereby the abused partner is trapped in a cycle of fear and guilt, as the abuser blames the partner for the cruelty but then shows remorse in, what's often referred as, the 'honeymoon period' after the cruelty. In most cases, it creates a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that lowers their self-esteem, stops them from reaching out for help from loved ones, and warps their understanding of what is real. The perfect dynamic for a Cult Leader! ln fact, it is often this 'Coercive Kindness' that can be used as a specific device to transition into the cruelty: directly blaming the victim for the abuse, compounding the guilt and low self-esteem. Step 6: Make Cruelty Your Best Friend
  • 12. Stage 2: Creating Your Reality (Stage 2 has 6 Parts)
  • 13. The real aim of the cult is essentially to fulfill the Cult Leader’s desires, whether they are for adulation, money, sex, power, or a combination. The cult is designed to appear supportive to its members, but its true purpose is to serve the leader’s needs. Depending on the leader's goals, the cult could be a small, intimate group for personal control or a large organization for financial gain. For instance, a desire for wealth suggests building a cult with broad appeal, while a focus on sexual control might lead to a smaller, more exclusive group. The aim of your cult is to serve and satiate the cult leader. It is important to consider what is fueling your need for a cult, whether it be adulation, money, sex, power, or a mixture of these. A large Kingdom needs to be supported by Knights, Lords, Barons, castle walls, armies, taxes. etc., but when it comes down to it, the King is still everything. Part 1: Aim of Your Cult
  • 14. A Doomsday Device is a fear-inducing concept that facilitates indoctrination, often involving an apocalyptic scenario. This concept exploits the human awareness of mortality and the fear of the world's end, either through divine judgment or natural disasters. The key is to offer salvation from this catastrophe within the cult's mythology, positioning the leader as a divine prophet who can save followers from impending doom. Its important when 'installing' the Doomsday Device that it's not seen as something that is long into the future. There is no point in saying that the world willcome to an end in five billion years, when the sun will go supernova; No one will care. You need to suggest that it will be within the minion's lifetime, or at least within the next few generations. This should be sufficient enough to scare the wits out of them and give you their money/adulation/naked bodies! Don't worry about the fact that these threats have been going on for millennia; people don't think in a rational way like that. Fear blinds them to the bleeding obvious! It's crucial not to set a specific date for the apocalypse to avoid discrediting the cult if the prediction fails. The doomsday device is a key component of a cult, as it instills fear in your followers and makes indoctrination work. It is important to suggest that the end of the world will happen within the minion's lifetime in order to scare them into submission. If you do succumb to media pressure and reluctantly give a date for Armageddon, there is a way around it. A Cult Leader should never admit to getting anything wrong (anything important). Part 2: Doomsday Device
  • 15. The structure of a cult can vary from a Compound Cult, which is isolated and easier to control, to Open-Societal (most large cults) and Closed-Societal Cults (Isolated Communities such as Fundamentalist Mormans), which integrate more with society. While the Compound Cult is akin to a prison with heightened control over members, Open-Societal Cults allow members to interact with the outside world, posing challenges in maintaining control but also offering greater rewards in terms of membership and finances. Regardless of the structure, it’s essential that the outside world is viewed by members as toxic, aligning with the cult’s need for isolation and control. The structure of your cult can take different forms, such as a compound cult, closed-societal cult, or open-societal cult. The structure is guided by what is fueling the cult leader. Open-Societal Cults can set up mini-compounds (MC) within an Open-Societal structure, where you can do the tricky Indoctrination process first and then feed your minions into the open society. You can also use the MC to reinforce the process if your minions dare to have doubts about your legitimacy. You can call these MC's 'Social Retreats' or 'Training Centres'. The best example of this is Scientology and its Sea Org practice of sending mbers to ships or warehouses to be 'rehabilitated'. This can also be accomplished using technology through private message boards, forums, group chats, online communities, discords, etc. The one feature that ALL of these structures need to possess is that the Outside World MUST be seen by your minions as poisonous, doomed and dangerous to 'mess' with. There needs to be some enemy or challenge to be avoided in the outside world. Part 3: Structure of Your Cult
  • 16. The theme of a cult attracts specific demographics and dictates the cult's branding. Religious themes are common due to their pre-packaged elements that aid in managing a successful cult. Asian Fusion themes are easier to work with due to their vague concepts, appealing to those seeking a mystical experience. Both themes have their own advantages in attracting and retaining members based on the demographics they appeal to. The theme of your cult is important because it will attract or repel different social demographics. Sci- Fi cults typically replace godheads with some form of alien species. The main cult themes are religious, Asian fusion, science fiction, and pseudo science. Pseudo-Science Theme: Pseudo-science themes are emerging, leveraging the public's limited understanding of science or some academic discipline (legal, history, etc.) to make authoritative claims. This theme takes advantage of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, where a basic grasp of scientific language, jargon, or terms of art can be used to confuse the public. Cult leaders can take a small scientific fact and overlay it with their own fabricated claims to attract followers. This theme has not been fully exploited yet but has potential due to the public’s tendency to believe in scientific-sounding, technical, and jargon laced concepts that align with their views. Part 4: Theme of Your Cult
