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 Chairperson Dr. R. S. Jatti
 Presenter Dr. Srinath Gupta
 Brain grossly differentiates into cerebrum
and cerebellum during 1st Trimester of
embryonic life
 Neurons begin to develop in 2nd trimester
 By end of 2nd trimester all neurons are
formed and any damage occurring now is
 Synaptic connections occur in 3rd
 First described in 1862, by William John
Little, an orthopedic surgeon who
observed that children with tone and
developmental abnormalities often
had prolonged labor, prematurity or
breech delivery
 Cerebral Palsy was known as Little’s
Disease for decades.
 The term cerebral Palsy originated with
William Osler and Sigmund Freud
 Static Encephalopathy has been used
interchangeably with cerebral palsy
 Definition
 Incidence
 Etiology
 Classification
 Management
 Lower Limb Deformities
 Static, non progressive disorder of CNS secondary
to an insult to immature brain, resulting in
varying degrees of motor milestone delay and
 CP is a disorder of tone, posture or movement
 It results in paralysis, weakness, in coordination
or abnormal movement
 2.4-2.7 for every 1000 live births
 Prenatal:
◦ Infection: TORCH Complex, HIV
◦ Cerebral malformation
◦ Obstetrical complication: pre-eclampsia,
eclampsia, abruptio placentae, placenta previa,
placental infarction
◦ Maternal diseases
◦ Abuse of drugs
 Perinatal:
◦ Prematurity
◦ Low birth weight
◦ Complicated delivery
◦ Asphyxia
◦ Cerebral trauma
◦ Hyperbilirubinemia
◦ Blood incompatibilities
◦ Infections: Herpes simplex, meningitis
◦ Severe hypoglycemia
 Post natal :
◦ Infections : Meningitis, encephalitis
◦ Head injury
◦ Cerebral anoxia
◦ Aspiration
◦ Asphyxia
◦ Seizures
◦ Near drowning
◦ Cardiac arrest
◦ Cerebrovascular accidents
◦ Sickle cell anaemia
◦ Vascular malformations
 Because of the wide variability in presentation and
types of cerebral palsy, there is no universally
accepted classification scheme.
 Monoplegia
 Hemiplegia
 Paraplegia
 Diplegia
 Quadriplegia
 Double Hemiplegia
 Total body
 Spastic
 Athetoid
 Choreiform
 Rigid
 Ataxic
 Hypotonic
 Mixed
 Spastic:
◦ Most common type
◦ Associated with injury to pyramidal tracts in immature
 Athetoid:
◦ Associated with injury to extrapyramidal tracts
◦ Dyskinetic purposeless movements
◦ Dystonia or hypotonia can occur with athetoid cerebral
 Choreiform:
◦ Continual purposeless movements of wrists,fingers,toes
and ankles
 Rigid:
◦ Most hypertonic form
◦ Cogwheel or leadpipe rigidity
 Ataxic:
◦ Very rare
◦ Injury to developing cerebellum
◦ Disturbance of coordinated movement viz.
◦ Characterized by weakness, in-coordination, a
wide based gait, and trouble with fine and rapid
 Hypotonic:
◦ Passing stage in spastic or ataxic cerebral palsy
 Mixed:
◦ Signs of pyramidal and extrapyramidal deficits
•Bilateral spasticity of legs
•1st noticed when infant begins to crawl-tends to drag the
legs behind more ( commando crawl)
•Severe spasticity –application of diaper is difficult due to
excess adduction of hips
•Brisk reflexes, ankle clonus
•Scissoring posture of lower extremity when suspended
by axilla
•Walking tiptoes, disuse atropy ,impaired
growth of lower extremity
•Intellectual development normal
•Minimal seizures
•CT/MRI-periventricular leukomalacia of
white matter mainly lower limb fibres
•All spastic types characterized by toe
walking, a crouched gait, and flexed
knee, scissoring
•Arms often more involved than leg-difficulty in
hand manipulation is obvious by 1 yr
•Delayed walking -18-24 months
•Equinovarus deformity of foot, walks on tip
toes because of increased tone
•Affected upper limb has dystonic posture when
child runs
•Deep tendon reflexes increased, ankle clonus,
Babinski sign +
•1/3rd have seizure disorder
•25% have MR
•CT/MRI- atrophic cerebral hemisphere with
dilated lateral ventricle contralateral to the
affected side
•Most severe form ,most
•All extremities severely
•High association with MR
and seizures
•Flexion Contractures of
knees and elbows
 After age 1yr –athetoid movements
become evident
 Speech is affected (slurred, voice
modulation impaired) due to
involvement of oropharyngeal muscles
 Upper motor neuron signs –not
 Seizure uncommon
 Intellect –preserved
 Characterized by an exaggerated step,
hip and knee hyperextension, a
backwards lean, and shoulder girdle
and trunk extension.
 I Has nearly normal gross motor function
 II Walks independently, but has limitations with
running and jumping
 III Uses assistive devices to walk and wheelchair
for long distances
 IV Has ability to stand for transfers, but minimal
walking ability; depends on wheelchair for
 V Lacks head control, can’t sit independently, is
dependent for all aspects of care
 Mental Retardation
 Communication
 Behavioral disorder
 Seizures
 Vision Disorders
 Hearing loss
 Somatosensation (skin
sensation, body
 Temperature instability
 Nutrition
 Drooling
 Dentition problems
 Neurogenic bladder
 Neurogenic bowel
 Gastroesophageal reflux
 Dysphagia
 Autonomic dysfunction
 Gait in cerebral palsy
◦ Idiopathic toe walking
◦ Spastic knee gait
◦ Crouch gait
 Determine grades of muscle strength and selective
 Evaluate muscle tone and determine type.
 Evaluate degree of deformity / contracture at each
 Assess linear, angular and torsional deformities of
spine, long bones, hands and feet.
