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25/07/14 1
Krishna Chandramouli,
Associate Professor,
Media Engineering and Analytics Research Group,
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University
Big-Data Analytics for Media
25/07/14 2
Krishna Chandramouli,
Associate Professor,
Media Engineering and Analytics Research Group,
School of Information Technology and Engineering,
VIT University
Big-Data Analytics for Media
 Media and Internet
 Information Access
 Subjective vs Objective Indexing
 The Semantic Gap
 Evolving Strategies
 Social Media Analysis
 Indexing Large-scale Repositories
 Future Research Directions
 Take Away Message
 Q & A
25/07/14 3
Media and internet
25/07/14 4
Media and Internet
 In March 2013 that Flickr
had a total of 87 million
registered members and
more than 3.5 million new
images uploaded daily.
 There are currently almost
90 billion photos total on
Facebook. This means we
are, by far, the largest
photos site on the Internet.
25/07/14 5
Information access
Textual search
Visual search
Search query formulation
25/07/14 6
Information Access
 Traditional ordering of images is achieved
through categorization of information into
logical structures
 Creation of albums
 Categorizing through date/time
 Clustering through location
 Image based search engines are gaining
popularity with the increase in power of
indexing schemes
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Information Access
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Information Access
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Information Access
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Information Access
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subjective or objective
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Subjective vs Objective Indexing
 How to uniquely name an image to make
them distinguishable?
 What names can be used to search images?
 How many names are needed to make the
images unique?
 Will all humans use the same names to
identify the images?
25/07/14 13
Subjective vs Objective Indexing
 Humans are culturally influenced
 Terms contain different meanings across
boundaries and cultures
 Therefore, any tag/word assigned to an image
will be considered subjective
 Objective signatures for images are generated
from the characteristics of the images
 The beginning of MPEG-7 standardisation
25/07/14 14
Subjective vs Objective Indexing
 Image characteristics exploited for objective
annotation include
 Colour
 Colour Layout Descriptor
 Colour Structure Descriptor
 Dominant Colour Descriptor
 Scalable Colour Descriptor
 Texture
 Texture Browsing Descriptor
 Edge Histogram Descriptor
 Homogenous Texture Descriptor
 Shape
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The semantic gap
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The Semantic Gap
 The semantic gap characterizes the difference
between two descriptions of an object by
different linguistic representations, for
instance languages or symbols.
 In computer science, the concept is relevant
whenever ordinary human activities,
observations, and tasks are transferred into a
computational representation
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The Semantic Gap
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The Semantic Gap
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Evolving strategies
Image Classification
Visual Classifier
Knowledge Assisted Analysis
Image Retrieval and User Relevance Feedback
Multi-Concept Space Search and Retrieval
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Evolving Strategies
 The problem of Image classification and
clustering has been the subject of active research
for last decade. Mainly attributed to the
exponential growth of digital content.
 The efficiency of the clustering and classification
algorithms can be attributed to the efficiency of
the machine learning approaches.
 To improve the performance of machine learning
algorithms, different optimisation techniques has
been employed such as Genetic Algorithms.
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Evolving Strategies
 Recent developments in applied and heuristic
optimisation techniques have been strongly influenced
and inspired by natural and biological systems.
 Algorithms developed from such observations are
 Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) - based on the ability of
an ant colony to nd the shortest path between the food and
the source compared to an individual ant.
 Articial Immune System (AIS) - typically exploit the
immune system's characteristics of learning and memory
to solve a problem
 Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) - inspired by the
social behaviour of a flock of birds.
25/07/14 22
Evolving Strategies
 In the study of "Semantic Gap", machine
learning algorithms are the building blocks
for bottom-up approach.
 Some of the applications of efficient machine
learning algorithms are:
 Automatic Content Annotation
 Knowledge Extraction
 Content Retrieval
 In the top-down approach, Ontology provides
partial understanding of human semantics.
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Visual classifier
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Slide: 25
Particle Swarm Optimisation
 In an effort to transform the social interaction of
different species into a computer simulation,
Kennedy and Eberhart developed an optimisation
technique named Particle Swarm Optimisation.
• In theory, the universal behaviour of individuals is
summarised in terms of Evaluate, Compare and
Imitate principles.
Slide: 26
Particle Swarm Optimisation
 Evaluate: The tendency to evaluate stimuli – to rate
them as positive or negative, attractive or repulsive is
perhaps the most ubiquitous behavioural characteristic
of living organisms.
