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Basic grammar practice
Nouns and quantifiers
Noms comptables Noms no comptables
Forma Els noms comptables es poden comptar. Tenen
singular i plural.
Normes ortogràfiques per formar el plural:
la majoria dels noms + s:
car cars, boy boys
Els noms acabats en s, ss, sh, ch, x i o + es:
tomatoes, buses, brushes, watches
Els noms acabats en consonant + y: y ies
fly flies, baby babies
Els noms acabats en f o fe: f/fe ves
scarf scarves, wife wives
Plurals irregulars:
child children, man men,
woman women, tooth teeth
Algunes malalties lleus són comptables:
a cold, a headache
Els noms no comptables no es poden comptar. No
tenen plural.
Tipus de noms no comptables:
Aliments: salt, sugar, cheese, meat, bread
Líquids: water, milk, oil, tea, coffee
Materials: gold, paper, silver, iron
Noms abstractes: beauty, love, sadness
Malalties: flu, AIDS, diabetes
Altres: advice, industry, luggage, furniture, hair,
information, news, money
Noms no comptables amb forma plural:
jeans, scissors, clothes, thanks, groceries
Expressions utilitzades per convertir noms no
comptables en comptables:
A piece of (advice, bread, toast)
A can of (cola, orange)
A bowl of (cereal, soup)
A glass of (wine, water, milk)
A slice of (bread, ham)
A tin of (peas, tuna)
Quantificadors Alguns quantificadors s’utilitzen amb noms comptables i no comptables: some (frases afirmatives), any
(negatives i interrogatives), no (amb el vern en afirmativa), a lot of, lots of, plenty of
Nota Alguns quantificadors només es poden utilitzar amb
noms comptables:
(a) few
how many (en preguntes amb noms en plural)
too many (massa)
Alguns quantificadors només es poden utilitzar amb
noms no comptables:
(a) little
how much (en preguntes)
not much
too much (massa)
1	 Complete the table with the words in the box.
dress furniture grandchild photo news silk
wolf day advice box toast knife
Countable Uncountable
2	 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
1	 I always take a little/a few/any sugar in my coffee.
2	 How many/much/plenty of money do you need?
3	 There is a few/too much/too many salt in my soup.
4	 I love shopping but I have no/some/any time to buy
5	 Did you watch some/a few/any TV yesterday?
6	 Anna eats much/plenty of/any fruit and vegetables –
she’s very healthy.
3	 Match the quantifiers to the uncountable nouns.
1	 a piece of 	 a)	 ham
2	 a bottle of 	 b)	 soup
3	 a box of 	 c)	 advice
4	 a slice of 	 d)	cereal
5	 a tin of 	 e)	 oil
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Basic grammar practice
cf a/an
Forma S’utilitza a/an al davant de noms comptables en singular.
a + consonant: a house a car
an + vocal: an elephant an umbrella
Ús L’article indefinit s’utilitza per parlar de coses que no s’han esmentat abans: I need a new computer.
Amb professions: I’m a teacher and she’s a doctor.
Amb algunes malalties lleus: I have a cold.
Forma S’empra the al davant de noms comptables en singular i en plural i al davant de noms no comptables.
the game the games the furniture
Ús L’article definit s’utilitza per parlar d’alguna cosa que s’ha esmentat abans: The house she bought is beautiful.
Per referir-nos a persones o coses concretes: The children are quiet. The blue car is Karen’s.
Sense article
Ús Persones o coses en general: I love working with teenagers. I hate spiders.
Noms propis: Lewis is very attractive.
Parts del cos: I hurt my leg.
Jocs o esports: Skiing is dangerous.
Noms de llocs: Jill is in hospital.
Parts del dia (en expressions temporals): We went there yesterday morning.
Dies de la setmana: I go cycling on Tuesdays.
1	 Tick the sentence in each pair which is correct.
1	 a)	The fruit from that tree is delicious.
	 b)	I love the fruit.
2	 a)	You’ll need a umbrella – it’s raining.
	 b)	She has an Argentinean accent when she speaks.
3	 a)	Jim wants to be nurse.
	 b)	A nurse usually works very hard.
4	 a)	Dina felt cold.
	 b)	I think I have cold and temperature.
5	 a)	Matt broke the arm.
	 b)	The Olympic Games are in July.
2	 Correct the errors in the incorrect sentences in 1.
3	 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no
article (–).
1	 lions are strong animals. lions in
the zoo live in captivity.
2	 He loves football, but I love
3	 He is at school. He is teacher.
4	 We have piano lessons on Mondays and
basketball at weekends.
5	 She’s teaching me to play guitar –
classes are great fun.
4	 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
Lauren is from (1) the/– Mexico. She is (2) a/the
secretary and works in (3) a/an office. She went
to (4) the/– school in Detroit but to (5) the/–
university in Minnesota. She has lots of hobbies.
She likes (6) the/– sports and she plays (7) a/the
violin. She rides (8) a/an old bicycle to work.
(9) The/– bike is red. She is (10) a/– very nice lady.
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Basic grammar practice
there is / there are
Singular Plural
Present simple There is (There’s) a desk in here.
There is not (isn’t) a lamp in here.
Is there a sofa in here?
There are some new curtains.
There are not (aren’t) any books.
Are there any photos?
Past simple There was a club in my town.
There was not (wasn’t) a waiter.
Was there a DJ?
There were lots of people in the club.
There were not (weren’t) any concerts.
Were there any dancers?
Present perfect There has been a storm.
There has not (hasn’t) been a report on the news.
Has there been lightning?
There have been recent warnings.
There haven’t been any injuries.
Have there been any offers of help?
Futur (will) There will be a party tomorrow.
There will not (won’t) be a rock band.
Will there be a singer?
There will be a lot of people there.
There will not (won’t) be any food.
Will there be any drinks?
Futur (going to) There is (There’s) going to be a hotel in my town.
There is not (isn’t) going to be a swimming pool.
Is there going to be a restaurant?