 Appraise balance, equilibrium and standing / walking
 History
 Examination
 X-ray skull-intracranial calcification
 Test of hearing ,vision
 IQ test
Achievable goals should be set
The child with CP becomes the adult with CP
Goals based on needs of adults
 Communication : verbal / nonverbal
 Mobility
 Walking
 Activity of daily living (ADL)
feeding, dressing, toileting, bathing
 Turn focus of parents from the disease to the
goal-oriented approach
 Control of spasticity
 Physical therapy
 Orthotics
 Orthopedic surgery
 Spasticity is present in most patients with CP (65 % )
 When it is reduced patients may :
- perform integrated muscle
- develop muscle strength
- function at a higher level
 Approaches :
• Selective dorsal rhizotomy
• Intrathecal baclofen
• Botulinum-A toxin
 Other oral medicines used in Cerebral Palsy:
◦ Dantrolene
◦ Flexeril
◦ Antiepileptic drugs such as Phenytoin, Sodium Valproate,
Carbamazepine, etc.
 Conventional PT :
◦ Works on muscles, tendons, and ligaments
 Active exercises
 Passive ROM exercises
 Passive stretching
 Bracing
Involve parents as much as possible
(even if they resist)
Do not raise false hopes
which could increase frustration
Short leg casts are applied with extended toe plates, careful
molding of the heel and metatarsal head control.
For a period of time varies but usually a minimum of 6 weeks.
and is followed by the use of orthoses.
There is a limited role for casting in patients with cerebral
Can be helpful in improving gait in ambulatory patient with
cerebral palsy.
Ankle-foot orthoses are most commonly prescribed to assist
the child with positioning of the ankle and foot during gait.
Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO)
 m
Primary deformity : needs treatment
Compensatory deformity : can improve without intervention
 Prevent structural changes - usually early
 Improve function - usually later
Distinguish between
 Type : spastic
 Extent : hemiplegics / diplegics : good results
quadriplegics : minimal improvement
 Age : 3- 12 years
 IQ : good
 Good upper limb function : for walking
 Underlying muscle power : not weak
 Walker / non-walker :
surgery hardly changes state but improves gait
 For structural changes : Early
e.g. Hip subluxation , usually <5 years
 To improve function ( gait ) :
defer until walking ( independently / with aids )
until gait pattern develops and can be assessed
walking : 18 – 21 months in hemiplegia
3 – 4 years in spastic diplegia
 Optimum time of lower extremity surgery
5 – 7 years: can analyze and observe gait pattern
Surgery should not be unduly staged one by
( with each birthday )
?ETA ? Hams ? Psoas ? Rectus Femoris
Equinus Crouch Flexion Stiff Knee Ok
 Hip
◦ Flexion contracture
◦ Increased hip addduction/ scissoring
◦ Subluxating or dislocating hip
 Rotational deformities of femur and tibia
 Knee
 Foot
◦ Equinus
◦ Equinovarus
◦ Pes valgus
◦ Ankle valgus
◦ Hallux valgus
◦ Dorsal Bunion
 Adduction and flexion deformity
 Hip at risk
 Hip subluxation
 Hip dislocation
Hip flexion contractures are found most commonly
in patients with spastic diplegia and spastic
Flexion contracture is due to increased tone in the
hip flexors (primarily the iliopsoas) and relative
weakness of the hip extensors (such as the gluteal
The contracture is identified during the physical
examination by performing the Thomas and
Staheli maneuvers.
Thomas test
Staheli test
Ely / Rectus Femoris
 Flexion internal rotation deformity should be
differentiated from True Adduction deformity.
 Increased femoral anteversion when combined with
crouch at the knee can produce the appearance of
scissoring which termed as pseudo adduction
 Adductor surgery will be ineffective in improving the
child’s ability to walk when the narrow base of gait is
secondary to pseudo adduction.
 Single-stage multilevel procedures are preferable to
staged single-level procedures because hospitalization,
immobilization, and rehabilitation time and the number
of anesthetic exposures are decreased
 Hip flexion contractures from 15 to 30 degrees usually
are treated with psoas lengthening
 Contractures of more than 30 degrees may require more
extensive releases of the rectus femoris, sartorius, and
tensor fasciae latae and the anterior fibers of the gluteus
minimus and medius, in addition to the iliopsoas
 Iliopsoas recession (Skaggs et al technique)
 Iliopsoas release at the Lesser trochanter(Miller
Iliopsoas tenotomy / lengthening /
 Tenotomy : Should not be done in
ambulatory patients
 Recession : Doesn’t cause excessive hip
flexion weakness
 Lengthening (z plasty) : best / easy
/satisfactory in ambulating patients no
risk of too much weakening of flexion
 Most common deformity
 Spasticity in the adductor muscles in cerebral palsy results
in a narrow base of gait and scissoring, hip subluxation,
and, in severely affected children, difficulty with perineal
 Adductor tenotomy and release
◦ Resection of tendon of adductor longus and anterior half of
addductor brevis and gracilis ,if required
◦ Avoid neurectomy of ant. branch of obturator nerve
 Deformities of the hip in patients with cerebral
palsy range from mild painless subluxation to
complete dislocation with joint destruction, pain,
and impaired mobility
 In most patients, the hip is normal at birth, and
radiographic changes typically become apparent
between 2 and 4 years of age.
 Hip subluxation in patients with cerebral palsy can
be difficult to detect clinically
 Routine clinical and radiographic examinations
should be done every 6 months
 A practical radiographic method for quantifying the
amount of hip subluxation present, which was
described by Reimers as the “migration percentage.”
Hip subluxation ( partially out)
Hilgenreiner line
Dislocated Subluxated
50 %
Reimer’s migration
Hip subluxation ( partially out )
( > 30 % uncoverage / broken Shenton’s line )
Because early intervention can be very effective in
preventing or delaying the development of dislocation,
considerable work has been done to identify hips at
Hip at Risk Hip subluxation
At 2.5 years At 7 years
 Varus Derotational Osteotomy, usually combined
with soft-tissue releases, is indicated for patients
with excessive anteversion and valgus deformity of
the proximal femur and a hip that is either
subluxated or dislocated
 Combined One-Stage Correction of Spastic
Dislocated Hip (San Diego Procedure)
◦ medial approach (soft-tissue release)
◦ anterior approach (open reduction)
◦ lateral approach (femoral osteotomy)
◦ anterior approach (pericapsular pelvic osteotomy)
 Proximal Femoral Resection
Painful dislocated
> 1 year
Surgical resection
 Hip Arthrodesis
The ideal candidate is a patient with unilateral
disease and no spinal involvement. Hip arthrodesis
may be preferable in ambulatory patients because it
allows weight bearing, in contrast to proximal
femoral resections.