 Compare: In almost every aspect of life, human tend to
compare with others
 Imitate: Humans imitation comprises taking the
perspective of the other person, not only imitating a
behaviour but also realising its purpose and executing
the behaviour when it is appropriate
Slide: 27
Particle Swarm Optimisation
 Equations governing the motion of particles in
Slide: 28
Particle Swarm Optimisation
 Pseudo code for the algorithm
 Step 1: Random Initialization of Particles
 Step 2: Function Evaluation
 Step 3: Computation of personal best and global
 Step 4: Velocity update
 Step 5: Position update
 Step 6: Loop to step 2, until the stopping criteria
is reached
Slide: 29
Visual Classification Framework
 Self Organising Map
[X] - Input feature vector
Class 1 – Red
Untrained - Black
Winner Node selected
based on L2 norm
)]()[()()1( tmxthtmtm iciii −+=+
Slide: 30
Visual Classification Framework
Training of R-SOM network with PSO Algorithm
Slide: 31
Visual Classification Framework
Dual – Layer SOM Network
Slide: 32
Chaos-Particle Swarm Classifier
 The elementary principle of “Chaos” is introduced to
model the behaviour of particle motion.
 The theoretical discussion on Chaotic – PSO includes
the notion of “wind speed” and “wind direction”
modelling the biological atmosphere for position
update of the particles.
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Chaos-Particle Swarm Optimisation
 The wind speed and therefore the position update
equation are presented by:
Knowledge assisted framework
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
Machine Learning - Evaluation
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
 Experimental Dataset
 A set of 500 Images, belonging to the general category of
vacation images was assembled.
 The content was mainly obtained from Flickr online photo
management and sharing application and includes images
that depict cityscape, seaside, mountain and landscape
 Every image was manually annotated, i.e. after the
segmentation algorithm is applied, a single concept was
associated with each resulting image segment
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
A subset of Database
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
Comparison of Machine Learning techniques
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Knowledge Assisted Analysis
 From the results it can be seen that the combined use
of PSO optimisation technique with SOM results in
better classification accuracy compared to using the
latter alone.
 It can be noted that the performance of PSO classier
is better than the performance of SVM and GA
 Since, SVM's need large training data to accurately
discriminate between image classes.
Image retrieval and user relevance
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User Relevance Feedback
Overview of Multimedia Retrieval System
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User Relevance Feedback
Relevance Feedback Framework
Slide: 44
User Relevance Feedback
 The database used in the experiment is generated
from Corel Dataset and consists of seven concepts
namely, building, cloud, car, elephant, grass, lion
and tiger
 The test set has been modelled for seven concepts
with a variety of background elements and
overlapping concepts, hence making the test set
Slide: 45
User Relevance Feedback
Example images from Corel Dataset
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User Relevance Feedback
Average Accuracy for 7 concepts
and 10 user interaction
Multi-concept search space
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Multi-concept framework
Slide 48
• High-level queries
“A tiger resting in the forest and guarding his territory”
• Mid-level features (context independent)
“Tiger”, “Grass”, “Rock”, “Water”,……
Multi-concept framework
• Mid-level features:
In a constrained environment with limited number of mid-
level features, the performance of classification algorithm
has found to be satisfactory
• High-level queries:
Open to subjective interpretation of the concepts and also
may involve more than one mid-level feature
Main objective:
• In this multi-concept framework, users are encouraged to
construct high level queries based on their preferences
Multi-concept framework
Slide 50
Mid-level feature extraction
Slide 51
• SVM Classifier
• SVM Light toolbox was used to generate semantic
• Multi-feature classifier (MF)
• Employs a mixture of 7 visual features.
