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Xavier Giro-i-Nieto
Associate Professor
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
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Source: OpenSelfSup by MMLAB (CUHK & Nanyang)
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1. Representation Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Self-supervised Learning
4. Predictive methods
5. Contrastive methods
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Source: OpenSelfSup by MMLAB (CUHK & Nanyang)
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Representation + Learning pipeline
Raw data (ex: images)
Classifier Decisor y = ‘CAT’
X1: weight
X2: age
CAT: 0.7
DOG: 0.3
Slide concept: Santiago Pascual (UPC 2019). Garfield is a character created by Jim Davis. Garfield and Odie are characters created by Jim Davis.
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Raw data (ex: images)
Classifier Decisor y = ‘CAT’
X1: weight
X2: age
CAT: 0.7
DOG: 0.3
Shall we
features now?
Representation + Learning pipeline
Slide concept: Santiago Pascual (UPC 2019). Garfield is a character created by Jim Davis. Garfield and Odie are characters created by Jim Davis.
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Raw data (ex: images)
Classifier Decisor y = ‘CAT’
CAT: 0.7
DOG: 0.3
We CAN inject the raw
data, and features will
be learned in the NN !!
End to End concept
End-to-end Representation Learning
Slide concept: Santiago Pascual (UPC 2019). Garfield is a character created by Jim Davis. Garfield and Odie are characters created by Jim Davis.
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10Krizhevsky, Alex, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural
networks." NIPS 2012
649,63 citations (June 2020)
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● 1,000 object classes
● Labeled Images:
○ 1.2 M train
○ 100k test.
Russakovsky, Olga, Jia Deng, Hao Su, Jonathan Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh, Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang et al. "Imagenet large
scale visual recognition challenge." International Journal of Computer Vision 115, no. 3 (2015): 211-252. [web]
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1. Representation Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Self-supervised Learning
4. Predictive methods
5. Contrastive methods
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Source: OpenSelfSup by MMLAB (CUHK & Nanyang)
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Types of machine learning
Yann Lecun’s Black Forest cake
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A broader picture of types of learning...
Slide inspired by Alex Graves (Deepmind) at
“Unsupervised Learning Tutorial” @ NeurIPS 2018.
...with a teacher ...without a teacher
Active agent... Reinforcement learning
(with extrinsic reward)
Intrinsic motivation /
Passive agent... Supervised learning Unsupervised learning
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Supervised learning
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
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A broader picture of types of learning...
Slide inspired by Alex Graves (Deepmind) at
“Unsupervised Learning Tutorial” @ NeurIPS 2018.
...with a teacher ...without a teacher
Active agent... Reinforcement learning
(with extrinsic reward)
Intrinsic motivation /
Passive agent... Supervised learning Unsupervised learning
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Unsupervised learning
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
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Unsupervised learning
● It is the nature of how intelligent beings percept
the world.
● It can save us tons of efforts to build an AI agent
compared to a totally supervised fashion.
● Vast amounts of unlabelled data.
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive methods
4. Contrastive methods
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Source: OpenSelfSup by MMLAB (CUHK & Nanyang)
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Self-supervised learning
“Doing this properly and reliably is the greatest
challenge in ML and AI of the next few years in my
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Self-supervised learning
Reference: Andrew Zisserman (PAISS 2018)
Self-supervised learning is a form of unsupervised learning where the data
provides the supervision.
● A pretext (or surrogate) task must be invented by withholding a part of the
unlabeled data and training the NN to predict it.
Unlabeled data
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Self-supervised learning
Reference: Andrew Zisserman (PAISS 2018)
Self-supervised learning is a form of unsupervised learning where the data
provides the supervision.
● By defining a proxy loss, the NN learns representations, which should be
valuable for the actual downstream task.
Representations learned without labels
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Source: OpenSelfSup by MMLAB (CUHK & Nanyang)
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Transfer Learning
Target data
Target model
Target labels
amount of
Instead of training a deep network from scratch for your task...
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
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Transfer Learning
Source data
E.g. ImageNet
Source model
Source labels
Target data
Target model
Target labels
Transfer Learned
amount of
amount of
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
Instead of training a deep network from scratch for your task:
● Take a network trained on a different source domain and/or task
● Adapt it for your target domain and/or task
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Transfer Learning
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
Train deep net on “nearby” task using standard
● Supervised learning (e.g. ImageNet).