 Deformities of the knee rarely occur in isolation
 The hip and the knee are tightly coupled because of
the muscles that cross both joints, the “two-joint
 Flexion Deformity
 Recurvatum of the Knee
 Knee Valgus
 Patella Alta
 Most common knee deformity in patients with
cerebral palsy and frequently occurs in ambulatory
 Crouching gait.
 Straight leg raising
◦ Angle< 70 … Indication
 The Hamstring Test
◦ Holt’s method
◦ Popliteal Angle< 135 - Indication
 Fractional Lengthening
of Hamstring Tendons
 Distal Transfer of Rectus Femoris
 Combined Hamstring Lengthening and
Quadriceps Shortening along with posterior
capsule release
Hip flexion Deformity
increases after
hamstring release
Better to transfer
hamstring insertion
to keep hip extended
 Caused by Quadriceps spasticity or long standing
Knee FFD.
 Can lead to repeated to micro trauma to patellar
tendon and quadriceps tendon and stress fractures
of patella and tibial tubercle.
 Usually painless, so intervention is not required.
 Correction of FFD of knee with hamstring
lengthening causes improvement.
◦ Equinus Deformity
◦ Varus or Valgus Deformity
 Equinovarus Deformity
 Equinovalgus Deformity
◦ Calcaneus Deformity
◦ Cavus Deformity
◦ Forefoot Adduction Deformity
◦ Hallux Valgus Deformity
◦ Claw Toes
 Most common foot
deformity in patients
with cerebral palsy
 It is an increased plantar
flexion due to a plantar
flexion contracture or
dynamic plantar flexion
due to over activity of
the gastrocsoleus during
 Toe-walking patients must be considered as two
different groups:
◦ equinus patients
◦ as a consequence of crouch at the hip and knee with
natural ankle.
 Cerebral palsy must be differentiated from:
 Idiopathic toe walking as a congenital short Achilles
 Muscular dystrophy (as Duchenne’s)produces toe
 Clinical examination..
Inability to fully dorsiflex the ankle
 The Silverskiold test:
If the ankle can be passively dorsiflexed with the knee
bent to 90 degree but cannot be dorsiflexed with the
knee extended it is believed that the gastrocnemius is
tight, but the soleus is not contracted
 This test is used to determine which type of surgical
lengthening to perform
The Silfverskiold test
 Dynamic :
Treat by :
Spasticity reduction
 Fixed :
Treat by :
Serial casting
 Open Lengthening of the
Achilles Tendon
 Z-Plasty Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon
 Percutaneous Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon
Vulpius technique.. Strayer procedure
Baker technique
 Diplegic patients typically have internally rotated
and adducted hips, flexed knees, and external
rotation deformity of the tibia. This combination of
deformities causes the foot to assume a valgus
 In hemiplegic patients, the internally rotated thigh
with the knee coming to full extension in stance
phase causes the foot to internally rotate and
produce a varus deformity
 Muscle imbalance in which
the invertors of the foot over
power the evertors, most
commonly Tibialis post.
 Gastrocnemius contributing
 Surgery is indicated to
1. Improve foot contact.
2. Relieve pain.
3. Relieve skin changes
The confusion test:
The patient flexes the hip against
If supination of the forefoot is seen, then
anterior tibialis is contributing to
equinovarus deformity .When
dorsiflexion is seen without supination,
the deformity is less likely to respond to
surgery on the anterior tibialis
 It also is important to determine whether or not the
deformity is flexible and correctable or rigid because
patients with flexible deformities are more likely to be
successfully treated nonoperatively with orthotics and
shoe modifications and operatively with soft-tissue
procedures such as tendon lengthenings, releases, or
transfers (usually of the abnormally active muscle)
 Patients with rigid varus deformities generally require
bone procedures, such as calcaneal osteotomy.
 Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
◦ Z-Plasty Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
◦ Step-Cut Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
◦ Intramuscular lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
 Split Tendon
◦ Split posterior tibial
tendon transfer
It is one of the most common
procedures for equinovarus
deformity treatment.
The posterior one-half of the
posterior tibialis tendon is
rerouted posterior to tibia and
woven into the peroneus brevis
◦ Split anterior tibial tendon transfer
The lateral one-half of anterior tibialis is detached from its
Passed beneath the extensor retinaculum.
Inserted through a bone tunnel into the cuboid.
Foot is positioned in 5-10 deg. of dorsiflexion.
Known as the Rancho procedure when done in combination with
posterior tibialis lengthening.
Split transfer of tibialis anterior tendon
 Heel varus will respond to calcaneal osteotomy.
 If the deformity is severe, and with rigid
component of mid foot supination… Triple
arthrodesis should be performed.
 Even with bony procedures, muscle imbalance
must be corrected.
 Occurs in up to 25% of patients with cerebral palsy.
and most common in older diplegic or quadriplegic
 Can be caused by spastic peroneal muscles, weakness
of the p.tibialis and a tight gastrocsoleus.
 Radiographs should be obtained in standing position
for the foot and ankle.
 Conservative treatment should vigorously pursued..
shoe inserts and orthoses may be adequate to relive
pain and avoiding surgery.
 Bony surgery is the only predictable alternative
for full and lasting correction.
 Surgical options are…
I. The Grice extra- articular arthrodesis.
II. Lateral column (calcaneal neck) lengthening.
III. Calcaneal osteotomy.
IV. Triple arthrodesis.
 Modifications to the original procedure:
 Fibular graft was changed to iliac crest graft.
 Using internal fixation to keep the position of the subtalar joint in
combination with cancellous iliac crest graft.
Advantage: preserve
joint motion of sub
talar joint.
Results have been very
severe rigid valgus
 Treatment of choice for rigid symptomatic Pes valgus in adolescent
with cerebral palsy.
