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The Secret Of Agile UX

         James O’Brien
The Secret Of Agile UX
   Or, How to avoid Big Design Up Front
by pretending not to do Big Design Up Front

                James O’Brien
Who is this guy anyway?
Who is this guy anyway?
  UX Freelancer for 10 years
Who is this guy anyway?
   UX Freelancer for 10 years
Agile UX practitioner for 5 years
Who is this guy anyway?
   UX Freelancer for 10 years
Agile UX practitioner for 5 years
 Sideline in Agile Enablement
Who is this guy anyway?
   UX Freelancer for 10 years
Agile UX practitioner for 5 years
 Sideline in Agile Enablement
Who is this guy anyway?
   UX Freelancer for 10 years
Agile UX practitioner for 5 years
 Sideline in Agile Enablement
   But you can learn from my
๏   No magic bullets contained within
๏   No magic bullets contained within
๏   Do not attempt to implement by rote
๏   No magic bullets contained within
๏   Do not attempt to implement by rote
๏   Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise
    Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut
๏   No magic bullets contained within
๏   Do not attempt to implement by rote
๏   Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise
    Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut
๏   Requires interaction with BAs and
๏   No magic bullets contained within
๏   Do not attempt to implement by rote
๏   Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise
    Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut
๏   Requires interaction with BAs and
๏   Risk of improved delivery and morale
“No Big Design Up Front”
i1   i2   i3   i4   i5
 for i1

          i1   i2   i3   i4   i5
Design    Design
 for i1    for i2

           i1       i2   i3   i4   i5
Design    Design    Design
 for i1    for i2    for i3

           i1        i2       i3   i4   i5
Design    Design    Design    Design
 for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4

           i1        i2        i3       i4   i5
Design    Design    Design    Design    Design
 for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4    for i5

           i1        i2        i3        i4       i5
Have a
Design    Design    Design    Design    Design
 for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4    for i5

           i1        i2        i3        i4         i5
Have a
Design    Design    Design    Design    Design
 for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4    for i5

           i1        i2        i3        i4         i5

i0   i1   i2   i3   i4   i5

Agile’s Dirty Secret: i0
i0   i1   i2   i3   i4   i5
 for i1

          i0   i1   i2   i3   i4   i5
           for i1
 for i1
            & i2

           i0       i1   i2   i3   i4   i5
Design    Design
           for i1    for i2
 for i1
            & i2      & i3

           i0        i1       i2   i3   i4   i5
Design    Design    Design
           for i1    for i2    for i3
 for i1
            & i2      & i3      & i4

           i0        i1        i2       i3   i4   i5
Design    Design    Design    Design
           for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4
 for i1
            & i2      & i3      & i4      & i5

           i0        i1        i2        i3       i4   i5
          Design    Design    Design    Design
Design                                            for i5,
           for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4
 for i1
            & i2      & i3      & i4      & i5 plan fucking

           i0        i1        i2        i3         i4        i5
          Design    Design    Design    Design              Have a
Design                                            for i5,
           for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4             fucking
 for i1
            & i2      & i3      & i4      & i5 plan fucking party

           i0        i1        i2        i3         i4        i5
          Design    Design    Design    Design              Have a
Design                                            for i5,
           for i1    for i2    for i3    for i4             fucking
 for i1
            & i2      & i3      & i4      & i5 plan fucking party

           i0        i1        i2        i3         i4        i5

Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse
Requirements   Requirements

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse      Write
Requirements   Requirements   Epics

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope    Write
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1    Stories

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1    Stories    R1

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1    Stories    R1

 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret:
   Planning ~= Design
Wait... isn’t that how
   design works?
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
✦   Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
✦   Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into
✦   Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
✦   Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into
✦   Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the
✦   Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
✦   Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into
✦   Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the
✦   Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process
✦   Develop your modular design language
Wait... isn’t that how
          design works?
✦   Pair with BAs during analysis
✦   Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into
✦   Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the
✦   Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process
✦   Develop your modular design language
✦   Only go hi-fi when the release is scoped
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1    Stories    R1
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1    Stories    R1

