dentistry periodontists periodontalhealth dental surgeons periodontium surgery postgraduates periodontology reconstruction augmentation presentation powerpoint implants treatment dental alveolar bone bone formation new bone hard tisse teeth theoretical diseased journalclub pack or no pack periodontal dressing evidence based decision making do or not to do controversy synergy orthodontics ridge split prothodontology oral surgery membrane sinus floor snus augmentation sinus lift technology latest principle tissue engineering advancement periodontal health periodontal disease periodontal pocket infrabony pockets black traingle preservation papilla volume width hard tissue gingival infections herpetic infection pericoronitis primary herpeticostomatitis acute gingival infections oral hygiene width of attached gingiva increase attached gingiva carl misch rehabilitation implant surgery immediate implants grafting reconstructive softtissue student periodontal tissues ridge students tissue guidedtissueregeneration dentists academics investigations computing hardtissue imagingtechnique cbct systemicdelivery localdelivery periodontalmedicine medicine antibiotics trainee updates updated healthy generalized localized juvenile aggressive periodontitis techniques surgicaldentistry mustknows healthcare periodontal flap flap knowledge higher education education localanesthesia erythropoeisis hemopoiesis erythrocytesedimentationrate rouleaux functions composition thrombocytes cascade coagulation hemophilia anemia platelets wbc rbc bleedingdisorders physiology blood classification features clinical definition abscess periodontalabscess plaqueorcalculus atoneplace everythingtoknow seminar calculus different ways theory learning frenectomy noworries frenum aberrant synbiotic probiotic prebiotic oral health addiction nicotine smoking
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