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Colloid chemistry

  Lecture 13: Emulsions




            biological systems

            bituminous carpet (asphalt)

                                  suitable for

  Balm: Water in oil emulsion                     Sodas: Oil in Water emulsion

                                                      Milk: Oil in Water

Dodecane droplets in a           Mayonnaise: Oil in
continuous phase of              Water emulsion
water/glycerol mixture.
Emulsions encountered in everyday life!

   pesticide              asphalt                skin cream

metal cutting oils      margarine                ice cream
    Stability of emulsions may be engineered to vary from
          seconds to years depending on application
Emulsion – Suspension of liquid droplets (dispersed phase) of
            certain size within a second immiscible liquid
            (continuous phase).
Classification of emulsions
- Based on dispersed phase
 Oil in Water (O/W): Oil droplets dispersed in water
 Water in Oil (W/O): Water droplets dispersed in oil
- Based on size of liquid droplets
  0.2 – 50 mm Macroemulsions (Kinetically Stable)
  0.01 – 0.2 mm Microemulsions (Thermodynamically Stable)
Emulsifying agents

Stable suspensions of liquids constituting the dispersed phase, in an
immiscible liquid constituting the continuous phase is brought about
using emulsifying agents such as surfactants

Surfactants must exhibit the following characteristics to be
effective as emulsifiers
- good surface activity
- should be able to form a condensed interfacial film
- diffusion rates to interface comparable to emulsion forming time
Common Emulsifying Agents
Anionic –     Sodium stearate, Potassium laurate
              Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sodium sulfosuccinate
Nonionic –    Polyglycol, Fatty acid esters, Lecithin
Cationic –    Quaternary ammonium salts, Amine hydrochlorides

Finely divided solids with amphiphilic properties such as
soot, silica and clay, may also act as emulsifying agents
(Pickering emulsions: attribute of high stability)
Making emulsions


oil droplet in
    water                                    oil droplet in
 (unstable)                                      water



              oil droplet in
∆G = γ H ∆A >> 0
 emulgeation requires large energy input

       ∆G = γ H ∆A << 0
drop coalescence proceeds continuously

∆G = γ H ∆A + desorption energy

       high desorption energy
    prevents/hinders coalescence
Making emulsions

O/W                      W/O
Surfactant Packing Parameter

• Conceptual framework that relates molecular parameters (head
  group area, chain length and hydrophobic tail volume) and intensive
  variables (temperature, ionic strength etc.) to surfactant
• Critical Packing Parameter /
  Packing Parameter
     CPP or P =
                l ⋅ a0
 v: volume of hydrocarbon core
 l: hydrocarbon chain length
 a0: effective head group area
Surfactant Packing Parameter
                  CPP or P =
                             l ⋅ a0

v: volume of hydrocarbon chain= 0.027(nc + nMethyl)

l: hydrocarbon chain length= 0.15 + 0.127nc

where nc = number of carbon atoms without the methyl group
nMethyl = number of methyl groups
ao: effective head group area: difficult to calculate.
Surfactant Packing Parameter
Packing Parameter is inversely related to HLB

                                     mid point of packing
                                        analogous to
                                            HLB 10

                                   at P = 1/ HLB = 10,
                                   surfactant has equal
                                   affinity for oil and water
W/O vs. O/W emulsions
Bancroft's rule
Emulsion type depends more on the nature of the emulsifying agent
than on the relative proportions of oil or water present or the
methodology of preparing emulsion.

The phase in which an emulsifier is more soluble constitutes the
continuous phase

In O/W emulsions – emulsifying agents are more soluble in water
than in oil (High HLB surfactants).
In W/O emulsions – emulsifying agents are more soluble in oil than
in water (Low HLB surfactants).
optimum for
                               O/W emulsions



 optimum for     water
W/O emulsions


The type of emulsion (O / W or W / O) is affected by:
• the ratio of the oil to water (non-polar to polar) phase;
• the chemical properties and the concentration of the emulsification agent;
 • the temperature; the presence of additives;
 • for solid particles as the stabilizing agents (Pickering emulsions)
   the wetting conditions (contact angles of the oil and water phases on the solid)

 Bancroft’s rule (1912): the dispersion medium of an O+W emulsion is the phase
                         in which the solubility of the emulsifying agent is higher.