  • 17. Motivational Mythology is crucial for cults as it draws minions in and justifies their hardships. The Peerless Principle is central here, emphasizing that the cult's truth is the only one, making minions feel lucky yet fearful of missing out. Cults must appear to offer a unique path to peace and harmony, often through familiar narratives. The mythology should be reinforced by repetition and peer pressure, convincing minions they've found the one true way, even though it's all fabricated by the leader for personal gain. The motivational mythology of your cult should make your followers feel lucky and grateful to have found you. It should suggest that there is only one true 'Truth' to believe in, and that it is the one you are peddling. Cult Followers need to believe that there is a genuine justification for their difficult journey, one that will bring peace and harmony to their lives. An easy way to suggest that your cult is the only one to go for is by giving it a suitable name; for example Chen Tao means 'The True or Right Way', and Aum Shinrikyo means 'Universal or Absolute Truth'. But the simplest tactic is to repeat, over and over again, that your Truth is the only truth that is true; repetition is a vital factor for Indoctrination. Then let Groupthink and peer pressure do the rest. This doesn't mean, however, that you actually have to come up with something original or different within your mythology. Quite the opposite! The LAST thing that you should do is introduce new ideas or concepts that would be unfamiliar to your minions. The lesson is to always appropriate the familiar, Don't create, just incorporate. Assimilate, not originate! You must tell your minions that what you have is unique but, in reality, you must always appropriate the familiar. "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty" - Theodore Roosevelt "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." - Buddha Part 5: Motivational Mythology
  • 18. Funding a cult requires upfront financial investment and creativity in revenue generation. A Compound or Closed-Societal structure allows for monetizing through minions' possessions and labor, whereas an Open-Societal structure might only allow a leader to claim a portion of their income. The key strategy is to leverage minions' labor and savings without providing them with tangible benefits or compensation. This exploitation is rationalized to the minions as freeing themselves from material possessions or contributing to the greater good of the cult, but ultimately it funnels resources to the leader. There are multiple revenue sources for a cult leader to exploit, such as monetizing your minions, selling their possessions, soliciting donations, or selling them products. Literature and Merchandise: Most cults, from Hare Krishna to Jehovah's Witness, Family of God to Scientology, have a wide variety of literature, DVD's and knick-knacks which are produced from within the cult. Some of this merchandise is distributed for free as part of the recruitment process to draw people in - 'something for nothing', but most of it will be available for purchase, both by the unsuspecting public and by the minions themselves. It is easy nowadays to create a library of literature from your 'teachings' by getting your minions to write down everything you've said, cutting and pasting as you go. Make sure that you do many different versions of what you say so that you can avoid any accusation of contradiction by explaining that "different versions apply to different people". The most important aspect of the merchandise is that you sell it to your captive market, your minions. They will need to buy EVERY version of your books, ALL the DVD's and CD's, and every trinket made to complete their collection. Part 6: Funding Your Cult
  • 19. Stage 3: Molding Your Minions (Stage 3 has 6 Phases)
  • 20. Stage 3: Terms 'Gradualism: More accurately known as Creeping Normality, this is the principle that a major change in a person's life, particularly one that is objectionable or harmful, can be easily accepted if it is done through small and often unnoticeable, incremental steps. Indoctrination: 1) The education must come from an Authoritarian Instructor; no friendly, sympathetic teachers allowed here. This should already be the case if you have been successful at becoming a Cult Leader (Stage I). 2) The content of the 'education' should play to their fears and weaknesses; "Do you want the world to be destroyed? Are you a man or a mouse?" This should be covered by the Motivational Mythology that you have created in Stage 2 (Page 65). 3) Fear of failure or punishment must be ever-present in the minds of the minions; "'Do you want to die a failure?" Fear is an integral part of Indoctrination.
  • 21. Stage 3: Terms 4) Critical Thinking and Individual Independence must be inhibited and eventually nullified. We will cover this later in Phase 4 and 5, respectively. 5) An environment of Peer Pressure must pile on the need to conform and accept what is being told to the minion. 6) Repetition must be practiced at all times. This last factor is so important that it needs to be repeated. '''Repetition must be practiced at all times.''' The very neurological processes of the brain mean that humans are hard•wired to value repetition over reason. This allows false or flawed concepts to triumph over factually accurate ones, if repeated enough.
