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OpenStack networking-sfc Flow 분석
Programmable Infra Research Section, ETRI
What a networking-sfc... ^-_-;;
Let’s Talk
• OpenStack Environment
• networking-sfc implementation
• Test
– test case 01
– test case 02
OpenStack Environment
Controller Node
eth1 eth2
br-int br-tun
Compute Node 01
eth1 eth2
br-int br-tun
Compute Node 02
eth1 eth2
br-int br-tun
External Network
Management Network
Data Network (Tunnel)
What is Service Function Chaining
SF 01 SF 02 SF 03
eth0 eth0eth0 eth1
qbr0 qbr3qbr1 qbr2
qvb0 qvb3qvb1 qvb2
vnet0 vnet3vnet1 vnet2
Port vlan tag A
qvo0 qvo1
Compute Node 01
SF 04 SF 05
eth0eth0 eth1
qbr6qbr4 qbr5
qvb6qvb4 qvb5
vnet6vnet4 vnet5
Port vlan tag C
qvo6qvo4 qvo5
Compute Node 02
Port vlan tag B
networking-sfc install
• OpenStack Liberty version
– OVS 2.4.0
• Download networking-sfc
• install networking-sfc
• lunch networking-sfc
$ git clone -b stable/liberty
$ cd networking-sfc
$ sudo pip install -e /home/{user}/networking-sfc
$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --subproject
networking-sfc upgrade head
# cd networking-sfc
# sudo python install
# sudo cp /usr/local/bin/neutron-openvswitch-agent /usr/bin/neutron-openvswitch-agent
• must create one virtual router
• SFC vm image
– Lubuntu 버전 dual_nic 이름
• $ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
• $ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
• $ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state
• $ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
Virtual Environment
• Network (from horizon)
– External network
– Virtual network
• (net100)
– Virtual Router
• External to net100
• Sf vm add interface (from controller Node)
– Controller Node CLI
– Neutron port-create --name p1 net100
– Neutron port-create --name p2 net100
– Neutron port-create --name p3 net100
– Neutron port-create --name p4 net100
– Neutron port-create --name p5 net100
– Neutron port-create --name p6 net100
– Nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id={p1_ID} vm1 --flavor m1.tiny
– Nova boot --image {forwarding_image} --nic port-id={p2_ID} --nic port-id={p3_ID} sf1 --flavor m1.tiny
– Nova boot --image {forwarding_image} --nic port-id={p4_ID} --nic port-id={p5_ID} sf2 --flavor m1.tiny
– Nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id={p6_ID} vm2 --flavor m1.tiny
Horizon을 통하여 외부네트워크/가상네트워크/라우터 를 생성함
Controller Node에 접속해서 CLI로 포트 및 VM 생성함
• Horizon에서 포트는 같은 서브넷에 대하여 VM이 바인딩
될 하나의 포트만 생성됨
• Horizon에서 VM을 생성하면 서로 다른 서브넷이 아닌이상
NIC 2개를 할당 받기 위해 복잡한 절차를 거쳐야 함
• {Port_ID} 가 뒤바뀌지 않도록 주의!
