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Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders
 anorexia - refers to loss of
 nervosa - indicates that the loss
is due to emotional reasons.
Eating Disorders
 The term is something of a misnomer
because most individuals with
anorexia nervosa actually do not
lose their appetite or interest in
Eating Disorders
 On the contrary, while starving
themselves, most individuals with the
disorder become preoccupied with
food; they may read cookbooks
constantly and prepare gourmet
meals for their families.
True story of Isabel
Anorexia's Childhood Roots
(CBS News)
 A. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a
minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g.,
weight loss leading to maintenance of body
weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure
to make expected weight gain during period of
growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of
that expected).
 B. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat,
even though underweight.
 C. Disturbance in the way in which one's body
weight or shape is experienced, undue
influence of body weight or shape on self-
evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the
current low body weight.
 D. In postmenarcheal females, amenorrhea,
i.e., the absence of at least three consecutive
menstrual cycles. (A woman is considered to
have amenorrhea if her periods occur only
following hormone, e.g., estrogen,
Two Types of Anorexia Nervosa
 Restricting Type: during the current episode of
Anorexia Nervosa, the person has NOT
regularly engaged in binge-eating or
purging behavior (i .e., self-induced vomiting
or the misuse of laxatives, diuretic;, or enemas)
 Binge-Eating/Purging Type: during the current
episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has
regularly engaged in binge-eating or
purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting
or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas)
Eating Disorders Inventory
 The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia
nervosa has been assessed in several ways, most
frequently by a questionnaire such as the EATING
DISORDERS INVENTORY (Garner et al. cited in
Davison et al., 2007).
 Some of the items on this questionnaire are
presented in the table below.
Drive for thinness I think about dieting.
I feel extremely guilty after overeating.
I am preoccupied with the desire to be thinner.
Bulimia I stuff myself with food.
I have gone on eating binges where I have felt that I could not stop
I have the thought of trying to vomit in order to lose weight.
Body dissatisfaction I think that my thighs are too large.
I think that my buttocks are too large.
I think that my hips are too big.
Ineffectiveness I feel inadequate.
I have a low opinion of myself.
I feel empty inside (emotionally).
Perfectionism Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family.
As a child, I tried hard to avoid disappointing my parents and teachers.
I hate being less than best at things.
Subscales and Illustrative Items from the Eating
Disorders Inventory
I have trouble expressing my emotions to others.
I need to keep people at a certain distance (feel
uncomfortable if someone tries to get too close).
I get confused about what emotion I am feeling.
I don’t know what’s going on inside me.
I get confused as to whether or not I am hungry.
Maturity fears I wish that I could return to the security of childhood.
I feel that people are happiest when they are children.
The demands of adulthood are too great.
Source: From Garner et al., 1983
Note: Responses use a six-point scale ranging from always to never.
Subscales and Illustrative Items from the Eating
Disorders Inventory
Assessment of Body Image
 In another type of
individuals with
anorexia nervosa are
shown line drawings of
women with varying
body weights and
asked to pick the
one closes to
their own and the
one that
represents their
ideal shape.
Assessment of Body Image
 Individuals overestimate their
own body size and choose a thin
figure as their ideal.
 Despite this distortion in body
size, individuals with anorexia
nervosa are fairly accurate when
reporting their actual weight,
perhaps because they weight
themselves frequently.
Anorexia Nervosa
 Women with anorexia nervosa are
frequently diagnosed with
depression, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, phobias,
panic disorder, alcoholism,
and various personality
Anorexia Nervosa
 Men with anorexia nervosa are also
likely to have a diagnosis of a mood
disorder, schizophrenia, or
substance dependence
 Blood pressure often
 Heart rate slows
 Kidney and
problems develop
 Bone mass declines
 Skin dries out, nails
become brittle
 Hormone levels change
 Mild anemia may occur
 EEG abnormalities and
neurological impairments
 Structural brain changes,
 The lifetime prevalence of Anorexia
Nervosa among females is
approximately 0.5%.