• The visual features are merged using Multi-Objective
Learning (MOL)
Query space formulation
Slide 52
• Pre-processing stage: mid-level feature concept
• Query formulation: users to construct a high-level
semantic information space
Query space visualisation
 Fisheye distortion technique
 Overview + focus
Slide 53
Query space visualisation
Slide 54
• Query space panel
• Concept map panel
• Concept chart panel
Experiments and Evaluation
Slide 55
• A 3500 image set collection
• From Corel dataset
• Natural images with many elements
• Foreground and background
• Rich semantic context
• Fully annotated
• 10 mid-level concepts
lion, water, grass, building, car, cloud, rock, tiger, elephant, flower
• 8 high-level concepts
flower fields, modern city view, rural garden, mountain view,
waterfalls, wild life, city street, boat
Comparison of results
 Retrieval of high level queries using the
proposed MCB framework
Slide 56
Comparison of results
 Retrieval of high level queries using SVM
Slide 57
Comparison of results
 Content-based retrieval with RF
Slide 58
Experiments and Evaluation
Slide 59
Experiment and Evaluation
Slide 60
Experiment and Evaluation
Slide 61
User 1
Landscape water, grass 0.58
Modern city building, cloud 0.8
Wild life lion, tiger, elephant 0.59
Rural garden flower, water, grass 0.9
User 2
Landscape water 0.23
Modern city building 0.71
Wild life lion, rock, grass, tiger, elephant 0.87
Rural garden flower 0.28
User 3
Landscape water, grass, cloud, car, elephant 0.59
Modern city cloud, building, car 0.91
Wild life lion, tiger, grass, elephant, rock 0.82
Rural garden flower, water, grass 0.88
Social media analysis
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Social Media Analysis
 Social media is the interaction among people
in which they create, share or exchange
information and ideas in virtual communities
and networks.
 Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define
social media as "a group of Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological and
technological foundations of Web 2.0
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Social Media Analysis
 Social media allows for the creation and
exchange of user-generated content.
 Social media differ from traditional or
industrial media in many ways, including
quality, reach, frequency, usability,
immediacy, and permanence.
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Slide: 65
Textual and Visual Analysis
• Images are often accompanies with free-text
annotations, which can be used as
complementary information for content-based
• The challenge is to extract entities from text
and classify them into an arbitrary set of
Plansarsko lake
Shepherd in Bucegi
National Park
Slide: 66
Textual and Visual Analysis
Slide: 67
Textual and Visual Analysis
Slide: 68
of Images
Training Model
Cic={Sky, Rock,..}
Wikipedia Classifier
Ctc = {Person,
Visual analysis (KAA)Visual analysis (KAA)
Text Analysis (SCM+THD)Text Analysis (SCM+THD) FusionFusion
Use-case scenario
Slide: 69
Church of our Lady Mercy in Buje
Largest region size
Use-case scenario
Slide: 70
 Map word to Wordnet concept
1. noun phrase
2. head noun
3. hypernym for noun phrase (with THD)
4. hypernym for head noun (with THD)
 Compute similarity with each of the classses
 Experiments carried out with Lin similarity measure
The probability of encountering concept c
is usually estimated from a large corpus
Semantic Concept Mapping
Slide: 71
Content-based analysis (KAA) restricted to classes
for which the classifier has been learnt
For text-based analysis (SCM/THD), the classes have
to be exhaustive - all entities are classified
Mapping from SCM/THD to KAA
 Perform intersection
between the individual
classifier results
 Select concept occupying
largest area on the image
Classifier Fusion
Indexing large-scale repositories
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Indexing Large-scale Repositories
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Indexing Large-scale Repositories
 The textual analysis block aims to generate a
list of named entities extracted from the
textual metadata associated with the input
 The pre-processing framework classifies the
tags into two general categories
 common-tags
 named entities
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Indexing Large-scale Repositories
 Common tags correspond to either action,
country or associated with synset in WordNet
 Named-entity tags do not have a WordNet
synset and thus depend on extrenal resources
to contextualise them
 The objective of the pre-processing module is
to ensure the named entities are
disambiguated to enable a semantic similarity
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Indexing Large-scale Repositories
 Bag of Articles Classifier
 The input of a BOA classifier is a set of labelled
instances and a set of unlabelled instances (noun
 Wikipedia article titles provide an unanimous
mapping between the labelled instance and a
wikipedia article
 Each article is described by its type (article, page,
disambiguation page, category page and so forth)
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Indexing Large-scale Repositories
 A BOA classifier requires a Wikipedia index
containing the following information about each
 term vectors with term frequencies
 out links and
 popularity ranking (for most frequent sense relevance
 For geo-tagging adaptation, the textual analysis
block searches for geographical named entities in
the queries Wikipedia articles
 The location details are extracted with the help of
DBpedia using SPARQL end-point
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On-going research challenges
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VIT@MediaEval 2013
 Social Event Detection Task
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VIT@MediaEval 2013
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 The geographical coordinates is an important component and
indicator of where an event has happened.