                      HLB                  APPLICATIONS
                       1-3          antifoaming agents; inverse micelles
                       3-8                   W/O emulsifiers
                       7-9                    wetting agents
                      10-16                  O/W emulsifiers
                      13-16                     detergents
                      15-18                     solubilizers
                 Application of surfactants on the basis of their HLB
Pickering emulsions


θ           θ

HLB values for typical nonionic surfactants structures

 tenzid                  kereskedelmi név        HLB
Bancroft’s Rule: Relation to HLB & CPP of Surfactant


Oil                  Water
                              Oil                   Water

Surfactant more soluble in   Surfactant more soluble in oil
water (CPP < 1, HLB > 10)        (CPP > 1, HLB < 10)
      O/W emulsion                  W/O emulsion
Bancroft’s Rule: Relation to HLB & CPP of Surfactant

                             Packing Parameter = 1

Oil                  Water
                                                     Oil                Water

Surfactant more soluble in                           Surfactant more soluble in
water (CPP < 1, HLB > 10)                             oil (CPP > 1, HLB < 10)
      O/W emulsion                                          W/O emulsion
Tests for emulsion type
                (W/O or O/W emulsions ?)

Based on the Bancroft’s rule, many emulsion properties are
governed by the properties of the continuous phase

1.   dye test
2.   dilution test
3.   electrical conductivity measurements
4.   refractive index measurement
5.   filter paper test
Conductivity of emulsions


Emulsions are kinetically stable!
Rate of coalescence – measure of emulsion stability.
It depends on:
(a) Physical nature of the interfacial surfactant film

For Mechanical stability, surfactant films are characterized
by strong lateral intermolecular forces and high elasticity
(Analogous to stable foam bubbles)

 Mixed surfactant system preferred over single surfactant.
(Lauryl alcohol + Sodium lauryl sulfate: hydrophobic interactions)
 NaCl added to increase stability (electrostatic screening)
Emulsions are kinetically stable!
(b) Electrical or steric barrier

Significant only in O/W emulsions.

In case of non-ionic emulsifying agents, charge may arise due to
 (i) adsorption of ions from the aqueous phase or
 (ii) contact charging (phase with higher dielectric constant is charged

No correlation between droplet charge and emulsion stability in W/O

Steric barrier – dehydration and change in hydrocarbon chain
Emulsions are kinetically stable!
(c) Viscosity of the continuous phase
Higher viscosity reduces the diffusion coefficient

Stoke-Einstein’s Equation

This results in reduced frequency of collision and therefore
lower coalescence. Viscosity may be increased by adding
natural or synthetic thickening agents.

Further, η ↑ as the no. of droplets↑
(many emulsion are more stable in concentrated form than
  when diluted.)
Emulsions are kinetically stable!
(d) Size distribution of droplets
    Emulsion with a fairly uniform size distribution is more stable than
   with the same average droplet size but having a wider size

(e) Phase volume ratio
   As volume of dispersed phase ↑ stability of emulsion ↓
   (eventually phase inversion can occur)

(f) Temperature
    Temperature ↑, usually emulsion stability ↓
    Temp affects – Interfacial tension, D, solubility of surfactant,
    Brownian motion, viscosity of liquid, phases of interfacial film.
Phase inversion in emulsions
Bancroft's rule
Emulsion type depends more on the nature of the emulsifying
agent than on the relative proportions of oil or water present
or the methodology of preparing emulsion.

Based on the Bancroft’s rule, it is possible to change an
emulsion from O/W type to W/O type by inducing changes
in surfactant HLB / CPP.

In other words...
Phase Inversion May be Induced.
Phase inversion induced by the change in the HLB / CPP

               Na-soap             Ba-soap

                         + BaCl2
       water                                 oil
                O/W                   W/O


Why does phase inversion take place for system with surfactants?
       Surfactant                                           Surfactant

Oil                  Water                            Oil                  Water

      O/W emulsion                                          W/O emulsion
         temperature for non ionics, salting out electrolytes for ionics
Bancroft’s rule: manifested in response of surfactant solubility

    temperature for non ionics, salting out electrolytes for ionics

  O/W emulsion                                            W/O emulsion

   Temperature and electrolytes disrupt the water molecules
  around non-ionic and ionic surfactants respectively, altering
              surfactant solubility in the process
     – Also reflected by change in curvature of the interface
Inversion of emulsions (phase inversion)
                            O/W→ W/O

1.    The order of addition of the phases
      W →O + emulsifier → W/O
      O →W + emulsifier → O/W
2.    Nature of emulsifier
      Making the emulsifier more oil soluble tends to produce a W/O
      emulsion and vice versa.
3.    Phase volume ratio
      Oil/Water ratio↑ →W/O emulsion and vice versa
Inversion of emulsions (phase inversion)

4. Temperature of the system
    ↑Temperature of O/W (polyoxyethylenated nonionic
    surfactant) makes the emulsifier more hydrophobic and the
    emulsion may invert to W/O.