  • 22. This phase involves using seemingly innocuous organizations as entry points to recruit potential followers, which are termed Temporarily Vulnerable Targets (TVTs). These front groups, like self- improvement seminars or therapy programs, provide a non-confrontational method for cult recruitment and also serve as income sources. The key recruitment targets are individuals in a vulnerable state, like those who have recently experienced significant life changes. Fishing with Front Groups, involves using a seemingly harmless organization to lure in potential cult members. Anybody has the potential for becoming a minion. Whether they are young or old, rich or poor, highly intelligent or state educated; it doesn't matter. The key factor to look out for is whether they are vulnerable at the point of contact or 'when the line is cast', to continue with the analogy. It is a general misconception that Cult Leaders should only target stupid, gullible losers to be minions. This is wrong because, although it will be easy to mold them, you will just be left with stupid loser minions, who will continually make mistakes and ruin your cult in the long run. You will be missing out on a rich stream of targets if you only take the easy option. A word of caution.The sort of person you must avoid is a skeptic, who arrogantly asks annoying questions like - "Do you have verifiable evidence for what you are saying?" or "Can you provide any citations for your claims?"! They will create ripples in the water, disturbing the other fish that you are trying to catch. Just accuse them of something like trying to sabotage other people's happiness [or the mission] and get rid of them as quickly as possible. For now, what's important is to create a friendly, supportive and comforting system that can draw people in through Front Groups. Talking of 'friendly, supportive and comforting' ... Phase 1: Fishing with Front Groups
  • 23. Once potential followers are gathered, they are 'love bombed' by existing cult members to make them feel valued and accepted. This technique involves excessive praise, attention, and affection, which lowers the recruits' defenses and fosters a strong emotional bond to the group. Over time, this affection becomes conditional, reinforcing group conformity and discouraging independent thought, effectively manipulating recruits into reliance on the cult for validation and a sense of belonging. Love Bombing, is the process of showering new recruits with affection and attention in order to make them feel welcome and valued. Don't challenge the new recruits directly on anything that they say, encouraging a need for them to 'keep an open mind' ... laying the ground work for you to close their minds tight shut later. Everybody should express a deep connection with each other and how much they enjoy a place where they can be themselves without fear of judgement - you gotta keep 'Embracing Hypocrisy'. Make the new recruits want to come back for a second session ... and a third. Make them feel like they are part of the group, that maybe they've found some new friends or even a potential 'family'. Love Bombing works remarkably well at lowering a person's defenses. Increasingly though, as the sessions continue, you make this 'love' conditional; nothing serious at first, just very subtle changes. Using the psychology of group dynamics (Groupthink), if a new recruit questions or doubts the claims that are being made, your more experienced minions will begin to withhold their affection, dropping the smile, creating awkward silences, looking at each other uneasily. Once the new recruit expresses sentiments that are in line with those being taught, the affection immediately returns. This is formally known as '''Operant Conditioning''' and was popularized in the 1930's by Professor BF Skinner. The process reinforces the idea that, 'Conformity - Good, Independent Thinking - Bad'. This kind of group coercion or Herd Mentality really works; people are far more malleable than they want to believe. Many studies have proven this to be true - one of the most famous being the Asch Conformity Experiment (Psychologist Solomon Asch 1951). Phase 2: Love Bombing
  • 24. In this phase, cults portray the outside world as corrupt and dangerous, enhancing the allure of the cult as the only safe haven. This demonization reinforces a binary worldview of good (the cult) versus evil (everything outside the cult), solidifying the recruits' allegiance to the cult. It also instills fear of leaving the group and distrust towards anyone outside the cult, further isolating members and making them more susceptible to cult doctrine. Demonize the Outside World, aims to create an "us vs. them" mentality in cult members, making them distrustful of anyone outside the cult. Depending on the structure of your cult, seeing the Outside World as evil and dangerous can help with the separation and distancing of your minions from nosy, interfering family, friends and anyone who has a critical thought process. Obviously. a Compound Cult won't need this quality so much, but it most definitely will be needed with Closed or Open-Societal Cults. Your minions will often come into contact with dangerous influences, sometimes without any supervision, so they must have an ever-present suspicion and even aversion to people from the Outside World. Phase 3: Demonize the Outside World
  • 25. Thought-stopping techniques are employed to suppress critical thinking and enforce the cult's ideology. These methods include but are not limited to promoting logical fallacies (Circular Logic, Confirmation Bias, Cognitive Dissonance, False Dichotomies and every other logical fallacy at every chance you can get), encouraging pattern-seeking in randomness (apophenia: "It's a sign.1 It was meant to be!"), and utilizing numerology to create an illusion of order and significance. These techniques are designed to shut down skepticism and reinforce the cult's teachings as the only truth. Thought-Stopping Techniques, uses various methods to prevent cult members from thinking critically (rhythmic rituals, slogans, chants, never ending targets and goals). Phase 4: Thought-Stopping Techniques