There are going to be lots of bedrooms.
There are not (aren’t) going to be any discos.
Are there going to be any parties in the restaurant?
1	 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
there is or there are.
1	 I think elections next year.
2	 a car crash in my town two
weeks ago.
3	 any interesting stories
4	 Could you buy some milk?
any in the fridge.
5	 Oh no! a concert this
summer. It has been cancelled.
2	 Correct the errors in the sentences.
1	 There was a few people at the café last night.
2	 There be two new films on next weekend.
3	 Have there been any news about the trip?
4	 There aren’t to be any students here tomorrow. It’s
5	 Are there going to be a festival here next week?
6	 There haven’t been any news about John.
this / these, that / those
Ús Singular Plural
Parlar sobre gent, animals
o coses que tenim a prop
What’s this?
This is a
These flowers
are roses.
Parlar sobre gent, animals
o coses que tenim lluny
What’s that
in the sky?
That’s a bird.
Those birds
are up high.
3	 Choose the correct alternatives.
1	 Look at this/that car over there.
2	 Judith, these/those are my friends Matt and Simon.
3	 This/That woman in the corner is a famous actress.
4	 Do you want one of these/those apples? I have two.
5	 Could these/those people at the back stop talking?
6	 The flowers on this/that plant here are red.
4	 Translate the sentences into your own language.
1	 I lived in that house.
2	 Eli gave me this scarf.
3	 Those games are really difficult to play.
4	 This is my favourite T-shirt.
5	 Why are these books on the floor?
108 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class.
Basic grammar practice
Adjectives and word order
Forma Els adjectius van al davant del nom.
He has bought new shoes.
Els adjectius van al darrere dels verbs be,
look, smell, sound, feel i taste.
The soup smells delicious.
Els adjectius no tenen plural.
We did some difficult exercises in gym class.
Ús Els adjectius descriuen el substantiu.
Ordre de les
Els adjectius es col·loquen en aquest ordre:
opinió, mida, pes, edat, forma, color,
material i origen.
1	 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.
1	 There is a
(black / big) dog in the garden.
2	 I’m wearing my
(orange / favourite / old) coat today.
3	 James has made a
(round / delicious / Italian) pizza.
4	 This is a
(woollen / colourful / large) jumper.
5	 Andrea has a
(yellow / rectangular / small / leather) wallet.
6	 Paul is a
(English / tall / young / good-looking) man.
2	 Order the words to form sentences.
1	 cold / This / is / pasta .
2	 You / buy / new / jacket / brown / leather / a / should .
3	 haven’t / your / chocolate / world-famous / tasted / We /
delicious / cake .
4	 orange / tastes / juice / This / sweet / really .
5	 bought / Chris / new / American / blue / baseball / cap /
a .
2a persona singular
i plural
1a persona plural
Forma Infinitiu: Stop!
Negativa: Don’t stop!
Let’s + infinitiu:
Let’s go to the cinema!
Negativa: Let’s + not +
Let’s not tell anybody.
Ús Donar ordres:
Stop it!
Donar indicacions:
Turn right.
Recomanar alguna
cosa: Drive carefully!
Suggerir o recomanar
a altres persones fer
alguna cosa junts:
Let’s get some ice cream.
Let’s play a game.
3	 Write the opposite orders and suggestions.
1	 Open your books.
2	 Don’t tell her.
3	 Let’s hire a car.
4	 Let’s not buy more clothes.
5	 Wash your hands.
4	 Order the words to form sentences.
1	 sandwich / that / eat / don’t .
2	 make / let’s / video / a .
3	 on / open / books / page / your / 16 .
4	 answer / phone / the / today / don’t .
5	 your / beautiful / me / coat / give .
6	 put / turn / the / lights / video / on / before / off / the /
we .
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Basic grammar practice
Genitiu saxó
Forma Noms en singular: nom + ’s:
that boy’s bicycle Rebecca’s new job
Noms en plural regular: nom + ’:
This is my brothers’ new flat.
Noms en plural irregular: nom + ’s:
The children’s toys.
Als noms acabats en s a vegades se’ls afegeix
’s: James’/James’s sister
Quan alguna cosa pertany a dues o més
persones, només s’afegeix ’s a l’última:
This is Bill and Pat’s house.
Quan dues o més coses pertanyen a persones
diferents, s’afegeix ’s a totes:
These are Bill’s and Pat’s houses.
Ús Mostrar que alguna cosa pertany a algú:
Laura’s car
Explicar les relacions de parentiu entre les
John’s brother
Parlar de llocs:
I bought it at the baker’s. Ann is at Tim’s.
Atenció Es poden emprar dos genitius saxons junts:
That is John’s cousin’s car.
Nota of + nom: s’utilitza per parlar de coses que no
pertanyen a persones o animals, sino a altres
the legs of the table the wheels of the car
1	 Tick the correct form.
1	 a)	the leaves of the tree
	 b)	the tree’s leaves
2	 a)	the rackets of the boys and girls
	 b)	the boys’and girls’rackets
3	 a)	the seat of my car
	 b)	my car’s seat
4	 a)	my husband’s best friend
	 b)	the best friend of my husband
5	 a)	the bottom of the lake
	 b)	the lake’s bottom
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Forma I
Ús Sempre són el
subjecte de la
We live in Cadis.
Al davant del
Her new car is
Al davant
She’s got her
tennis racket.
Amb parts del
My hair is too
Com a
‘Is that their
car?’ ‘No,
theirs is blue.’
Com a
If you need a
pen, you can
have mine.
No utilitzis
mai un
possessiu al
davant del
2	 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
1	 ‘That looks like Amanda’s bag.’‘Yes, it’s hers/her.’
