industrial relations employers social dialogue trade unions european industrial relations european framework agreements employment relations crisis labour relations industrial relations in europe collective bargaining european union trade cross-sector european social dialogue european company european works council industrial action law european works councils ir unions sectoral social dialogue european company statute val duchesse social policy strategic choice entrepreneurship hrm fundamental rights equality market social cohesion equity representation non-discrimination capitalism influence participation minimum wage les partenaires patronaux collective bargaining union partenaires sociaux européens interprofessionnels représentativité employment quality autonomy european semester social partners syndicats ags csr nrp social justice wages working time information consultation eu industrial relations in the eu decent work annual growth survey country reports country-specific recommendations national reform programmes etuc european commission industrial competitiveness eu ecj euj cjeu albany case competition law commodity anti-trust law ec company temporary agency work european sectoral social dialogue collective agreements directive 2002/14/ec industrial realtions transnational restructuring self-employed représentativité des partenaires sociaux europé framework agreements ceep smeunited businesseurope uropean social dialogue industrial relations autonomy representativite competitiveness job quality impact social dialogue national reform programme european semester officer involvement country report country specific recommendation job and employment quality semester european temporary work agencies temporary agency worker industrial urope representaiveness industrial relations in europe industrial relation industrial relations european industrial relations val duchesse représentativité des partenaires so european european union european commission europ semester industrial relations eprésentativité des partenaires sociaux europée years of european social dialogue since its launch liberal market economy coordinated market economy relations in europe ember state has to  demonstrate the link betwee european globalisation fund committee of the regions globalization eurochambres fund social model ireland outsourcing redundancy globalisation industrial relations - recent developments in wage industrial relations - industrial relations in eu tools and challenges _ christian welz - eurofoundl relations bargaining in the shadow of the law op-out extension derogation industrial democracy industrial relations in the eu minimum wage industrisal relsations the impact of the crisisi on industrial relations industrial relations in the crisis syndictascollective bargaining union industrial relations national industrial relation tfeu extension of collective agreements ilo opt-out european comnpany state ueapme representativeness sector multi-level governance dialogue sectoral social uni europa eurociett implementation supremacy direct effect viking right to strike european court of justice freedom of association euj freedom of establishment laval case eu law direct applicability freedom to provide services self employed ewc adr individual disputes alternative dispute resolution workers working conditions autonomous agreements telework guf transnational collective bargaining international framework agreements wage-setting mechanismseprésentativité des parte val duchesseeprésentativité des partenaires soci labour law partenaires patronaux employeurs
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