  • 26. Destroying the self involves breaking down the individual's sense of autonomy and identity, making them "as one" with the cult. This phase aims to reduce members to merely being cogs in the machine that serves the Cult Leader's ambitions. Individuals can be given duties and roles within the cult. Destroying the Self, breaks down a person's sense of individuality in order to make them more compliant. There are 3 main techniques that will lead to the destruction, - Devalue Deduction, Self as Defective, and Remove Personal Markers. Devalue Deduction: Appeal to the Unknown, Appeal to the Unknowable. Place more value on subjective ideas and decisions not logical ones. Self as Defective: Use Systems of Disclosure (Scientology uses this extensively). Have minion share personal details about themselves. Take notes of their flaws. This can be used against them and lower their self esteem. Remove Personal Markers: Encourage group identity. For example, minions can wear the same outfits, uniforms, have special names, special lingo. When the minion engage with the cult, the minions to only see themselves in terms of the Cult. Cult, Cult, Cult. Nothing but the Cult. Phase 5: Destroying the Self
  • 27. Isolation and deprivation (IsoDep) are intense tactics used to fundamentally change individuals employed by some cults. This phase operates on the notion that it is surprisingly easy to alter someone's personality with enough narcissistic cruelty, which is considered necessary to be a successful Cult Leader. Members may be subjected to sleep and calorie deprivation, which zombifies them into a cycle of waking, working, conforming, and collapsing from exhaustion. This process is designed to break down their critical thinking and autonomy, making them fully dependent on the cult for their sense of identity and purpose. Isolation and Deprivation, involves limiting cult members' contact with the outside world and depriving them of basic needs in order to further control them. Phase 6: Isolation and Deprivation
  • 28. Stage 4: Maintaining Your Minions (Stage 4 has 6 Levels) "Matters must be arranged in such a way that when the populace no longer believes, a prince can compel them to believe by force." - Niccolo Machiavelli
  • 29. This level focuses on isolating minions from family and friends who are not part of the cult, as these connections might interfere with the minion's control and allegiance. It is vital to sever these ties to maintain control, as loved ones may attempt to rescue the minion from the cult's influence. There are two types of disconnection: before and after the minion has fully joined the cult. Each serves to prevent any outside perspective that might undermine the cult's indoctrination and control. Disconnection from Loved Ones, involves separating the minion from family and friends in order to prevent outside interference. Level 1: Disconnection from Loved Ones
  • 30. "A wise prince must find a way in which his citizens will consider him and his state to be indispensable in every circumstance and at all times. Then his citizens will be always faithful." - Niccolo Machiavelli Minions must believe they are wholly dependent on the cult for their happiness, morality, and future, essentially feeling that survival without the cult is impossible. Economic and social dependencies are enforced; for instance, minions might be led to donate all property to the cult and rely on it for basic needs and social structure. This level aims to make minions feel that leaving the cult would be akin to suicide due to the loss of their support system and inability to function independently in society. Enforced Dependency, requires the cult leader to make the minion economically and socially dependent on the cult. Level 2: Enforced Dependency
  • 31. The use of social echo chambers reinforces the cult's beliefs and opinions through repetition and a deep distrust of external information. This insular communication validates the cult's messaging and creates an environment where contrary information is dismissed. As a result, minions perpetuate a cycle of reinforcing the cult's ideology among themselves, rejecting any outside perspectives or arguments, no matter how valid they may be. The goal is to keep minions in a controlled thought loop that is resistant to external influence. Social Echo Chambers, uses self-affirming communicational structures (Duplicating Insular Systems of Communication (DISC)) to validate and re-enforce claims. Each minion will be talking about what they have learnt with the other minions, wanting to keep 'on message' in order to receive the Love Bombing that is going around. Your messaging, opinions and instructions will be continually repeated by each minion, being validated and reinforced at every rendition; remember the principle in Stage 3 - "Humans are hardwired to value repetition over reason." Well, within a Social Echo Chamber, at the very least, a dissenter's voice gets drowned out. At the most, they get victimized into silence for trying to be different. Either way, dissension gets stamped out. Conformity is king. You can just sit back and watch them Groupthink their way into submission. Level 3: Social Echo Chambers
  • 32. This level involves creating a culture of paranoia within the cult by encouraging members to inform on each other, thereby fostering an environment of constant surveillance. This is done by rewarding those who report on deviations from the cult's rules and ideologies, instilling fear and competition among members. Such a system not only induces anxiety but also ensures that criticism or defiance is stifled, as everyone fears being reported by their peers, and it turns members against their own loved ones, further isolating them within the cult. They might even make things up about people just to get that reward, which will really feed the paranoia. Level 4: The Surveillance State
  • 33. This level uses guilt as a tool to control members, making them believe their actions have weighty consequences for themselves, their loved ones, and the entire cult. By questioning their loyalty and ability to fulfill their 'important' responsibilities, leaders can manipulate members into obedience, exploiting their fear of failure and betrayal. Guilt is also employed to create high costs for leaving the cult, branding those who consider it as traitors who would jeopardize the cult's success and their relationships within it. The Surveillance State, instills paranoia in the minion by rewarding others for informing on them and information obtained can be used against insubordinate members. Level 5: Guilt Trips and Traitors