2	 That’s our/ours house at the end of the street.
3	 They gave me some of their/theirs lunch yesterday.
4	 Jane’s hair is short, but your/yours is shorter.
5	 He’s given his/– book to Belinda.
3	 Complete the sentences with a word from the
1	 Anita bought house in Dublin last year.
2	 This is Martin’s bag. It’s .
3	 Did you tidy room?
4	 This isn’t Anna’s pen. It’s . It belongs to me.
5	 It belongs to Jimmy and Sergio. It’s .
6	 That tree is really beautiful. flowers are very
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Basic grammar practice
Comparatives and superlatives
Tipus d’adjectiu Comparatiu Superlatiu
Adjectius d’una
Adjectiu + er: taller, poorer + than
Adjectius acabats en: e + r: paler, nicer
Adjectius acabats en vocal + consonant:
dupliquen la consonant final + er:
big bigger
Adjectiu + est: the tallest, the poorest
Adjectius acabats en e: + st: the palest, the nicest
Adjectius acabats en vocal + consonant:
dupliquen la consonant final + est:
big the biggest
Adjectius de dues
Adjectius amb la primera síl·laba tònica: + er:
Adjectius acabats en consonant + y:
y ier:
funny funnier
Altres adjectius admeten dues formes:
commoner o more common
Adjectius acabats en ed, ful, ing, less:
more + adjectiu: more boring
Adjectius amb la primera síl·laba tònica: + est:
the cleverest
Adjectius acabats en consonant + y:
y iest:
funny funniest
Adjectius acabats en ed, ful, ing, less:
the most + adjectiu: the most boring
Adjectius de més de
dues síl·labes
more + adjectiu + than:
more attractive than
the most + adjectiu:
the most attractive
Adjectius irregulars good – better
bad – worse
far – further / farther
the best
the worst
the furthest / farthest
Ús Comparar coses o persones amb altres coses o
Barcelona is more beautiful than Dublin.
Parlar d’extrems o comparar coses o persones amb
altres coses o persones.
Barcelona is the most beautiful city in the world.
1	 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
1	 My mobile phone is the older/oldest in the class.
2	 Everyone’s mobile is more modern/the most modern
than mine.
3	 Jane’s mobile is thinner/the thinnest in the class.
4	 Her phone is better/the best than mine.
2	 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the adjectives in brackets.
1	 Silver Beach is as (sandy) Rocky
2	 The water is (calm) at Rocky Beach.
3	 The weather is the (good) at Rocky
4	 The waves are the (high) at Silver
5	 Rocky beach isn’t as (popular)
Silver Beach.
6	 Silver beach is the (crowded).
3	 Write comparative and superlative sentences
using the prompts.
1	 MP3 players / light / CD players.
2	 Cities / noisy / places to live.
3	 Anita / good-looking / Belinda. They are both very
4	 The Metro in Madrid / good / in the world.
5	 The Ebro River / long / river in mainland Spain.
6	 Cervantes / famous / Elvira Lindo.
S’utilitza (not) as + adjectiu + as per dir que les coses o persones que comparem són iguals (o no)
en algun aspecte.
She’s as beautiful as her mother.
She isn’t as tall as her mother.
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Basic grammar practice
Present tenses
Present simple Present continuous
Subjecte + forma base:
(tercera persona del singular + s)
She likes tea.
Subjecte + don’t/doesn’t + forma base:
She doesn’t drive.
Do/Does + subjecte + forma base:
Do you like the cake?
Subjecte + be + verb acabat en -ing:
I am drinking tea now.
Subjecte + be not + verb acabat en -ing:
I am not speaking.
Be + subjecte + verb acabat en -ing:
Are you listening to me?
Ús Hàbits i rutines:
I get up at 7.30 every day.
Estats o situacions permanents:
I live in LA.
Veritats universals:
Water changes to ice at 0ºC.
Verbs d’estat:
I love this song but I don’t understand the lyrics.
Accions que passen mentre es parla:
I’m listening to the radio now.
Accions o situacions temporals:
At the moment I’m living with my parents.
Accions en curs en el present:
I’m studying science this week.
Amb always, per expressar queixes sobre accions que
es repeteixen:
She’s always shouting at me. I hate it.
Plans fixos que passaran en el futur:
They’re moving to Alaska.
every day/month/Monday,
in the mornings, once a week:
I go running on Mondays and Fridays.
at the moment, now, right now:
He’s talking on the phone at the moment.
períodes de temps – this week, this month, this year:
I’m studying a lot this week.
Expressions temporals de futur – next week, next
month, next Tuesday
1	 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
1	 Leaves fall/are falling off the trees in autumn.
2	 We read/are reading a book about crime now.
3	 They don’t cook/aren’t cooking dinner right now.
4	 What do you do/are you doing in your free time?
5	 Where do you go/are you going now?
2	 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1	 We (not do) gym on
Mondays. We (have) art class.
2	 They (go) camping this
weekend. I (want) to go too.
3	 He (walk) to school today.
He (not get) the bus.
4	 When (you / use) the internet?
5	 I (not / like) listening to rock music.
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbis de
always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,
I usually run with John and Alma.
Ús Dir amb quina freqüència passen les coses
Nota Adverbi + verb:
We usually have lunch at home on Sundays.
be + adverbi
I’m always late for school on Mondays.
3	 Order the words to form sentences.
1	 always / My / ice cream / mum / us / gives .
2	 stay / late / We / out / never / weekdays / on .
3	 Pat / pop music / to / listens / sometimes .
4	 We / ever / internet / use / hardly / the .
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Basic grammar practice
Past tenses
Past simple Past continuous Past perfect
Subjecte + past simple:
I talked to Jean yesterday.
I ran to the bus stop.
Subjecte + did not + forma base:
She didn’t buy a CD.
Did + subjecte + forma base:
Did you walk there?
Subjecte + was/were + verb
acabat en -ing:
We were listening to the radio.
Subjecte + was/were not + verb
acabat en -ing:
He wasn’t watching TV.
Was/ Were + subjecte + verb
acabat en -ing:
Were you going to the cinema?
Subjecte + had + participi passat:
I had heard the news before.
Subjecte + had not + participi
I hadn’t seen the news.
Had + subjecte + participi passat:
Had you read it before?
