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baird symposium rhode island climate change aquaculture beachsamp baird staying afloat fisheries enhancement sustainable seafood fisheries wild shellfish harvest sea level rise shellfish smp slamm ri shellfish management plan crc ri sea grant planning uri coastal communities north kingstown climate adaptation marine spatial planning msp sea grant larval ri dem storm surge ridem university of rhode island renewable energy narragansett bay stormtools coastal property hurricane sandy harvesters licensing erosion shoreline change storms ri beach samp ridem office of water resources shellfish sanitation oysters mapping visualization crmc slammm storm tools fortified hoboken green infrastructure economic green building checklist marina insurance coastal businesses economic impacts hazards boston adaptation policies outcomes funding relocation rebuilding damage charlestown businesses owners flooding cyclone misquamicut westerly impacts management fishermen marine affairs maps ecosystem aquatic arcpad surveys data disease mussels bivalves bullrakes quahog sea monitoring whelk fishery quahogs vibrio plan east bay ri whelk fishery ri storm images ri smp recreational commercial shoreline change samp national flood insurance pollution shellfish harvesting water closures water quality public outreach stakeholders ri crmc rhode island shoreline change special area managem future shore zone inundation superstorm sandy headland erosion tropical storm irene coastal geologic hazards accelerated sea level rise hurricane impacts hurricane irene hurricane sandy coastal flooding national weather service historic hurricanes national oceanic and atmospheric administration shellfish harvest shellfish management toxin vibrio norovirus food safety ri department of health haccp food and drug administration interstate shellfish sanitation conference usfda national shellfish sanitation program fda shellfish industry seafood health fact seafood safety seafood coastal resources center smp stakeholder meeting boating spatial modeling coastal waters shellfishing use interactions social carrying capacity participatory mapping eastern bering sea sea ice coastal oceanography currents tropical cyclone activity u.s. hurricanes hurricane katrina watershed hydrology coastal fish populations washington county
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