 Identify UX
Gather        Analyse        Write   Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements     Epics     R1    Stories    R1

 Identify UX   large-scale IA
Requirements       (to feed
                 into epics)
Gather        Analyse       Write      Scope    Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements    Epics        R1    Stories    R1

 Identify UX   large-scale IA Wireframe
Requirements       (to feed     Epics
                 into epics)
Gather        Analyse       Write   Scope       Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements    Epics     R1       Stories    R1

                    Define               Begin
 Identify UX   large-scale IA Wireframe site
Requirements       (to feed     Epics    design
                 into epics)           language
Gather        Analyse      Write   Scope     Write     Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics     R1     Stories     R1

                    Define               Begin
 Identify UX   large-scale IA Wireframe site Wireframe
Requirements       (to feed     Epics    design Stories
                 into epics)           language
Gather        Analyse      Write    Scope     Write    Plan
Requirements   Requirements   Epics      R1     Stories    R1

                    Define               Begin
 Identify UX   large-scale IA Wireframe site Wireframe Hi-Fi
Requirements       (to feed     Epics    design Stories i1 of R1
                 into epics)           language
Align Your Strategies Early
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
✦   User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
✦   User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
✦   Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
✦   User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
✦   Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA
✦   Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing
    can exploit
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
✦   User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
✦   Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA
✦   Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing
    can exploit
✦   Feedback from the business validates your design
Align Your Strategies Early
✦   Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
✦   User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
✦   Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA
✦   Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing
    can exploit
✦   Feedback from the business validates your design
✦   Share knowledge with BAs wherever possible
Support Story Writing
Support Story Writing
✦   Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
Support Story Writing
✦   Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
✦   Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame
    stories around the personas
Support Story Writing
✦   Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
✦   Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame
    stories around the personas
✦   Define your UX principles as NFRs
Support Story Writing
✦   Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
✦   Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame
    stories around the personas
✦   Define your UX principles as NFRs
✦   Let developers know that the wireframes are
Support Story Writing
✦   Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
✦   Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame
    stories around the personas
✦   Define your UX principles as NFRs
✦   Let developers know that the wireframes are
✦   Feed hi-fis if you have them, but keep the
    developers focused on the wireframes
During Development
Prepare to Refactor
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change

Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
✦   Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
✦   Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
✦   Use stubbed design and UX debt
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
✦   Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
✦   Use stubbed design and UX debt
✦   Build a reusable asset library early on
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
✦   Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
✦   Use stubbed design and UX debt
✦   Build a reusable asset library early on
✦   Use a preprocessor like LESS to ensure your CSS can
    be quickly refactored
Prepare to Refactor
✦   Organise your files to prepare for change
✦   Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
✦   Use stubbed design and UX debt
✦   Build a reusable asset library early on
✦   Use a preprocessor like LESS to ensure your CSS can
    be quickly refactored
✦   Focus on high-friction targets first - the UX debt will
    be less painful for users on the low-friction ones
We Need To Rethink The Way
    We Do Deliverables
The web is not flat images
       any more
The web is not flat images
       any more
✦   We need to be able to show multiple states and
    animations easily
The web is not flat images
       any more
✦   We need to be able to show multiple states and
    animations easily
✦   We need the rest of the team to be able to
    understand the scope of a design unambiguously
The web is not flat images
       any more
✦   We need to be able to show multiple states and
    animations easily
✦   We need the rest of the team to be able to
    understand the scope of a design unambiguously
✦   We need to be able to refactor our deliverables
    quickly, and have the refactoring cascade through
    the whole project
The web is not flat images
       any more
✦   We need to be able to show multiple states and
    animations easily
✦   We need the rest of the team to be able to
    understand the scope of a design unambiguously
✦   We need to be able to refactor our deliverables
    quickly, and have the refactoring cascade through
    the whole project
✦   We need to have a tool that supports patterns and
Hannah Donovan
✦   What does our 3/4 view look