Ús Una acció que ha tingut lloc en el
I visited my brother yesterday.
Diverses accions que han tingut
lloc l’una al darrere de l’altra en
el passat:
He woke up and got out of bed.
Una acció que ha tingut lloc
mentre n’estava passat una altra:
You phoned while I was cooking
Una acció en curs en un moment
específic del passat:
I was watching TV at 8pm.
Una acció en curs interrompuda
per una altra:
I was watching TV when the phone
Descripcions en el passat:
The sun was shining and the birds
were singing.
Una acció anterior a una altra acció
que ha tingut lloc en el passat:
I had arrived by the time she phoned
Adverbis i expressions de
freqüència – every day/month/
Monday, usually, always,
They studied every weekend.
They hardly ever used the internet.
Expressions de passat – last
in 1999, when, ago:
I lived in Soria in 1999.
Un temps/Una hora en el passat:
I was singing at 7pm yesterday.
when, while:
He was cycling home when he saw
The teacher arrived while he was
talking on his phone.
by the time + past simple:
By the time the bus arrived, the rain
had stopped.
The concert had already started.
before i after:
After he’d eaten, he watched TV.
They called us before we had left the
1	 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1	 When you (phone),
I (clean) the kitchen.
2	 While I (pay) for the
shopping, my friend (put)
the bags in the car.
3	 What (you / listen) to,
when I (turn) off the radio?
4	 First, she (see) John, next
she (run) to meet him and
finally she (speak) to him.
5	 We (not write) emails, we
(read) the newspaper at10pm.
2	 Complete the sentences with the past perfect
form of the verbs in brackets.
1	 When I met her, she
(marry) John.
2	 By the time we got home, they
(prepare) dinner for us.
3	 She (not feel) well all day
so she (go) to bed.
4	 Before I started university, I
(spend) a summer in the USA.
5	 After we (watch) the
programme, we read a book.
6	 By the time he arrived at the cinema, the
film (start).
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Basic grammar practice
Present perfect simple
Present perfect simple
Subjecte + have/has + participi passat:
I have seen that film.
Subjecte + have/has not + participi
She hasn’t spoken to me.
Have/Has + subjecte + participi passat:
Have you seen Mary today?
Ús Accions que han començat en el passat i
continuen en el present:
I have moved to Bilbao because I have a
new job.
Accions passades que afecten el present:
She has lost her keys.
I have tried Italian food.
Accions ocorregudes recentment:
I’ve had an email from her.
Per dir que algú ha anat i tornat d’un lloc:
I’ve been to France three times.
(Ara no es troba a França.)
Per dir que algú ha anat a un lloc i no n’ha
David has gone to Anna’s house.
(Encara hi és.)
for + període de temps:
I have worked here for two months.
since + hora/data:
She has lived here since 2001.
How long: per a preguntar sobre la durada
d’alguna acció:
How long have you known Bea?
Nota Mai s’empren expressions temporals de
passat amb el present perfect:
I’ve bought this book yesterday.
1	 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
or the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1	 Marta and Steve (know)
each other for four years.
2	 I (not live) in Portugal but
I (go) there once on
3	 (he / play) computer
games on the internet today?
4	 We (not have) breakfast
yesterday because we
(not have) time.
5	 She (give) me a great
present for my birthday last week.
6	 They (not speak) to John
since the party.
2	 Complete the sentences with been or gone.
1	 ‘Is Maria there?’
‘No, she’s to Alan’s house.’
2	 They’ve to Yorkshire five times.
3	 She’s to the shops. She’ll be back in a
4	 We haven’t to London yet. We’re going
there next year.
5	 Alan has to the café. He’s there now.
6	 We’ve to the shopping centre but we didn’t
see Matilda.
3	 Complete the sentences with for or since.
1	 I haven’t been to the cinema two weeks.
2	 They’ve been at the pool three hours.
3	 She hasn’t been at home lunch time.
4	 We’ve studied French ten years.
5	 You’ve worked there 2008.
6	 I’ve liked him we were teenagers.
4	 Translate the sentences in 3 into your language.
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Basic grammar practice
Future tenses
will be going to Present continuous
Subjecte + will + infinitiu:
Teenagers will have a better
Subjecte + will not/won’t + infinitiu:
He will not (won’t) win the
Will + subjecte + infinitiu:
Will you bring it tomorrow?
Subjecte + be going to + infinitiu:
I’m going to buy some new jeans.
Subjecte + be not going to +
She’s not going to go on holiday.
Be + subjecte + going to + infinitiu:
Are they going to get the bus home?
Subjecte + be + verb acabat en
I’m meeting my friends tonight.
Subjecte + be not + verb acabat
en -ing:
I’m not flying there.
Be + subjecte + verb acabat en
Are you taking a train?
Ús Prediccions:
I think she’ll be famous.
I’ll give you a lift.
I’ll study harder.
Decisions preses mentre es parla:
Don’t worry, I’ll buy some more.
Plans i intencions per al futur:
She’s going to fly to New York this
Prediccions basades en fets obvis:
Look at the clouds – it’s going to
Plans segurs fixats amb antelació
per al futur pròxim:
I’m having lunch with Sally
this evening, later, next week, soon,
tomorrow, in an hour, in the future:
I think it will rain later.
this evening, later, next week, soon,
tomorrow, in an hour:
We are going to buy a new car soon.
this evening, later, next week, soon,
tomorrow, in an hour, on Saturday:
Audrey is coming on Sunday.
1	 Read the sentences (1–5) and match them to
their functions (a–e).
1	 The light is changing to orange. The cars are going to
2	 I think they will employ three more people in the
office next year.
3	 She’s driving home on Sunday at 1.00.
4	 When I finish school, I’m going to live in Paris.
5	 If you don’t understand the exercise, I’ll help you.
a)	a prediction
b)	a plan in the near future
c)	 plans for the future
d)	a decision made when speaking
e)	a prediction based on a fact
2	 Choose the correct alternatives.
1	 Damian is playing/will play football in the park later.
2	 In your opinion, are houses being/are houses going
to be more expensive in the future?
