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prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
A transaction is a unit of 
program execution that 
accesses and possibly 
updates various data items 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
E.g. transaction to transfer $50 from 
account A to account B: 
1. read(A) 
2. A := A – 50 
3. write(A) 
4. read(B) 
5. B := B + 50 
6. write(B) 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Two main issues to deal with: 
Failures of various kinds, such 
as hardware failures and system 
 Concurrent execution of 
multiple transactions 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
A Atomicity 
C Consistency 
I Isolation 
D Durability 
To preserve the integrity of 
data the database system 
must ensure ACID properties 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Atomicity. Either all operations of the 
transaction are properly reflected in the 
database or none are. 
Consistency. Execution of a transaction in 
isolation preserves the consistency of the 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Isolation. Although multiple transactions may 
execute concurrently, each transaction must be 
unaware of other concurrently executing transactions. 
Intermediate transaction results must be hidden from 
other concurrently executed transactions. 
That is, for every pair of transactions Ti and 
Tj, it appears to Ti that either Tj, finished 
execution before Ti started, or Tj started 
execution after Ti finished. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Durability. After a transaction completes 
successfully, the changes it has made to the 
database persist, even if there are system 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Example of Fund Transfer 
Transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B: 
1. read(A) 
2. A := A – 50 
3. write(A) 
4. read(B) 
5. B := B + 50 
6. write(B) 
Atomicity requirement 
if the transaction fails after step 3 and before step 6, 
money will be “lost” leading to an inconsistent database 
state . 
Failure could be due to software or hardware 
the system should ensure that updates of a partially 
executed transaction prepared are by Visakh not V,Assistant Professor, 
reflected in the database
Durability requirement — once the user has been notified 
that the transaction has completed (i.e., the transfer of the 
$50 has taken place), the updates to the database by the 
transaction must persist even if there are software or 
hardware failures. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Consistency requirement 
the sum of A and B is unchanged by the execution of 
the transaction 
In general, consistency requirements include 
Explicitly specified integrity constraints such as 
primary keys and foreign keys 
Implicit integrity constraints 
e.g. sum of balances of all accounts, minus sum of 
loan amounts must equal value of cash-in-hand 
A transaction must see a consistent database. 
During transaction execution the database may be 
temporarily inconsistent. 
When the transaction completes successfully the 
database must be consistent 
Erroneous transaction logic can lead to inconsistency prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Isolation requirement — if between steps 3 and 6, another 
transaction T2 is allowed to access the partially updated 
database, it will see an inconsistent database (the sum A + B will 
be less than it should be). 
T1 T2 
1. read(A) 
2. A := A – 50 
3. write(A) 
read(A), read(B), print(A+B) 
4. read(B) 
5. B := B + 50 
6. write(B 
• Isolation can be ensured trivially by running transactions serially 
– that is, one after the other. 
• However, executing multiple transactions concurrently has 
significant benefits, as we will see later. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Transaction State 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Active – the initial state; the transaction stays in this 
state while it is executing 
• Partially committed – after the final statement has 
been executed. 
• Failed -- after the discovery that normal execution can 
no longer proceed. 
• Aborted – after the transaction has been rolled back 
and the database restored to its state prior to the start 
of the transaction. Two options after it has been 
– restart the transaction 
• can be done only if no internal logical error 
– kill the transaction 
• Committed – after successful completion. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Concurrent Executions 
• Multiple transactions are allowed to run 
concurrently in the system. Advantages are: 
increased processor and disk utilization, leading to better 
transaction throughput 
E.g. one transaction can be using the CPU while another is 
reading from or writing to the disk 
reduced average response time for transactions: short 
transactions need not wait behind long ones. 
• Concurrency control schemes – mechanisms to 
achieve isolation 
 that is, to control the interaction among the concurrent 
transactions in order to prevent them from destroying the 
consistency of the database 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Schedule – a sequences of instructions that specify the order 
in which instructions of concurrent transactions are executed 
– a schedule for a set of transactions must consist of all instructions 
of those transactions 
– must preserve the order in which the instructions appear in each 
individual transaction. 
• A transaction that successfully completes its execution will 
have a commit instructions as the last statement 
– by default transaction assumed to execute commit instruction as 
its last step 
• A transaction that fails to successfully complete its execution 
will have an abort instruction as the last statement 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Schedule 1 
• Let T1 transfer $50 from A to B, and T2 transfer 10% of 
the balance from A to B. 
• A serial schedule in which T1 is followed by T2 : 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Schedule 2 
• A serial schedule where T2 is followed by T1 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Schedule 3 
• Let T1 and T2 be the transactions defined previously. 