• Image Name 확인
• vm 이름 확인
• external: external
• subnet: ext_sub
• network: net100
• subnet: sub100
• virtual router: vr
• setgateway: external
• interface: net100
Basic Environment (From Horizon)
SFC Environment (From CLI)
• Create neutron port
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-create --name p1 net100
Created a new port:
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| allowed_address_pairs | |
| binding:host_id | |
| binding:profile | {} |
| binding:vif_details | {} |
| binding:vif_type | unbound |
| binding:vnic_type | normal |
| device_id | |
| device_owner | |
| dns_assignment | {"hostname": "host-100-0-0-9", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "host-100-0-0-9.openstacklocal."} |
| dns_name | |
| fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "acbd4abe-3895-412b-accb-283499c280b9", "ip_address": ""} |
| id | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 |
| name | p1 |
| network_id | 19bac03e-92a1-4f7f-b6da-c9159cbec0c0 |
| port_security_enabled | True |
| security_groups | b2d26c2d-4f23-4398-91ba-b605b892a941 |
| status | DOWN |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-create --name {p2~p6} net100
Controller Node에서 CLI 실행
• Horizon을 통해 만든 net100에 포트 생성
Horizon (create port)
net100에 생성된 포트 확인
• vm이 바인딩 되지 않았기 때문에 ‘연결 해제됨'
• Virtual Router와 연결된 인터페이스 포트
• DHCP 인터페이스 포트
• p1~p6 까지 CLI로 생성한 포트
• 각 포트를 선택하면 포트ID 확인 가능
SFC Environment (From CLI)
sdn@controller:~$ nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id=6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 src --flavor m1.tiny
| Property | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | - |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | - |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-0000003f |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| adminPass | aVq7cExJDRgi |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2016-06-14T12:06:52Z |
| flavor | m1.tiny (1) |
| hostId | |
| id | 7d33cc29-bc17-482c-b96a-8792158c9134 |
| image | cirros (f7e1f270-d39b-481e-a854-eb6d0ed65e24) |
| key_name | - |
| metadata | {} |
| name | src |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| security_groups | default |
| status | BUILD |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
| updated | 2016-06-14T12:06:52Z |
| user_id | 448a618a47ba40ae9af39021e24472fe |
Controller Node에서 CLI 실행
• src 이름의 VM 생성
• src vm eth0가 바인딩될 포트는 p1
• 포트 ID를 반드시 확인
SFC Environment (From CLI)
sdn@controller:~$ nova boot --image cirros_dual_nic --nic port-id=feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde --nic port-id=78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c sf1 --flavor
| Property | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | - |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | - |
| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-00000041 |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
| adminPass | NiEaStSo6ozs |
| config_drive | |
| created | 2016-06-14T12:10:16Z |
| flavor | m1.tiny (1) |
| hostId | |
| id | 8aeb5370-15b2-4e44-9664-003f22404ddd |
| image | cirros_dual_nic (f3e7a811-c9bf-4c90-8381-d4a2d96e80e6) |
| key_name | - |
| metadata | {} |
| name | sf1 |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] |
| progress | 0 |
| security_groups | default |
| status | BUILD |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
| updated | 2016-06-14T12:10:17Z |
| user_id | 448a618a47ba40ae9af39021e24472fe |
Controller Node에서 CLI 실행
• sf1 이름의 VM 생성
• port-pair를 하여야 하기 때문에 포트 2개를 할당
• src vm eth0/eth1이 바인딩될 포트는 p2, p3
• 포트 ID를 반드시 확인
Horizon (create vms)
• net100
• port: 8개
• router interface
• dhcp
• p1 -> src vm (eth0)
• p2 -> sf1 vm (eth0)
• p3 -> sf1 vm (eth1)
• p4 -> sf2 vm (eth0)
• p5 -> sf2 vm (eth1)
• p6 -> dst vm (eth0)
Basic Flow
src sf1
qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5
qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5
tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5
Vlan tag 5
qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8
eth0 eth0 eth1
qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef
qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef
tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef
Vlan tag 4
eth0eth1 eth0
br-int Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92915.300s, table=0, n_packets=3623, n_bytes=395762, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal -> br-tun)
br-tun Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=0, n_packets=1994, n_bytes=213002, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.265s, table=0, n_packets=616, n_bytes=67276, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.198s, table=0, n_packets=1205, n_bytes=134383, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=1532, n_bytes=145922, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=462, n_bytes=67080, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0-
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3
br-int Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92808.636s, table=0, n_packets=3767, n_bytes=417802, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal --> br-tun)