 The event clusters are nalised through the weighted occurrence of
tags among the distribution of media annotation
VIT@MediaEval 2013
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 The system computes the similarity between
synset representing the tags and each of the
 We use Lin similarity measure to evaluate the
semantic distance between the synset and
VIT@MediaEval 2013
 Placing Task
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VIT@MediaEval 2013
 Dividing the globe into grids with a maximum
of 10,000 images per grid . Starting from an
initial grid that spans the entire globe,
recursively subdividing grids into smaller
ones once the threshold is reached.
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VIT@MediaEval 2013
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1 10 100 500 1000
Series1 0.74 3.9 15.24 26.3 30.14
Future research directions
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Future Research Directions
 MediaEval is a multimedia benchmarking
initiative that offers tasks and datasets to the
research community that emphasize the
human and social aspects of multimedia.
 In 2014, MediaEval is offering eight classic
tasks and three Brave New Tasks.
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Future Research Directions
 ImageCLEF 2014
 ImageCLEF organizes four main tasks to
benchmark the challenging task of image
annotation for a wide range of source images and
annotation objective, such as general multi-
domain images for object or concept detection, as
well as domain-specific tasks such as visual-
depth images for robot vision and volumetric
medical images for automated structured
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Future Research Directions
 The tasks address different aspects of the annotation
problem and are aimed at supporting and promoting
the cutting-edge research addressing the key
challenges in the field, such as multi-modal image
annotation, domain adaptation and ontology driven
image annotation.
25/07/14 88
Thank you!!!
Q & A
25/07/14 89

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Big-Data Analytics for Media Management

  • 1. 25/07/14 1 Krishna Chandramouli, Associate Professor, Media Engineering and Analytics Research Group, School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University Big-Data Analytics for Media Management
  • 2. 25/07/14 2 Krishna Chandramouli, Associate Professor, Media Engineering and Analytics Research Group, School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT University Big-Data Analytics for Media Management
  • 3. Overview  Media and Internet  Information Access  Subjective vs Objective Indexing  The Semantic Gap  Evolving Strategies  Social Media Analysis  Indexing Large-scale Repositories  Future Research Directions  Take Away Message  Q & A 25/07/14 3
  • 5. Media and Internet  In March 2013 that Flickr had a total of 87 million registered members and more than 3.5 million new images uploaded daily.  There are currently almost 90 billion photos total on Facebook. This means we are, by far, the largest photos site on the Internet. 25/07/14 5
  • 6. Information access Textual search Visual search Search query formulation 25/07/14 6
  • 7. Information Access  Traditional ordering of images is achieved through categorization of information into logical structures  Creation of albums  Categorizing through date/time  Clustering through location  Image based search engines are gaining popularity with the increase in power of indexing schemes 25/07/14 7
  • 13. Subjective vs Objective Indexing  How to uniquely name an image to make them distinguishable?  What names can be used to search images?  How many names are needed to make the images unique?  Will all humans use the same names to identify the images? 25/07/14 13
  • 14. Subjective vs Objective Indexing  Humans are culturally influenced  Terms contain different meanings across boundaries and cultures  Therefore, any tag/word assigned to an image will be considered subjective  Objective signatures for images are generated from the characteristics of the images  The beginning of MPEG-7 standardisation activities. 25/07/14 14
  • 15. Subjective vs Objective Indexing  Image characteristics exploited for objective annotation include  Colour  Colour Layout Descriptor  Colour Structure Descriptor  Dominant Colour Descriptor  Scalable Colour Descriptor  Texture  Texture Browsing Descriptor  Edge Histogram Descriptor  Homogenous Texture Descriptor  Shape 25/07/14 15
  • 17. The Semantic Gap  The semantic gap characterizes the difference between two descriptions of an object by different linguistic representations, for instance languages or symbols.  In computer science, the concept is relevant whenever ordinary human activities, observations, and tasks are transferred into a computational representation 25/07/14 17
  • 20. Evolving strategies Image Classification Visual Classifier Knowledge Assisted Analysis Image Retrieval and User Relevance Feedback Multi-Concept Space Search and Retrieval 25/07/14 20
  • 21. Evolving Strategies  The problem of Image classification and clustering has been the subject of active research for last decade. Mainly attributed to the exponential growth of digital content.  The efficiency of the clustering and classification algorithms can be attributed to the efficiency of the machine learning approaches.  To improve the performance of machine learning algorithms, different optimisation techniques has been employed such as Genetic Algorithms. 25/07/14 21
  • 22. Evolving Strategies  Recent developments in applied and heuristic optimisation techniques have been strongly influenced and inspired by natural and biological systems.  Algorithms developed from such observations are  Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) - based on the ability of an ant colony to nd the shortest path between the food and the source compared to an individual ant.  Articial Immune System (AIS) - typically exploit the immune system's characteristics of learning and memory to solve a problem  Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) - inspired by the social behaviour of a flock of birds. 25/07/14 22
  • 23. Evolving Strategies  In the study of "Semantic Gap", machine learning algorithms are the building blocks for bottom-up approach.  Some of the applications of efficient machine learning algorithms are:  Automatic Content Annotation  Knowledge Extraction  Content Retrieval  In the top-down approach, Ontology provides partial understanding of human semantics. 25/07/14 23
  • 25. Slide: 25 Particle Swarm Optimisation  In an effort to transform the social interaction of different species into a computer simulation, Kennedy and Eberhart developed an optimisation technique named Particle Swarm Optimisation. • In theory, the universal behaviour of individuals is summarised in terms of Evaluate, Compare and Imitate principles.