The following schedule is not a serial schedule, but it is 
equivalent to Schedule 1. 
schedule  
In Schedules 1, 2 
and 3, 
the sum A + B is 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Schedule 4 
• The following concurrent schedule does not 
preserve the value of (A + B ). 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
This problem occurred because two 
transactions are working on the same 
resource without knowing each other’s 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• : transaction reads values written 
by another transaction that hasn’t 
committed yet. 
•This problem has occurred because 
two transactions are working on the 
same resource without knowing 
each other’s activity 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Newly inserted rows appear as phantom to the 
• A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of 
rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that 
the set of rows satisfying the condition has changed 
as a result of another recently committed transaction 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
It is the process of finding 
concurrent schedule equivalent to 
serial schedule prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Transactions are programs. 
•Here we consider only two operations 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Two forms 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
i1,i2 : two consecutive 
instructions of different 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
1. l 
4 cases we need to 
= read(Q), l 
= read(Q). l 
and l 
2. l 
= read(Q), l 
= write(Q). They conflict. 
3. l 
= write(Q), l 
= read(Q). They conflict 
4. l 
= write(Q), l 
= write(Q). They conflict 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Series of swaps of non 
conflict instruction 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
If S is Conflict 
equivalent to a serial 
schedule(prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
here S’)
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•It is possible to have two schedules that 
produce the same outcome ,but that are 
not conflict equivalent 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•It is not conflict equivalent to its serial schedule(but 
this schedule move db to a consistent state) 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•So we must consider computation 
performed by transactions rather 
than just read and write operations. 
•But it is hard to implement 
and it is computationally 
expensive . 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Another schedule equivalence purely based on read 
and write operations 
•If schedule s1 and s2 are said to be view equivalent 
if three conditions are met. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
1. If Ti reads the initial value of object A in s1,it must 
also read the initial value of A in s2. 
2. If Ti read a value of A written by Tj in s1,it must also 
read the value of A written by Tj in s2. 
3. For each data object A , the transaction (if any)that 
performs the final write on A in s1 must also perform 
the final write on A in s2. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
If S is view equivalent 
to a serial 
schedule(prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
here S’)
Ex: for view serializable schedule 
It is view equivalent to its serial 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
What is the view equivalent serial schedule 
for this ????? prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
The below example is view serializable but not conflict 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Every conflict serializable schedule is 
also view serializable, but reverse need 
not be true. 
•If blind write appear in any view 
serializable schedule that is not conflict 
•Blind write :- transaction performing 
write without a read operation 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
If transaction fails we need to undo the effect of this 
transaction to ensure the atomicity property 
(a)Recoverable schedule 
(b) Cascadeless schedule 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
(a)Recoverable schedule 
Consider the example for non recoverable schedule: 
Recoverable schedule : for each pair of transaction Ti 
and Tj such that Tj reads a data item previously written 
by Ti ,the commit operation of Ti appears before the 
commit operation of prepared Tj by. Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
(a)cascadeless schedule 
Ex: for cascading schedule 
Cascading Rollback: a single transaction 
failure leads to a series of transaction 
prepared rollbacks by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Every cascadeless schedule is also 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Isolation property may no long be preserved. 
• so we need Concurrency control scheme 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
lock is a mechanism to control 
concurrent access to a data 
Grants the lock to the 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Data item can be locked in two modes 
write prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
X-lock is requested using 
lock-X instruction. 
S-lock is requested using 
lock-S instruction. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Lock –compatibility matrix 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Ex: for performing locking 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
If a lock cannot be granted, the 
requesting transaction is made 
to wait till all incompatible locks 
held by other transactions have 
been released. The lock is then 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Necessary condition for deadlock 
A state where neither of 
the transaction can 
proceed with its normal 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Consider the example for deadlock: 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Starvation : If a transaction T never 
make a progress , then is said to be 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
When a transaction Ti request a lock 
on a data item Q in a particular mode M 
We can avoid starvation by: 
•There is no other transaction holding a 
lock on Q in a mode that conflicts with M 
•There is no other transaction that is 
waiting for a lock on Q and that made its 
lock request before Ti 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Set of rules 
• each transaction in the 
system follow this rule 
• it is for ,when a 
transaction may lock or 
unlock each of its data 
•It restricts the number 
possible schedules 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
A schedule s is legal under a given 
locking protocol ,if s possible 
schedule for a set of transaction 
that follows the rules of the locking 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
A locking protocol ensures conflict 
serializability if and only if all legal 
schedules are conflict serializable. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
This is a protocol which ensures conflict 
serializable schedules. 
•Phase 1: Growing Phase 
•transaction may obtain locks 
•transaction may not release locks 
•Phase 2: Shrinking Phase 
•transaction may release 
•transaction may not obtain 
prepared by Visakh lVo,Ascsisktanst Professor, 
•Initially a transaction is in the 
growing phase .The transaction 
acquires locks as needed. 