3	 ‘What shopping do you need?’
‘I’ll write/’m writing a list.’
4	 He promises he is going to try/will try harder.
5	 Where will you meet/are you meeting Philip later?
3	 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1	 Stop jumping on the bed, you (fall off).
2	 Scientists say cars (not use) petrol in
3	 Don’t worry! I (buy) some milk for you.
4	 We (get) our new car from the garage
5	 This bicycle is so old. I (change) it for a
new one.
6	 My mum (arrive) at the airport at 6.00.

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  • 1. 105Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Nouns and quantifiers Noms comptables Noms no comptables Forma Els noms comptables es poden comptar. Tenen singular i plural. Normes ortogràfiques per formar el plural: la majoria dels noms + s: car cars, boy boys Els noms acabats en s, ss, sh, ch, x i o + es: tomatoes, buses, brushes, watches Els noms acabats en consonant + y: y ies fly flies, baby babies Els noms acabats en f o fe: f/fe ves scarf scarves, wife wives Plurals irregulars: child children, man men, woman women, tooth teeth Algunes malalties lleus són comptables: a cold, a headache Els noms no comptables no es poden comptar. No tenen plural. Tipus de noms no comptables: Aliments: salt, sugar, cheese, meat, bread Líquids: water, milk, oil, tea, coffee Materials: gold, paper, silver, iron Noms abstractes: beauty, love, sadness Malalties: flu, AIDS, diabetes Altres: advice, industry, luggage, furniture, hair, information, news, money Noms no comptables amb forma plural: jeans, scissors, clothes, thanks, groceries Expressions utilitzades per convertir noms no comptables en comptables: A piece of (advice, bread, toast) A can of (cola, orange) A bowl of (cereal, soup) A glass of (wine, water, milk) A slice of (bread, ham) A tin of (peas, tuna) Quantificadors Alguns quantificadors s’utilitzen amb noms comptables i no comptables: some (frases afirmatives), any (negatives i interrogatives), no (amb el vern en afirmativa), a lot of, lots of, plenty of Nota Alguns quantificadors només es poden utilitzar amb noms comptables: (a) few how many (en preguntes amb noms en plural) too many (massa) several Alguns quantificadors només es poden utilitzar amb noms no comptables: (a) little how much (en preguntes) not much too much (massa) 1 Complete the table with the words in the box. dress furniture grandchild photo news silk wolf day advice box toast knife Countable Uncountable 2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 I always take a little/a few/any sugar in my coffee. 2 How many/much/plenty of money do you need? 3 There is a few/too much/too many salt in my soup. 4 I love shopping but I have no/some/any time to buy anything. 5 Did you watch some/a few/any TV yesterday? 6 Anna eats much/plenty of/any fruit and vegetables – she’s very healthy. 3 Match the quantifiers to the uncountable nouns. 1 a piece of a) ham 2 a bottle of b) soup 3 a box of c) advice 4 a slice of d) cereal 5 a tin of e) oil
  • 2. 106 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Articles cf a/an Forma S’utilitza a/an al davant de noms comptables en singular. a + consonant: a house a car an + vocal: an elephant an umbrella Ús L’article indefinit s’utilitza per parlar de coses que no s’han esmentat abans: I need a new computer. Amb professions: I’m a teacher and she’s a doctor. Amb algunes malalties lleus: I have a cold. the Forma S’empra the al davant de noms comptables en singular i en plural i al davant de noms no comptables. the game the games the furniture Ús L’article definit s’utilitza per parlar d’alguna cosa que s’ha esmentat abans: The house she bought is beautiful. Per referir-nos a persones o coses concretes: The children are quiet. The blue car is Karen’s. Sense article Ús Persones o coses en general: I love working with teenagers. I hate spiders. Noms propis: Lewis is very attractive. Parts del cos: I hurt my leg. Jocs o esports: Skiing is dangerous. Noms de llocs: Jill is in hospital. Parts del dia (en expressions temporals): We went there yesterday morning. Dies de la setmana: I go cycling on Tuesdays. 1 Tick the sentence in each pair which is correct. 1 a) The fruit from that tree is delicious. b) I love the fruit. 2 a) You’ll need a umbrella – it’s raining. b) She has an Argentinean accent when she speaks. 3 a) Jim wants to be nurse. b) A nurse usually works very hard. 4 a) Dina felt cold. b) I think I have cold and temperature. 5 a) Matt broke the arm. b) The Olympic Games are in July. 2 Correct the errors in the incorrect sentences in 1. 1 2 3 4 5 3 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article (–). 1 lions are strong animals. lions in the zoo live in captivity. 2 He loves football, but I love cycling. 3 He is at school. He is teacher. 4 We have piano lessons on Mondays and basketball at weekends. 5 She’s teaching me to play guitar – classes are great fun. 4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text. Lauren is from (1) the/– Mexico. She is (2) a/the secretary and works in (3) a/an office. She went to (4) the/– school in Detroit but to (5) the/– university in Minnesota. She has lots of hobbies. She likes (6) the/– sports and she plays (7) a/the violin. She rides (8) a/an old bicycle to work. (9) The/– bike is red. She is (10) a/– very nice lady.