  • 26. Slide: 26 Particle Swarm Optimisation  Evaluate: The tendency to evaluate stimuli – to rate them as positive or negative, attractive or repulsive is perhaps the most ubiquitous behavioural characteristic of living organisms.  Compare: In almost every aspect of life, human tend to compare with others  Imitate: Humans imitation comprises taking the perspective of the other person, not only imitating a behaviour but also realising its purpose and executing the behaviour when it is appropriate
  • 27. Slide: 27 Particle Swarm Optimisation valuessocialandcognitivegoverningparameterscc particletheofpositiontherepresentstx swarmtheforsolutionbestglobalrepresentstgbest iparticleofsolutionbestpersonalrepresentstpbest particleofvelocitytherepresentstvid tvtxtx txtgbestctxtpbestctvtv id d i ididid iddidiidid − − − − − ++=+ −+−+=+ 21 21 , )( )( )( )( )1()()1( ))()(())()(()()1(  Equations governing the motion of particles in PSO.
  • 28. Slide: 28 Particle Swarm Optimisation  Pseudo code for the algorithm  Step 1: Random Initialization of Particles  Step 2: Function Evaluation  Step 3: Computation of personal best and global best  Step 4: Velocity update  Step 5: Position update  Step 6: Loop to step 2, until the stopping criteria is reached
  • 29. Slide: 29 Visual Classification Framework  Self Organising Map [X] [X] - Input feature vector Class 1 – Red Untrained - Black Winner Node selected based on L2 norm )]()[()()1( tmxthtmtm iciii −+=+
  • 30. Slide: 30 Visual Classification Framework Training of R-SOM network with PSO Algorithm
  • 31. Slide: 31 Visual Classification Framework Dual – Layer SOM Network
  • 32. Slide: 32 Chaos-Particle Swarm Classifier  The elementary principle of “Chaos” is introduced to model the behaviour of particle motion.  The theoretical discussion on Chaotic – PSO includes the notion of “wind speed” and “wind direction” modelling the biological atmosphere for position update of the particles.
  • 33. Slide: 33 Chaos-Particle Swarm Optimisation  The wind speed and therefore the position update equation are presented by: particleofposition particleofvelocity atmosphereofeffectsupporting()* atmosphereofeffectopposing()* )1()1()()1( ()*()*)()1( − − − − − ++++=+ ++=+ id id su op w wididid suopww x v randv randv speedwindv tvtvtxtx randvrandvtvtv
  • 35. Slide: 35 Knowledge Assisted Analysis Architecture
  • 36. Slide: 36 Knowledge Assisted Analysis Machine Learning - Evaluation
  • 37. Slide: 37 Knowledge Assisted Analysis  Experimental Dataset  A set of 500 Images, belonging to the general category of vacation images was assembled.  The content was mainly obtained from Flickr online photo management and sharing application and includes images that depict cityscape, seaside, mountain and landscape locations.  Every image was manually annotated, i.e. after the segmentation algorithm is applied, a single concept was associated with each resulting image segment
  • 38. Slide: 38 Knowledge Assisted Analysis A subset of Database
  • 39. Slide: 39 Knowledge Assisted Analysis Comparison of Machine Learning techniques
  • 40. Slide: 40 Knowledge Assisted Analysis  From the results it can be seen that the combined use of PSO optimisation technique with SOM results in better classification accuracy compared to using the latter alone.  It can be noted that the performance of PSO classier is better than the performance of SVM and GA classifiers.  Since, SVM's need large training data to accurately discriminate between image classes.