● Self-supervised learning (e.g. Language
Cut off top layer(s) of network and replace with
supervised objective for target domain
Fine-tune network using backprop with labels
for target domain until validation loss starts to
surrogate loss
surrogate data
fc2 + softmax
real labelsreal data
real loss
my_fc2 + softmax
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Self-supervised + Transfer Learning
#Shuffle&Learn Misra, Ishan, C. Lawrence Zitnick, and Martial Hebert. "Shuffle and learn: unsupervised learning using
temporal order verification." ECCV 2016. [code] (Slides by Xunyu Lin):
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Transfer Learning: Video-lectures
Kevin McGuinness (UPC DLCV 2016) Ramon Morros (UPC DLAI 2018)
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Predictive vs Contrastive Methods
Source: Ankesh Anand, “Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning” (2020)”
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Predictive vs Contrastive Methods
Source: Ankesh Anand, “Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning” (2020)”
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Autoencoder
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Autoencoder (AE)
Fig: “Deep Learning Tutorial” Stanford
● Predict at the output the
same input data.
● Do not need labels.
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Autoencoder (AE)
Slide: Kevin McGuinness (DLCV UPC 2017)
hdata reconstruction
(reconstruction error)
Latent variables
1. Initialize a NN by solving an autoencoding
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Autoencoder (AE)
Slide: Kevin McGuinness (DLCV UPC 2017)
Latent variables
hdata Classifier
y Loss
(cross entropy)
1. Initialize a NN solving an autoencoding
2. Train for final task with “few” labels.
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Autoencoder (AE)
Fig: “Deep Learning Tutorial” Stanford
What other application does the AE target address ?
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Autoencoder (AE)
Fig: “Deep Learning Tutorial” Stanford
Dimensionality reduction:
Use the hidden layer as a
feature extractor of any
desired size.
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Denoising Autoencoder (DAE)
Vincent, Pascal, Hugo Larochelle, Yoshua Bengio, and Pierre-Antoine Manzagol. "Extracting and composing robust features
with denoising autoencoders." ICML 2008.
1. Corrupt the input signal, but predict the clean version at its output.
2. Train for final task with “few” labels.
hdata reconstruction
(reconstruction error)
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Latent variables
hdata Classifier
y Loss
(cross entropy)
1. Corrupt the input signal, but predict the clean version at its output.
2. Train for final task with “few” labels.
Denoising Autoencoder (DAE)
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Denoising Autoencoder (DAE)
Source: “Tutorial: Your First Model (DAE)” by
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Eigen, David, Dilip Krishnan, and Rob Fergus. "Restoring an image taken through a window covered with dirt or rain." ICCV
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#BERT Devlin, Jacob, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. "Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional
transformers for language understanding." NAACL 2019 (best paper award).
Take a sequence of words on input,
mask out 15% of the words, and
ask the system to predict the
missing words (or a distribution of
Masked Autoencoder (MAE)
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Spatial relations
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Spatial verification
Predict the relative position between two image patches.
#RelPos Doersch, Carl, Abhinav Gupta, and Alexei A. Efros. "Unsupervised visual representation learning by context
prediction." ICCV 2015.
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Spatial verification
#Jigsaw Noroozi, M., & Favaro, P. Unsupervised learning of visual representations by solving jigsaw puzzles. ECCV 2016.
Train a neural network to solve a jigsaw puzzle.
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Spatial verification
#Jigsaw Noroozi, M., & Favaro, P. Unsupervised learning of visual representations by solving jigsaw puzzles. ECCV 2016.
Train a neural network to solve a jigsaw puzzle.
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Temporal relations
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Temporal coherence
#Shuffle&Learn Misra, Ishan, C. Lawrence Zitnick, and Martial Hebert. "Shuffle and learn: unsupervised learning using
temporal order verification." ECCV 2016. [code] (Slides by Xunyu Lin):
Temporal order of frames is
exploited as the supervisory
signal for learning.
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Temporal sorting
Lee, Hsin-Ying, Jia-Bin Huang, Maneesh Singh, and Ming-Hsuan Yang. "Unsupervised representation learning by sorting
sequences." ICCV 2017.
Sort the sequence of frames.
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52#T-CAM Wei, Donglai, Joseph J. Lim, Andrew Zisserman, and William T. Freeman. "Learning and using the arrow of time."
CVPR 2018.
Predict whether the video moves forward or backward.
Arrow of time
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Cycle Consistency
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54#TimeCycle Xiaolong Wang, Allan Jabri, Alexei A. Efros, “Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-Consistency of
Time”. CVPR 2019. [code] [Slides by Carles Ventura]
Training: Tracking backward and then forward with pixel embeddings, to later train a
NN to match the pairs of associated pixel embeddings.
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55#TimeCycle Xiaolong Wang, Allan Jabri, Alexei A. Efros, “Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-Consistency of
Time”. CVPR 2019. [code] [Slides by Carles Ventura]
Inference (video object segmentation): Track pixels across video sequences.