•Once the transaction releases a 
lock ,it enters the shrinking phase 
and it can issue no more lock 
•Unlock instruction do not need to 
appear at the end of the 
transaction. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
T1: lock-S(A); 
read (A); 
read (B); 
T1: lock-s(A); 
read (A); 
read (B); 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
The point in the schedule where 
the transaction has obtained its 
final lock(the end of growing 
•Two-phase locking does not ensure 
freedom from deadlocks 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•cascading rollback may occur under two 
phase locking 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•(a)Strict two phase locking 
(avoiding cascading rollback ) 
•(b)rigorous two phase locking 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Locking be in two phase + all exclusive mode 
locks of a transaction 
held until the 
transaction commit 
Locking be in two phase + all locks of a 
transaction held until 
the transaction commit prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
T1: read(A1); 
. . . . 
T2: read(A1); 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Two-phase locking with lock conversions: 
– First Phase: 
•can acquire a lock-S on item 
•can acquire a lock-X on item 
•can convert a lock-S to a lock-X (upgrade) 
– Second Phase: 
•can release a lock-S 
•can release a lock-X 
•can convert a lock-X to a lock-S (downgrade) 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Another method for finding the serializability 
• The protocol manages concurrent execution 
such that the time-stamps determine the 
• A time stamp is assigned by the database 
system before the transaction starts 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Assume transactions comes 
in the order T1.T2,T3 
•If an old transaction Ti has time-stamp TS(Ti), 
a new transaction Tj is assigned time-stamp 
TS(Tj) such that TS(Ti) <TS(Tj). 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
For implementing this we use two simple methods 
• Use the value of the system clock. 
•Use a logical counter. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
The time-stamps determine the serializability 
order , i.e. ensure that Ti appears before Tj. 
maintains for each data Q two timestamp values: 
is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that 
executed write(Q) successfully. 
is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that 
executed read(Q) successfully 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•The timestamp ordering protocol ensures that any 
conflicting read and write operations are executed in 
timestamp order 
•The protocol operates as follows. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Suppose a transaction Ti issues a read(Q) 
1. If TS(Ti)  W-timestamp(Q), then Ti needs to read a 
value of Q that was already overwritten. 
 Hence, the read operation is rejected, and Ti is 
rolled back. 
2. If TS(Ti)W-timestamp(Q), then the read operation 
is executed, and R-timestamp(Q) is set to max(R-timestamp( 
Q), TS(Ti)). 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Read rejected 
Read rejected 
Read accepted 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Suppose a transaction Ti issues a write(Q) 
1. If TS(Ti) < R-timestamp(Q), then the value of Q that Ti is 
producing was needed previously, and the system assumed 
that that value would never be produced. 
 Hence, the write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled 
2. If TS(Ti) < W-timestamp(Q), then Ti is attempting to write 
an obsolete value of Q. 
 Hence, this write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled 
3. Otherwise, the write operation is executed, and W-timestamp( 
Q) is spreeptar etdo by TVisSak(hT V,iA)s.sistant Professor, 
write accepted 
write rejected 
write rejected 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
wite rejected
A schedule that is possible under the time stamp protocol 
assume TS(T25) < TS (T26) 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
from deadlock 
•may not 
•may not 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Problem with timestamp-ordering protocol: 
• Suppose Ti aborts, but Tj has read a data item 
written by Ti , then Tj must abort; if Tj had been 
allowed to commit earlier, the schedule is not 
• Further, any transaction that has read a data 
item written by Tj must abort this can lead to 
cascading rollback --- that is, a chain of 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Solution 1: 
• A transaction is structured such that its writes are all 
performed at the end of its processing 
• All writes of a transaction form an atomic action; no 
transaction may execute while a transaction is being 
• A transaction that aborts is restarted with a new 
• Solution 2: Limited form of locking: wait for data to be 
committed before reading it 
• Solution 3: Use commit dependencies to ensure 
recoverability prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Consider the example Example : 
Don’t worry, We 
have a soloution 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Modified version of the timestamp-ordering protocol 
in which obsolete write operations may be ignored 
under certain circumstances. 
• When Ti attempts to write data item Q, if TS(Ti) < W-timestamp( 
Q), then Ti is attempting to write an 
obsolete value of {Q}. 
– Rather than rolling back Ti as the timestamp 
ordering protocol would have done, this {write} 
operation can be ignored. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Otherwise this protocol is the same as the timestamp 
ordering protocol. 
• Thomas' Write Rule allows greater potential concurrency. 