br-tun Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.697s, table=0, n_packets=2121, n_bytes=226311, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92338.557s, table=0, n_packets=686, n_bytes=75556, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92280.007s, table=0, n_packets=1072, n_bytes=119551, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.697s, table=2, n_packets=1537, n_bytes=146424, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=2, n_packets=584, n_bytes=79887, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2
src sf1
qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5
qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5
tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5
Vlan tag 5
qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8
eth0 eth0 eth1
qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef
qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef
tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef
Vlan tag 4
eth0eth1 eth0
Test01 : 트래픽이 sf-1 경유
application 동작
• port forwarding
• routing
• …
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p2 --egress p3 pp1
Created a new port_pair:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| egress | 78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c |
| id | cb10e5a1-c47d-4edd-b9de-827fb8111ae4 |
| ingress | feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde |
| name | pp1 |
| service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp1 ppg1
Created a new port_pair_group:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| id | fce7d1f0-d6aa-4900-a0fa-21ca05fb12d2 |
| name | ppg1 |
| port_pairs | cb10e5a1-c47d-4edd-b9de-827fb8111ae4 |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron flow-classifier-create --source-ip-prefix --destination-ip-prefix --logical-source-port p1 fc1
Created a new flow_classifier:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| destination_ip_prefix | |
| destination_port_range_max | |
| destination_port_range_min | |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| id | 08f9ac3f-38c2-43a4-a01f-2a05fed16f7e |
| l7_parameters | {} |
| logical_destination_port | |
| logical_source_port | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 |
| name | fc1 |
| protocol | |
| source_ip_prefix | |
| source_port_range_max | |
| source_port_range_min | |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-chain-create --port-pair-group ppg1 --flow-classifier fc1 pc1
Created a new port_chain:
| Field | Value |
| chain_parameters | {"correlation": "mpls"} |
| description | |
| flow_classifiers | 08f9ac3f-38c2-43a4-a01f-2a05fed16f7e |
| id | 4774ae78-18a6-4828-90fb-60a9bbfe927a |
| name | pc1 |
| port_pair_groups | fce7d1f0-d6aa-4900-a0fa-21ca05fb12d2 |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
br-int Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
>mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.054s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=5,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),mpls_label=65791
br-tun Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2
br-int Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92915.300s, table=0, n_packets=3623, n_bytes=395762, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal -> br-tun)
br-tun Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=0, n_packets=1994, n_bytes=213002, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.265s, table=0, n_packets=616, n_bytes=67276, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.198s, table=0, n_packets=1205, n_bytes=134383, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=1532, n_bytes=145922, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=462, n_bytes=67080, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0-
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3
src sf1
qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5
qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5
tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5
Vlan tag 5
qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8
eth0 eth0 eth1
qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef
qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef
tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef
Vlan tag 4
eth0eth1 eth0
Test02 : 트래픽이 sf-1, sf-2 경유
port-pair port-pair
application 동작
• port forwarding
• routing
• …
application 동작
• port forwarding
• routing
• …
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p2 --egress p3 pp1
Created a new port_pair:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| egress | 78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c |
| id | 047ce3a1-e69b-4b78-8730-a00ab414b4c9 |
| ingress | feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde |
| name | pp1 |
| service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p4 --egress p5 pp2
Created a new port_pair:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| egress | b95acc26-4c6e-47da-b1b0-1e8bceba01d9 |