5. Addition of electrolytes and other additives.
    Strong electrolytes to O/W (stabilized by ionic surfactants)
    may invert to W/O

     Example. Inversion of O/W emulsion (stabilized by sodium
     cetyl sulfate and cholesterol) to a W/O type upon addition
     of polyvalent Ca.
Creaming of emulsions
Droplets larger than 1 mm may settle preferentially to the top or
  the bottom under gravitational forces.
Creaming is an instability but not as serious as coalescence or
  breaking of emulsion
Probability of creaming can be reduced if
                          4 3
                            πa ∆ρgH 〈〈 kT
a - droplet radius, ∆ρ - density difference,
g - gravitational constant, H - height of the vessel,

Creaming can be prevented by homogenization. Also by reducing
  ∆ρ, creaming may be prevented. This is achieved by producing
  a polyphase emulsion
Methods of destabilizing emulsions

1. Physical methods
    (i) Centrifuging
    (ii) Filtration – media pores preferentially wetted by the
          continuous phase
    (iii) Gently shaking or stirring
    (iv) Low intensity ultrasonic vibrations

2. Heating
    Heating to ~ 700C will rapidly break most emulsions.
Methods of destabilizing emulsions
3.    Electrical methods
     • Most widely used on large scale

     •   20 kV results in coalescence of entrained water
         droplets (W/O) e.g. in oil field emulsions and jet
         fuels. (mechanism – deformation of water drops into
         long streamers)

     •   For O/W, electrophoretic migration of charged
         groups to one of the electrodes. Ex. Removing traces
         of lubricating oil emulsified in condensed water.
Selection of emulsifiers

Correlation between chemical structure of surfactants and
their emulsifying power is complicated because
      (i) Both phases oil and water are of variable compositions.
      (ii) Surfactant conc. determines emulsifier power as well as the
      type of emulsion.

Basic requirements:
1. Good surface activity
2. Ability to form a condensed interfacial film
3. Appropriate diffusion rate (to interface)
General guidelines:

1.   Type of emulsion determined by the phase in which emulsifier
     is placed.

2.   Emulsifying agents that are preferentially oil soluble form W/O
     emulsions and vice versa.

3.   More polar the oil phase, the more hydrophilic the emulsifier
     should be. More non-polar the oil phase more lipophilic the
     emulsifier should be.
General guidelines

1.   HLB method – HLB indicative of emulsification behavior.

     HLB       3-6    for     W/O
               8-18   for     O/W

HLB no. of a surfactant depend on which phase of the final emulsion
   it will become.

Limitation – does not take into account the effect of temperature.
General guidelines

2. PIT method – At phase inversion temperature, the hydrophilic
   and lipophilic tendencies are balanced.

  Phase inversion temperature of an emulsion is determined
  using equal amounts of oil and aqueous phase + 3-5%

  For O/W emulsion, emulsifier should yield PIT of 20-600C
  higher than the storage temperature.
  For W/O emulsion, PIT of 10-400C lower than the storage
  temperature is desired.
General guidelines

3.   Cohesive energy ratio (CER) method
     Involves matching HLB’s of oil and emulsifying agents;
     also molecular volumes, shapes and chemical nature.