– Allows some view-serializable schedules that are not 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Types of failure 
1. Transaction failure 
•Logical error 
• System error 
: (due to internal 
condition) bad input, data 
not found, resource limit 
:entered an undesirable 
state (ex:deadlock) 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
2. System crash 
: h/w malfunction , or a bug in the database 
s/w or OS 
: loss of content in volatile 
3. Disk failure 
: head crash or failure during data 
transfer operation. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Volatile storage: 
•does not survive system crashes 
•examples: main memory, cache memory 
•Nonvolatile storage: 
•survives system crashes 
•examples: disk, tape, flash memory, 
non-volatile (battery backed up) RAM 
•but may still fail, losing data 
•Stable storage: 
•a mythical form of storage that survives all failures 
•approximated by maintaining multiple copies on 
distinct nonvolatile pmrepaeredd byi Vaisakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Blocks : Fixed length storage units 
Physical blocks are those blocks residing on the disk. 
Buffer blocks are the blocks residing temporarily in main 
Block movements between disk and main memory are initiated 
through the following two operations: 
input(B) transfers the physical block B to main memory. 
output(B) transfers the buffer block B to the disk, and 
replaces the appropriate physical block there. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Example of Data Access 
Buffer Block A 
Buffer Block B 
work area 
of T1 
work area 
of T2 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• Each transaction Ti has its private work-area in which local copies 
of all data items accessed and updated by it are kept. 
– Ti's local copy of a data item X is called xi. 
• Transferring data items between system buffer blocks and its 
private work-area done by: 
– read(X) assigns the value of data item X to the local variable xi. 
– write(X) assigns the value of local variable xi to data item {X} in 
the buffer block. 
– Note: output(BX) need not immediately follow write(X). System 
can perform the output operation when it deems fit. 
• Transactions 
– Must perform read(X) before accessing X for the first time 
(subsequent reads can be from local copy) 
– write(X) can be executed at any time before the transaction 
commits prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Transaction Log 
• also know as journal log / redo-log 
• It is a physical file 
• It usually contain 
• transaction identifier 
• data –item identifier(or time stamp) 
• old value 
• new value 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
We denote various type of log record as 
1.<Ti start> : transaction Ti starts 
2. <Ti, X, V1, V2> : Before Ti executes write(X) 
3.<Ti commit> : Ti finishes it last statement 
4. <Ti abort> 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
<T0 start> 
<T0, A, 1000, 950> 
<To, B, 2000, 2050> 
<T0 commit> 
<T1 start> 
<T1, C, 700, 600> 
<T1 commit> 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Also known as NO UNDO/REDO 
• Algorithm to support O/S, application, power, 
memory and machine failures 
• During transaction run changes recorded only in the 
log files not in database 
• On commit changes made from 
Log  database 
• this process is called “Re-doing”(redo(Ti)),sometimes 
known as ROLLFORWARD. 
• on rollback ,just discard the log files 
• on commit, just copy the log files to database prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Increased time of recovery in case of 
system failure. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Also known as UNDO/REDO 
• Algorithm to support O/S, 
application, power, memory and 
machine failures 
•Transaction updates/alternation 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•On commit all the changes to the db are made 
permanent and log files discarded 
• On rollback , using the log entries old values are 
restored. All the changes in the database are discarded. 
•This process is called un-doing(undo(Ti)). 
• original values are restored using the log files for 
uncommitted transaction. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
Log Write Output 
<T0 start> 
<T0, A, 1000, 950> 
<To, B, 2000, 2050 
A = 950 
B = 2050 
<T0 commit> 
<T1 start> 
<T1, C, 700, 600> 
C = 600 
BB , BC 
<T1 commit> 
• Note: BX denotes block containing X. 
BC output before T1 
BA output after T0 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• The process of undoing changes using log files is 
frequently referred to as rollback 
•Frequent I/O operations while the 
transaction Is active . 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Commercial RDMS is neither deferred nor immediate 
• Database updated at fixed interval of time 
•Irrespective of transaction commit/un-commit state. 
•Check pointing : updating transaction at fixed intervals of 
time is called check-pointing. 
• @ check point time log files changes applied to the 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
• During recovery we need to consider only the most recent 
transaction Ti that started before the checkpoint, and 
transactions that started after Ti. 
1. Scan backwards from end of log to find the most recent 
<checkpoint L> record 
– Only transactions that are in L or started after the 
checkpoint need to be redone or undone 
– Transactions that committed or aborted before the 
checkpoint already have all their updates output to stable 
• Some earlier part of the log may be needed for undo 
1. Continue scanning backwards till a record <Ti start> is 
found for every transaction Ti in L. 
– Parts of log prior to earliest <Ti start> record above are not 
needed for recovery, and can be erased whenever desired. 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
•Alternative to log-based crash-recovery techniques. 
•Advantage: require few disk access than log-based. 
• pages : fixed length portioned block in database. 
• page table : 
•The page table has n entries—one for each 
database page. 
