customer experience contact center chatbots machine learning live chat digital transformation email omnichannel artificial intelligence cx ai communication channels social media nps knowledge base behavioral economics text empowerment customer centric agent employee engagement technology automation gif meme emoji chat employee cohesive communication tech stack communication cx practicioner change agent return on investment software tools investment reciprocal roi personas journey mapping interviews mobile ethnography surveys feedback digital biometric monitoring eye tracking behavioral tracking digital experience digital journey mapping speech & text analytics quality management recording performance management training automation forecasting elearning solutions wem workforce engagement wfo workforce optimization wfm workforce management peak-end experiences human-centric facial expression facial recognition process procedure development coaching interpersonal agent productivity prescriptive predictive analytics ivr unified communications as a service contact center as a service legacy systems playbook roadmap voice of the customer voc journey map outcomes customer value customer health efficiency retention customer success total motivation customer engagement score customer growth engine article quality index aqi csat customer satisfaction customer effort score ces metrics net promoter score cctr lms microlearning self-help networking linking intuitive rational customer loyalty customer service voicebots resources authority call center agents natural language processing access delivery subscription self-service friction convenience cloud nlp cloud as a service scott mckain ultimate customer experience distinction
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