 It is at least 10 times more
frequent in women than in men.
 The incidence of Anorexia Nervosa
appears to have increased in recent
 Anorexia Nervosa typically begins in mid- to late
adolescence (age 14-18 years).
 The onset of this disorder rarely occurs in
females over age 40 years.
 Hospitalization may be required to restore weight
and to address fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
 Death most commonly results from starvation,
suicide, or electrolyte imbalance.
 About 70% of
patients with
anorexia eventually
 Recovery often takes
6 or 7 years, and
relapses are common
 Anorexia nervosa is a
 Death rates are 10 times
higher among individuals
with the disorder than
among the general
population and twice as
high as among individuals
with other psychological
 Death most often results
from physical
complications of the illness
– for example, congestive
heart failure – and from
Bulimia Nervosa
 Bulimia is from a Greek word
meaning “ox hunger.”
 This disorder involves episodes of
rapid consumption of a large
amount of food, followed by
compensatory behavior, such as
vomiting, fasting, or excessive
exercise to prevent weight gain.
Bulimia Nervosa
 The DSM defines a BINGE as eating
an excessive amount of food within
less than 2 hours.
Bulimia Nervosa
NOT” (Davison, 2007).
Diagnostic Criteria
Bulimia Nervosa
Diagnostic Criteria for
Bulimia Nervosa
A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of
binge eating is characterized by
both of the following:
(1) eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g.,
within any 2-hour period). an amount of
food that is definitely larger than most people
would eat during a similar period of time and
under similar circumstances
(2) a sense of lack of (control over eating during the
episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop
eating or control what or how much one is eating)
Diagnostic Criteria for
Bulimia Nervosa
B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory
behavior in order to prevent weight
gain, such as self-induced vomiting;
misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas,
or other medications; fasting; or
excessive exercise.
C. The binge eating and inappropriate
compensatory behaviors both occur, on
average, at least twice a week for
3 months.
Diagnostic Criteria for
Bulimia Nervosa
D. Self-evaluation is unduly
influenced by body shape and
E. The disturbance does not occur
exclusively during episodes of
Anorexia Nervosa.
Two types of Bulimia
 Purging Type: during the current
episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the
person has regularly engaged
in self-induced vomiting or
the misuse of laxatives,
diuretics, or enemas
Two types of Bulimia
 Nonpurging Type: during the
current episode of Bulimia Nervosa,
the person has used other
inappropriate compensatory
behaviors, such as fasting or
excessive exercise, but has not
regularly engaged in self-induced
vomiting or the misuse of
laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
Bulimia Nervosa
 In bulimia, binges typically occur in
secret; they may be triggered by
stress and the negative
emotions it arouses, and continue
until the person is uncomfortably full
Bulimia Nervosa
 Foods that can be rapidly consumed,
especially sweets such as ice
cream and cake, are usually part of
a binge.
 A recent study found that women with
bulimia nervosa were more likely to
binge while alone and during the
morning or afternoon.
Bulimia Nervosa
 Avoiding a craved food on one
day was associated with a binge
episode the next morning
 Other studies show that a binge is
likely to occur after a negative
social interaction, or at least
the perception of a negative
social exchange
Bulimia Nervosa
 Patients report that they lose
control during a binge, even to
the point of experiencing something
akin to a dissociative state,
perhaps losing awareness of their
behavior or feeling that it is not really
they who are binging.
 They are usually ashamed of their
binges and try to conceal them.
Bulimia Nervosa
 After the binge is over, disgust,
feelings of discomfort, and
fear of weight gain lead to the
second step of bulimia nervosa –
purging to attempt to undo the
caloric effects of the binge.
Bulimia Nervosa
 Individuals with bulimia most often
stick fingers down their
throats to cause gagging, but after
a time many can induce vomiting at
will without gagging themselves.
 Laxatives and diuretic abuse
as well as fasting and excessive
exercise are also used to prevent
weight gain.