  • 3. 107Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice there is / there are Singular Plural Present simple There is (There’s) a desk in here. There is not (isn’t) a lamp in here. Is there a sofa in here? There are some new curtains. There are not (aren’t) any books. Are there any photos? Past simple There was a club in my town. There was not (wasn’t) a waiter. Was there a DJ? There were lots of people in the club. There were not (weren’t) any concerts. Were there any dancers? Present perfect There has been a storm. There has not (hasn’t) been a report on the news. Has there been lightning? There have been recent warnings. There haven’t been any injuries. Have there been any offers of help? Futur (will) There will be a party tomorrow. There will not (won’t) be a rock band. Will there be a singer? There will be a lot of people there. There will not (won’t) be any food. Will there be any drinks? Futur (going to) There is (There’s) going to be a hotel in my town. There is not (isn’t) going to be a swimming pool. Is there going to be a restaurant? There are going to be lots of bedrooms. There are not (aren’t) going to be any discos. Are there going to be any parties in the restaurant? 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are. 1 I think elections next year. 2 a car crash in my town two weeks ago. 3 any interesting stories recently? 4 Could you buy some milk? any in the fridge. 5 Oh no! a concert this summer. It has been cancelled. 2 Correct the errors in the sentences. 1 There was a few people at the café last night. 2 There be two new films on next weekend. 3 Have there been any news about the trip? 4 There aren’t to be any students here tomorrow. It’s Saturday. 5 Are there going to be a festival here next week? 6 There haven’t been any news about John. this / these, that / those Ús Singular Plural Parlar sobre gent, animals o coses que tenim a prop What’s this? This is a flower. These flowers are roses. Parlar sobre gent, animals o coses que tenim lluny What’s that in the sky? That’s a bird. Those birds are up high. 3 Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Look at this/that car over there. 2 Judith, these/those are my friends Matt and Simon. 3 This/That woman in the corner is a famous actress. 4 Do you want one of these/those apples? I have two. 5 Could these/those people at the back stop talking? 6 The flowers on this/that plant here are red. 4 Translate the sentences into your own language. 1 I lived in that house. 2 Eli gave me this scarf. 3 Those games are really difficult to play. 4 This is my favourite T-shirt. 5 Why are these books on the floor?
  • 4. 108 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Adjectives and word order Adjectius Forma Els adjectius van al davant del nom. He has bought new shoes. Els adjectius van al darrere dels verbs be, look, smell, sound, feel i taste. The soup smells delicious. Els adjectius no tenen plural. We did some difficult exercises in gym class. Ús Els adjectius descriuen el substantiu. Ordre de les paraules Els adjectius es col·loquen en aquest ordre: opinió, mida, pes, edat, forma, color, material i origen. 1 Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. 1 There is a (black / big) dog in the garden. 2 I’m wearing my (orange / favourite / old) coat today. 3 James has made a (round / delicious / Italian) pizza. 4 This is a (woollen / colourful / large) jumper. 5 Andrea has a (yellow / rectangular / small / leather) wallet. 6 Paul is a (English / tall / young / good-looking) man. 2 Order the words to form sentences. 1 cold / This / is / pasta . 2 You / buy / new / jacket / brown / leather / a / should . 3 haven’t / your / chocolate / world-famous / tasted / We / delicious / cake . 4 orange / tastes / juice / This / sweet / really . 5 bought / Chris / new / American / blue / baseball / cap / a . Imperatives 2a persona singular i plural 1a persona plural Forma Infinitiu: Stop! Negativa: Don’t stop! Let’s + infinitiu: Let’s go to the cinema! Negativa: Let’s + not + infinitiu: Let’s not tell anybody. Ús Donar ordres: Stop it! Donar indicacions: Turn right. Recomanar alguna cosa: Drive carefully! Suggerir o recomanar a altres persones fer alguna cosa junts: Let’s get some ice cream. Let’s play a game. 3 Write the opposite orders and suggestions. 1 Open your books. 2 Don’t tell her. 3 Let’s hire a car. 4 Let’s not buy more clothes. 5 Wash your hands. 4 Order the words to form sentences. 1 sandwich / that / eat / don’t . 2 make / let’s / video / a . 3 on / open / books / page / your / 16 . 4 answer / phone / the / today / don’t . 5 your / beautiful / me / coat / give . 6 put / turn / the / lights / video / on / before / off / the / we .
  • 5. 109Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Possession Genitiu saxó Forma Noms en singular: nom + ’s: that boy’s bicycle Rebecca’s new job Noms en plural regular: nom + ’: This is my brothers’ new flat. Noms en plural irregular: nom + ’s: The children’s toys. Als noms acabats en s a vegades se’ls afegeix ’s: James’/James’s sister Quan alguna cosa pertany a dues o més persones, només s’afegeix ’s a l’última: This is Bill and Pat’s house. Quan dues o més coses pertanyen a persones diferents, s’afegeix ’s a totes: These are Bill’s and Pat’s houses. Ús Mostrar que alguna cosa pertany a algú: Laura’s car Explicar les relacions de parentiu entre les persones: John’s brother Parlar de llocs: I bought it at the baker’s. Ann is at Tim’s. Atenció Es poden emprar dos genitius saxons junts: That is John’s cousin’s car. Nota of + nom: s’utilitza per parlar de coses que no pertanyen a persones o animals, sino a altres coses: the legs of the table the wheels of the car 1 Tick the correct form. 1 a) the leaves of the tree b) the tree’s leaves 2 a) the rackets of the boys and girls b) the boys’and girls’rackets 3 a) the seat of my car b) my car’s seat 4 a) my husband’s best friend b) the best friend of my husband 5 a) the bottom of the lake b) the lake’s bottom Possessive adjectives and pronouns Pronoms personals Adjectius possessius Pronoms possessius Forma I you he she it we you they my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers – ours yours theirs Ús Sempre són el subjecte de la frase: We live in Cadis. Al davant del nom: Her new car is red. Al davant d’objectes personals: She’s got her tennis racket. Amb parts del cos: My hair is too long. Com a subjecte: ‘Is that their car?’ ‘No, theirs is blue.’ Com a objecte: If you need a pen, you can have mine. No utilitzis mai un pronom possessiu al davant del nom. 2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 ‘That looks like Amanda’s bag.’‘Yes, it’s hers/her.’ 2 That’s our/ours house at the end of the street. 3 They gave me some of their/theirs lunch yesterday. 4 Jane’s hair is short, but your/yours is shorter. 5 He’s given his/– book to Belinda. 3 Complete the sentences with a word from the table. 1 Anita bought house in Dublin last year. 2 This is Martin’s bag. It’s . 3 Did you tidy room? 4 This isn’t Anna’s pen. It’s . It belongs to me. 5 It belongs to Jimmy and Sergio. It’s . 6 That tree is really beautiful. flowers are very pretty.