✦   @han
Jan Srutek
Project Meteor
Stubbed Designs?
Stubbed Designs?
✦   Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for
    features that haven’t been designed yet
Stubbed Designs?
✦   Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for
    features that haven’t been designed yet
✦   They can also be your progressive
    enhancement baseline
Stubbed Designs?
✦   Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for
    features that haven’t been designed yet
✦   They can also be your progressive
    enhancement baseline
✦   They should be simple, but they don’t need
    to be ugly
You can flag stubs too
width : 64px; height : 64px;

background : url(/core/images/nodeploy/flag-stub.png)
right top no-repeat;

display : block; content:" ";

position : absolute; right : 0; top : 0;}

.stub{position : relative;}
You can flag stubs too
width : 64px; height : 64px;

background : url(/core/images/nodeploy/flag-stub.png)
right top no-repeat;

display : block; content:" ";

position : absolute; right : 0; top : 0;}

.stub{position : relative;}
UX Debt?
UX Debt?
“Good enough” or “quick fix”
solutions that get you past a
       problem quickly
UX Debt?
“Good enough” or “quick fix”
solutions that get you past a
       problem quickly
But too much debt can choke a
 project further down the line
UX Debt?
“Good enough” or “quick fix”
solutions that get you past a
       problem quickly
But too much debt can choke a
 project further down the line
So you must address UX debt
periodically - during i zero or
     UAT are good times
Defining “Done”
Defining “Done”
✦   Don’t be precious about signoff
Defining “Done”
✦   Don’t be precious about signoff
✦   If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an
    enhancement - let the client decide how important
    design perfection is
Defining “Done”
✦   Don’t be precious about signoff
✦   If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an
    enhancement - let the client decide how important
    design perfection is
✦   Or track imperfections as defects or UX debt and
    raise tasks to fix them
Defining “Done”
✦   Don’t be precious about signoff
✦   If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an
    enhancement - let the client decide how important
    design perfection is
✦   Or track imperfections as defects or UX debt and
    raise tasks to fix them
✦   Be open to developers’ suggestions but stand firm
    on the really important stuff

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Agile UX – How To Avoid Big Design Up Front By Pretending Not To Do Big Design Up Front