  • 41. Image retrieval and user relevance feedback 25/07/14 41
  • 42. Slide: 42 User Relevance Feedback Overview of Multimedia Retrieval System
  • 43. Slide: 43 User Relevance Feedback Relevance Feedback Framework
  • 44. Slide: 44 User Relevance Feedback  The database used in the experiment is generated from Corel Dataset and consists of seven concepts namely, building, cloud, car, elephant, grass, lion and tiger  The test set has been modelled for seven concepts with a variety of background elements and overlapping concepts, hence making the test set complex.
  • 45. Slide: 45 User Relevance Feedback Example images from Corel Dataset
  • 46. Slide: 46 User Relevance Feedback Average Accuracy for 7 concepts and 10 user interaction
  • 48. Multi-concept framework Slide 48 • High-level queries “A tiger resting in the forest and guarding his territory” • Mid-level features (context independent) “Tiger”, “Grass”, “Rock”, “Water”,……
  • 49. Multi-concept framework • Mid-level features: In a constrained environment with limited number of mid- level features, the performance of classification algorithm has found to be satisfactory • High-level queries: Open to subjective interpretation of the concepts and also may involve more than one mid-level feature Main objective: • In this multi-concept framework, users are encouraged to construct high level queries based on their preferences
  • 51. Mid-level feature extraction Slide 51 • SVM Classifier • SVM Light toolbox was used to generate semantic labels • CLD+EHD • Multi-feature classifier (MF) • Employs a mixture of 7 visual features. • The visual features are merged using Multi-Objective Learning (MOL)
  • 52. Query space formulation Slide 52 • Pre-processing stage: mid-level feature concept detection • Query formulation: users to construct a high-level semantic information space
  • 53. Query space visualisation  Fisheye distortion technique  Overview + focus Slide 53
  • 54. Query space visualisation Slide 54 • Query space panel • Concept map panel • Concept chart panel
  • 55. Experiments and Evaluation Slide 55 • A 3500 image set collection • From Corel dataset • Natural images with many elements • Foreground and background • Rich semantic context • Fully annotated • 10 mid-level concepts lion, water, grass, building, car, cloud, rock, tiger, elephant, flower • 8 high-level concepts flower fields, modern city view, rural garden, mountain view, waterfalls, wild life, city street, boat
  • 56. Comparison of results  Retrieval of high level queries using the proposed MCB framework Slide 56
  • 57. Comparison of results  Retrieval of high level queries using SVM classification Slide 57
  • 58. Comparison of results  Content-based retrieval with RF mechanism Slide 58
  • 61. Experiment and Evaluation Slide 61 User 1 Landscape water, grass 0.58 Modern city building, cloud 0.8 Wild life lion, tiger, elephant 0.59 Rural garden flower, water, grass 0.9 User 2 Landscape water 0.23 Modern city building 0.71 Wild life lion, rock, grass, tiger, elephant 0.87 Rural garden flower 0.28 User 3 Landscape water, grass, cloud, car, elephant 0.59 Modern city cloud, building, car 0.91 Wild life lion, tiger, grass, elephant, rock 0.82 Rural garden flower, water, grass 0.88
  • 63. Social Media Analysis  Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.  Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 25/07/14 63
  • 64. Social Media Analysis  Social media allows for the creation and exchange of user-generated content.  Social media differ from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. 25/07/14 64
  • 65. Slide: 65 Textual and Visual Analysis • Images are often accompanies with free-text annotations, which can be used as complementary information for content-based classification • The challenge is to extract entities from text and classify them into an arbitrary set of classes Plansarsko lake Shepherd in Bucegi National Park
  • 67. Slide: 67 Textual and Visual Analysis
  • 68. Slide: 68 Annotated Images Binary Segmentation Masks Segmentation of Images Feature Extraction Biologically Inspired Classifier Training Model Cic={Sky, Rock,..} Semantic Concept Mapping Targeted Hypernym Discovery Wordnet Wikipedia Classifier Fusion Labeled Segments Labeled Entities Ctc = {Person, Landscape,..} Visual analysis (KAA)Visual analysis (KAA) Text Analysis (SCM+THD)Text Analysis (SCM+THD) FusionFusion Use-case scenario
  • 69. Slide: 69 Church of our Lady Mercy in Buje BuildingBuilding EXIF Binary mask PSO Largest region size Use-case scenario