     Limitation – necessary information is available only for
     a limited no. of compounds.
Breaking emulsions

              1 – phase separation

              2 – Ostwald ripening

              3 – aggregation processes

              4 – phase inversion
Breaking emulsions
       coalescence    breaking


       flocculation     creaming
Stabilization of emulsions
• emulsifiers: mostly surfactants
• hydration forces: O / W
• steric forces: W / O
• electrostratic forces: ionic surfactants
• polymers: steric forces (entropy stabilization)
• solid powders: hydrophobic forces (+ wetting)

                     Breaking emulsions
  • sedimentation
  • centrifugation
  • filtration
  • thermal coagulation
  • electric treatment
  • ultrasonication
  • chemical additives (e.g. salting out)
Complex (multiphase) emulsions

aqueous phase                  stirring

  step 1

            oil + lipophilic         W / O emulsion

W / O emulsion                 stirring

   step 2

                 hidrophilic            W/O/W
                 surfactant         complex emulsion
                      primary emulsifier
                      oil phase                 (multiphase) emulsions
                      inner aqueous phase

                      szekunder emulgeálószer
                     secondary emulsifier
                     outer aqueous phase

W / O / W emulsion

                                                W/O/W           O/W/O

                     10 µm                                   20 µm

   W/O/W                                             O/W/O
Hypothetic phase diagram

water                              oil
unstable                metastable             stable

  c ro
               io   ns



Micelles, solubilizates, emulsions

thermodynamically                                       thermodynamically
     stable                                                  unstable

                    microemulsion   O/W macroemulsion
Emulsions – microemulsions - internal structure

                   O/W                    W/O
                   Bicontinuous structure (µE)

 - bicontinuous µEs do exist;
 - bicontinuos emulsions do not exist!
The interfacial tension (IFT) for microemulsions is ca.
1000-times less than the IFT of O/W or W/O emulsions !!!

         IFT [mN/m]

                         O/W   µE   W/O

                100 % water           100 % oil
Appearance and properties


Physico-chemical properties

   property           microemulsions               emulsions
    formation           spontaneous, no        energy input required
                      energy input requied
       type                O/W; W/O;           O/W; W/O; + complex:
                      bicontinuous structure     O/W/O; W/O/W
     stability         thermodynamically        thermodynamically
                             stable             unstable; kinetically
optical properties         transparent;            turbid; milky
stabilizing agents         surfactants;        surfactants; polymers;
                          co-surfactants       solid particles (Θ.90)
interfacial tension           (.0                   ($1 mJ/m2

       size                20-400 nm                  1-20 µm

phase inversion may be generated by the variations of temperature/salinity

   nonionic surfactants: temperature increases
   ionic surfactants: electrolyte (NaCl) concentration increases