•Each entry contains a pointer to a page on 
disk . 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 
prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, 

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Transaction Management

  • 1. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 2. A transaction is a unit of program execution that accesses and possibly updates various data items prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 3. E.g. transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B: 1. read(A) 2. A := A – 50 3. write(A) 4. read(B) 5. B := B + 50 6. write(B) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 4. Two main issues to deal with: Failures of various kinds, such as hardware failures and system crashes  Concurrent execution of multiple transactions prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 5. A Atomicity C Consistency I Isolation D Durability To preserve the integrity of data the database system must ensure ACID properties prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 6. Atomicity. Either all operations of the transaction are properly reflected in the database or none are. Consistency. Execution of a transaction in isolation preserves the consistency of the database. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 7. Isolation. Although multiple transactions may execute concurrently, each transaction must be unaware of other concurrently executing transactions. Intermediate transaction results must be hidden from other concurrently executed transactions. That is, for every pair of transactions Ti and Tj, it appears to Ti that either Tj, finished execution before Ti started, or Tj started execution after Ti finished. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 8. Durability. After a transaction completes successfully, the changes it has made to the database persist, even if there are system failures. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 9. Example of Fund Transfer Transaction to transfer $50 from account A to account B: 1. read(A) 2. A := A – 50 3. write(A) 4. read(B) 5. B := B + 50 6. write(B) Atomicity requirement if the transaction fails after step 3 and before step 6, money will be “lost” leading to an inconsistent database state . Failure could be due to software or hardware the system should ensure that updates of a partially executed transaction prepared are by Visakh not V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW reflected in the database
  • 10. Durability requirement — once the user has been notified that the transaction has completed (i.e., the transfer of the $50 has taken place), the updates to the database by the transaction must persist even if there are software or hardware failures. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 11. Consistency requirement the sum of A and B is unchanged by the execution of the transaction In general, consistency requirements include Explicitly specified integrity constraints such as primary keys and foreign keys Implicit integrity constraints e.g. sum of balances of all accounts, minus sum of loan amounts must equal value of cash-in-hand A transaction must see a consistent database. During transaction execution the database may be temporarily inconsistent. When the transaction completes successfully the database must be consistent Erroneous transaction logic can lead to inconsistency prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 12. • Isolation requirement — if between steps 3 and 6, another transaction T2 is allowed to access the partially updated database, it will see an inconsistent database (the sum A + B will be less than it should be). T1 T2 1. read(A) 2. A := A – 50 3. write(A) read(A), read(B), print(A+B) 4. read(B) 5. B := B + 50 6. write(B • Isolation can be ensured trivially by running transactions serially – that is, one after the other. • However, executing multiple transactions concurrently has significant benefits, as we will see later. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 13. Transaction State TRANSACTION STATES prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 14. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 15. • Active – the initial state; the transaction stays in this state while it is executing • Partially committed – after the final statement has been executed. • Failed -- after the discovery that normal execution can no longer proceed. • Aborted – after the transaction has been rolled back and the database restored to its state prior to the start of the transaction. Two options after it has been aborted: – restart the transaction • can be done only if no internal logical error – kill the transaction • Committed – after successful completion. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 16. Concurrent Executions • Multiple transactions are allowed to run concurrently in the system. Advantages are: increased processor and disk utilization, leading to better transaction throughput E.g. one transaction can be using the CPU while another is reading from or writing to the disk reduced average response time for transactions: short transactions need not wait behind long ones. • Concurrency control schemes – mechanisms to achieve isolation  that is, to control the interaction among the concurrent transactions in order to prevent them from destroying the consistency of the database prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 17. Schedules • Schedule – a sequences of instructions that specify the order in which instructions of concurrent transactions are executed – a schedule for a set of transactions must consist of all instructions of those transactions – must preserve the order in which the instructions appear in each individual transaction. • A transaction that successfully completes its execution will have a commit instructions as the last statement – by default transaction assumed to execute commit instruction as its last step • A transaction that fails to successfully complete its execution will have an abort instruction as the last statement prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 18. Schedule 1 • Let T1 transfer $50 from A to B, and T2 transfer 10% of the balance from A to B. • A serial schedule in which T1 is followed by T2 : prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 19. Schedule 2 • A serial schedule where T2 is followed by T1 prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 20. Schedule 3 • Let T1 and T2 be the transactions defined previously. The following schedule is not a serial schedule, but it is equivalent to Schedule 1. Concurrent schedule  In Schedules 1, 2 and 3, the sum A + B is preserved. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 21. Schedule 4 • The following concurrent schedule does not preserve the value of (A + B ). prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 22. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 23. This problem occurred because two transactions are working on the same resource without knowing each other’s activity prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 24. • : transaction reads values written by another transaction that hasn’t committed yet. •This problem has occurred because two transactions are working on the same resource without knowing each other’s activity prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 25. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 26. •Newly inserted rows appear as phantom to the transaction • A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows satisfying the condition has changed as a result of another recently committed transaction prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 27. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 28. It is the process of finding concurrent schedule equivalent to serial schedule prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 29. •Transactions are programs. •Here we consider only two operations READ and WRITE prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 30. Two forms prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 31. i1,i2 : two consecutive instructions of different transactions prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 32. 1. l 4 cases we need to consider = read(Q), l i j = read(Q). l i and l j don’t conflict. 2. l i = read(Q), l j = write(Q). They conflict. 3. l i = write(Q), l j = read(Q). They conflict 4. l i = write(Q), l j = write(Q). They conflict prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 33. Series of swaps of non conflict instruction prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 34. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 35. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 36. If S is Conflict equivalent to a serial schedule(prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW here S’)
  • 37. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 38. •It is possible to have two schedules that produce the same outcome ,but that are not conflict equivalent prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 39. •It is not conflict equivalent to its serial schedule(but this schedule move db to a consistent state) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 40. •So we must consider computation performed by transactions rather than just read and write operations. •But it is hard to implement and it is computationally expensive . prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 41. •Another schedule equivalence purely based on read and write operations •If schedule s1 and s2 are said to be view equivalent if three conditions are met. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 42. 1. If Ti reads the initial value of object A in s1,it must also read the initial value of A in s2. 2. If Ti read a value of A written by Tj in s1,it must also read the value of A written by Tj in s2. 3. For each data object A , the transaction (if any)that performs the final write on A in s1 must also perform the final write on A in s2. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 43. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 44. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 45. If S is view equivalent to a serial schedule(prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW here S’)
  • 46. Ex: for view serializable schedule It is view equivalent to its serial schedule prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 47. What is the view equivalent serial schedule for this ????? prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 48. The below example is view serializable but not conflict serializable!!! prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 49. •Every conflict serializable schedule is also view serializable, but reverse need not be true. •If blind write appear in any view serializable schedule that is not conflict serializable. •Blind write :- transaction performing write without a read operation prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 50. If transaction fails we need to undo the effect of this transaction to ensure the atomicity property (a)Recoverable schedule (b) Cascadeless schedule prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 51. (a)Recoverable schedule Consider the example for non recoverable schedule: Recoverable schedule : for each pair of transaction Ti and Tj such that Tj reads a data item previously written by Ti ,the commit operation of Ti appears before the commit operation of prepared Tj by. Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 52. (a)cascadeless schedule Ex: for cascading schedule Cascading Rollback: a single transaction failure leads to a series of transaction prepared rollbacks by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 53. Every cascadeless schedule is also recoverable prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 54. • Isolation property may no long be preserved. • so we need Concurrency control scheme prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 55. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 56. lock is a mechanism to control concurrent access to a data item Grants the lock to the transaction prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 57. Data item can be locked in two modes read write read write prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 58. X-lock is requested using lock-X instruction. S-lock is requested using lock-S instruction. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 59. Lock –compatibility matrix Compatible?? prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 60. Ex: for performing locking prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 61. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 62. If a lock cannot be granted, the requesting transaction is made to wait till all incompatible locks held by other transactions have been released. The lock is then granted prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 63. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 64. Necessary condition for deadlock A state where neither of the transaction can proceed with its normal execution prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 65. Consider the example for deadlock: prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 66. Starvation : If a transaction T never make a progress , then is said to be starved. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 67. When a transaction Ti request a lock on a data item Q in a particular mode M We can avoid starvation by: •There is no other transaction holding a lock on Q in a mode that conflicts with M •There is no other transaction that is waiting for a lock on Q and that made its lock request before Ti prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 68. •Set of rules • each transaction in the system follow this rule • it is for ,when a transaction may lock or unlock each of its data items. •It restricts the number possible schedules prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 69. A schedule s is legal under a given locking protocol ,if s possible schedule for a set of transaction that follows the rules of the locking protocol prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 70. A locking protocol ensures conflict serializability if and only if all legal schedules are conflict serializable. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 71. This is a protocol which ensures conflict serializable schedules. •Phase 1: Growing Phase •transaction may obtain locks •transaction may not release locks •Phase 2: Shrinking Phase •transaction may release locks •transaction may not obtain prepared by Visakh lVo,Ascsisktanst Professor, LBSITW