| id | f9ebb5f9-6aaa-43d8-bdb3-9b7f3afba1ce |
| ingress | 5c9e1fa9-ef66-42a9-9b03-0b3b8407efba |
| name | pp2 |
| service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp1 ppg1
Created a new port_pair_group:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| id | fe65f438-c1db-4299-adc1-e3717a90904a |
| name | ppg1 |
| port_pairs | 047ce3a1-e69b-4b78-8730-a00ab414b4c9 |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp2 ppg2
Created a new port_pair_group:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| id | 2ce8fe6c-7965-4192-9195-b6b8dca9729d |
| name | ppg2 |
| port_pairs | f9ebb5f9-6aaa-43d8-bdb3-9b7f3afba1ce |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron flow-classifier-create --source-ip-prefix --destination-ip-prefix --logical-source-port p1 fc1
Created a new flow_classifier:
| Field | Value |
| description | |
| destination_ip_prefix | |
| destination_port_range_max | |
| destination_port_range_min | |
| ethertype | IPv4 |
| id | c203bf1d-2dd8-4d9a-aa06-3b47b7cd1a98 |
| l7_parameters | {} |
| logical_destination_port | |
| logical_source_port | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 |
| name | fc1 |
| protocol | |
| source_ip_prefix | |
| source_port_range_max | |
| source_port_range_min | |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-chain-create --port-pair-group ppg1 --port-pair-group ppg2 --flow-classifier fc1 pc1
Created a new port_chain:
| Field | Value |
| chain_parameters | {"correlation": "mpls"} |
| description | |
| flow_classifiers | c203bf1d-2dd8-4d9a-aa06-3b47b7cd1a98 |
| id | b854e7fc-9428-4730-ab2b-1fb21f7d70af |
| name | pc1 |
| port_pair_groups | fe65f438-c1db-4299-adc1-e3717a90904a |
| | 2ce8fe6c-7965-4192-9195-b6b8dca9729d |
| tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc |
br-int Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
>mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.054s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=5,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),mpls_label=65791
br-tun Flow
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0-
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2
br-int Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791-
>mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=296.252s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=4,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4),mpls_label=65790
br-tun Flow
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0-
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22)
cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3
• networking-sfc 안정화
– 기본 동작
• 생성/삭제에 대한 기본 룰 적용 (반영이 안되는 경우 발생)
– Virtual Router 가 반드시 생성될 이유는 없음
– Horizon 제공
• 현재 project 가 생겨 작업중 (언제 나올지…)
– agent 제공
• neutron-openvswitch-agent를 lunch 하여야 함 (버전 등에 민감)
– OVS version
• 기본 ovs 2.4.0 (2.4.9 버전으로 업그레이드 가능성)
• SDN Controller 연동
• OPNFV 의 SFC 관련 Reference (
• NSH 활용
• onos vtn Application (onos/apps/vtn/srcmgr/)

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  • 3. OpenStack Environment Controller Node (Controller+Network) eth0 eth1 eth2 br-ex br-int br-tun Compute Node 01 (Compute) eth0 eth1 eth2 br-int br-tun Compute Node 02 (Compute) eth0 eth1 eth2 br-int br-tun External Network Management Network Data Network (Tunnel)
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  • 5. networking-sfc install • OpenStack Liberty version – OVS 2.4.0 • Download networking-sfc • install networking-sfc • lunch networking-sfc $ git clone -b stable/liberty $ cd networking-sfc $ sudo pip install -e /home/{user}/networking-sfc $ neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --subproject networking-sfc upgrade head # cd networking-sfc # sudo python install # sudo cp /usr/local/bin/neutron-openvswitch-agent /usr/bin/neutron-openvswitch-agent
  • 6. 제약사항 • must create one virtual router • SFC vm image – Lubuntu 버전 dual_nic 이름 • $ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 • $ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE • $ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT • $ sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
  • 7. Virtual Environment • Network (from horizon) – External network • – Virtual network • (net100) – Virtual Router • External to net100 • Sf vm add interface (from controller Node) – Controller Node CLI – Neutron port-create --name p1 net100 – Neutron port-create --name p2 net100 – Neutron port-create --name p3 net100 – Neutron port-create --name p4 net100 – Neutron port-create --name p5 net100 – Neutron port-create --name p6 net100 – Nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id={p1_ID} vm1 --flavor m1.tiny – Nova boot --image {forwarding_image} --nic port-id={p2_ID} --nic port-id={p3_ID} sf1 --flavor m1.tiny – Nova boot --image {forwarding_image} --nic port-id={p4_ID} --nic port-id={p5_ID} sf2 --flavor m1.tiny – Nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id={p6_ID} vm2 --flavor m1.tiny Horizon을 통하여 외부네트워크/가상네트워크/라우터 를 생성함 Controller Node에 접속해서 CLI로 포트 및 VM 생성함 • Horizon에서 포트는 같은 서브넷에 대하여 VM이 바인딩 될 하나의 포트만 생성됨 • Horizon에서 VM을 생성하면 서로 다른 서브넷이 아닌이상 NIC 2개를 할당 받기 위해 복잡한 절차를 거쳐야 함 • {Port_ID} 가 뒤바뀌지 않도록 주의! • Image Name 확인 • vm 이름 확인
