abhinav golla dr abhinav golla leukemia acute kidney dieases kidney infract myofibroblast zones of liver nutmeg liver hyperemia congestion edema renal tumours renal nephroblastoma lymphoblast lymphoid leukemia hematology band forms metamyelocyte myeloblast promyelocyte myeloid neoplasm myeloid wbc podocytes nephron tubular deisease glomerular renal acute kidney injury cheonic kidney injury pr pathogenesis of infract myocardial infraction types of infract homeostasis thrombosis anuria proteinuria gfr kidney disease glomerulus moon face . multibacillary leprosy ppt warburg effect biotechnology dr avhinav golla editing gene thyroid dr abhinav golla lab straining histopathology eosin staining hematoxylin stem cells oncology pap cytology reporting pathology stains buffer methylene blue urinometer urine specific gravity prostate. gleason
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