Bulimia Nervosa
Is twice a week a well-
established cut-off point?
 Probably not. Few differences are
found between patients who binge
twice a week and those who do so
less frequently, suggesting that we
are dealing with a continuum of
severity rather than a sharp
 Although less common than in
anorexia, menstrual
irregularities, including
amenorrhea, can occur, eventhough
bulimia patients typically have a
normal body mass index (BMI)
 The BMI is calculated by dividing weight in
kilograms by height in meters squared and is
considered a more valid estimated of body fat
than many others For women, a normal BMI is
between 20-25.
 Frequent purging can cause
potassium depletion.
 Heavy use of laxatives induces
diarrhea, which can also lead to
changes in electrolytes and
cause irregularities in the
 Recurrent vomiting may lead to
tearing of tissue in the
stomach and throat and the
loss of dental enamel
 Salivary glands may become
 The lifetime prevalence of Bulimia
Nervosa among women is
approximately 1 %-3%;
 the rate of occurrence of this disorder
in males is approximately one-
tenth of that in females.
 Bulimia Nervosa usually begins in late
adolescence or early adult life.
 The binge eating frequently begins
during or after an episode of
 The course may be chronic or
 Long-term follow-ups of individuals
with bulimia nervosa reveal that
about 70% recover, although
about 10% remain fully
 Individuals with bulimia nervosa who
binge and vomit more, and
have comorbid substance
abuse or a history of
depression, have a poorer
prognosis than patients without
these factors
Key Point:
 One striking difference between
anorexia and bulimia is weight
loss; individuals with anorexia
nervosa lose a tremendous
amount of weight whereas
individuals with bulimia
nervosa do not.
 Both disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia)
tend to run in families, and twin
studies support the role of
genetics in the actual disorders.
 Research findings on the role of
serotonin in anorexia are mixed.
 Serotonin may play a role in
bulimia, with studies finding a
decrease in serotonin
metabolites, smaller responses to
serotonin agonists, and an increase in
cognitions related to eating disorders, such
as feeling fat, among formerly bulimic
individuals who had their serotonin levels
Newer research suggests
dopamine may play a role
in restrained eating
 As sociocultural
standards changed
to favor a
thinner shape
as the ideal for
women, the
frequency of eating
 Psychodynamic theories of eating
disorders emphasize parent-child
relationships and personality
 Food becomes a symbol of this failed
relationship. The daughter’s binging
and purging represent the conflict
between the need for the mother
and the desire to reject her.
 Studies of personality have found that
patients with eating disorders are high
in neuroticism and perfectionism
and low in self-esteem.
 Many women with eating disorders
report being abused as children,
but early abuse does not appear to be a
specific risk factor for eating disorders.
 Cognitive behavioral
theories of eating
disorders propose
that fear of
being fat and
distortion make
weight loss a
powerful reinforcer.
 Among patients with bulimia nervosa,
negative affect and stress
precipitate binges that create
anxiety, which is then relieved by
 Therapy for anorexia is generally
believed to be a two-tiered
 Immediate goal is to help the patient
gain weight in order to avoid
medical complications.
 Second goal of treatment—long
term maintenance of weight
 Family
 The therapist
sees the family
at a family
Family Therapy
 One strategy is to instruct each parent
to try individually to force the
child to eat. The other parent may
leave the room. The individual
efforts are expected to fail.
But through this failure, the mother
and father may now work
together to persuade the child
to eat.
Family Therapy
 Thus, rather than being a focus of
conflict, the child’s eating
will produce cooperation
and increase parental
 The overall goal of treatment in
bulimia nervosa is to develop
normal eating patterns.
 Patients need to learn to eat 3 meals
a day and even some snacks in
between meals without sliding
back into binging or purging.
 Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is
the best validated and most current standard
for the treatment.
 Cognitive behavioral treatment for bulimia
focuses on questioning society’s
standard for physical attractiveness,
challenging beliefs that encourage
severe food restriction, and
developing normal eating patterns.