  • 34. Known as the Sunk Cost Fallacy, this principle explains why members may continue to support the cult even when it no longer serves their best interest. Having invested significant time, energy, and resources, members struggle to admit they made a poor decision. This fallacy leads to oppressive control over members, as they are more likely to continue supporting the cult due to their previous investments rather than acknowledging their mistake and facing the reality of being scammed. Guilt Trips and Traitors, uses guilt as a motivator to control the minion. Level 6: Psychology of Previous Investment, exploits the sunk cost fallacy to keep the minion from leaving the cult. The high-end consumer industry is wholly dependent on this dynamic! Level 6: Psychology of Previous Investment
  • 35. Stage 5: Vital Lessons in Life (Stage 5 has 6 Lessons)
  • 36. This lesson suggests that facing opposition can be beneficial for a cult leader, as it strengthens group cohesion among members. It discusses the use of perceived persecution to rally followers and reinforce their dedication to the group's cause. Nothing builds group cohesion like a good dose of Outside Persecution. The example of the Westboro Baptist Church is used to illustrate how external antagonism can be leveraged to bolster internal unity and validate the leader's authority. The lesson warns against taking this principle too far, as it can escalate to dangerous levels, but it can also be used to discredit critics by portraying the cult as a victim of 'fake news'. The Persecution Principle, discusses the importance of anticipating and managing antagonism from various sources. Lesson 1: The Persecution Principle
  • 37. The management of media perception is critical for a cult. It’s suggested that cult leaders control the narrative by avoiding detailed explanations and using vague language that can be interpreted in various ways. The lesson advises against calling the organization a cult due to the negative connotations and suggests using more accepted terms like 'spiritual organization' or 'philosophical movement.' Leaders are warned about the risks of digital records of their actions, as seen with Scientology's declining membership due to increased transparency and public accountability. Media Management, emphasizes the importance of understanding the power of words and images. Lesson 2: Media Management
  • 38. Cult leaders must navigate their relationships with authorities carefully. The lesson discusses various tactics for dealing with legal and governmental scrutiny, such as mimicking mainstream religions to avoid attention, engaging in political maneuvering, and using legal and financial strategies to gain influence. It also suggests that in some cases, evading authorities through relocation or other means can be effective, emphasizing the importance of assessing the cult’s practices and their potential to attract attention from law enforcement. Lesson 3: Accounting for Authorities
  • 39. This lesson deals with the strategic use of children within a cult. It highlights the benefits of having children as part of the organization, such as their natural compliance, their effectiveness in fundraising, and their utility in promoting the cult's image of innocence. However, it also warns of the dangers of child leaders gaining too much autonomy and the legal and ethical implications of exploiting children for the cult’s purposes. From womb to tomb, children are the most committed minions a Cult Leader could hope to have. You can even sell products to their parents. Make lots of them if they can be useful for your cult! Lesson 4: Influential Innocence
  • 40. The text explicitly condemns cult-related violence, including mass suicide and murder. It argues that such actions are counterproductive and warns leaders against getting caught up in their own deceptions to the point of self-destruction. The lesson acknowledges the risk of leaders believing their own lies and emphasizes the need for self-awareness to prevent catastrophic outcomes like those of Peoples Temple or Heaven's Gate. Lesson 5: Death and the Afterlife
  • 41. This lesson discusses the intrinsic flaws in human cognition and perception, suggesting that these flaws can be exploited by cult leaders. It emphasizes that while humans like to believe they are rational and sensible, they are often anything but. The brain is said to be heavily flawed, not perceiving reality directly but rather making 'best guesses' based on stimuli, which can lead to misconceptions and errors. Human memory is also flawed, with people remembering events not as they happened but as they want to remember them, influenced by their biases and opinions. The lesson further states that humans are more influenced by emotional appeals and gut reactions rather than facts, and they use cognitive dissonance to rationalize their choices. The cult leader is encouraged to exploit these cognitive flaws and convince their followers that they have free will and autonomy, even though they are being manipulated, making it easier to control them. Lesson 6: Reflections Upon Humanity
  • 42. Stage 6: Bonus Section: [Examples of Large Cults] (Stage 6 has 6 Cults)
  • 43. The Happy Science group, led by Ryuho Okawa (previously known as Takashi Nakagawa), is based on a blend of Asian fusion, pseudo-science, and science fiction themes. Founded in 1986 in Japan, it aims at gathering money and adulation. Okawa claims to be the savior of Earth, channeling truths from the supreme god of the Earth, Lord El Cantare. Despite the controversy and apparent self-service of its practices, it claims a widespread following. Happy Science, founded in Japan in 1986, is led by Ryuho Okawa and blends Asian philosophy with pseudoscience and science fiction. Cult 1: Happy Science (Kofuku no Kagaku)
