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Developing You 
Whitney Hess @whitneyhess
from superhero 
to zero 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
What does it take 
to be integral? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
Self Other 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
Self Other 
• Emotional 
• Presence 
• Accurate 
• Self-Confidence 
• Empathy & 
• Org Awareness 
• Service Orientation 
• Self-Regulation 
• Transparency 
• Adaptability 
• Achievement 
• Initiative 
• Developing Others 
• Inspiring Leadership 
• Influence 
• Conflict Resolution 
• Teamwork & 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
What am I missing? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Most workplaces 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Can we really change? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
Self Other 
Presence Empathy 
Adaptability Influence 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔe Distracted Creative 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Presence 
• Frequently distracted 
• Overactive mental chatter 
• Easily irritated 
• Treat people abrasively without realizing it 
• Feel imbalance in work, health and family 
• Unexplained aches and pains 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Presence 
• Frequently distracted 
• Overactive mental chatter 
• Easily irritated 
• Treat people abrasively without realizing it 
• Feel imbalance in work, health and family 
• Unexplained aches and pains 
Connection to your personal truth 
Heightened experiences and memories 
Feel peacefulness and inner stillness 
More easily focus on the task at hand 
Better understand one’s own emotions 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Presence 
• Your mom? 
• Your partner? 
• Your colleague? 
• You? 
• Your client? 
• Your boss? 
• Your nemesis? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Ways to Develop Presence 
Write morning pages 
Observe your thoughts 
Pause and breathe 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔe Unresponsive Devs 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Adaptability 
•Hard to juggle demands 
•Find adjusting priorities stressful 
•Slow to see things from 
another perspective 
•Aggravated by change — 
even when positive 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Adaptability 
Know how to negotiate 
agreements so everyone winsWilling and able to 
generate alternative solutionsAccept surprises whenever they arise• 
•Hard to juggle demands 
•Find adjusting priorities stressful 
•Slow to see things from 
another perspective 
•Aggravated by change — 
even when positive 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Ways to Develop Adaptability 
Brainstorm alternatives 
Observe your reactions 
ﬔrow away old work 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social Awareness 
Social + Emotional 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔe Prejudging Product Lead 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Empathy 
• Have a hard time “reading” people 
• Wait for their turn to talk, planning response 
• Assume they know how other person feels 
• Believe everyone thinks like they do 
• Oen surprised by what someone has 
said or done 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Empathy 
More effectively serve others’ needs• 
diverse backgrounds• 
Respect and relate well to people of 
Better predict others’ reactions• 
non-verbal cues • 
Understand others’ perspectives• 
• Have a hard time “reading” people 
• Wait for their turn to talk, planning response 
• Assume they know how other person feels 
• Believe everyone thinks like they do 
• Oen surprised by what someone has 
said or done 
More accurately read people’s moods and 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
What will be the 
#1 Job Skill 
in the U.S. in 2020? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Ways to Develop Empathy 
Assess your listening 
Watch for cues 
Read literary fiction 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Social + Emotional 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔe Maker Turned Manager 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Influence 
•Deliver same argument or 
presentation regardless of audience 
•Take little notice of audience’s 
needs or interests 
•Find it hard to communicate a 
common vision that involves others 
•Rely on position of authority, or 
resigned to having not having any 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Exceptional Influence 
Turn others into evangelists• 
people’s responses• 
Adapt approach by anticipating 
Appeal to others’ self-interest• 
Build consensus and support for ideas• 
•Deliver same argument or 
presentation regardless of audience 
•Take little notice of audience’s 
needs or interests 
•Find it hard to communicate a 
common vision that involves others 
•Rely on position of authority, or 
resigned to having not having any 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔe Salesperson Effect 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Ways to Develop Influence 
Know your audience 
Observe an influencer 
Accept thank you 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Self Other 
Presence Empathy 
Adaptability Influence 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Corporate Mindfulness 
• Google’s Search Inside Yourself 
• Awake@Intel 
• Meditation at Medium 
• meditating CEO 
• SAP’s Mindfulness Program 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
What would it be like if 
I had more _________? 
What kind of invitation 
am I to others? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
What do I need to do 
to be integral? 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
ﬔank you! 