 One intervention that is sometimes used
in the cognitive behavioral treatment
approach asks the patient to bring
small amounts of forbidden food
to eat in the session.
 Relaxation is employed to control the
urge to induce vomiting.
 To improve on CBT, some investigators are
examining one important aspect –exposure
and ritual prevention (ERP – aspect of CBT of
obsessive-compulsive disorder). This ERP
component involves discouraging the patient
from purging after eating foods that usually
elicit an urge to vomit.
 Patients with bulimia nervosa are also taught
assertiveness skills to help them cope with
unreasonable demands placed on them by others.
 Although somewhat effective, drop-out
rates from drug-treatment
programs are high and relapse is
common when patients stop taking the
 Treatment of anorexia often requires
hospitalization to reduce the medical
complications of the disorder.
Eating Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified
Eating Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified
The Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
category is for disorders of eating that
do not meet the criteria for any specific Eating
1. For females, all of the criteria for Anorexia
Nervosa are met except that the individual has
regular menses.
2. All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met
except that, despite significant weight loss, the
individual 's current weight is in the normal range.
Eating Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified
3. All of the criteria for Bulimia Nervosa are met except
that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory
mechanisms occur at a frequency of less than twice a
week or for a duration of less than 3 months.
4. The regular use of inappropriate compensatory
behavior by an individual of normal body weight after
eating small amounts of food (e.g., self-induced
vomiting after the consumption of two cookies).
5.Repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not
swallowing, large amounts of food.
6.Binge-eating disorder: recurrent episodes of binge
eating in the absence of the regular use of
inappropriate compensatory behaviors characteristic of
Bulimia Nervosa.
 Psychoeducational Approaches.
The focus is on educating children and
adolescents about eating disorders to prevent
them from developing the symptoms;
 De-emphasizing Sociocultural
Influences. The focus here is on helping
children and adolescents resist or reject
sociocultural pressures to be thin;
Society’s Preoccupation with
 After winning Miss
Universe (1996),
she gained a few
pounds, some
people became
outraged and
suggested she give
up her crown.
 Risk Factor Approach. The
focus here is on identifying
individuals with known risk
factors for developing eating
disorders (e.g., weight and body
concern, dietary restraint) and
intervening to alter these
Thank You!!!

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Eating disorders

  • 2. Eating Disorders  anorexia - refers to loss of appetite  nervosa - indicates that the loss is due to emotional reasons.
  • 3. Eating Disorders  The term is something of a misnomer because most individuals with anorexia nervosa actually do not lose their appetite or interest in food.
  • 4. Eating Disorders  On the contrary, while starving themselves, most individuals with the disorder become preoccupied with food; they may read cookbooks constantly and prepare gourmet meals for their families.
  • 5. True story of Isabel Anorexia's Childhood Roots (CBS News)
  • 7.  A. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g., weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected).  B. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA
  • 8.  C. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self- evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.  D. In postmenarcheal females, amenorrhea, i.e., the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. (A woman is considered to have amenorrhea if her periods occur only following hormone, e.g., estrogen, administration.) DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA
  • 9. Two Types of Anorexia Nervosa  Restricting Type: during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has NOT regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i .e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretic;, or enemas)  Binge-Eating/Purging Type: during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas)
  • 10. Eating Disorders Inventory  The distorted body image that accompanies anorexia nervosa has been assessed in several ways, most frequently by a questionnaire such as the EATING DISORDERS INVENTORY (Garner et al. cited in Davison et al., 2007).  Some of the items on this questionnaire are presented in the table below.