  • 1. The Secret Of Agile UX James O’Brien
  • 2. The Secret Of Agile UX Or, How to avoid Big Design Up Front by pretending not to do Big Design Up Front James O’Brien
  • 3. Who is this guy anyway?
  • 4. Who is this guy anyway? UX Freelancer for 10 years
  • 5. Who is this guy anyway? UX Freelancer for 10 years Agile UX practitioner for 5 years
  • 6. Who is this guy anyway? UX Freelancer for 10 years Agile UX practitioner for 5 years Sideline in Agile Enablement
  • 7. Who is this guy anyway? UX Freelancer for 10 years Agile UX practitioner for 5 years Sideline in Agile Enablement I HAVE DONE WRONG THINGS
  • 8. Who is this guy anyway? UX Freelancer for 10 years Agile UX practitioner for 5 years Sideline in Agile Enablement I HAVE DONE WRONG THINGS But you can learn from my mistakes
  • 9.
  • 10. No magic bullets contained within
  • 11. No magic bullets contained within ๏ Do not attempt to implement by rote
  • 12. No magic bullets contained within ๏ Do not attempt to implement by rote ๏ Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut
  • 13. No magic bullets contained within ๏ Do not attempt to implement by rote ๏ Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut ๏ Requires interaction with BAs and Developers
  • 14. No magic bullets contained within ๏ Do not attempt to implement by rote ๏ Not guaranteed to work with Enterprise Agile, Cargo Cult Agile or Scrumbut ๏ Requires interaction with BAs and Developers ๏ Risk of improved delivery and morale
  • 15. “No Big Design Up Front”
  • 16. i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 17. Design for i1 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 18. Design Design for i1 for i2 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 19. Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i3 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 20. Design Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 21. Design Design Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 for i5 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 22. Have a Design Design Design Design Design fucking for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 for i5 party i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 23. Have a Design Design Design Design Design fucking for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 for i5 party i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 THIS NEVER WORKS
  • 24. i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 Agile’s Dirty Secret: i0
  • 25. i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 26. Design for i1 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 27. Design Design for i1 for i1 & i2 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 28. Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i1 & i2 & i3 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 29. Design Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i3 for i1 & i2 & i3 & i4 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 30. Design Design Design Design Design for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 for i1 & i2 & i3 & i4 & i5 i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 31. Design Design Design Design Design Design for i5, for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 for i1 & i2 & i3 & i4 & i5 plan fucking party i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 32. Design Design Design Design Design Have a Design for i5, for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 fucking for i1 & i2 & i3 & i4 & i5 plan fucking party party i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5
  • 33. Design Design Design Design Design Have a Design for i5, for i1 for i2 for i3 for i4 fucking for i1 & i2 & i3 & i4 & i5 plan fucking party party i0 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 THIS NEVER WORKS
  • 34. Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 35. Gather Requirements Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 36. Gather Analyse Requirements Requirements Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 37. Gather Analyse Write Requirements Requirements Epics Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 38. Gather Analyse Write Scope Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 39. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 40. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning
  • 41. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Agile’s Other Dirty Secret: Planning ~= Design
  • 43. Wait... isn’t that how design works?
  • 44. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis
  • 45. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis ✦ Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into epics
  • 46. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis ✦ Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into epics ✦ Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the business
  • 47. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis ✦ Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into epics ✦ Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the business ✦ Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process naturally
  • 48. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis ✦ Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into epics ✦ Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the business ✦ Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process naturally ✦ Develop your modular design language
  • 49. Wait... isn’t that how design works? ✦ Pair with BAs during analysis ✦ Wireframe based on requirements and feed those into epics ✦ Refine your wireframes as the epics are validated by the business ✦ Some IA and UX artefacts will pop out of this process naturally ✦ Develop your modular design language ✦ Only go hi-fi when the release is scoped
  • 50. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1