  • 8. • external: external • subnet: ext_sub • • network: net100 • subnet: sub100 • • virtual router: vr • setgateway: external • interface: net100 Basic Environment (From Horizon)
  • 9. SFC Environment (From CLI) • Create neutron port sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-create --name p1 net100 Created a new port: +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | admin_state_up | True | | allowed_address_pairs | | | binding:host_id | | | binding:profile | {} | | binding:vif_details | {} | | binding:vif_type | unbound | | binding:vnic_type | normal | | device_id | | | device_owner | | | dns_assignment | {"hostname": "host-100-0-0-9", "ip_address": "", "fqdn": "host-100-0-0-9.openstacklocal."} | | dns_name | | | fixed_ips | {"subnet_id": "acbd4abe-3895-412b-accb-283499c280b9", "ip_address": ""} | | id | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 | | mac_address | fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 | | name | p1 | | network_id | 19bac03e-92a1-4f7f-b6da-c9159cbec0c0 | | port_security_enabled | True | | security_groups | b2d26c2d-4f23-4398-91ba-b605b892a941 | | status | DOWN | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-create --name {p2~p6} net100 Controller Node에서 CLI 실행 • Horizon을 통해 만든 net100에 포트 생성
  • 10. Horizon (create port) net100에 생성된 포트 확인 • vm이 바인딩 되지 않았기 때문에 ‘연결 해제됨' • Virtual Router와 연결된 인터페이스 포트 • DHCP 인터페이스 포트 • p1~p6 까지 CLI로 생성한 포트 • 각 포트를 선택하면 포트ID 확인 가능
  • 11. SFC Environment (From CLI) sdn@controller:~$ nova boot --image cirros --nic port-id=6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 src --flavor m1.tiny +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | - | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | - | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-0000003f | | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | | accessIPv4 | | | accessIPv6 | | | adminPass | aVq7cExJDRgi | | config_drive | | | created | 2016-06-14T12:06:52Z | | flavor | m1.tiny (1) | | hostId | | | id | 7d33cc29-bc17-482c-b96a-8792158c9134 | | image | cirros (f7e1f270-d39b-481e-a854-eb6d0ed65e24) | | key_name | - | | metadata | {} | | name | src | | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | | progress | 0 | | security_groups | default | | status | BUILD | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | | updated | 2016-06-14T12:06:52Z | | user_id | 448a618a47ba40ae9af39021e24472fe | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ Controller Node에서 CLI 실행 • src 이름의 VM 생성 • src vm eth0가 바인딩될 포트는 p1 • 포트 ID를 반드시 확인
  • 12. SFC Environment (From CLI) sdn@controller:~$ nova boot --image cirros_dual_nic --nic port-id=feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde --nic port-id=78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c sf1 --flavor m1.tiny +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL | | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host | - | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname | - | | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-00000041 | | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 | | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling | | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building | | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | - | | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | - | | accessIPv4 | | | accessIPv6 | | | adminPass | NiEaStSo6ozs | | config_drive | | | created | 2016-06-14T12:10:16Z | | flavor | m1.tiny (1) | | hostId | | | id | 8aeb5370-15b2-4e44-9664-003f22404ddd | | image | cirros_dual_nic (f3e7a811-c9bf-4c90-8381-d4a2d96e80e6) | | key_name | - | | metadata | {} | | name | sf1 | | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | [] | | progress | 0 | | security_groups | default | | status | BUILD | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | | updated | 2016-06-14T12:10:17Z | | user_id | 448a618a47ba40ae9af39021e24472fe | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Controller Node에서 CLI 실행 • sf1 이름의 VM 생성 • port-pair를 하여야 하기 때문에 포트 2개를 할당 • src vm eth0/eth1이 바인딩될 포트는 p2, p3 • 포트 ID를 반드시 확인
  • 13. Horizon (create vms) • net100 • port: 8개 • router interface • dhcp • p1 -> src vm (eth0) • p2 -> sf1 vm (eth0) • p3 -> sf1 vm (eth1) • p4 -> sf2 vm (eth0) • p5 -> sf2 vm (eth1) • p6 -> dst vm (eth0)
  • 14. Basic Flow Compute02 src sf1 P1 ( P2 ( P3 ( qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5 qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5 tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5 br-int Vlan tag 5 qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8 patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo78a6f0ee-c5 eth0 eth0 eth1 Compute01 dstsf2 P6 ( P5 ( P4 ( qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef br-int Vlan tag 4 qvo2c85ffec-a4qvob95acc26-4c patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo5c9e1fa9-ef eth0eth1 eth0
  • 15.