  • 11. Drive for thinness I think about dieting. I feel extremely guilty after overeating. I am preoccupied with the desire to be thinner. Bulimia I stuff myself with food. I have gone on eating binges where I have felt that I could not stop I have the thought of trying to vomit in order to lose weight. Body dissatisfaction I think that my thighs are too large. I think that my buttocks are too large. I think that my hips are too big. Ineffectiveness I feel inadequate. I have a low opinion of myself. I feel empty inside (emotionally). Perfectionism Only outstanding performance is good enough in my family. As a child, I tried hard to avoid disappointing my parents and teachers. I hate being less than best at things. Subscales and Illustrative Items from the Eating Disorders Inventory
  • 12. Interpersonal distrust I have trouble expressing my emotions to others. I need to keep people at a certain distance (feel uncomfortable if someone tries to get too close). Interoceptive awareness I get confused about what emotion I am feeling. I don’t know what’s going on inside me. I get confused as to whether or not I am hungry. Maturity fears I wish that I could return to the security of childhood. I feel that people are happiest when they are children. The demands of adulthood are too great. Source: From Garner et al., 1983 Note: Responses use a six-point scale ranging from always to never. Subscales and Illustrative Items from the Eating Disorders Inventory
  • 13. Assessment of Body Image  In another type of assessment, individuals with anorexia nervosa are shown line drawings of women with varying body weights and asked to pick the one closes to their own and the one that represents their ideal shape.
  • 14. Assessment of Body Image  Individuals overestimate their own body size and choose a thin figure as their ideal.  Despite this distortion in body size, individuals with anorexia nervosa are fairly accurate when reporting their actual weight, perhaps because they weight themselves frequently.
  • 15. Anorexia Nervosa  Women with anorexia nervosa are frequently diagnosed with depression, obsessive- compulsive disorder, phobias, panic disorder, alcoholism, and various personality disorders
  • 16. Anorexia Nervosa  Men with anorexia nervosa are also likely to have a diagnosis of a mood disorder, schizophrenia, or substance dependence
  • 17. PHYSICAL CHANGES IN ANOREXIA NERVOSA  Blood pressure often falls  Heart rate slows  Kidney and gastrointestinal problems develop  Bone mass declines  Skin dries out, nails become brittle  Hormone levels change  Mild anemia may occur  EEG abnormalities and neurological impairments  Structural brain changes,
  • 18. PREVALENCE  The lifetime prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa among females is approximately 0.5%.  It is at least 10 times more frequent in women than in men.  The incidence of Anorexia Nervosa appears to have increased in recent decades.
  • 19. COURSE  Anorexia Nervosa typically begins in mid- to late adolescence (age 14-18 years).  The onset of this disorder rarely occurs in females over age 40 years.  Hospitalization may be required to restore weight and to address fluid and electrolyte imbalances.  Death most commonly results from starvation, suicide, or electrolyte imbalance.
  • 20. PROGNOSIS  About 70% of patients with anorexia eventually recover.  Recovery often takes 6 or 7 years, and relapses are common  Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening illness  Death rates are 10 times higher among individuals with the disorder than among the general population and twice as high as among individuals with other psychological disorders.  Death most often results from physical complications of the illness – for example, congestive heart failure – and from suicide
  • 22.
  • 23. Bulimia Nervosa  Bulimia is from a Greek word meaning “ox hunger.”  This disorder involves episodes of rapid consumption of a large amount of food, followed by compensatory behavior, such as vomiting, fasting, or excessive exercise to prevent weight gain.
  • 24. Bulimia Nervosa  The DSM defines a BINGE as eating an excessive amount of food within less than 2 hours.
  • 27. Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: (1) eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period). an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances (2) a sense of lack of (control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating)
  • 28. Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise. C. The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at least twice a week for 3 months.
  • 29. Diagnostic Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa D. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa.
  • 30. Two types of Bulimia Nervosa  Purging Type: during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
  • 31. Two types of Bulimia Nervosa  Nonpurging Type: during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the person has used other inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
  • 32. Bulimia Nervosa  In bulimia, binges typically occur in secret; they may be triggered by stress and the negative emotions it arouses, and continue until the person is uncomfortably full
  • 33. Bulimia Nervosa  Foods that can be rapidly consumed, especially sweets such as ice cream and cake, are usually part of a binge.  A recent study found that women with bulimia nervosa were more likely to binge while alone and during the morning or afternoon.