  • 44. The cult's leader, referred to as Dr. King or "His Eminence Sir George King," is noted to have taken on an exaggerated title which is an example of the use of a "False Title of Importance," a common tactic in cults to enhance the leader's status. The society was established in the United Kingdom in 1955 and is described as having the aim of adulation, with the leader enjoying a good living. It is themed around science fiction with elements of Asian Fusion and operates an Open Societal structure but includes Closed 'Mountain Pilgrimages', indicating a mix of public outreach and private, exclusive events for members. The Aetherius Society, founded in the United Kingdom in 1955, is a UFO religion that believes in extraterrestrial intelligence. Cult 2: Aetherius Society
  • 45. The Church of Bible Understanding (COBU) was established in the United States in 1977 by Stewart Tanner Traill. The cult's primary objectives were money and sex, utilizing a religious theme. Traill, who had previously established a network of followers through a group called Forever Family, was known for his manipulative tactics, including appropriating ideas from others and using strong-arm sales tactics. COBU operated in a closed society structure, with properties that served as indoctrination centers. Traill’s leadership was marked by controversy, including charges of abuse and corrupt behavior. After his first marriage deteriorated due to his misconduct, he started COBU as a rebranding effort and married a much younger follower. Despite internal challenges, including admitting to wrongdoing in the 1980s which led to a loss of faith among his followers, Traill managed to maintain control and continued his leadership until his death in 2018. The Church of Bible Understanding claims to have the only true interpretation of the Bible. Cult 3: Church of Bible Understanding (COBU)
  • 46. Raelism, created in France in 1973 by Claude Maurice Marcel Vorilhon, who renamed himself Maitreya Rael, presents itself as a religion that worships life created by advanced extraterrestrial species called the Elohim. Its mythology claims that the Elohim used their sophisticated genetic technology to create all life on Earth, including humans in their own image. Raelism's lure is not based on front groups; instead, it straightforwardly offers enticements such as sex orgies, which have been surprisingly effective in attracting followers. The cult aims for sexual freedom, with a hint of monetary gain, and it has been noted for Claude's attempts to spread love and happiness, albeit controversially, given his multiple marriages and divorces. Raelism, founded in France in 1974, is a UFO religion that believes in extraterrestrial creators. Cult 4: Raelism
  • 47. The Unification Church, commonly known as the Moonies, was founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon in South Korea. The church integrates Christian theology with Eastern spiritual traditions and is known for its mass wedding ceremonies. Central to the Unification Church's belief system is the Divine Principle, which is a unique interpretation of the Bible emphasizing the importance of pure love and the unification of world religions and cultures. The church has been subject to controversy and criticism, in part due to its recruitment practices and the considerable political and commercial activities conducted by its affiliates worldwide. Despite the controversies, the Unification Church has grown significantly, with a presence in many countries around the globe. The Unification Church, founded in South Korea in 1954, is led by Sun Myung Moon and reinterprets the Bible through Taoist philosophy. Cult 5: Unification Church (Moonies)
  • 48. Scientology was created by L. Ron Hubbard in the United States in 1953. Its aim is to make money and gain adulation, and it uses a mix of pseudo-science and religion to do so. Scientology is structured as an open societal organization, with training centers called "Orgs" for indoctrination. The organization has a number of front groups, such as Narconon, which it uses to further its goals. Scientology's teachings emphasize that humans are basically good, and that they possess inalienable rights. The organization also believes that the spirit is what is saved and is the source of healing for the mind and body. Scientology uses a process called "auditing" to help members achieve mental health by removing "engrams" from the "reactive mind." Auditing can be used to gather intel about member and used against them to exert control. Scientology, founded in the United States in 1953, is led by L Ron Hubbard and uses pseudoscience and religion to promote self- improvement. Cult 6: Scientology
  • 49. Cult Glossary 1/9: Amorphous: Without a clearly defined shape or form. Anecdotal Accounts (Page 24 ), Personal testimony of events or claims that can be fake or, at best, unreliable. The kicker is, however, that humans have traditionally learnt about life from a narrative process; fables. myths, fairy tales, allegories and parables - particularly in childhood, so they are primed to take anecdotal accounts as fact. Very advantageous for a Cult Leader. Apophenia: The neurological phenomena of finding meaningful patterns or connections within trivial or random events. This is usually accompanied by people shouting, "It's a sign!" Associative Comparisons: The process of comparing two things in order to highlight similarities or differences. Ataraxia: A state of calmness or serenity. Barnum Effect: Formally known as The Forer Effect, it is when a vague or ambiguous statement is seen as meaningful to a specific individual, even though the statement could apply to many people- "We've got something for everyone." - PT Barnum. Horoscopes are based on this effect It is usually accompanied by the person saying, "That is so me.' How could he know?" Battered Spouse Syndrome (BSS): The psychological condition of someone who has experienced prolonged physical, emotional, or sexual abuse from a partner. Binary Landscape: The false or forced dichotomy of 'All or Nothing'. This narrow view of the world ignores the multifaceted spectrum of life. The less practice a minion gets of understanding the nuances and complexities of life, the easier it is to manipulate them; they are either with you or against you! Charlatans: People who falsely claim to have special knowledge or abilities.