  • 51. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Identify UX Requirements
  • 52. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Define Identify UX large-scale IA Requirements (to feed into epics)
  • 53. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Define Identify UX large-scale IA Wireframe Requirements (to feed Epics into epics)
  • 54. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Define Begin Identify UX large-scale IA Wireframe site Requirements (to feed Epics design into epics) language
  • 55. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Define Begin Identify UX large-scale IA Wireframe site Wireframe Requirements (to feed Epics design Stories into epics) language
  • 56. Gather Analyse Write Scope Write Plan Requirements Requirements Epics R1 Stories R1 Define Begin Identify UX large-scale IA Wireframe site Wireframe Hi-Fi Requirements (to feed Epics design Stories i1 of R1 into epics) language
  • 58. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product
  • 59. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product ✦ User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases
  • 60. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product ✦ User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases ✦ Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA
  • 61. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product ✦ User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases ✦ Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA ✦ Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing can exploit
  • 62. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product ✦ User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases ✦ Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA ✦ Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing can exploit ✦ Feedback from the business validates your design
  • 63. Align Your Strategies Early ✦ Mobile First == Agile Minimum Valuable Product ✦ User Testing fits with frequent demos and releases ✦ Browser Testing fits with Continuous QA ✦ Accessibility exposes a layer that automated testing can exploit ✦ Feedback from the business validates your design ✦ Share knowledge with BAs wherever possible
  • 65. Support Story Writing ✦ Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts
  • 66. Support Story Writing ✦ Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts ✦ Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame stories around the personas
  • 67. Support Story Writing ✦ Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts ✦ Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame stories around the personas ✦ Define your UX principles as NFRs
  • 68. Support Story Writing ✦ Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts ✦ Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame stories around the personas ✦ Define your UX principles as NFRs ✦ Let developers know that the wireframes are canonical
  • 69. Support Story Writing ✦ Feed Wireframes into stories as functional artefacts ✦ Develop your personas with BAs so they can frame stories around the personas ✦ Define your UX principles as NFRs ✦ Let developers know that the wireframes are canonical ✦ Feed hi-fis if you have them, but keep the developers focused on the wireframes
  • 72. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change
  • 73. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change
  • 74. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change
  • 75. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change ✦ Use design/UX patterns wherever possible
  • 76. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change ✦ Use design/UX patterns wherever possible ✦ Use stubbed design and UX debt
  • 77. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change ✦ Use design/UX patterns wherever possible ✦ Use stubbed design and UX debt ✦ Build a reusable asset library early on
  • 78. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change ✦ Use design/UX patterns wherever possible ✦ Use stubbed design and UX debt ✦ Build a reusable asset library early on ✦ Use a preprocessor like LESS to ensure your CSS can be quickly refactored
  • 79. Prepare to Refactor ✦ Organise your files to prepare for change ✦ Use design/UX patterns wherever possible ✦ Use stubbed design and UX debt ✦ Build a reusable asset library early on ✦ Use a preprocessor like LESS to ensure your CSS can be quickly refactored ✦ Focus on high-friction targets first - the UX debt will be less painful for users on the low-friction ones
  • 82. Digression: We Need To Rethink The Way We Do Deliverables
  • 83. The web is not flat images any more
  • 84. The web is not flat images any more ✦ We need to be able to show multiple states and animations easily
  • 85. The web is not flat images any more ✦ We need to be able to show multiple states and animations easily ✦ We need the rest of the team to be able to understand the scope of a design unambiguously
  • 86. The web is not flat images any more ✦ We need to be able to show multiple states and animations easily ✦ We need the rest of the team to be able to understand the scope of a design unambiguously ✦ We need to be able to refactor our deliverables quickly, and have the refactoring cascade through the whole project
  • 87. The web is not flat images any more ✦ We need to be able to show multiple states and animations easily ✦ We need the rest of the team to be able to understand the scope of a design unambiguously ✦ We need to be able to refactor our deliverables quickly, and have the refactoring cascade through the whole project ✦ We need to have a tool that supports patterns and modularity
  • 88. Hannah Donovan ✦ What does our 3/4 view look like? ✦ resources/hannah-donovan- designing-without-the-browser/ ✦ resources/hannah-donovan- telling-stories-through-design/ ✦ @han