  • 6. 110 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Comparatives and superlatives Tipus d’adjectiu Comparatiu Superlatiu Adjectius d’una síl·laba Adjectiu + er: taller, poorer + than Adjectius acabats en: e + r: paler, nicer Adjectius acabats en vocal + consonant: dupliquen la consonant final + er: big bigger Adjectiu + est: the tallest, the poorest Adjectius acabats en e: + st: the palest, the nicest Adjectius acabats en vocal + consonant: dupliquen la consonant final + est: big the biggest Adjectius de dues síl·labes Adjectius amb la primera síl·laba tònica: + er: cleverer Adjectius acabats en consonant + y: y ier: funny funnier Altres adjectius admeten dues formes: commoner o more common Adjectius acabats en ed, ful, ing, less: more + adjectiu: more boring Adjectius amb la primera síl·laba tònica: + est: the cleverest Adjectius acabats en consonant + y: y iest: funny funniest Adjectius acabats en ed, ful, ing, less: the most + adjectiu: the most boring Adjectius de més de dues síl·labes more + adjectiu + than: more attractive than the most + adjectiu: the most attractive Adjectius irregulars good – better bad – worse far – further / farther the best the worst the furthest / farthest Ús Comparar coses o persones amb altres coses o persones: Barcelona is more beautiful than Dublin. Parlar d’extrems o comparar coses o persones amb altres coses o persones. Barcelona is the most beautiful city in the world. Nota 1 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 My mobile phone is the older/oldest in the class. 2 Everyone’s mobile is more modern/the most modern than mine. 3 Jane’s mobile is thinner/the thinnest in the class. 4 Her phone is better/the best than mine. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Silver Beach is as (sandy) Rocky Beach. 2 The water is (calm) at Rocky Beach. 3 The weather is the (good) at Rocky Beach. 4 The waves are the (high) at Silver Beach. 5 Rocky beach isn’t as (popular) Silver Beach. 6 Silver beach is the (crowded). 3 Write comparative and superlative sentences using the prompts. 1 MP3 players / light / CD players. 2 Cities / noisy / places to live. 3 Anita / good-looking / Belinda. They are both very pretty. 4 The Metro in Madrid / good / in the world. 5 The Ebro River / long / river in mainland Spain. 6 Cervantes / famous / Elvira Lindo. S’utilitza (not) as + adjectiu + as per dir que les coses o persones que comparem són iguals (o no) en algun aspecte. She’s as beautiful as her mother. She isn’t as tall as her mother.
  • 7. 111Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Present tenses Present simple Present continuous Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Subjecte + forma base: (tercera persona del singular + s) She likes tea. Subjecte + don’t/doesn’t + forma base: She doesn’t drive. Do/Does + subjecte + forma base: Do you like the cake? Subjecte + be + verb acabat en -ing: I am drinking tea now. Subjecte + be not + verb acabat en -ing: I am not speaking. Be + subjecte + verb acabat en -ing: Are you listening to me? Ús Hàbits i rutines: I get up at 7.30 every day. Estats o situacions permanents: I live in LA. Veritats universals: Water changes to ice at 0ºC. Verbs d’estat: I love this song but I don’t understand the lyrics. Accions que passen mentre es parla: I’m listening to the radio now. Accions o situacions temporals: At the moment I’m living with my parents. Accions en curs en el present: I’m studying science this week. Amb always, per expressar queixes sobre accions que es repeteixen: She’s always shouting at me. I hate it. Plans fixos que passaran en el futur: They’re moving to Alaska. Expressions temporals every day/month/Monday, in the mornings, once a week: I go running on Mondays and Fridays. at the moment, now, right now: He’s talking on the phone at the moment. períodes de temps – this week, this month, this year: I’m studying a lot this week. Expressions temporals de futur – next week, next month, next Tuesday 1 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. 1 Leaves fall/are falling off the trees in autumn. 2 We read/are reading a book about crime now. 3 They don’t cook/aren’t cooking dinner right now. 4 What do you do/are you doing in your free time? 5 Where do you go/are you going now? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (not do) gym on Mondays. We (have) art class. 2 They (go) camping this weekend. I (want) to go too. 3 He (walk) to school today. He (not get) the bus. 4 When (you / use) the internet? 5 I (not / like) listening to rock music. Adverbs of frequency Adverbis de freqüència always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never I usually run with John and Alma. Ús Dir amb quina freqüència passen les coses Nota Adverbi + verb: We usually have lunch at home on Sundays. be + adverbi I’m always late for school on Mondays. 3 Order the words to form sentences. 1 always / My / ice cream / mum / us / gives . 2 stay / late / We / out / never / weekdays / on . 3 Pat / pop music / to / listens / sometimes . 4 We / ever / internet / use / hardly / the .