 Resecting the subtalar, calcaneocuboid, talonavicular joints.
 Indications:
1. Pain
2. Skin ulceration over the talar head.
3. Deformity interfering with ambulation in child with deformity not
amenable to osteotomy.
 Satisfactory outcomes are found when deformity is well corrected.
 Degenerative changes have been documented in the ankle joint at
an average of 18yrs.following arthrodesis in 43% of the pediatric
Triple arthrodesis for Pes valgus treatment
 It is a rare deformity.
 The first metatarsal head is elevated, but
the great toe is plantar flexed.
 Surgical rebalance depends on…
Transfer of the flexor tendon to the extensor.
Or flexor tenotomy.
Or by transferring of the flexor hallucis brevis
to the metatarsal neck
Or by all that in combination with closing
wedge plantar flexion osteotomy of first
 Develops in cerebral palsy patients in response to a Equino valgus deformity of the
hind foot.
 There is a progressive eversion and abduction of foot because of peroneus longus is
 The toe is pushed laterally as weight is borne by the everted foot.
 The big toe comes to lie beneath the second toe, and the first metatarsal head
becomes uncovered and painful bunion develops.
 When this deformity is mild, surgical treatment of Pes valgus will halt the
progression of toe deformity.
 Bleck& Goldner described soft tissue realignment including:
Release of the adductor hallucis t. and lateral capsulotomy of the first metatarsophalangeal
joint. combined with first metatarsal and proximal phalangeal osteotomy.
 McKeveer technique:
 First metatarsophalangeal fusion.
 That led to better results with less recurrence than soft tissue realignment.
 Preferred position for fusion is 15-25 deg. Of dorsiflexion and slight valgus.
Hallux valgus in 14 yrs. Old girl with cerebral palsy.
Treated with metatarsophalangeal fusion.
 Usually caused by femoral ante-
 Internal tibial torsion adds to Intoeing
 Not related to spasticity of internal
 If severe : Derotation osteotomy
Delay to late childhood if
 Derotation osteotomy of femur might
cause tightening of medial hamstrings
( might need lengthening )
 Anteversion rotates Greater Trochanter
 On stance phase need Abductor power
 Abductor power optimized when Greater
Trochanter is lateral not posterior
 Internal rotation in stance phase brings
Greater Trochanter laterally
 Severe femoral anteversion, with loss of all
external rotation.
 Dynamic in-toeing causing gait abnormalities.
 Dynamic in-toeing causing secondary foot
 Usually not before 8-10 years.

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Brain Development and Cerebral Palsy Etiology, Classification and Management

  • 1.  Chairperson Dr. R. S. Jatti  Presenter Dr. Srinath Gupta
  • 2.  Brain grossly differentiates into cerebrum and cerebellum during 1st Trimester of embryonic life  Neurons begin to develop in 2nd trimester  By end of 2nd trimester all neurons are formed and any damage occurring now is irreversible  Synaptic connections occur in 3rd trimester
  • 3.  First described in 1862, by William John Little, an orthopedic surgeon who observed that children with tone and developmental abnormalities often had prolonged labor, prematurity or breech delivery  Cerebral Palsy was known as Little’s Disease for decades.  The term cerebral Palsy originated with William Osler and Sigmund Freud  Static Encephalopathy has been used interchangeably with cerebral palsy
  • 4.  Definition  Incidence  Etiology  Classification  Management  Lower Limb Deformities
  • 5.  Static, non progressive disorder of CNS secondary to an insult to immature brain, resulting in varying degrees of motor milestone delay and dysfunction  CP is a disorder of tone, posture or movement  It results in paralysis, weakness, in coordination or abnormal movement
  • 6.  2.4-2.7 for every 1000 live births
  • 7.  Prenatal: ◦ Infection: TORCH Complex, HIV ◦ Cerebral malformation ◦ Obstetrical complication: pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, abruptio placentae, placenta previa, placental infarction ◦ Maternal diseases ◦ Abuse of drugs
  • 8.  Perinatal: ◦ Prematurity ◦ Low birth weight ◦ Complicated delivery ◦ Asphyxia ◦ Cerebral trauma ◦ Hyperbilirubinemia ◦ Blood incompatibilities ◦ Infections: Herpes simplex, meningitis ◦ Severe hypoglycemia
  • 9.  Post natal : ◦ Infections : Meningitis, encephalitis ◦ Head injury ◦ Cerebral anoxia ◦ Aspiration ◦ Asphyxia ◦ Seizures ◦ Near drowning ◦ Cardiac arrest ◦ Cerebrovascular accidents ◦ Sickle cell anaemia ◦ Vascular malformations
  • 10.  Because of the wide variability in presentation and types of cerebral palsy, there is no universally accepted classification scheme.