  • 72. •Initially a transaction is in the growing phase .The transaction acquires locks as needed. •Once the transaction releases a lock ,it enters the shrinking phase and it can issue no more lock requests. •Unlock instruction do not need to appear at the end of the transaction. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 73. T1: lock-S(A); read (A); unlock(A); lock-S(B); read (B); unlock(B); display(A+B); T1: lock-s(A); read (A); lock-S(B); read (B); unlock(B); unlock(B); display(A+B); prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 74. The point in the schedule where the transaction has obtained its final lock(the end of growing phase). •Two-phase locking does not ensure freedom from deadlocks prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 75. •cascading rollback may occur under two phase locking prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 76. •(a)Strict two phase locking (avoiding cascading rollback ) •(b)rigorous two phase locking prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 77. Locking be in two phase + all exclusive mode locks of a transaction held until the transaction commit Locking be in two phase + all locks of a transaction held until the transaction commit prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 78. T1: read(A1); read(A2); . . . . read(An); Write(A1) T2: read(A1); read(A2); .display(A1+A2); prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 79. Two-phase locking with lock conversions: – First Phase: •can acquire a lock-S on item •can acquire a lock-X on item •can convert a lock-S to a lock-X (upgrade) – Second Phase: •can release a lock-S •can release a lock-X •can convert a lock-X to a lock-S (downgrade) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 80. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 81. •Another method for finding the serializability order • The protocol manages concurrent execution such that the time-stamps determine the serializability • A time stamp is assigned by the database system before the transaction starts execution. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 82. Assume transactions comes in the order T1.T2,T3 •If an old transaction Ti has time-stamp TS(Ti), a new transaction Tj is assigned time-stamp TS(Tj) such that TS(Ti) <TS(Tj). prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 83. For implementing this we use two simple methods • Use the value of the system clock. OR •Use a logical counter. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 84. The time-stamps determine the serializability order , i.e. ensure that Ti appears before Tj. maintains for each data Q two timestamp values: . is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that executed write(Q) successfully. is the largest time-stamp of any transaction that executed read(Q) successfully prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 85. •The timestamp ordering protocol ensures that any conflicting read and write operations are executed in timestamp order •The protocol operates as follows. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 86. Suppose a transaction Ti issues a read(Q) 1. If TS(Ti)  W-timestamp(Q), then Ti needs to read a value of Q that was already overwritten.  Hence, the read operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back. 2. If TS(Ti)W-timestamp(Q), then the read operation is executed, and R-timestamp(Q) is set to max(R-timestamp( Q), TS(Ti)). prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 87. Read rejected Read rejected Read accepted READ(B) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 88. Suppose a transaction Ti issues a write(Q) 1. If TS(Ti) < R-timestamp(Q), then the value of Q that Ti is producing was needed previously, and the system assumed that that value would never be produced.  Hence, the write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back. 2. If TS(Ti) < W-timestamp(Q), then Ti is attempting to write an obsolete value of Q.  Hence, this write operation is rejected, and Ti is rolled back. 3. Otherwise, the write operation is executed, and W-timestamp( Q) is spreeptar etdo by TVisSak(hT V,iA)s.sistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 89. WRITE(B) write accepted write rejected write rejected prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW wite rejected
  • 90. A schedule that is possible under the time stamp protocol assume TS(T25) < TS (T26) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 91. •ensures freedom from deadlock •may not cascade-free •may not recoverable. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 92. • Problem with timestamp-ordering protocol: • Suppose Ti aborts, but Tj has read a data item written by Ti , then Tj must abort; if Tj had been allowed to commit earlier, the schedule is not recoverable. • Further, any transaction that has read a data item written by Tj must abort this can lead to cascading rollback --- that is, a chain of rollbacks prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 93. • Solution 1: • A transaction is structured such that its writes are all performed at the end of its processing • All writes of a transaction form an atomic action; no transaction may execute while a transaction is being written • A transaction that aborts is restarted with a new timestamp • Solution 2: Limited form of locking: wait for data to be committed before reading it • Solution 3: Use commit dependencies to ensure recoverability prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 94. Consider the example Example : Don’t worry, We have a soloution THOMAS WRITE RULE prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 95. • Modified version of the timestamp-ordering protocol in which obsolete write operations may be ignored under certain circumstances. • When Ti attempts to write data item Q, if TS(Ti) < W-timestamp( Q), then Ti is attempting to write an obsolete value of {Q}. – Rather than rolling back Ti as the timestamp ordering protocol would have done, this {write} operation can be ignored. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 96. • Otherwise this protocol is the same as the timestamp ordering protocol. • Thomas' Write Rule allows greater potential concurrency. – Allows some view-serializable schedules that are not conflict-serializable prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 97. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 98. Types of failure 1. Transaction failure •Logical error • System error : (due to internal condition) bad input, data not found, resource limit exceed. :entered an undesirable state (ex:deadlock) prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 99. 2. System crash : h/w malfunction , or a bug in the database s/w or OS : loss of content in volatile 3. Disk failure : head crash or failure during data transfer operation. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 100. •Volatile storage: •does not survive system crashes •examples: main memory, cache memory •Nonvolatile storage: •survives system crashes •examples: disk, tape, flash memory, non-volatile (battery backed up) RAM •but may still fail, losing data •Stable storage: •a mythical form of storage that survives all failures •approximated by maintaining multiple copies on distinct nonvolatile pmrepaeredd byi Vaisakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 101. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 102. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 103. Blocks : Fixed length storage units Physical blocks are those blocks residing on the disk. Buffer blocks are the blocks residing temporarily in main memory. Block movements between disk and main memory are initiated through the following two operations: input(B) transfers the physical block B to main memory. output(B) transfers the buffer block B to the disk, and replaces the appropriate physical block there. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 104. Example of Data Access X Y A B x1 y1 buffer Buffer Block A Buffer Block B input(A) output(B) read(X) write(Y) disk work area of T1 x2 work area of T2 memory prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 105. • Each transaction Ti has its private work-area in which local copies of all data items accessed and updated by it are kept. – Ti's local copy of a data item X is called xi. • Transferring data items between system buffer blocks and its private work-area done by: – read(X) assigns the value of data item X to the local variable xi. – write(X) assigns the value of local variable xi to data item {X} in the buffer block. – Note: output(BX) need not immediately follow write(X). System can perform the output operation when it deems fit. • Transactions – Must perform read(X) before accessing X for the first time (subsequent reads can be from local copy) – write(X) can be executed at any time before the transaction commits prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 106. Transaction Log • also know as journal log / redo-log • It is a physical file • It usually contain • transaction identifier • data –item identifier(or time stamp) • old value • new value prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 107. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 108. We denote various type of log record as 1.<Ti start> : transaction Ti starts 2. <Ti, X, V1, V2> : Before Ti executes write(X) 3.<Ti commit> : Ti finishes it last statement 4. <Ti abort> prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 109. <T0 start> <T0, A, 1000, 950> <To, B, 2000, 2050> <T0 commit> <T1 start> <T1, C, 700, 600> <T1 commit> prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 110. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 111. •Also known as NO UNDO/REDO • Algorithm to support O/S, application, power, memory and machine failures • During transaction run changes recorded only in the log files not in database • On commit changes made from Log  database • this process is called “Re-doing”(redo(Ti)),sometimes known as ROLLFORWARD. • on rollback ,just discard the log files • on commit, just copy the log files to database prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 112. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 113. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 114. •Disadvantage •Increased time of recovery in case of system failure. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 115. •Also known as UNDO/REDO • Algorithm to support O/S, application, power, memory and machine failures •Transaction updates/alternation prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 116. •On commit all the changes to the db are made permanent and log files discarded • On rollback , using the log entries old values are restored. All the changes in the database are discarded. •This process is called un-doing(undo(Ti)). • original values are restored using the log files for uncommitted transaction. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 117. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 118. Log Write Output <T0 start> <T0, A, 1000, 950> <To, B, 2000, 2050 A = 950 B = 2050 <T0 commit> <T1 start> <T1, C, 700, 600> C = 600 BB , BC <T1 commit> BA • Note: BX denotes block containing X. BC output before T1 commits BA output after T0 commits prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 119. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 120. • The process of undoing changes using log files is frequently referred to as rollback •Disadvantage •Frequent I/O operations while the transaction Is active . prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 121. •Commercial RDMS is neither deferred nor immediate • Database updated at fixed interval of time •Irrespective of transaction commit/un-commit state. •Check pointing : updating transaction at fixed intervals of time is called check-pointing. • @ check point time log files changes applied to the database. • prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 122. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 123. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 124. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 125. • During recovery we need to consider only the most recent transaction Ti that started before the checkpoint, and transactions that started after Ti. 1. Scan backwards from end of log to find the most recent <checkpoint L> record – Only transactions that are in L or started after the checkpoint need to be redone or undone – Transactions that committed or aborted before the checkpoint already have all their updates output to stable storage. • Some earlier part of the log may be needed for undo operations 1. Continue scanning backwards till a record <Ti start> is found for every transaction Ti in L. – Parts of log prior to earliest <Ti start> record above are not needed for recovery, and can be erased whenever desired. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 126. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 127. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 128. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 129. •Alternative to log-based crash-recovery techniques. •Advantage: require few disk access than log-based. • pages : fixed length portioned block in database. • page table : •The page table has n entries—one for each database page. •Each entry contains a pointer to a page on disk . prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW
  • 130. prepared by Visakh V,Assistant Professor, LBSITW