french revolution civil rights napoleon civil war reconstruction directory reign of terror robespierre marie antoinette louis xvi bastille westward expansion andrew jackson war hawks u.s.s. constitution war of 1812 james madison articles of confederation mercantilism colony colonies mother country columbus haiti latin america liberalism conservatism congress of vienna napoleonic code continental system france waterloo national assembly jacobins declaration of the rights of man king louis xvi guillotine estates bourgeoisie estates-general great fear natural rights locke enlightenment rousseau hobbes vigilance resourcefulness initiative perseverance respect moderation responsibility honor courage civic values justice oil queen liliuokalani hawaii pipeline sugar seward's folly alaska pacific ocean teddy roosevelt united states panama canal colombia panama united states imperialism south america william howard taft taft dollar diplomacy u.s.s. maine william mckinley yellow journalism spanish american war cherokee trail of tears worcester v georgia sitting bull cust crazy horse sious chief joseph indian wars ranching open range cowboys farming mining farmers populism money supply coinage gold silver farm homesteaders transcontinental railroad homestead act second war for american independence corps of discovery sacajawea lewis clark louisiana purchase education supreme court brown v. board of education integration segregation harlem great migration harlem renaissance alabama montgomery bus boycott montgomery martin luther king jr rosa parks african american w.e.b. dubois booker t. washington radical republicans 15th amendment ulysses s. grant south sharecropping slavery second inaugural abraham lincoln daniel shays annapolis convention shays rebellion alexander hamilton george washington united states constitution constitution philadelphia problems weak central government states money
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