  • 50. Cult Glossary 2/9: Circular Logic: Claims that try to support themselves without any warrants or evidence. Think or a multi-plug extension that's plugged into itself. It's a claim that is easy to make but has no power to it! For example, "We know our Master is honest because he said he is honest!" Cocktail Party Effect (Page 96). A neurological process that 'filters out' much of the stimuli that the brain receives in order to operate efficiently in a crowded environment. This selective attention allows the individual to give greater importance to certain stimulus. This filtering system can be recalibrated to include your claims and priorities. (Also see Confirmation Bias on Page 22) Cognitive Dissonance: The mental discomfort that arises when someone holds two conflicting beliefs or values at the same time. Also, can mean the ability to hold two or more opposing ideas or beliefs at the same time. For example, "Our Master loves us and wants to show us how to live a good life, which is why it is good that he abuses us, in order for us to learn." Cold Reading: A set of techniques that obtain personal information on a stranger using human cues such as body language, reactions to generic phrases, and individual expressions, such as fashion. It is mostly used by psychics and fortune tellers, but Cult Leaders can also use it in the same way. Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs. More commonly known as Cherry Picking, it is the practice of only observing or remembering information or events that support the person's worldview. Complete Cognitive Collapse (CCC): The goal of the IsoDep process. Confirmation Bias: The tendency for people to focus on and remember information that confirms their preexisting beliefs, while ignoring information that contradicts them.
  • 51. Cult Glossary 3/9: Creeping Normality (Page 80). A slow process of acclimation to a changed reality, usually unnoticed by the individual concerned. Think of a Hoarder, living in ever-increasing squalor. The same can happen to a minion, as they get dravm into the Cult. Cul-de-Sac Questions: Questions that only have one answer, leading the person being asked back to the same point. Demonizing the Outside World (Page 92). The act of making anything or anyone (especially family, friends and ex-minions) outside of the Cult appear to be evil, poisonous and doomed. This is vitally imperative for a Cult to operate, in order to enforce conformity and oppression of the minions. (Please, please, please read page 92 of the "Way of the Master"!) Destroying the Self (Page 99). The act of breaking down a person's sense of autonomy and individuality, so that they become 'as one' with the Cult; seen as just a cog in the Wheel of Fortune ... for the Cult Leader, that is' Divine Revelation: A message or insight that is believed to come directly from a god or higher power. Dogma: A set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. Dunning-Kruger Effect: The phenomenon in which people who lack knowledge or expertise in a certain area are unable to recognize their own deficiencies, and therefore overestimate their abilities. It is when a person has such a low ability at a certain task or skillset, that they tend to overestimate such ability in order to deny this deficiency, yet have such a reduced understanding that they can't even recognise their flaws. The psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger state that - "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the Self" Just look at the 'Flat-Earth Movement' to get an idea. Duplicating Insular Systems of Communication (Page 124). More commonly known as Social Echo Chambers, these are selfaffirming communicational structures that validate and re-enforce claims that are passed between minions, whilst creating suspicion of other contrary messages. This also enforces conformity as minions will not want to go against 'the accepted truth', fearful of being rejected by
  • 52. Cult Glossary 4/9: Endism: The belief that things are finite and will come to an end. Epiphany: A sudden realization or insight. Flirty Fishing: A term coined by David Berg to describe using sex to lure people into a cult. Forced Dichotomy: A situation in which someone is forced to choose between two opposing options. Front Groups: Organizational platforms that offer access to potential cult members. Any business or organization that serves as the public face of the Cult, providing a legitimate and seemingly harmless access to potential minions. It Normally also serves as an extra revenue stream for the Cult. Gradualism: The principle that a major change can be accepted if it is done in small, incremental steps. Groupthink: The tendency for people in a group to conform to the majority opinion, even if it goes against their own beliefs. A psychological phenomenon that is driven by the desire for harmony and conformity; not wishing to 'rock the boat' and be singled out as a trouble maker. This desire can lead to the group as a whole making irrational decisions and Committing to submission 'at all cost'. Perfect for a Cult Leader! Halo Effect: The tendency for people to generalize a positive impression of someone or something based on one positive attribute. A form of Confirmation Bias that is based upon a single experience or characteristic of a person or group, that is then forever attributed to that person or group, regardless of how false that opinion rums out to be. It's like putting on Rose-Tinted glasses whenever viewing that person or group. Herd Mentality: The tendency for people to adopt the behaviors and beliefs of those around them. A social phenomenon that makes an individual think or act differently than if they were on their own. It is an acute form of peer pressure that allows an individual to feel that
  • 53. Cult Glossary 5/9: Indoctrination: The process of teaching someone to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. A process of learning that demands, usually through a threat of punishment, a lack of critical thinking and examination; fear is an integral part of the indoctrination process, as is repetition. The other factor is repetition. Repetition is really important when it comes to indoctrination ... Repetition! IsoDep: The process of isolation and deprivation that the cult leader uses to break down a recruit's spirit. Jackpot Mentality: The mindset of someone who is excited by the prospect of winning a big prize. The desire to 'beat the odds' and win big, blinding the person from the irrational decisions that they are making. (Also see Target Blindness on Page 98) Litmus Test: A test that can quickly determine whether something is true or false. Love Bombing: The practice of showering new recruits with affection in order to make them feel welcome and valued. The process of smothering a new member with affection and kindness, lulling them into a false sense of security, then placing conditions on that affection to enforce conformity. It is formally known as Operant Conditioning. Media Management: The way cult leaders control the information their followers have access to in order to maintain control. Metamorphic: Refers to the process of transformation or change. Metaphor: A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. Minions: The followers or members of a cult. A victim of control and manipulation, usually targeted at a time of vulnerability; similar to a Battered Spouse. Although the minion will feel that they are important to the Cult Leader, they will mean nothing to him; just a stepping stone to his happiness ... similar to a Battered Spouse.