  • 11.  Monoplegia  Hemiplegia  Paraplegia  Diplegia  Quadriplegia  Double Hemiplegia  Total body
  • 12.  Spastic  Athetoid  Choreiform  Rigid  Ataxic  Hypotonic  Mixed
  • 13.  Spastic: ◦ Most common type ◦ Associated with injury to pyramidal tracts in immature brain  Athetoid: ◦ Associated with injury to extrapyramidal tracts ◦ Dyskinetic purposeless movements ◦ Dystonia or hypotonia can occur with athetoid cerebral palsy  Choreiform: ◦ Continual purposeless movements of wrists,fingers,toes and ankles
  • 14.  Rigid: ◦ Most hypertonic form ◦ Cogwheel or leadpipe rigidity  Ataxic: ◦ Very rare ◦ Injury to developing cerebellum ◦ Disturbance of coordinated movement viz. walking ◦ Characterized by weakness, in-coordination, a wide based gait, and trouble with fine and rapid movements.  Hypotonic: ◦ Passing stage in spastic or ataxic cerebral palsy  Mixed: ◦ Signs of pyramidal and extrapyramidal deficits
  • 15. •Bilateral spasticity of legs •1st noticed when infant begins to crawl-tends to drag the legs behind more ( commando crawl) •Severe spasticity –application of diaper is difficult due to excess adduction of hips •Brisk reflexes, ankle clonus •Scissoring posture of lower extremity when suspended by axilla •Walking tiptoes, disuse atropy ,impaired growth of lower extremity •Intellectual development normal •Minimal seizures •CT/MRI-periventricular leukomalacia of white matter mainly lower limb fibres •All spastic types characterized by toe walking, a crouched gait, and flexed knee, scissoring
  • 16. •Arms often more involved than leg-difficulty in hand manipulation is obvious by 1 yr •Delayed walking -18-24 months •Equinovarus deformity of foot, walks on tip toes because of increased tone •Affected upper limb has dystonic posture when child runs •Deep tendon reflexes increased, ankle clonus, Babinski sign + •1/3rd have seizure disorder •25% have MR •CT/MRI- atrophic cerebral hemisphere with dilated lateral ventricle contralateral to the affected side
  • 17. •Most severe form ,most common •All extremities severely impaired •High association with MR and seizures •Flexion Contractures of knees and elbows
  • 18.  After age 1yr –athetoid movements become evident  Speech is affected (slurred, voice modulation impaired) due to involvement of oropharyngeal muscles  Upper motor neuron signs –not present  Seizure uncommon  Intellect –preserved  Characterized by an exaggerated step, hip and knee hyperextension, a backwards lean, and shoulder girdle and trunk extension.
  • 19.  I Has nearly normal gross motor function  II Walks independently, but has limitations with running and jumping  III Uses assistive devices to walk and wheelchair for long distances  IV Has ability to stand for transfers, but minimal walking ability; depends on wheelchair for mobility  V Lacks head control, can’t sit independently, is dependent for all aspects of care
  • 20.  Mental Retardation  Communication Disorders  Behavioral disorder  Seizures  Vision Disorders  Hearing loss  Somatosensation (skin sensation, body awareness)  Temperature instability  Nutrition  Drooling  Dentition problems  Neurogenic bladder  Neurogenic bowel  Gastroesophageal reflux  Dysphagia  Autonomic dysfunction
  • 21.  Gait in cerebral palsy ◦ Idiopathic toe walking ◦ Spastic knee gait ◦ Crouch gait
  • 22.  Determine grades of muscle strength and selective control.  Evaluate muscle tone and determine type.  Evaluate degree of deformity / contracture at each joint.  Assess linear, angular and torsional deformities of spine, long bones, hands and feet.  Appraise balance, equilibrium and standing / walking posture.
  • 23.  History  Examination  X-ray skull-intracranial calcification  EEG  CT/MRI  Test of hearing ,vision  IQ test
  • 24. Achievable goals should be set The child with CP becomes the adult with CP Goals based on needs of adults  Communication : verbal / nonverbal  Mobility  Walking  Activity of daily living (ADL) feeding, dressing, toileting, bathing  Turn focus of parents from the disease to the goal-oriented approach
  • 25.  Control of spasticity  Physical therapy  Orthotics  Orthopedic surgery
  • 26.  Spasticity is present in most patients with CP (65 % )  When it is reduced patients may : - perform integrated muscle movement - develop muscle strength - function at a higher level  Approaches : • Selective dorsal rhizotomy • Intrathecal baclofen • Botulinum-A toxin
  • 27.  Other oral medicines used in Cerebral Palsy: ◦ Dantrolene ◦ Flexeril ◦ Antiepileptic drugs such as Phenytoin, Sodium Valproate, Carbamazepine, etc.
  • 28.  Conventional PT : ◦ Works on muscles, tendons, and ligaments  Active exercises  Passive ROM exercises  Passive stretching  Bracing
  • 29. Involve parents as much as possible (even if they resist) Do not raise false hopes which could increase frustration
  • 30. Casting.. Short leg casts are applied with extended toe plates, careful molding of the heel and metatarsal head control. For a period of time varies but usually a minimum of 6 weeks. and is followed by the use of orthoses. There is a limited role for casting in patients with cerebral palsy. Orthoses.. Can be helpful in improving gait in ambulatory patient with cerebral palsy. Ankle-foot orthoses are most commonly prescribed to assist the child with positioning of the ankle and foot during gait.
  • 32.  m
  • 33. Primary deformity : needs treatment Compensatory deformity : can improve without intervention Surgery  Prevent structural changes - usually early  Improve function - usually later Distinguish between
  • 34.  Type : spastic  Extent : hemiplegics / diplegics : good results quadriplegics : minimal improvement  Age : 3- 12 years  IQ : good  Good upper limb function : for walking  Underlying muscle power : not weak  Walker / non-walker : surgery hardly changes state but improves gait
  • 35.  For structural changes : Early e.g. Hip subluxation , usually <5 years  To improve function ( gait ) : defer until walking ( independently / with aids ) until gait pattern develops and can be assessed walking : 18 – 21 months in hemiplegia 3 – 4 years in spastic diplegia  Optimum time of lower extremity surgery 5 – 7 years: can analyze and observe gait pattern
  • 36. Surgery should not be unduly staged one by one ( with each birthday ) ?ETA ? Hams ? Psoas ? Rectus Femoris Equinus Crouch Flexion Stiff Knee Ok
  • 37.  Hip ◦ Flexion contracture ◦ Increased hip addduction/ scissoring ◦ Subluxating or dislocating hip  Rotational deformities of femur and tibia  Knee  Foot ◦ Equinus ◦ Equinovarus ◦ Pes valgus ◦ Ankle valgus ◦ Hallux valgus ◦ Dorsal Bunion
  • 38.  Adduction and flexion deformity  Hip at risk  Hip subluxation  Hip dislocation
  • 39. Hip flexion contractures are found most commonly in patients with spastic diplegia and spastic quadriplegia. Flexion contracture is due to increased tone in the hip flexors (primarily the iliopsoas) and relative weakness of the hip extensors (such as the gluteal muscles) The contracture is identified during the physical examination by performing the Thomas and Staheli maneuvers.