  • 92. Stubbed Designs? ✦ Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for features that haven’t been designed yet
  • 93. Stubbed Designs? ✦ Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for features that haven’t been designed yet ✦ They can also be your progressive enhancement baseline
  • 94. Stubbed Designs? ✦ Stubbed Designs act as placeholders for features that haven’t been designed yet ✦ They can also be your progressive enhancement baseline ✦ They should be simple, but they don’t need to be ugly
  • 95. You can flag stubs too .stub:before{ width : 64px; height : 64px; background : url(/core/images/nodeploy/flag-stub.png) right top no-repeat; display : block; content:" "; position : absolute; right : 0; top : 0;} .stub{position : relative;}
  • 96. You can flag stubs too .stub:before{ width : 64px; height : 64px; background : url(/core/images/nodeploy/flag-stub.png) right top no-repeat; display : block; content:" "; position : absolute; right : 0; top : 0;} .stub{position : relative;}
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 100. UX Debt? “Good enough” or “quick fix” solutions that get you past a problem quickly
  • 101. UX Debt? “Good enough” or “quick fix” solutions that get you past a problem quickly But too much debt can choke a project further down the line
  • 102. UX Debt? “Good enough” or “quick fix” solutions that get you past a problem quickly But too much debt can choke a project further down the line So you must address UX debt periodically - during i zero or UAT are good times
  • 104. Defining “Done” ✦ Don’t be precious about signoff
  • 105. Defining “Done” ✦ Don’t be precious about signoff ✦ If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an enhancement - let the client decide how important design perfection is
  • 106. Defining “Done” ✦ Don’t be precious about signoff ✦ If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an enhancement - let the client decide how important design perfection is ✦ Or track imperfections as defects or UX debt and raise tasks to fix them
  • 107. Defining “Done” ✦ Don’t be precious about signoff ✦ If it works well enough, sign it off and raise an enhancement - let the client decide how important design perfection is ✦ Or track imperfections as defects or UX debt and raise tasks to fix them ✦ Be open to developers’ suggestions but stand firm on the really important stuff
  • 109. Continuous Availability ✦ Is horrible and makes it difficult to get into the zone and you can’t listen to music and YOU HAVE TO DO IT
  • 110. Continuous Availability ✦ Is horrible and makes it difficult to get into the zone and you can’t listen to music and YOU HAVE TO DO IT ✦ If developers think you’re unapproachable, they’ll guess at implementation – THIS IS BAD
  • 111. Continuous Availability ✦ Is horrible and makes it difficult to get into the zone and you can’t listen to music and YOU HAVE TO DO IT ✦ If developers think you’re unapproachable, they’ll guess at implementation – THIS IS BAD ✦ Be available with your body language as well as your speech: “My time is infinite and you can have as much as you want”
  • 112. Continuous Availability Strategies
  • 113. Continuous Availability Strategies ✦ The Sacrificial Lamb – when there are >1 people in a role, they rotate their availability
  • 114. Continuous Availability Strategies ✦ The Sacrificial Lamb – when there are >1 people in a role, they rotate their availability ✦ The Scary Face – a physical flag you can raise when you need to focus, but it requires a lot of discipline
  • 115. Continuous Availability Strategies ✦ The Sacrificial Lamb – when there are >1 people in a role, they rotate their availability ✦ The Scary Face – a physical flag you can raise when you need to focus, but it requires a lot of discipline ✦ No-meeting Hours – you stay available to the team but no meetings can be booked, reduces the chance of being pulled away
  • 116. Continuous Availability Strategies ✦ The Sacrificial Lamb – when there are >1 people in a role, they rotate their availability ✦ The Scary Face – a physical flag you can raise when you need to focus, but it requires a lot of discipline ✦ No-meeting Hours – you stay available to the team but no meetings can be booked, reduces the chance of being pulled away ✦ Be careful not to overuse these and drive devs away!
  • 117. Leverage QA and Showcases
  • 118. Leverage QA and Showcases ✦ Don’t let the devs destroy the showcase environment - use it for guerilla user testing!
  • 119. Leverage QA and Showcases ✦ Don’t let the devs destroy the showcase environment - use it for guerilla user testing! ✦ Ensure the devs focus on making deployment simple so you can incorporate rapid prototyping (but you probably don’t want to do this on the showcase environment)
  • 120. Leverage QA and Showcases ✦ Don’t let the devs destroy the showcase environment - use it for guerilla user testing! ✦ Ensure the devs focus on making deployment simple so you can incorporate rapid prototyping (but you probably don’t want to do this on the showcase environment) ✦ You can automate some UI and accessibility testing using Selenium: accessibility-testing/downloads/list
  • 121. Leverage QA and Showcases ✦ Don’t let the devs destroy the showcase environment - use it for guerilla user testing! ✦ Ensure the devs focus on making deployment simple so you can incorporate rapid prototyping (but you probably don’t want to do this on the showcase environment) ✦ You can automate some UI and accessibility testing using Selenium: accessibility-testing/downloads/list ✦ While you’re automating, ensure that test data is structured so as to stress the UI
  • 122. There’s more How do we estimate UX effort? Leveraging Test Data Reusable Brainstorming UX and Automation UX and Spikes Optimising Research with Agile UX on the card wall
  • 123. Agile Won’t Wait
  • 124. Now go and build incredible things.
  • 125. Thank You James O’Brien