  • 16. br-int Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92915.300s, table=0, n_packets=3623, n_bytes=395762, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal -> br-tun) br-tun Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=0, n_packets=1994, n_bytes=213002, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.265s, table=0, n_packets=616, n_bytes=67276, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.198s, table=0, n_packets=1205, n_bytes=134383, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=1532, n_bytes=145922, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=462, n_bytes=67080, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:3 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3 br-int Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92808.636s, table=0, n_packets=3767, n_bytes=417802, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal --> br-tun) br-tun Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.697s, table=0, n_packets=2121, n_bytes=226311, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92338.557s, table=0, n_packets=686, n_bytes=75556, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92280.007s, table=0, n_packets=1072, n_bytes=119551, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.697s, table=2, n_packets=1537, n_bytes=146424, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=2, n_packets=584, n_bytes=79887, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2 Compute01 Compute02
  • 17. Compute02 src sf1 P1 ( P2 ( P3 ( qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5 qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5 tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5 br-int Vlan tag 5 qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8 patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo78a6f0ee-c5 eth0 eth0 eth1 Compute01 dstsf2 P6 ( P5 ( P4 ( qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef br-int Vlan tag 4 qvo2c85ffec-a4qvob95acc26-4c patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo5c9e1fa9-ef eth0eth1 eth0 Test01 : 트래픽이 sf-1 경유 port-pair application 동작 • port forwarding • routing • …
  • 18. sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p2 --egress p3 pp1 Created a new port_pair: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | egress | 78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c | | id | cb10e5a1-c47d-4edd-b9de-827fb8111ae4 | | ingress | feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde | | name | pp1 | | service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp1 ppg1 Created a new port_pair_group: +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | id | fce7d1f0-d6aa-4900-a0fa-21ca05fb12d2 | | name | ppg1 | | port_pairs | cb10e5a1-c47d-4edd-b9de-827fb8111ae4 | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron flow-classifier-create --source-ip-prefix --destination-ip-prefix --logical-source-port p1 fc1 Created a new flow_classifier: +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | destination_ip_prefix | | | destination_port_range_max | | | destination_port_range_min | | | ethertype | IPv4 | | id | 08f9ac3f-38c2-43a4-a01f-2a05fed16f7e | | l7_parameters | {} | | logical_destination_port | | | logical_source_port | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 | | name | fc1 | | protocol | | | source_ip_prefix | | | source_port_range_max | | | source_port_range_min | | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-chain-create --port-pair-group ppg1 --flow-classifier fc1 pc1 Created a new port_chain: +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | chain_parameters | {"correlation": "mpls"} | | description | | | flow_classifiers | 08f9ac3f-38c2-43a4-a01f-2a05fed16f7e | | id | 4774ae78-18a6-4828-90fb-60a9bbfe927a | | name | pc1 | | port_pair_groups | fce7d1f0-d6aa-4900-a0fa-21ca05fb12d2 | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +------------------+--------------------------------------+