            pure oil             pure water

 O/W                   bicontinuous           W/O

Winsor-I               Winsor-III             Winsor-II

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  • 1. Colloid chemistry Lecture 13: Emulsions
  • 2. Emulsions food cosmetics pharmaceutics biological systems bituminous carpet (asphalt) etc.
  • 3. Emulsion suitable for intravenous injection. Emulsions Balm: Water in oil emulsion Sodas: Oil in Water emulsion Milk: Oil in Water emulsion Dodecane droplets in a Mayonnaise: Oil in continuous phase of Water emulsion water/glycerol mixture.
  • 4. Emulsions encountered in everyday life! pesticide asphalt skin cream metal cutting oils margarine ice cream Stability of emulsions may be engineered to vary from seconds to years depending on application
  • 5. Introduction Emulsion – Suspension of liquid droplets (dispersed phase) of certain size within a second immiscible liquid (continuous phase). Classification of emulsions - Based on dispersed phase Oil in Water (O/W): Oil droplets dispersed in water Water in Oil (W/O): Water droplets dispersed in oil - Based on size of liquid droplets 0.2 – 50 mm Macroemulsions (Kinetically Stable) 0.01 – 0.2 mm Microemulsions (Thermodynamically Stable)
  • 6. Emulsifying agents Stable suspensions of liquids constituting the dispersed phase, in an immiscible liquid constituting the continuous phase is brought about using emulsifying agents such as surfactants Surfactants must exhibit the following characteristics to be effective as emulsifiers - good surface activity - should be able to form a condensed interfacial film - diffusion rates to interface comparable to emulsion forming time
  • 7. Common Emulsifying Agents Surfactants Anionic – Sodium stearate, Potassium laurate Sodium dodecyl sulfate, Sodium sulfosuccinate Nonionic – Polyglycol, Fatty acid esters, Lecithin Cationic – Quaternary ammonium salts, Amine hydrochlorides Solids Finely divided solids with amphiphilic properties such as soot, silica and clay, may also act as emulsifying agents (Pickering emulsions: attribute of high stability)
  • 8. Making emulsions surfactant oil droplet in water oil droplet in (unstable) water (stabilized) po lym solid er particles oil droplet in water (stabilized)
  • 9. ∆G = γ H ∆A >> 0 emulgeation requires large energy input ∆G = γ H ∆A << 0 drop coalescence proceeds continuously ∆G = γ H ∆A + desorption energy high desorption energy prevents/hinders coalescence
  • 11. Surfactant Packing Parameter • Conceptual framework that relates molecular parameters (head group area, chain length and hydrophobic tail volume) and intensive variables (temperature, ionic strength etc.) to surfactant microstructures • Critical Packing Parameter / Packing Parameter v CPP or P = l ⋅ a0 v: volume of hydrocarbon core l: hydrocarbon chain length a0: effective head group area
  • 12. Surfactant Packing Parameter v CPP or P = l ⋅ a0 v: volume of hydrocarbon chain= 0.027(nc + nMethyl) l: hydrocarbon chain length= 0.15 + 0.127nc where nc = number of carbon atoms without the methyl group nMethyl = number of methyl groups ao: effective head group area: difficult to calculate.
  • 14. Packing Parameter is inversely related to HLB mid point of packing parameter P=1 analogous to HLB 10 at P = 1/ HLB = 10, surfactant has equal affinity for oil and water
  • 15. W/O vs. O/W emulsions Bancroft's rule Emulsion type depends more on the nature of the emulsifying agent than on the relative proportions of oil or water present or the methodology of preparing emulsion. The phase in which an emulsifier is more soluble constitutes the continuous phase In O/W emulsions – emulsifying agents are more soluble in water than in oil (High HLB surfactants). In W/O emulsions – emulsifying agents are more soluble in oil than in water (Low HLB surfactants).
  • 16. optimum for O/W emulsions HLB oil optimum for water W/O emulsions water oil
  • 17. The type of emulsion (O / W or W / O) is affected by: • the ratio of the oil to water (non-polar to polar) phase; • the chemical properties and the concentration of the emulsification agent; • the temperature; the presence of additives; • for solid particles as the stabilizing agents (Pickering emulsions) the wetting conditions (contact angles of the oil and water phases on the solid) Bancroft’s rule (1912): the dispersion medium of an O+W emulsion is the phase in which the solubility of the emulsifying agent is higher. HLB APPLICATIONS 1-3 antifoaming agents; inverse micelles 3-8 W/O emulsifiers 7-9 wetting agents 10-16 O/W emulsifiers 13-16 detergents 15-18 solubilizers Application of surfactants on the basis of their HLB
  • 18. Pickering emulsions oil θ θ víz water oil oil water water
  • 19. HLB values for typical nonionic surfactants structures tenzid kereskedelmi név HLB
  • 20. Bancroft’s Rule: Relation to HLB & CPP of Surfactant Surfactant Surfactant Oil Water Oil Water Surfactant more soluble in Surfactant more soluble in oil water (CPP < 1, HLB > 10) (CPP > 1, HLB < 10) O/W emulsion W/O emulsion