  • 34. Bulimia Nervosa  Avoiding a craved food on one day was associated with a binge episode the next morning  Other studies show that a binge is likely to occur after a negative social interaction, or at least the perception of a negative social exchange
  • 35. Bulimia Nervosa  Patients report that they lose control during a binge, even to the point of experiencing something akin to a dissociative state, perhaps losing awareness of their behavior or feeling that it is not really they who are binging.  They are usually ashamed of their binges and try to conceal them.
  • 36. Bulimia Nervosa  After the binge is over, disgust, feelings of discomfort, and fear of weight gain lead to the second step of bulimia nervosa – purging to attempt to undo the caloric effects of the binge.
  • 37. Bulimia Nervosa  Individuals with bulimia most often stick fingers down their throats to cause gagging, but after a time many can induce vomiting at will without gagging themselves.  Laxatives and diuretic abuse as well as fasting and excessive exercise are also used to prevent weight gain.
  • 39. Is twice a week a well- established cut-off point?  Probably not. Few differences are found between patients who binge twice a week and those who do so less frequently, suggesting that we are dealing with a continuum of severity rather than a sharp distinction
  • 40. PHYSICAL CHANGES IN BULIMIA NERVOSA  Although less common than in anorexia, menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea, can occur, eventhough bulimia patients typically have a normal body mass index (BMI)  The BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared and is considered a more valid estimated of body fat than many others For women, a normal BMI is between 20-25.
  • 41. PHYSICAL CHANGES IN BULIMIA NERVOSA  Frequent purging can cause potassium depletion.  Heavy use of laxatives induces diarrhea, which can also lead to changes in electrolytes and cause irregularities in the heartbeat.
  • 42. PHYSICAL CHANGES IN BULIMIA NERVOSA  Recurrent vomiting may lead to tearing of tissue in the stomach and throat and the loss of dental enamel  Salivary glands may become swollen.
  • 43. PREVALENCE  The lifetime prevalence of Bulimia Nervosa among women is approximately 1 %-3%;  the rate of occurrence of this disorder in males is approximately one- tenth of that in females.
  • 44. COURSE  Bulimia Nervosa usually begins in late adolescence or early adult life.  The binge eating frequently begins during or after an episode of dieting.  The course may be chronic or intermittent
  • 45. PROGNOSIS  Long-term follow-ups of individuals with bulimia nervosa reveal that about 70% recover, although about 10% remain fully symptomatic
  • 46. PROGNOSIS  Individuals with bulimia nervosa who binge and vomit more, and have comorbid substance abuse or a history of depression, have a poorer prognosis than patients without these factors
  • 47. Key Point:  One striking difference between anorexia and bulimia is weight loss; individuals with anorexia nervosa lose a tremendous amount of weight whereas individuals with bulimia nervosa do not.
  • 48. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS GENETIC FACTORS  Both disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia) tend to run in families, and twin studies support the role of genetics in the actual disorders.  Research findings on the role of serotonin in anorexia are mixed.
  • 49. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS GENETIC FACTORS  Serotonin may play a role in bulimia, with studies finding a decrease in serotonin metabolites, smaller responses to serotonin agonists, and an increase in cognitions related to eating disorders, such as feeling fat, among formerly bulimic individuals who had their serotonin levels reduced.
  • 50. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS GENETIC FACTORS Newer research suggests dopamine may play a role in restrained eating
  • 51. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS SOCIOCULTURAL STANDARDS  As sociocultural standards changed to favor a thinner shape as the ideal for women, the frequency of eating disorders increased.
  • 52. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS PSYCHOLOGICAL LEVEL  Psychodynamic theories of eating disorders emphasize parent-child relationships and personality characteristics.  Food becomes a symbol of this failed relationship. The daughter’s binging and purging represent the conflict between the need for the mother and the desire to reject her.