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Video Frame Prediction
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Video Frame Prediction
Slide credit:
Yann LeCun
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Next word prediction (language model)
TensorFlow tutorial
Bengio, Yoshua, Réjean Ducharme, Pascal Vincent, and Christian Jauvin. "A neural probabilistic language model." Journal
of machine learning research 3, no. Feb (2003): 1137-1155.
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Next sentence prediction (TRUE/FALSE)
#BERT Devlin, Jacob, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. "Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional
transformers for language understanding." NAACL 2019 (best paper award).
BERT is also pre-trained for a
binarized next sentence
prediction task:
Select some sentences for A and
B, where 50% of the data B is the
next sentence of A, and the
remaining 50% of the data B are
randomly selected in the corpus,
and learn the correlation.
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Srivastava, Nitish, Elman Mansimov, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using
LSTMs." In ICML 2015. [Github]
Learning video representations (features) by...
Video Frame Prediction
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(1) frame reconstruction (AE):
Learning video representations (features) by...
Srivastava, Nitish, Elman Mansimov, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using
LSTMs." ICML 2015. [Github]
Video Frame Prediction
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Srivastava, Nitish, Elman Mansimov, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using
LSTMs." ICML 2015. [Github]
Learning video representations (features) by...
(2) frame prediction
Video Frame Prediction
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Unsupervised learned features (lots of data) are
fine-tuned for activity recognition (small data).
Srivastava, Nitish, Elman Mansimov, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. "Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using
LSTMs." ICML 2015. [Github]
Video Frame Prediction
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
○ Colorization
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Zhang, R., Isola, P., & Efros, A. A. Colorful image colorization. ECCV 2016.
Colorization (still image)
Surrogate task: Colorize a gray scale image.
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66Vondrick, Carl, Abhinav Shrivastava, Alireza Fathi, Sergio Guadarrama, and Kevin Murphy. "Tracking emerges by
colorizing videos." ECCV 2018. [blog]
Pixel tracking
Pre-training: A NN is trained to point the location in a reference frame with the most
similar color...
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67Vondrick, Carl, Abhinav Shrivastava, Alireza Fathi, Sergio Guadarrama, and Kevin Murphy. "Tracking emerges by
colorizing videos." ECCV 2018. [blog]
Pre-training: A NN is trained to point the location in a reference frame with the most
similar color… computing a loss with respect to the actual color.
Pixel tracking
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68Vondrick, Carl, Abhinav Shrivastava, Alireza Fathi, Sergio Guadarrama, and Kevin Murphy. "Tracking emerges by
colorizing videos." ECCV 2018. [blog]
For each grayscale pixel to colorize, find the color of most similar pixel embedding
(representation) from the first frame.
Pixel tracking
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69Vondrick, Carl, Abhinav Shrivastava, Alireza Fathi, Sergio Guadarrama, and Kevin Murphy. "Tracking emerges by colorizing
videos." ECCV 2018. [blog]
Pixel tracking
Application: colorization from a reference frame.
Reference frame Grayscale video Colorized video
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1. Unsupervised Learning
2. Self-supervised Learning
3. Predictive Methods
4. Contrastive Methods
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Predictive vs Contrastive Methods
Source: Ankesh Anand, “Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning” (2020)”
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The Gelato Bet
"If, by the first day of autumn (Sept 23) of 2015, a
method will exist that can match or beat the
performance of R-CNN on Pascal VOC detection,
without the use of any extra, human annotations
(e.g. ImageNet) as pre-training, Mr. Malik promises
to buy Mr. Efros one (1) gelato (2 scoops: one
chocolate, one vanilla)."
Source: Ankesh Anand, “Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning” (2020)”
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Hadsell, Raia, Sumit Chopra, and Yann LeCun. "Dimensionality reduction by learning an invariant mapping." CVPR 2006.
Learn Gw
(X) with pairs (X1
) which are similar (Y=0) or dissimilar (Y=1).
Contrastive Loss
similar pair (X1
) dissimilar pair (X1
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Contrastive loss between:
● Encoded features of a query
● A running queue of encoded
Losses over representations
(instead of pixels) facilitate
#MoCo He, K., Fan, H., Wu, Y., Xie, S., & Girshick, R. . Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning.
CVPR 2020. [code]
Momentum Contrast (MoCo)
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Wu, Z., Xiong, Y., Yu, S. X., & Lin, D. Unsupervised feature learning via non-parametric instance discrimination. CVPR 2018.
Pretext task: Treat each image instance as a distinct class of its own and train a
classifier to distinguish whether twp crops (views) belong to the same image.