  • 21. Bancroft’s Rule: Relation to HLB & CPP of Surfactant Surfactant Surfactant Packing Parameter = 1 Oil Water Oil Water Microemulsion Surfactant more soluble in Surfactant more soluble in water (CPP < 1, HLB > 10) oil (CPP > 1, HLB < 10) O/W emulsion W/O emulsion
  • 22. Tests for emulsion type (W/O or O/W emulsions ?) Based on the Bancroft’s rule, many emulsion properties are governed by the properties of the continuous phase 1. dye test 2. dilution test 3. electrical conductivity measurements 4. refractive index measurement 5. filter paper test
  • 24. Emulsions are kinetically stable! Rate of coalescence – measure of emulsion stability. It depends on: (a) Physical nature of the interfacial surfactant film For Mechanical stability, surfactant films are characterized by strong lateral intermolecular forces and high elasticity (Analogous to stable foam bubbles) Mixed surfactant system preferred over single surfactant. (Lauryl alcohol + Sodium lauryl sulfate: hydrophobic interactions) NaCl added to increase stability (electrostatic screening)
  • 25. Emulsions are kinetically stable! (b) Electrical or steric barrier Significant only in O/W emulsions. In case of non-ionic emulsifying agents, charge may arise due to (i) adsorption of ions from the aqueous phase or (ii) contact charging (phase with higher dielectric constant is charged positively) No correlation between droplet charge and emulsion stability in W/O emulsions Steric barrier – dehydration and change in hydrocarbon chain conformation.
  • 26. Emulsions are kinetically stable! (c) Viscosity of the continuous phase Higher viscosity reduces the diffusion coefficient Stoke-Einstein’s Equation This results in reduced frequency of collision and therefore lower coalescence. Viscosity may be increased by adding natural or synthetic thickening agents. Further, η ↑ as the no. of droplets↑ (many emulsion are more stable in concentrated form than when diluted.)
  • 27. Emulsions are kinetically stable! (d) Size distribution of droplets Emulsion with a fairly uniform size distribution is more stable than with the same average droplet size but having a wider size distribution (e) Phase volume ratio As volume of dispersed phase ↑ stability of emulsion ↓ (eventually phase inversion can occur) (f) Temperature Temperature ↑, usually emulsion stability ↓ Temp affects – Interfacial tension, D, solubility of surfactant, Brownian motion, viscosity of liquid, phases of interfacial film.
  • 28. Phase inversion in emulsions Bancroft's rule Emulsion type depends more on the nature of the emulsifying agent than on the relative proportions of oil or water present or the methodology of preparing emulsion. Based on the Bancroft’s rule, it is possible to change an emulsion from O/W type to W/O type by inducing changes in surfactant HLB / CPP. In other words... Phase Inversion May be Induced.
  • 29. Phase inversion induced by the change in the HLB / CPP Na-soap Ba-soap + BaCl2 water oil O/W W/O O/W W/O
  • 30. Why does phase inversion take place for system with surfactants? Surfactant Surfactant Oil Water Oil Water O/W emulsion W/O emulsion temperature for non ionics, salting out electrolytes for ionics
  • 31. Bancroft’s rule: manifested in response of surfactant solubility temperature for non ionics, salting out electrolytes for ionics O/W emulsion W/O emulsion Temperature and electrolytes disrupt the water molecules around non-ionic and ionic surfactants respectively, altering surfactant solubility in the process – Also reflected by change in curvature of the interface
  • 32. Inversion of emulsions (phase inversion) O/W→ W/O 1. The order of addition of the phases W →O + emulsifier → W/O O →W + emulsifier → O/W 2. Nature of emulsifier Making the emulsifier more oil soluble tends to produce a W/O emulsion and vice versa. 3. Phase volume ratio Oil/Water ratio↑ →W/O emulsion and vice versa
  • 33. Inversion of emulsions (phase inversion) 4. Temperature of the system ↑Temperature of O/W (polyoxyethylenated nonionic surfactant) makes the emulsifier more hydrophobic and the emulsion may invert to W/O. 5. Addition of electrolytes and other additives. Strong electrolytes to O/W (stabilized by ionic surfactants) may invert to W/O Example. Inversion of O/W emulsion (stabilized by sodium cetyl sulfate and cholesterol) to a W/O type upon addition of polyvalent Ca.
  • 34. Creaming of emulsions Droplets larger than 1 mm may settle preferentially to the top or the bottom under gravitational forces. Creaming is an instability but not as serious as coalescence or breaking of emulsion Probability of creaming can be reduced if 4 3 πa ∆ρgH 〈〈 kT 3 a - droplet radius, ∆ρ - density difference, g - gravitational constant, H - height of the vessel, Creaming can be prevented by homogenization. Also by reducing ∆ρ, creaming may be prevented. This is achieved by producing a polyphase emulsion