  • 19. br-int Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.054s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=5,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),mpls_label=65791 actions=pop_vlan,pop_mpls:0x0800,output:15 br-tun Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2 Compute02 br-int Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92915.300s, table=0, n_packets=3623, n_bytes=395762, priority=0 actions=NORMAL (match rule이 없는 경우 normal -> br-tun) br-tun Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=0, n_packets=1994, n_bytes=213002, priority=1,in_port=1 actions=resubmit(,2) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.265s, table=0, n_packets=616, n_bytes=67276, priority=1,in_port=2 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.198s, table=0, n_packets=1205, n_bytes=134383, priority=1,in_port=3 actions=resubmit(,4) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=1532, n_bytes=145922, priority=0,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,20) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.762s, table=2, n_packets=462, n_bytes=67080, priority=0,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:3 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3 Compute01
  • 20. Compute02 src sf1 P1 ( P2 ( P3 ( qbr6c5c6a24-ec qbrfeb28ff2-f8 qbr78a6f0ee-c5 qvb6c5c6a24-ec qvbfeb28ff2-f8 qvb78a6f0ee-c5 tap6c5c6a24-ec tapfeb28ff2-f8 tap78a6f0ee-c5 br-int Vlan tag 5 qvo6c5c6a24-ec qvofeb28ff2-f8 patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo78a6f0ee-c5 eth0 eth0 eth1 Compute01 dstsf2 P6 ( P5 ( P4 ( qbr2c85ffec-a4qbrb95acc26-4c qbr5c9e1fa9-ef qvb2c85ffec-a4qvbb95acc26-4c qvb5c9e1fa9-ef tap2c85ffec-a4tapb95acc26-4c tap5c9e1fa9-ef br-int Vlan tag 4 qvo2c85ffec-a4qvob95acc26-4c patch-tun br-tun patch-int eth2 qvo5c9e1fa9-ef eth0eth1 eth0 Test02 : 트래픽이 sf-1, sf-2 경유 port-pair port-pair application 동작 • port forwarding • routing • … application 동작 • port forwarding • routing • …
  • 21. sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p2 --egress p3 pp1 Created a new port_pair: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | egress | 78a6f0ee-c5ab-4eeb-844f-d4195b813e4c | | id | 047ce3a1-e69b-4b78-8730-a00ab414b4c9 | | ingress | feb28ff2-f8ea-49e5-b56c-0dbea926abde | | name | pp1 | | service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-create --ingress p4 --egress p5 pp2 Created a new port_pair: +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | egress | b95acc26-4c6e-47da-b1b0-1e8bceba01d9 | | id | f9ebb5f9-6aaa-43d8-bdb3-9b7f3afba1ce | | ingress | 5c9e1fa9-ef66-42a9-9b03-0b3b8407efba | | name | pp2 | | service_function_parameters | {"correlation": null} | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp1 ppg1 Created a new port_pair_group: +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | id | fe65f438-c1db-4299-adc1-e3717a90904a | | name | ppg1 | | port_pairs | 047ce3a1-e69b-4b78-8730-a00ab414b4c9 | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-pair-group-create --port-pair pp2 ppg2 Created a new port_pair_group: +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | id | 2ce8fe6c-7965-4192-9195-b6b8dca9729d | | name | ppg2 | | port_pairs | f9ebb5f9-6aaa-43d8-bdb3-9b7f3afba1ce | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +-------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron flow-classifier-create --source-ip-prefix --destination-ip-prefix --logical-source-port p1 fc1 Created a new flow_classifier: +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | description | | | destination_ip_prefix | | | destination_port_range_max | | | destination_port_range_min | | | ethertype | IPv4 | | id | c203bf1d-2dd8-4d9a-aa06-3b47b7cd1a98 | | l7_parameters | {} | | logical_destination_port | | | logical_source_port | 6c5c6a24-ec62-4964-99fa-aeb348c7ed81 | | name | fc1 | | protocol | | | source_ip_prefix | | | source_port_range_max | | | source_port_range_min | | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +----------------------------+--------------------------------------+ sdn@controller:~$ neutron port-chain-create --port-pair-group ppg1 --port-pair-group ppg2 --flow-classifier fc1 pc1 Created a new port_chain: +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +------------------+--------------------------------------+ | chain_parameters | {"correlation": "mpls"} | | description | | | flow_classifiers | c203bf1d-2dd8-4d9a-aa06-3b47b7cd1a98 | | id | b854e7fc-9428-4730-ab2b-1fb21f7d70af | | name | pc1 | | port_pair_groups | fe65f438-c1db-4299-adc1-e3717a90904a | | | 2ce8fe6c-7965-4192-9195-b6b8dca9729d | | tenant_id | 704e6c364c224841ade1122551a506fc | +------------------+--------------------------------------+