Editor's Notes

  1. This talk was going to be called “Why Agile People are liars and UX People are lazy and feckless” but I try and keep getting lynched to once a month so instead I called it...\n
  2. \n
  3. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n
  7. I’m also making one very large assumption here, and that is that your team is the right size to deliver the scope of the project you have. If your team needs two UXers and they only have you, that’s a problem that this talk is not designed to address.\n
  8. I’m also making one very large assumption here, and that is that your team is the right size to deliver the scope of the project you have. If your team needs two UXers and they only have you, that’s a problem that this talk is not designed to address.\n
  9. I’m also making one very large assumption here, and that is that your team is the right size to deliver the scope of the project you have. If your team needs two UXers and they only have you, that’s a problem that this talk is not designed to address.\n
  10. I’m also making one very large assumption here, and that is that your team is the right size to deliver the scope of the project you have. If your team needs two UXers and they only have you, that’s a problem that this talk is not designed to address.\n
  11. I’m also making one very large assumption here, and that is that your team is the right size to deliver the scope of the project you have. If your team needs two UXers and they only have you, that’s a problem that this talk is not designed to address.\n
  12. No Big Design Up Front – we all know what this means right? No, you’re wrong. “Design” means a lot of things in software development, and it’s easy for PMs, BAs and us to attach this tenet to the wrong sort of design.\n
  13. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  14. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  15. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  16. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  17. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  18. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  19. Of course because that short uncomplicated planning period doesn’t leave a lot of time to front-load the design, you may have tried doing something like this. This never works because design effort and development effort can be orthogonal. Something gets planned in for i4 that would take more than one iteration to design, and suddenly you’re swamped. No fucking party for you!\n
  20. Oh thank God, you think, this extra iteration gives me a bit more time to front-load the design work! You may have seen this pattern at work, I know Lynn Miller famously wrote a case study around it, and Johanna Kollman has presented it as her research solution: Fortunately Johanna’s not in the room tonight, because...\n
  21. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  22. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  23. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  24. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  25. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  26. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  27. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  28. Nope, all that happens is the design work expands to fill the time available – only because it never had enough time to be done right in the first place. Design and development can be more orthogonal than this – you need to either front-load as much as you can, or find ways to simplify the design process and make it responsive to changing priorities.\n
  29. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  30. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  31. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  32. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  33. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  34. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  35. But what happens if you focus on that nice uncomplicated planning? Here’s a typical planning session. Gosh, look at that - you probably know what’s being delivered in R1 a long time before R1 starts development. Note that it’s easier (cheaper) to add time to planning than development, so if you need more time, ask early!\n
  36. So what process does a BA go through to turn analysed requirements into epics? Well, it’s another iterative process. Define what you think the behaviour is, validate that with the stakeholders, refine your assumptions based on their response. Wait a minute...\n
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  43. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  44. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  45. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  46. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  47. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  48. So here are the BA’s high-level tasks and the corresponding UX tasks. Oooh! I see a synergy!\n
  49. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  50. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  51. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  52. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  53. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  54. Also, keep the list of stakeholders with UX input as small as possible. I don’t care how many stakeholders you have, only a subset really need input into UX and design - your job is to whittle that subset to the very minimum. Conspire with the BA on this one, believe me they have strategies for doing this sort of thing.\n
  55. The last point only applies if you’re not being cavalier about your wireframes like I am\n