  • 70. Slide: 70  Map word to Wordnet concept 1. noun phrase 2. head noun 3. hypernym for noun phrase (with THD) 4. hypernym for head noun (with THD)  Compute similarity with each of the classses  Experiments carried out with Lin similarity measure )(log)(log )),((log*2 ),( 21 21 21 cpcp cclsop ccsimL + = The probability of encountering concept c is usually estimated from a large corpus )(cp Semantic Concept Mapping
  • 71. Slide: 71 Content-based analysis (KAA) restricted to classes for which the classifier has been learnt For text-based analysis (SCM/THD), the classes have to be exhaustive - all entities are classified Mapping from SCM/THD to KAA  Perform intersection between the individual classifier results  Select concept occupying largest area on the image Image Class. (KAA) Text Class. Classifier Fusion
  • 74. Indexing Large-scale Repositories  The textual analysis block aims to generate a list of named entities extracted from the textual metadata associated with the input video  The pre-processing framework classifies the tags into two general categories  common-tags  named entities 25/07/14 74
  • 75. Indexing Large-scale Repositories  Common tags correspond to either action, country or associated with synset in WordNet  Named-entity tags do not have a WordNet synset and thus depend on extrenal resources to contextualise them  The objective of the pre-processing module is to ensure the named entities are disambiguated to enable a semantic similarity search 25/07/14 75
  • 76. Indexing Large-scale Repositories  Bag of Articles Classifier  The input of a BOA classifier is a set of labelled instances and a set of unlabelled instances (noun chunks).  Wikipedia article titles provide an unanimous mapping between the labelled instance and a wikipedia article  Each article is described by its type (article, page, disambiguation page, category page and so forth) 25/07/14 76
  • 77. Indexing Large-scale Repositories  A BOA classifier requires a Wikipedia index containing the following information about each article  term vectors with term frequencies  out links and  popularity ranking (for most frequent sense relevance ranking)  For geo-tagging adaptation, the textual analysis block searches for geographical named entities in the queries Wikipedia articles  The location details are extracted with the help of DBpedia using SPARQL end-point 25/07/14 77
  • 79. VIT@MediaEval 2013  Social Event Detection Task 25/07/14 79
  • 80. VIT@MediaEval 2013 25/07/14 80  The geographical coordinates is an important component and indicator of where an event has happened.  The event clusters are nalised through the weighted occurrence of tags among the distribution of media annotation
  • 81. VIT@MediaEval 2013 25/07/14 81  The system computes the similarity between synset representing the tags and each of the categories.  We use Lin similarity measure to evaluate the semantic distance between the synset and category.
  • 82. VIT@MediaEval 2013  Placing Task 25/07/14 82
  • 83. VIT@MediaEval 2013  Dividing the globe into grids with a maximum of 10,000 images per grid . Starting from an initial grid that spans the entire globe, recursively subdividing grids into smaller ones once the threshold is reached. 25/07/14 83
  • 84. VIT@MediaEval 2013 25/07/14 84 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1 10 100 500 1000 Series1 0.74 3.9 15.24 26.3 30.14
  • 86. Future Research Directions  MediaEval is a multimedia benchmarking initiative that offers tasks and datasets to the research community that emphasize the human and social aspects of multimedia.  In 2014, MediaEval is offering eight classic tasks and three Brave New Tasks.  25/07/14 86
  • 87. Future Research Directions  ImageCLEF 2014  ImageCLEF organizes four main tasks to benchmark the challenging task of image annotation for a wide range of source images and annotation objective, such as general multi- domain images for object or concept detection, as well as domain-specific tasks such as visual- depth images for robot vision and volumetric medical images for automated structured reporting. 25/07/14 87
  • 88. Future Research Directions  The tasks address different aspects of the annotation problem and are aimed at supporting and promoting the cutting-edge research addressing the key challenges in the field, such as multi-modal image annotation, domain adaptation and ontology driven image annotation.  25/07/14 88
  • 89. Thank you!!! Q & A 25/07/14 89