  • 22. br-int Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=404.054s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=5,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4c:2b:34 (p2),mpls_label=65791 actions=pop_vlan,pop_mpls:0x0800,output:15 br-tun Flow cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.018s, table=4, n_packets=530, n_bytes=57552, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=10, n_packets=1682, n_bytes=187031, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=269.012s, table=20, n_packets=141, n_bytes=13370, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:4a:54:85 (p6) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=95.910s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0005/0x0fff,dl_dst=aa:04:fa:f6:8d:0c actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:2 cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=92470.696s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0x975b19bafc6479db, duration=2157.040s, table=22, n_packets=96, n_bytes=14341, priority=1,dl_vlan=5 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:3,output:2 Compute02 br-int Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=93931.949s, table=0, n_packets=3826, n_bytes=423416, priority=0 actions=NORMAL cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=404.212s, table=5, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4),nw_src= actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=404.186s, table=5, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4) actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:65791- >mpls_label,set_mpls_ttl(255),push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4101->vlan_vid,set_field:fa:16:3e:00:83:a4 (router interface)->eth_src,resubmit(,10) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=296.252s, table=10, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1862, priority=1,mpls,dl_vlan=4,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:c4:80 (p4),mpls_label=65790 actions=pop_vlan,pop_mpls:0x0800,output:14 br-tun Flow cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.206s, table=4, n_packets=551, n_bytes=57971, priority=1,tun_id=0x427 actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4100->vlan_vid,resubmit(,10) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=10, n_packets=1643, n_bytes=179092, priority=1 actions=learn(table=20,hard_timeout=300,priority=1,cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5,NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[0..11],NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[],load:0->NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]- >NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),output:1 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=12.561s, table=20, n_packets=14, n_bytes=1316, hard_timeout=300, priority=1,vlan_tci=0x0004/0x0fff,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:bd:c2:a6 (p1) actions=load:0- >NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI[],load:0x427->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[],output:3 cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=92977.761s, table=20, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=0 actions=resubmit(,22) cookie=0xb9e6db74360a11d5, duration=2841.229s, table=22, n_packets=94, n_bytes=13900, priority=1,dl_vlan=4 actions=pop_vlan,set_field:0x427->tun_id,output:2,output:3 Compute01
  • 23. Todo • networking-sfc 안정화 – 기본 동작 • 생성/삭제에 대한 기본 룰 적용 (반영이 안되는 경우 발생) – Virtual Router 가 반드시 생성될 이유는 없음 – Horizon 제공 • 현재 project 가 생겨 작업중 (언제 나올지…) – agent 제공 • neutron-openvswitch-agent를 lunch 하여야 함 (버전 등에 민감) – OVS version • 기본 ovs 2.4.0 (2.4.9 버전으로 업그레이드 가능성) • SDN Controller 연동 – ODL • OPNFV 의 SFC 관련 Reference ( • NSH 활용 – ONOS • onos vtn Application (onos/apps/vtn/srcmgr/) •