  • 53. ETIOLOGY OF EATING DISORDERS PSYCHOLOGICAL LEVEL  Studies of personality have found that patients with eating disorders are high in neuroticism and perfectionism and low in self-esteem.  Many women with eating disorders report being abused as children, but early abuse does not appear to be a specific risk factor for eating disorders.
  • 54. COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Cognitive behavioral theories of eating disorders propose that fear of being fat and body-image distortion make weight loss a powerful reinforcer.
  • 55. COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Among patients with bulimia nervosa, negative affect and stress precipitate binges that create anxiety, which is then relieved by purging.
  • 56. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA  Therapy for anorexia is generally believed to be a two-tiered process.  Immediate goal is to help the patient gain weight in order to avoid medical complications.  Second goal of treatment—long term maintenance of weight gain.
  • 57. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA  Family therapy  The therapist sees the family at a family lunch session.
  • 58. Family Therapy  One strategy is to instruct each parent to try individually to force the child to eat. The other parent may leave the room. The individual efforts are expected to fail. But through this failure, the mother and father may now work together to persuade the child to eat.
  • 59. Family Therapy  Thus, rather than being a focus of conflict, the child’s eating will produce cooperation and increase parental effectiveness.
  • 60. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF BULIMIA NERVOSA  The overall goal of treatment in bulimia nervosa is to develop normal eating patterns.  Patients need to learn to eat 3 meals a day and even some snacks in between meals without sliding back into binging or purging.
  • 61. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF BULIMIA NERVOSA  Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is the best validated and most current standard for the treatment.  Cognitive behavioral treatment for bulimia focuses on questioning society’s standard for physical attractiveness, challenging beliefs that encourage severe food restriction, and developing normal eating patterns.
  • 62. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF BULIMIA NERVOSA  One intervention that is sometimes used in the cognitive behavioral treatment approach asks the patient to bring small amounts of forbidden food to eat in the session.  Relaxation is employed to control the urge to induce vomiting.
  • 63. PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF BULIMIA NERVOSA  To improve on CBT, some investigators are examining one important aspect –exposure and ritual prevention (ERP – aspect of CBT of obsessive-compulsive disorder). This ERP component involves discouraging the patient from purging after eating foods that usually elicit an urge to vomit.  Patients with bulimia nervosa are also taught assertiveness skills to help them cope with unreasonable demands placed on them by others.
  • 64. ANTIDEPRESSANTS  Although somewhat effective, drop-out rates from drug-treatment programs are high and relapse is common when patients stop taking the medication.  Treatment of anorexia often requires hospitalization to reduce the medical complications of the disorder. 
  • 66. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified The Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for any specific Eating Disorder. 1. For females, all of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that the individual has regular menses. 2. All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that, despite significant weight loss, the individual 's current weight is in the normal range.
  • 67. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified 3. All of the criteria for Bulimia Nervosa are met except that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory mechanisms occur at a frequency of less than twice a week or for a duration of less than 3 months. 4. The regular use of inappropriate compensatory behavior by an individual of normal body weight after eating small amounts of food (e.g., self-induced vomiting after the consumption of two cookies). 5.Repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not swallowing, large amounts of food. 6.Binge-eating disorder: recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence of the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa.
  • 68. PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR EATING DISORDERS  Psychoeducational Approaches. The focus is on educating children and adolescents about eating disorders to prevent them from developing the symptoms;  De-emphasizing Sociocultural Influences. The focus here is on helping children and adolescents resist or reject sociocultural pressures to be thin;
  • 69. Society’s Preoccupation with Thinness  After winning Miss Universe (1996), she gained a few pounds, some people became outraged and suggested she give up her crown.
  • 70. PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR EATING DISORDERS  Risk Factor Approach. The focus here is on identifying individuals with known risk factors for developing eating disorders (e.g., weight and body concern, dietary restraint) and intervening to alter these factors.