  • 35. Methods of destabilizing emulsions 1. Physical methods (i) Centrifuging (ii) Filtration – media pores preferentially wetted by the continuous phase (iii) Gently shaking or stirring (iv) Low intensity ultrasonic vibrations 2. Heating Heating to ~ 700C will rapidly break most emulsions.
  • 36. Methods of destabilizing emulsions 3. Electrical methods • Most widely used on large scale • 20 kV results in coalescence of entrained water droplets (W/O) e.g. in oil field emulsions and jet fuels. (mechanism – deformation of water drops into long streamers) • For O/W, electrophoretic migration of charged groups to one of the electrodes. Ex. Removing traces of lubricating oil emulsified in condensed water.
  • 37. Selection of emulsifiers Correlation between chemical structure of surfactants and their emulsifying power is complicated because (i) Both phases oil and water are of variable compositions. (ii) Surfactant conc. determines emulsifier power as well as the type of emulsion. Basic requirements: 1. Good surface activity 2. Ability to form a condensed interfacial film 3. Appropriate diffusion rate (to interface)
  • 38. General guidelines: 1. Type of emulsion determined by the phase in which emulsifier is placed. 2. Emulsifying agents that are preferentially oil soluble form W/O emulsions and vice versa. 3. More polar the oil phase, the more hydrophilic the emulsifier should be. More non-polar the oil phase more lipophilic the emulsifier should be.
  • 39. General guidelines 1. HLB method – HLB indicative of emulsification behavior. HLB 3-6 for W/O 8-18 for O/W HLB no. of a surfactant depend on which phase of the final emulsion it will become. Limitation – does not take into account the effect of temperature.
  • 40. General guidelines 2. PIT method – At phase inversion temperature, the hydrophilic and lipophilic tendencies are balanced. Phase inversion temperature of an emulsion is determined using equal amounts of oil and aqueous phase + 3-5% surfactant. For O/W emulsion, emulsifier should yield PIT of 20-600C higher than the storage temperature. For W/O emulsion, PIT of 10-400C lower than the storage temperature is desired.
  • 41. General guidelines 3. Cohesive energy ratio (CER) method Involves matching HLB’s of oil and emulsifying agents; also molecular volumes, shapes and chemical nature. Limitation – necessary information is available only for a limited no. of compounds.
  • 42. Breaking emulsions 1 – phase separation (creaming/sedimentation) 2 – Ostwald ripening 3 – aggregation processes (flocculation; coagulation; coalescence) 4 – phase inversion
  • 43. Breaking emulsions coalescence breaking primary emulsion flocculation creaming
  • 44. Stabilization of emulsions • emulsifiers: mostly surfactants • hydration forces: O / W • steric forces: W / O • electrostratic forces: ionic surfactants • polymers: steric forces (entropy stabilization) • solid powders: hydrophobic forces (+ wetting) Breaking emulsions • sedimentation • centrifugation • filtration • thermal coagulation • electric treatment • ultrasonication • chemical additives (e.g. salting out)
  • 45. Complex (multiphase) emulsions aqueous phase stirring step 1 oil + lipophilic W / O emulsion surfactant W / O emulsion stirring step 2 hidrophilic W/O/W surfactant complex emulsion
  • 46. Complex primary emulsifier oil phase (multiphase) emulsions inner aqueous phase szekunder emulgeálószer secondary emulsifier outer aqueous phase W / O / W emulsion W/O/W O/W/O 10 µm 20 µm W/O/W O/W/O
  • 47. Hypothetic phase diagram surfactant water oil
  • 48. unstable metastable stable ma c ro em uls io ns miniemu lsions microemulsions stability
  • 49. Micelles, solubilizates, emulsions normal micelle solubilizate thermodynamically thermodynamically stable unstable microemulsion O/W macroemulsion
  • 50. Emulsions – microemulsions - internal structure O/W W/O Bicontinuous structure (µE) - bicontinuous µEs do exist; - bicontinuos emulsions do not exist!
  • 51. The interfacial tension (IFT) for microemulsions is ca. 1000-times less than the IFT of O/W or W/O emulsions !!! IFT [mN/m] O/W µE W/O 100 % water 100 % oil
  • 52. Appearance and properties microemulsion emulsion
  • 53. Physico-chemical properties property microemulsions emulsions formation spontaneous, no energy input required energy input requied type O/W; W/O; O/W; W/O; + complex: bicontinuous structure O/W/O; W/O/W stability thermodynamically thermodynamically stable unstable; kinetically stable optical properties transparent; turbid; milky translucent stabilizing agents surfactants; surfactants; polymers; co-surfactants solid particles (Θ.90) interfacial tension (.0 ($1 mJ/m2 size 20-400 nm 1-20 µm
  • 54. Winsor-microemulsions phase inversion may be generated by the variations of temperature/salinity nonionic surfactants: temperature increases ionic surfactants: electrolyte (NaCl) concentration increases
  • 55. Winsor-microemulsions pure oil pure water O/W bicontinuous W/O Winsor-I Winsor-III Winsor-II