  • 41. Ely / Rectus Femoris Test
  • 42.  Flexion internal rotation deformity should be differentiated from True Adduction deformity.  Increased femoral anteversion when combined with crouch at the knee can produce the appearance of scissoring which termed as pseudo adduction  Adductor surgery will be ineffective in improving the child’s ability to walk when the narrow base of gait is secondary to pseudo adduction.
  • 43.  Single-stage multilevel procedures are preferable to staged single-level procedures because hospitalization, immobilization, and rehabilitation time and the number of anesthetic exposures are decreased  Hip flexion contractures from 15 to 30 degrees usually are treated with psoas lengthening  Contractures of more than 30 degrees may require more extensive releases of the rectus femoris, sartorius, and tensor fasciae latae and the anterior fibers of the gluteus minimus and medius, in addition to the iliopsoas
  • 44.  Iliopsoas recession (Skaggs et al technique)
  • 45.  Iliopsoas release at the Lesser trochanter(Miller technique)
  • 46. Iliopsoas tenotomy / lengthening / recession  Tenotomy : Should not be done in ambulatory patients  Recession : Doesn’t cause excessive hip flexion weakness  Lengthening (z plasty) : best / easy /satisfactory in ambulating patients no risk of too much weakening of flexion power
  • 47.  Most common deformity  Spasticity in the adductor muscles in cerebral palsy results in a narrow base of gait and scissoring, hip subluxation, and, in severely affected children, difficulty with perineal hygiene
  • 48.  Adductor tenotomy and release ◦ Resection of tendon of adductor longus and anterior half of addductor brevis and gracilis ,if required ◦ Avoid neurectomy of ant. branch of obturator nerve
  • 49.  Deformities of the hip in patients with cerebral palsy range from mild painless subluxation to complete dislocation with joint destruction, pain, and impaired mobility  In most patients, the hip is normal at birth, and radiographic changes typically become apparent between 2 and 4 years of age.
  • 50.  Hip subluxation in patients with cerebral palsy can be difficult to detect clinically  Routine clinical and radiographic examinations should be done every 6 months  A practical radiographic method for quantifying the amount of hip subluxation present, which was described by Reimers as the “migration percentage.”
  • 51. Hip subluxation ( partially out) Hilgenreiner line Dislocated Subluxated 50 % Reimer’s migration index
  • 52. Hip subluxation ( partially out ) ( > 30 % uncoverage / broken Shenton’s line )
  • 53. Because early intervention can be very effective in preventing or delaying the development of dislocation, considerable work has been done to identify hips at risk
  • 54. Hip at Risk Hip subluxation At 2.5 years At 7 years
  • 55.  Varus Derotational Osteotomy, usually combined with soft-tissue releases, is indicated for patients with excessive anteversion and valgus deformity of the proximal femur and a hip that is either subluxated or dislocated
  • 56.
  • 57.  Combined One-Stage Correction of Spastic Dislocated Hip (San Diego Procedure) ◦ medial approach (soft-tissue release) ◦ anterior approach (open reduction) ◦ lateral approach (femoral osteotomy) ◦ anterior approach (pericapsular pelvic osteotomy)
  • 58.  Proximal Femoral Resection Painful dislocated > 1 year Surgical resection
  • 59.  Hip Arthrodesis The ideal candidate is a patient with unilateral disease and no spinal involvement. Hip arthrodesis may be preferable in ambulatory patients because it allows weight bearing, in contrast to proximal femoral resections.
  • 60.  Deformities of the knee rarely occur in isolation  The hip and the knee are tightly coupled because of the muscles that cross both joints, the “two-joint muscles.”
  • 61.  Flexion Deformity  Recurvatum of the Knee  Knee Valgus  Patella Alta
  • 62.  Most common knee deformity in patients with cerebral palsy and frequently occurs in ambulatory children  Crouching gait.
  • 63.  Straight leg raising ◦ Angle< 70 … Indication  The Hamstring Test ◦ Holt’s method ◦ Popliteal Angle< 135 - Indication
  • 64.  Fractional Lengthening of Hamstring Tendons
  • 65.  Distal Transfer of Rectus Femoris
  • 66.  Combined Hamstring Lengthening and Quadriceps Shortening along with posterior capsule release
  • 67. Hip flexion Deformity increases after hamstring release Better to transfer hamstring insertion to keep hip extended
  • 68.  Caused by Quadriceps spasticity or long standing Knee FFD.  Can lead to repeated to micro trauma to patellar tendon and quadriceps tendon and stress fractures of patella and tibial tubercle.  Usually painless, so intervention is not required.  Correction of FFD of knee with hamstring lengthening causes improvement.
  • 69.  DEFORMITIES ◦ Equinus Deformity ◦ Varus or Valgus Deformity  Equinovarus Deformity  Equinovalgus Deformity ◦ Calcaneus Deformity ◦ Cavus Deformity ◦ Forefoot Adduction Deformity ◦ Hallux Valgus Deformity ◦ Claw Toes
  • 70.  Most common foot deformity in patients with cerebral palsy  It is an increased plantar flexion due to a plantar flexion contracture or dynamic plantar flexion due to over activity of the gastrocsoleus during gait
  • 71.  Toe-walking patients must be considered as two different groups: ◦ equinus patients ◦ as a consequence of crouch at the hip and knee with natural ankle.  Cerebral palsy must be differentiated from:  Idiopathic toe walking as a congenital short Achilles tendon  Muscular dystrophy (as Duchenne’s)produces toe walking.