  • 8. 112 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Past tenses Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Subjecte + past simple: I talked to Jean yesterday. I ran to the bus stop. Subjecte + did not + forma base: She didn’t buy a CD. Did + subjecte + forma base: Did you walk there? Subjecte + was/were + verb acabat en -ing: We were listening to the radio. Subjecte + was/were not + verb acabat en -ing: He wasn’t watching TV. Was/ Were + subjecte + verb acabat en -ing: Were you going to the cinema? Subjecte + had + participi passat: I had heard the news before. Subjecte + had not + participi passat: I hadn’t seen the news. Had + subjecte + participi passat: Had you read it before? Ús Una acció que ha tingut lloc en el passat: I visited my brother yesterday. Diverses accions que han tingut lloc l’una al darrere de l’altra en el passat: He woke up and got out of bed. Una acció que ha tingut lloc mentre n’estava passat una altra: You phoned while I was cooking lunch. Una acció en curs en un moment específic del passat: I was watching TV at 8pm. Una acció en curs interrompuda per una altra: I was watching TV when the phone rang. Descripcions en el passat: The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Una acció anterior a una altra acció que ha tingut lloc en el passat: I had arrived by the time she phoned me. Expressions temporals Adverbis i expressions de freqüència – every day/month/ Monday, usually, always, sometimes: They studied every weekend. They hardly ever used the internet. Expressions de passat – last night/year/week/month,yesterday, in 1999, when, ago: I lived in Soria in 1999. Un temps/Una hora en el passat: I was singing at 7pm yesterday. when, while: He was cycling home when he saw Julie. The teacher arrived while he was talking on his phone. by the time + past simple: By the time the bus arrived, the rain had stopped. already: The concert had already started. before i after: After he’d eaten, he watched TV. They called us before we had left the house. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 When you (phone), I (clean) the kitchen. 2 While I (pay) for the shopping, my friend (put) the bags in the car. 3 What (you / listen) to, when I (turn) off the radio? 4 First, she (see) John, next she (run) to meet him and finally she (speak) to him. 5 We (not write) emails, we (read) the newspaper at10pm. 2 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 When I met her, she (marry) John. 2 By the time we got home, they (prepare) dinner for us. 3 She (not feel) well all day so she (go) to bed. 4 Before I started university, I (spend) a summer in the USA. 5 After we (watch) the programme, we read a book. 6 By the time he arrived at the cinema, the film (start).
  • 9. 113Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Present perfect simple Present perfect simple Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Subjecte + have/has + participi passat: I have seen that film. Subjecte + have/has not + participi passat: She hasn’t spoken to me. Have/Has + subjecte + participi passat: Have you seen Mary today? Ús Accions que han començat en el passat i continuen en el present: I have moved to Bilbao because I have a new job. Accions passades que afecten el present: She has lost her keys. Experiències: I have tried Italian food. Accions ocorregudes recentment: I’ve had an email from her. been gone Per dir que algú ha anat i tornat d’un lloc: I’ve been to France three times. (Ara no es troba a França.) Per dir que algú ha anat a un lloc i no n’ha tornat: David has gone to Anna’s house. (Encara hi és.) Expressions temporals for + període de temps: I have worked here for two months. since + hora/data: She has lived here since 2001. How long: per a preguntar sobre la durada d’alguna acció: How long have you known Bea? Nota Mai s’empren expressions temporals de passat amb el present perfect: I’ve bought this book yesterday. 1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Marta and Steve (know) each other for four years. 2 I (not live) in Portugal but I (go) there once on holiday. 3 (he / play) computer games on the internet today? 4 We (not have) breakfast yesterday because we (not have) time. 5 She (give) me a great present for my birthday last week. 6 They (not speak) to John since the party. 2 Complete the sentences with been or gone. 1 ‘Is Maria there?’ ‘No, she’s to Alan’s house.’ 2 They’ve to Yorkshire five times. 3 She’s to the shops. She’ll be back in a minute. 4 We haven’t to London yet. We’re going there next year. 5 Alan has to the café. He’s there now. 6 We’ve to the shopping centre but we didn’t see Matilda. 3 Complete the sentences with for or since. 1 I haven’t been to the cinema two weeks. 2 They’ve been at the pool three hours. 3 She hasn’t been at home lunch time. 4 We’ve studied French ten years. 5 You’ve worked there 2008. 6 I’ve liked him we were teenagers. 4 Translate the sentences in 3 into your language. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 10. 114 Photocopiable Text Award © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012. This page may be photocopied for use in class. Basic grammar practice Future tenses will be going to Present continuous Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Subjecte + will + infinitiu: Teenagers will have a better education. Subjecte + will not/won’t + infinitiu: He will not (won’t) win the competition. Will + subjecte + infinitiu: Will you bring it tomorrow? Subjecte + be going to + infinitiu: I’m going to buy some new jeans. Subjecte + be not going to + infinitiu: She’s not going to go on holiday. Be + subjecte + going to + infinitiu: Are they going to get the bus home? Subjecte + be + verb acabat en -ing: I’m meeting my friends tonight. Subjecte + be not + verb acabat en -ing: I’m not flying there. Be + subjecte + verb acabat en -ing: Are you taking a train? Ús Prediccions: I think she’ll be famous. Oferiments: I’ll give you a lift. Promeses: I’ll study harder. Decisions preses mentre es parla: Don’t worry, I’ll buy some more. Plans i intencions per al futur: She’s going to fly to New York this summer. Prediccions basades en fets obvis: Look at the clouds – it’s going to rain. Plans segurs fixats amb antelació per al futur pròxim: I’m having lunch with Sally tomorrow. Expressions temporals this evening, later, next week, soon, tomorrow, in an hour, in the future: I think it will rain later. this evening, later, next week, soon, tomorrow, in an hour: We are going to buy a new car soon. this evening, later, next week, soon, tomorrow, in an hour, on Saturday: Audrey is coming on Sunday. 1 Read the sentences (1–5) and match them to their functions (a–e). 1 The light is changing to orange. The cars are going to stop. 2 I think they will employ three more people in the office next year. 3 She’s driving home on Sunday at 1.00. 4 When I finish school, I’m going to live in Paris. 5 If you don’t understand the exercise, I’ll help you. a) a prediction b) a plan in the near future c) plans for the future d) a decision made when speaking e) a prediction based on a fact 2 Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Damian is playing/will play football in the park later. 2 In your opinion, are houses being/are houses going to be more expensive in the future? 3 ‘What shopping do you need?’ ‘I’ll write/’m writing a list.’ 4 He promises he is going to try/will try harder. 5 Where will you meet/are you meeting Philip later? 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Stop jumping on the bed, you (fall off). 2 Scientists say cars (not use) petrol in 2050. 3 Don’t worry! I (buy) some milk for you. 4 We (get) our new car from the garage tomorrow. 5 This bicycle is so old. I (change) it for a new one. 6 My mum (arrive) at the airport at 6.00.