lucknow dr. vandana radiotherapy kgmu csmmu kgmc dr vandana management radiation oncology testicular carcinoma radiation department of radiotherapy estimation of survival cell death cell survival curve dr. vandana kumari nature of cell killing plating efficiency ewings sarcoma bone tumor askin's tumor bone tumor in children esophagus cancer oesophagus carcinoma oesophagus cancer ratinoblastoma ratinoblastoma tnm classification pathological classification diagnostic workup epidemiology ajcc staging rectal cancer risk factors carcinoma carcinoma rectum dukes classification colon cancer rectal anatomy rectal cancer imaging clinical presentation diagnosis cancer treatment medulloblastoma signs & symptoms of medulloblastoma cranio spinal irradiation natural history of medulloblastoma kidney renal tumors kidney cancer rcc renal cell carcinoma relative biologic effectiveness linear energy transfer oxygen enhancement ratio let x-rays gamma rays interaction of radiation with matter
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