Whitney Hess 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Plot Your Course — personal development coaching 
Learn ﬔe Ropes — user experience career coaching 
Take ﬔe Helm — UX leadership coaching 
Run a Tight Ship — product strategy workshops 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
Other Resources 
ﬔe Intuitive Body, Difficult Conversations, Daniel 
Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence, ﬔe Power of Now 
Oprah & Chopra, Headspace, Li app, Insight Timer 
Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, 
Wisdom 2.0, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, 
HayGroup’s Emotional & Social Competency Inventory 
@whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral

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The Integral Designer: Developing You

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  • 9. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 10. Mind Heart Body @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 11. Most workplaces Mind Heart Body @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 12. Mind Heart Body ﬔink Feel Sense @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 13. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 14. Integration @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 15. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 16. Can we really change? @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 17. Social + Emotional Intelligence Self Other Presence Empathy Adaptability Influence Awareness Management @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 18. Social + Emotional Intelligence Self-Awareness Presence @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 19. ﬔe Distracted Creative @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 20. Exceptional Presence • Frequently distracted • Overactive mental chatter • Easily irritated • Treat people abrasively without realizing it • Feel imbalance in work, health and family • Unexplained aches and pains Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 21. Exceptional Presence • • • • • • Frequently distracted • Overactive mental chatter • Easily irritated • Treat people abrasively without realizing it • Feel imbalance in work, health and family • Unexplained aches and pains Cautionary Connection to your personal truth Heightened experiences and memories Feel peacefulness and inner stillness More easily focus on the task at hand Better understand one’s own emotions @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 22. Exceptional Presence • Your mom? • Your partner? • Your colleague? • You? • Your client? • Your boss? • Your nemesis? Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 23. Ways to Develop Presence Write morning pages Observe your thoughts Pause and breathe @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 24. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 25. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 26. Social + Emotional Intelligence Self-Management Adaptability @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 27. ﬔe Unresponsive Devs @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 28. Exceptional Adaptability •Hard to juggle demands •Find adjusting priorities stressful •Slow to see things from another perspective •Aggravated by change — even when positive Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 29. Exceptional Adaptability Know how to negotiate • agreements so everyone winsWilling and able to • generate alternative solutionsAccept surprises whenever they arise• •Hard to juggle demands •Find adjusting priorities stressful •Slow to see things from another perspective •Aggravated by change — even when positive Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 30. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 31. Ways to Develop Adaptability Brainstorm alternatives Observe your reactions ﬔrow away old work @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 32. Social Awareness Empathy Social + Emotional Intelligence @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 33. ﬔe Prejudging Product Lead @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 34. Exceptional Empathy • Have a hard time “reading” people • Wait for their turn to talk, planning response • Assume they know how other person feels • Believe everyone thinks like they do • Oen surprised by what someone has said or done Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 35. Exceptional Empathy More effectively serve others’ needs• diverse backgrounds• Respect and relate well to people of Better predict others’ reactions• non-verbal cues • Understand others’ perspectives• • Have a hard time “reading” people • Wait for their turn to talk, planning response • Assume they know how other person feels • Believe everyone thinks like they do • Oen surprised by what someone has said or done Cautionary More accurately read people’s moods and @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 36. What will be the #1 Job Skill in the U.S. in 2020? @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 37. Ways to Develop Empathy Assess your listening Watch for cues Read literary fiction @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 38. Relationship Management Influence Social + Emotional Intelligence @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 39. ﬔe Maker Turned Manager @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 40. Exceptional Influence •Deliver same argument or presentation regardless of audience •Take little notice of audience’s needs or interests •Find it hard to communicate a common vision that involves others •Rely on position of authority, or resigned to having not having any Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 41. Exceptional Influence Turn others into evangelists• people’s responses• Adapt approach by anticipating Appeal to others’ self-interest• Build consensus and support for ideas• •Deliver same argument or presentation regardless of audience •Take little notice of audience’s needs or interests •Find it hard to communicate a common vision that involves others •Rely on position of authority, or resigned to having not having any Cautionary @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 42. ﬔe Salesperson Effect @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 43. Ways to Develop Influence Know your audience Observe an influencer Accept thank you @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 44. Self Other Presence Empathy Integrity Adaptability Influence Awareness Management @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 45. @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 46. Corporate Mindfulness • Google’s Search Inside Yourself • Awake@Intel • Meditation at Medium • meditating CEO • SAP’s Mindfulness Program @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 47. What would it be like if I had more _________? What kind of invitation am I to others? @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 48. What do I need to do to be integral? @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 49. ﬔank you! Whitney Hess @whitneyhess @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 50. Plot Your Course — personal development coaching Learn ﬔe Ropes — user experience career coaching Take ﬔe Helm — UX leadership coaching Run a Tight Ship — product strategy workshops @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral
  • 51. Other Resources Books ﬔe Intuitive Body, Difficult Conversations, Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence, ﬔe Power of Now Tools Oprah & Chopra, Headspace, Li app, Insight Timer Programs Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, Wisdom 2.0, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, HayGroup’s Emotional & Social Competency Inventory @whitneyhess ﬔe Integral Designer: Developing You #integral