  • 54. Cult Glossary 6/9: Nocebo Effect: The negative psychological effect caused by the suggestion that something will be harmful. The ability to induce adverse mental and physiological affects just by suggestion alone. It is the 'evil twin' of the Placebo Effect, and can be used both as a form of control and of punishment. When 'cured' by the Placebo Effect, it can also be used as proof of a Cult Leader's powers of healing. Operant Conditioning: A type of learning in which behaviors are reinforced or discouraged based on the consequences that follow. Pareidolia: The tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things. The phenomenon of discerning something definite and clear within a formless, nondescript image or sound. It is a visual or audio version of Apophenia on page 96. Good examples of these would be seeing the face of Jesus on a slice of toast or hearing the voice of a dead person in the static of an untuned radio. Personality Projection: The way someone presents themselves to others in order to create a certain impression. Piousness: Being devoutly religious or exhibiting a holier-than-thou attitude. Placebo Effect: The positive psychological effect caused by the suggestion that something will be beneficial. The ability to induce beneficial mental and physiological affects just by suggestion alone. A treatment using a Placebo will have no direct causal ingredient, but the subject will believe that it does, in some way, from the authority that administers it. That's where a Cult Leader can come in. Parrhesia: The practice of speaking candidly or freely, even if it may be unpleasant or dangerous to do so. Peerless: Unrivaled or without equal. Persecution Principle: The idea that cult leaders can use the perception of being under attack to rally their followers. The action of feigning victimization in order to avoid criticism, and/or to enforce group cohesion, and/or to receive unjust privilege.
  • 55. Cult Glossary 7/9: Pluralism: The acceptance of different beliefs or opinions within a society. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A mental disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Pseudo Causality (Page 95). A fabricated link between 2 or more unconnected events. A form of Non Sequitur called 'cum or post hoc ergo propter hoc• (Latin for with or after this, therefore because of this). The Psychology of Previous Investment (Page 130). Formally known as the Sunk Cost Fallacy, it is a process of denial, by which the collective commitments to a decision makes it increasingly difficult to reassess or change that decision, as doing so would lead the individual to admit that their choices had been a mistake. Rehabilitated: The process of restoring someone to a healthy or normal state. Reluctant Narrative (Page 39). A feigned position of humble hesitance, where the Cult Leader 'regrettably' takes on the position of authority, not because he wants to, but because his high sense of moral responsibility MAKES him do so. Honest ... wink, wink! Rigor: Strictness or severity. Semantics: The meanings of words and phrases. Social Echo Chamber: A situation in which people only hear opinions that reinforce their own, and are closed off to opposing viewpoints. Subliminal: Means affecting someone's mind without them being aware of it. Supporting Witness: Someone who can back up the cult leader's claims, making them seem more credible.
  • 56. Cult Glossary 8/9: Surveillance State: A society in which the government closely monitors and controls its citizens. Symbolism: Refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Target Blindness: The inability to see or understand the consequences of one's actions. The natural sense of achievement that is gained by 'reaching a goal' can be used against a minion, by setting arbitrary targets and challenges and watching them 'chase their tails', blind to how much control they have lost. Temporarily Vulnerable Targets (TVT's): People who are vulnerable at the point of contact. The Asch Paradigm: Refers to an experiment conducted by Solomon Asch that demonstrated how people will conform to the group even when the group is clearly wrong. The Duluth Model: A program developed in Minnesota to address domestic violence, and includes a "Wheel of Power and Control" that outlines different tactics abusers use to control their victims. The First Follower: Described as a supporting witness who helps legitimize a leader by being the first to follow them. The Persecution Principle: The idea that being persecuted or hated by outsiders can actually help unite a group. Thought-Stopping Rituals (Page 97). Meditation, chanting, dancing, or any other repetitive activity which switches off the analytical part of the brain. Most of these physical activities can increase the levels of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that leave the individual feeling blissfully relaxed, which can then be framed as a 'spiritual experience'.
  • 57. Cult Glossary 9/9: Transformational Epiphany: A sudden moment of realization or understanding that leads to a significant change in someone's life. A fabricated experience that confers wisdom, power, and respect onto the 'received' person. It allows the person's 'dodgy' past to be wiped clean, and its transformational quality elevates that person to a special status. Vagueness: The quality of being uncertain or unclear. Weltschmerz: A German word that refers to a feeling of sadness or melancholy caused by the discrepancy between the way the world is and the way one wishes it to be.