Momentum Contrast (MoCo)
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Transfer Learning from ImageNet labels (super. IM-1M)
Source data
E.g. ImageNet
Source model
Source labels
Target data
Target model
Target labels
Transfer Learned
amount of
amount of
Slide credit: Kevin McGuinness
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Transfer Learning without ImageNet labels (MoCo IN-1M)
Source data
E.g. ImageNet
Source model
Source labels
Target data
Target model
Target labels
Transfer Learned
amount of
amount of
Slide concept: Kevin McGuinness
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Transfer Learning (super. IN-1M vs MoCo IN-1M)
Transferring to VOC object detection: a Faster R-CNN detector (C4-backbone)
is fine-tuned end-to-end.
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Correlated views by data augmentation
Original image cc-by: Von.grzanka
#SimCLR Chen, Ting, Simon Kornblith, Mohammad Norouzi, and Geoffrey Hinton. "A simple framework for contrastive
learning of visual representations." arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05709 (2020). [tweet]
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Coming next...
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Unsupervised Representation Learning
OpenSelfSup by MMLab [tweet]
Shortcut removal lens:
SSL study:
Linear probing SOTA:
Fine-tuning SOTA (1%):
Fine-tuning SOTA (10%):
By Oscar
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1. Representation Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Self-supervised Learning
a. Predictive Methods
b. Contrastive Methods
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Suggested reading
Alex Graves, Kelly Clancy, “Unsupervised learning: The curious pupil”. Deepmind blog 2019.
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Suggested talks
Demis Hassabis (Deepmind) Aloysha Efros (UC Berkeley)
Andrew Zisserman (Oxford/Deepmind) Yann LeCun (Facebook AI)
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Related lecture
Aravind Srinivas, “Deep Unsupervised Learning”, UC Berkeley 2020
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Video lectures on Unsupervised Learning
Kevin McGuinness, UPC DLCV 2016 Xavier Giró, UPC DLAI 2017
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Extended (and a bit outdated) version of this talk
Lecture from in Master in Computer Vision Barcelona 2019
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Coming related tutorial
Giro-i-Nieto, X. One Perceptron to Rule Them All: Language, Vision, Audio and
Speech. ICMR 2020.
Monday 26th October, 2020
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Related lecture
Self-supervised Audiovisual Learning [slides] [video]
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Deep Learning @ Barcelona, Catalonia
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Deep Learning @ UPC TelecomBCN
● MSc course [2017] [2018] [2019]
● BSc course [2018] [2019] [2020]
Vision: [2016] [2017][2018][2019]
Language & Speech: [2017] [2018] [2019]
Reinforcement Learning
● [2020 Spring] [2020 Autumn]
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4th (face-to-face) & 5th edition (online) start November 2020. Sign up here.
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Our research
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Thank you

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Deep Learning through Examples
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Deep Learning through ExamplesSri Ambati
What multimodal foundation models cannot perceive
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What multimodal foundation models cannot perceiveUniversity of Amsterdam
Deep Learning for Computer Vision (2/4): Object Analytics @ laSalle 2016
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Deep Learning for Computer Vision (2/4): Object Analytics @ laSalle 2016Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Lecture 1: Deep Learning Fundamentals - Full Stack Deep Learning - Spring 2021Sergey Karayev
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Promises of Deep Learning
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Introduction to the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision revolution
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Deep Learning: concepts and use cases (October 2018)
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Deep Learning: concepts and use cases (October 2018)
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The Frontier of Deep Learning in 2020 and Beyond
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Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation (D2L3 2017 UPC Deep Learning for Comp...
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Lecture 4: Transformers (Full Stack Deep Learning - Spring 2021)
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Deep Learning through Examples
Deep Learning through ExamplesDeep Learning through Examples
Deep Learning through Examples
What multimodal foundation models cannot perceive
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What multimodal foundation models cannot perceive
Deep Learning for Computer Vision (2/4): Object Analytics @ laSalle 2016
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Lecture 1: Deep Learning Fundamentals - Full Stack Deep Learning - Spring 2021
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Lecture 1: Deep Learning Fundamentals - Full Stack Deep Learning - Spring 2021
Icml2017 overview
Icml2017 overviewIcml2017 overview
Icml2017 overview
Welcome (D1L1 2017 UPC Deep Learning for Computer Vision)
Welcome (D1L1 2017 UPC Deep Learning for Computer Vision)Welcome (D1L1 2017 UPC Deep Learning for Computer Vision)
Welcome (D1L1 2017 UPC Deep Learning for Computer Vision)
Neural Architectures for Still Images - Xavier Giro- UPC Barcelona 2019
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Neural Architectures for Still Images - Xavier Giro- UPC Barcelona 2019
Promises of Deep Learning
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Promises of Deep Learning
Deep Learning: a birds eye view
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Deep Learning: a birds eye view

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