  56. The last point only applies if you’re not being cavalier about your wireframes like I am\n
  57. The last point only applies if you’re not being cavalier about your wireframes like I am\n
  58. The last point only applies if you’re not being cavalier about your wireframes like I am\n
  59. The last point only applies if you’re not being cavalier about your wireframes like I am\n
  60. By the time development begins, you’re still not going to have everything ready. But you should know what’s coming, and you should be able to feed a starting point to the developers, and prioritise your own goals for the coming iterations. LIASE WITH THE BAs ON THAT POINT.\n
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  63. We’ll talk about stubbed design and UX debt in a moment\n\n
  64. We’ll talk about stubbed design and UX debt in a moment\n\n
  65. We’ll talk about stubbed design and UX debt in a moment\n\n
  66. We’ll talk about stubbed design and UX debt in a moment\n\n
  67. We’ll talk about stubbed design and UX debt in a moment\n\n
  68. Change is a fact of life in software development. Agile is a tool designed around that fact, and to make it work, Software Engineers have had to develop strategies and tools. Now it’s our turn to either make those strategies apply to UX or develop our own. Because ultimately Agile will allow us to make better things faster.\n
  69. Change is a fact of life in software development. Agile is a tool designed around that fact, and to make it work, Software Engineers have had to develop strategies and tools. Now it’s our turn to either make those strategies apply to UX or develop our own. Because ultimately Agile will allow us to make better things faster.\n
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  77. Stubbed design means that forthcoming requirements don’t need to hold up development in the present. Maybe you have an ugly but functional flow that you can add with minimal branding. Or maybe you have the visual design roughly set but the behaviour is still being refined. Get it to a form where it can be included - maybe that’s just a static image - and get it in there\n
  78. Stubbed design means that forthcoming requirements don’t need to hold up development in the present. Maybe you have an ugly but functional flow that you can add with minimal branding. Or maybe you have the visual design roughly set but the behaviour is still being refined. Get it to a form where it can be included - maybe that’s just a static image - and get it in there\n
  79. Stubbed design means that forthcoming requirements don’t need to hold up development in the present. Maybe you have an ugly but functional flow that you can add with minimal branding. Or maybe you have the visual design roughly set but the behaviour is still being refined. Get it to a form where it can be included - maybe that’s just a static image - and get it in there\n
  80. Flag your stubs so stakeholders in demos clearly know what’s functional and/or final and what isn’t.\nWe use a class to put the stubbed element into pos:rel so that the specificity required to override it is very low - this way we don’t fuck up any prior-positioned elements. Also you can set the nodeploy folder in SVN not to be deployed on releases, so even if the stub class stays in the doc, the image won’t be, and no-one with a life will be any the wiser.\n
  81. Here’s an example of one of my stubs - the behaviours weren’t defined, the js wasn’t written but for demos we put this in to stop stakeholders asking why one of the landing pages was so empty.\nNow, this can be a risky strategy. Stakeholders might see a static image and assume it works. Or they may see the ugly but functional flow and assume that’s how it’s always going to look. So it’s important to have been priming stakeholders on your approach as early as possible.\n
  82. This isn’t the only strategy for dealing with UX debt – you have to work out what works best for you and your team. You could also work one day a week on UX debt, or use the last iteration as a stability rush. Other suggestions for what might constitute UX debt - Legacy Browser Support, or CSS3 enhancements; give example of MW SecondaryAction buttons\n
  83. This isn’t the only strategy for dealing with UX debt – you have to work out what works best for you and your team. You could also work one day a week on UX debt, or use the last iteration as a stability rush. Other suggestions for what might constitute UX debt - Legacy Browser Support, or CSS3 enhancements; give example of MW SecondaryAction buttons\n
  84. This isn’t the only strategy for dealing with UX debt – you have to work out what works best for you and your team. You could also work one day a week on UX debt, or use the last iteration as a stability rush. Other suggestions for what might constitute UX debt - Legacy Browser Support, or CSS3 enhancements; give example of MW SecondaryAction buttons\n
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  100. Here are a bunch of things that either don’t have time to talk about tonight or for the most part I don’t have answers for yet. I want to answer all of these, and I hope you’ll help me do that.\n
  101. Agile, as a discipline, is 10 years old this year. It’s rapidly becoming THE way that software is built. It’s not going to stop and wait for us to catch up, and it’s going to keep innovating and keep making the process leaner. We can try and keep bending our existing tools and processes around Agile, and watch as the theory and practice become ever more divergent, or we can start running to catch up. I believe we can get it right, and we should get it right, because...\n
  102. ...this is what happens if we get it right.\n
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