  • 72.  Clinical examination.. Inability to fully dorsiflex the ankle  The Silverskiold test: If the ankle can be passively dorsiflexed with the knee bent to 90 degree but cannot be dorsiflexed with the knee extended it is believed that the gastrocnemius is tight, but the soleus is not contracted  This test is used to determine which type of surgical lengthening to perform
  • 74.  Dynamic : Treat by : Bracing Spasticity reduction Surgery  Fixed : Treat by : Serial casting Surgery
  • 75.  Open Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon
  • 76.  Z-Plasty Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon
  • 77.  Percutaneous Lengthening of the Achilles Tendon
  • 80.  Diplegic patients typically have internally rotated and adducted hips, flexed knees, and external rotation deformity of the tibia. This combination of deformities causes the foot to assume a valgus position.  In hemiplegic patients, the internally rotated thigh with the knee coming to full extension in stance phase causes the foot to internally rotate and produce a varus deformity
  • 81.  Muscle imbalance in which the invertors of the foot over power the evertors, most commonly Tibialis post.  Gastrocnemius contributing equinus  Surgery is indicated to 1. Improve foot contact. 2. Relieve pain. 3. Relieve skin changes
  • 82. The confusion test: The patient flexes the hip against resistance If supination of the forefoot is seen, then anterior tibialis is contributing to equinovarus deformity .When dorsiflexion is seen without supination, the deformity is less likely to respond to surgery on the anterior tibialis
  • 83.  It also is important to determine whether or not the deformity is flexible and correctable or rigid because patients with flexible deformities are more likely to be successfully treated nonoperatively with orthotics and shoe modifications and operatively with soft-tissue procedures such as tendon lengthenings, releases, or transfers (usually of the abnormally active muscle)  Patients with rigid varus deformities generally require bone procedures, such as calcaneal osteotomy.
  • 84.  Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon ◦ Z-Plasty Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon ◦ Step-Cut Lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon ◦ Intramuscular lengthening of the Posterior Tibial Tendon
  • 85.  Split Tendon Transfers ◦ Split posterior tibial tendon transfer It is one of the most common procedures for equinovarus deformity treatment. The posterior one-half of the posterior tibialis tendon is rerouted posterior to tibia and woven into the peroneus brevis tendon.
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88. ◦ Split anterior tibial tendon transfer The lateral one-half of anterior tibialis is detached from its insertion. Passed beneath the extensor retinaculum. Inserted through a bone tunnel into the cuboid. Foot is positioned in 5-10 deg. of dorsiflexion. Known as the Rancho procedure when done in combination with posterior tibialis lengthening.
  • 89. Split transfer of tibialis anterior tendon
  • 90.  Heel varus will respond to calcaneal osteotomy.  If the deformity is severe, and with rigid component of mid foot supination… Triple arthrodesis should be performed.  Even with bony procedures, muscle imbalance must be corrected.
  • 91.
  • 92.  Occurs in up to 25% of patients with cerebral palsy. and most common in older diplegic or quadriplegic patients.  Can be caused by spastic peroneal muscles, weakness of the p.tibialis and a tight gastrocsoleus.  Radiographs should be obtained in standing position for the foot and ankle.  Conservative treatment should vigorously pursued.. shoe inserts and orthoses may be adequate to relive pain and avoiding surgery.
  • 93.
  • 94.  Bony surgery is the only predictable alternative for full and lasting correction.  Surgical options are… I. The Grice extra- articular arthrodesis. II. Lateral column (calcaneal neck) lengthening. III. Calcaneal osteotomy. IV. Triple arthrodesis.
  • 95.  Modifications to the original procedure:  Fibular graft was changed to iliac crest graft.  Using internal fixation to keep the position of the subtalar joint in combination with cancellous iliac crest graft.
  • 96. Advantage: preserve joint motion of sub talar joint. Results have been very good. Contraindications: severe rigid valgus deformity.
  • 97.  Treatment of choice for rigid symptomatic Pes valgus in adolescent with cerebral palsy.  Resecting the subtalar, calcaneocuboid, talonavicular joints.  Indications: 1. Pain 2. Skin ulceration over the talar head. 3. Deformity interfering with ambulation in child with deformity not amenable to osteotomy.  Satisfactory outcomes are found when deformity is well corrected.  Degenerative changes have been documented in the ankle joint at an average of 18yrs.following arthrodesis in 43% of the pediatric population.
  • 98. Triple arthrodesis for Pes valgus treatment
  • 99.  It is a rare deformity.  The first metatarsal head is elevated, but the great toe is plantar flexed.  Surgical rebalance depends on… Transfer of the flexor tendon to the extensor. Or flexor tenotomy. Or by transferring of the flexor hallucis brevis to the metatarsal neck Or by all that in combination with closing wedge plantar flexion osteotomy of first metatarsal.
  • 100.  Develops in cerebral palsy patients in response to a Equino valgus deformity of the hind foot.  There is a progressive eversion and abduction of foot because of peroneus longus is spastic.  The toe is pushed laterally as weight is borne by the everted foot.  The big toe comes to lie beneath the second toe, and the first metatarsal head becomes uncovered and painful bunion develops.  When this deformity is mild, surgical treatment of Pes valgus will halt the progression of toe deformity.  Bleck& Goldner described soft tissue realignment including: Release of the adductor hallucis t. and lateral capsulotomy of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. combined with first metatarsal and proximal phalangeal osteotomy.  McKeveer technique:  First metatarsophalangeal fusion.  That led to better results with less recurrence than soft tissue realignment.  Preferred position for fusion is 15-25 deg. Of dorsiflexion and slight valgus.
  • 101. Hallux valgus in 14 yrs. Old girl with cerebral palsy. Treated with metatarsophalangeal fusion.
  • 102.  Usually caused by femoral ante- version  Internal tibial torsion adds to Intoeing  Not related to spasticity of internal rotators  If severe : Derotation osteotomy Delay to late childhood if possible  Derotation osteotomy of femur might cause tightening of medial hamstrings ( might need lengthening )
  • 103.
  • 104.  Anteversion rotates Greater Trochanter posteriorly  On stance phase need Abductor power  Abductor power optimized when Greater Trochanter is lateral not posterior  Internal rotation in stance phase brings Greater Trochanter laterally
  • 105.  Severe femoral anteversion, with loss of all external rotation.  Dynamic in-toeing causing gait abnormalities.  Dynamic in-toeing causing secondary foot deformity.  Usually not before 8-10 years.

Editor's Notes

  1. Static, non progressive disorder of CNS secondary to an insult to immature brain, resulting in varying degrees of motor milestone delay and dysfunction ----- Meeting Notes (8/7/15 13:57) -----
  2. Spastic – Pyramidal tract (Corticospinal and Cortico bulbar) Rest – Extra pyramidal tracts (reticulospinal, rubrospinal, tectospinal, vestibulospinal)
  3. Purposeless movements
  4. Spastic knee gait - limited knee flexion in swing phase due to rectus femoris firing out of phase (seen on EMG) Crouch gait – Combination of hip flexion, knee flexion, and ankle equinus
  5. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain
  6. Rhizotomy - Cut 30 – 50 % of abnormal dorsal rootlets L2 - S1 Followed by intensive physiotherapy. Results are encouraging Best for :spastic diplegia 4-8 yrs no previous surgery no contracture no extra pyramidal signs. Intrathecal - GABA agonist- inhibits release of excitatory neurotransmitter at level of spinal cord Botulinum - Inhibits exocytosis of Acetylcholine
  7. There is no evidence that any type of physical therapy can have a beneficial lasting effect on motor function beyond early to middle childhood (age 4-8 years) Thomas S. Renshaw ( Lovell & Winter’s Pediatric Orthopaedics) So, spend time in improving developmental and cognitive skills.
  8. Hip Flexors- Iliopsoa (primary) Secondary – Sartorius, Rectus femoris, Adductor longus. Extensors – Gluteus maximus ( More powerful with knee flexed) Hamstrings – Semimemb, SemiT, Biceps Femoris (with knee extended)
  9. Skaggs et al –DONE IF HIP INTERNALLY ROTATES DURING WALKING AND EXTERNAL ROTATION IS PRESENT ONLY IF HIP IS FLEXED TO 90 DEGREES. Patient in supine position with a roll under the buttocks. 5 cm bikini incision. Identify interval betwn tfl and sartorius. See direct head of rectus femoris (aiis origin) Palpate pelvis brim. Identify iliopsoas tendon jus medial and inferior to rectus femoris. Pull iliopsoas muscle medially to expose psoas tendon. Internally rotate and externally rotate to see the tightening and loosening of the tendon and release tendinous portion.
  10. MILLER TECH – Better for nonambulatory ptns. Because it leads to excessive hip flexion weakness(so not done in ambulatory patients) Commonly done with adductor release or varus derotation osteotomy. 1 To 3 cm transverse incision distal to inguinal crease. IF ADDUCTOR RELEASE TO BE DONE – incise adductor longus fascia. And transect adductor longus with cautery. Myotomy of gracilis. Resect adductor brevis till 45 degrees abduction is achieved. Identify iliopsoas bursa and open it. Retract tendon medially. In non ambulatory patient, release completely. In ambulatory, release as much proximally as possible. This preserves iliacus muscle attachment to the tendon.
  11. Longus- ORIGIN – Flat tendon from front of body of pubis in the angle between pubic crest and symphysis. Brevis – ORIGIN – Body of Pubis, Inferior rami and outer surface of ramis of ischium. Magnus – Ischial tuberosity, Ramus of ischium
  12. AT & R – Shld be done early, less than 4 years age. First adductor longus, then check correction required and do adductor brevis, only half. Here posterior branch of obturator nerve is der. If gracilis is tight, then release that also. Ant branch of Obturator nerve – Adductor longus, brevis and gracilis
  13. Hips with contractures are more at risk. RISK - Flexion more than 20 degrees and abduct less than 30 degrees
  14. Lateral position. DHS incision.
  15. Medial – Adductor longus, brevis, gracilis Anterior approach – Inspect the head. If more than 50% cartilage is lost, then needs other procedures
  16. Supine position. Lateral incision, 10cm superior gt and upto level of lt. Release all proximal femoral attachments nd make it free. Perform osteotomy. Seal the acetabulum with capsular edges, iliopsoas to lateral part of capsule and abductors to medial part. Close stump using vastus latralis.
  17. Medially do adductor tenotomy. Laterally take incision and split gluteal muscles, iliopsoas tenotomy. Remove wt ver cartilage is left. Hip position - 40 degrees of flexion, 15 degree of abduction and neutral rotation.
  18. These muscles include the rectus femoris anteriorly, gracilis medially, and semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris posteriorly A similar relationship exists between the knee and ankle with the gastrocnemius muscle, which crosses both joints
  19. Knee flexed during stance phase leading to decreased stride length and increased energy expenditure. Spastic hamstrings or a week quadriceps can cause this.
  20. If knee extension is limited as hip is flexed, then hamstring tightness is present. Medial hamstring tightness- Hips abducted, Knee flexed and off the table in supine position. If knee extension not possible without adduction then Medial hamstring tightness. Rectus femoris – Hip extended and knee off the table, patient is asked to extend knees. Spasticity of Rectus femoris – Pateint in prone position
  21. Rectus femoris transfer – Supine, 5-6cm proximal to superior pole of patella.
  22. High riding patella. ----- Meeting Notes (8/7/15 15:08) ----- patella index alta and baja.
  23. Below soleal line, upper two thirds from post surface of tibia. Mainly into navicular
  24. Incision – 5cm prox and medial to medial malleolus and extend distally over navicular. Release the tendon attachment. Make second incision 2cm proximal to lateral malleolus and extend till insertion of peroneus brevis (base of 5th MT) Pass TP through first incision to second and suture it to PB.
  25. Insertion – Medial cuneiform and base of first MT, split the tendon. Second incision over the ant. aspect of leg at Tib ants musculo tendinous junction. Pull out the tendon from the second incision. Third incision, dorsal aspect of cuboid. Pass tendon into this incision and drill holes in cuboid and suture the tendon to itself.
  26. Incision over lateral aspect of foot, 1cm posterior and inferior to peroneus longus tendon. Strip periosteum and cut wedge.
  27. Collapse of medial longitudinal arch.
  28. Sinus tarsi has talocalcaneal ligament. Incision – Anteriorly from middle of ankle and ending to peroneal tendons, obliquely over sinus tarsi. Excise fat from the sinus tarsi. Remove bone from it and and calcaneum to expose cancellous bone.
  29. Lateral incision, protect peroneus tendon and do plantar fasciotomy and perform osteotomy using curved saw blade or osteotome. co
  30. Ante-version – Axis of femoral neck and trans condylar axis of the knee.